16 research outputs found

    Effect of plasma surface pre-treatment on plastic substrate for ZnO TFT

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    Controlling the surface morphologies of ZnO nanostructures is a critical issue for the fabrication of electronic and photonic devices. This study reports the electrical properties of the ZnO nanostructure grown on the plasma surface pre-treated plastic substrates. The ZnO films were grown by using solution method with zinc nitrate hexahydrate Zn(NO3)2•6H2O and hexamethylenetetramine C12H6N4.as the main solution under various deposition conditions. The films with plasma surface pre-treatment has stronger (100) peak intensity than that without plasma surface pre-treatment. Also, very uniform grain size of the ZnO nanostructures can be seen. The fabricated enhancement mode ZnO thin film transistors (TFTs) exhibiting good transistor behavior with the drain saturation current of 38.1 µA at VGS = 35 V can be achieved. Keywords: ZnO nanostructure, plastic substrate, solution method, plasma, surface pre-treatment, TFT

    Sifat Listrik Dan Optik Dari Lapisan Tipis ZnO:B Yang Ditumbuhkan Dengan Metode Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition

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    Telah ditumbuhkan lapisan tipis ZnO dengan metode metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) yang menggunakan gas pereaksi dimethylzinc (DMZ) dan H2O. Gas B2H6 digunakan sebagai gas doping tipe-n dan diperoleh lapisan tipis dengan sheet resistivity sebesar 2,42 ohm/sqr pada ketebalan 4,47 pm. Diperoleh bahwa penambahan laju aliran B2H6 lebih lanjut dapat menurunkan sheet resistivity. Sifat optik lapisan tipis ZnO diamati dari pengukuran data transmitansi pada panjang gelombang mulai dari daerah ultraviolet, tampak sampai daerah infra-merah dekat. Celah pita optik diperoleh sebesar 3,10 eV. Diperoleh juga bahwa dengan penambahan laju aliran B2H6,, transmitansi pada panjang gelombang di atas 1100 rim menurun karena absorpsi pembawa muatan bebas. Kata-kata kunci : lapisan tipis ZnO, doping, sheet resistivity, transmitans

    Prototipe Automatic Feeder dengan Monitoring IoT untuk Perikanan Bioflok Lele

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    Revolusi Industri 4.0 telah banyak membawa banyak perubahan baik itu positif maupun negartif. Segi positifnya yaitu telah banyak dipakainya otomasi dan robot di dunia industri sehingga produksi bisa meningkat pesat. Sedangkan sudut negatif, semakin banyaknya pekerjaan manusia yang tergantikan oleh mesin sehingga memperkecil peluang kerja. Adanya revolusi industri 4.0 juga membawa kesenjangan antara kelompok melek teknologi dan kelompok gagap teknologi (gaptek). Warga kampung atau desa merupakan kelompok besar dari golongan gaptek. Untuk itu, suatu peluang usaha baru yang dapat dikerjakan msyarakat desa dengan tingkat pendidikan menengah sangat diperlukan. Maka dipilihlah program perikanan bioflok lele. Sentuhan teknologi otomasi dan Internet of Things (IoT) diberikan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan membuat masyarakat melek akan perkembangan teknologi era revolusi industry 4.0

    Performance Analysis of SM-MISO with Q-CSIT in Wireless Sensor Network

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    In this paper, we investigate the role of Q-CSIT in SM-MISO for wireless sensor networks system. The SN are connected to the CH, it is modeled as a MISO system. Spatial modulation has an advantage over a conventional MIMO system which does not require multiple radio frequency chains as many as the number of transmit antennas. The Q-CSIT is aimed to estimate the faded wireless channel with a limited/finite number of bits. The finite number of feedback bits trigger the SN adapt automatically its AMC modes. Adaptation of the AMC modes causes a changing of transmit power and transmission rate, these changes will make a better probability of error. The numerical results show that bigger the number of feedback bits yields better SER. Furthermore, lower spatial correlation generates a better probability of error. The last, quality of wireless channel that is stated in SNR also dominantly influences the performance of SM – MISO system

    High-Mobility Pentacene-Based Thin-Film Transistors With a Solution-Processed Barium Titanate Insulator

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    Abstract—Pentacene-based organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) with solution-processed barium titanate (Ba1.2Ti0.8O3) as a gate insulator are demonstrated. The electrical properties of pentacene-based TFTs show a high field-effect mobility of 8.85 cm2 · V−1 · s−1, a low threshold voltage of −1.89 V, and a low subthreshold slope swing of 310 mV/decade. The chemical composition and binding energy of solution-processed barium titanate thin films are analyzed through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The matching surface energy on the surface of the barium titanate thin film is 43.12 mJ · m−2, which leads to Stranski–Krastanov mode growth, and thus, high mobility is exhibited in pentacene-based TFTs. Index Terms—Barium titanate, high field-effect mobility, high permittivity, organic thin-filmtransistor (OTFT), solution process

    Pentacene-Based Thin-Film Transistors With a Solution-Process Hafnium Oxide Insulator

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    Abstract—Pentacene-based organic thin-film transistors with solution-process hafnium oxide (HfOx) as gate insulating layer have been demonstrated. The solution-process HfOx could not only exhibit a high-permittivity (κ = 11) dielectric constant but also has good dielectric strength. Moreover, the root-mean-square surface roughness and surface energy (γs) on the surface of the HfOx layer were 1.304 nm and 34.24 mJ/cm2, respectively. The smooth, as well as hydrophobic, surface of HfOx could facilitate the direct deposition of the pentacene film without an additional polymer treatment layer, leading to a high field-effect mobility of 3.8 cm2/(V · s). Index Terms—Hafnium oxide, high permittivity, organic thinfilm transistor (OTFT), solution process, surface energy

    Prototype Perancangan dan Implementasi Alat Perontok dan Pengering Padi Otomatis dengan Konsep Teknologi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Hasil Pertanian

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    Dewasa ini pemanfaatan teknologi untuk meningkatkan hasil pertanian tumbuh pesat. Salah satu bentuk pemanfaatannya adalah dengan menggunakan energi terbarukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas hasil pertanian. Energi terbarukan yang implementasinya sudah sangat banyak adalah Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS). Pengunaan PLTS sebagai sumber energi alternatif yang digunakan untuk pengerak alat perontok dan pengering padi otomatis. Petani selalu kesulitan saat musim penghujan maupun kemarau kering tiba-tiba dan sinar matahari tidak dapat mencapai intensitas maksimal saat digunakan untuk mengeringkan padi secara konvensional, oleh karena itu alat perontok dan pengeringan padi otomatis tenaga PLTS sebagai alternatif solusi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberi wawasan dan pengetahuan akan pembuatan dan prinsip kerja dari alat perontok dan pengeringan padi otomatis tenaga PLTS sebagai alternatif solusi untuk meningkatkan padi secara teknologi, dengan demikian diharapkan masyarakat mendapatkan manfaat lebih cepat dalam pengeringan padi dan menghemat biaya untuk pengeluaran memanen padi, sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas hasil pertanian

    IoT LoRa-Based Energy Management Information System with RAD Method and Laravel Frameworks

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    This work presents a design and implementation an information system called LoRa-Building Energy Management System (Lo-BEMS). This research proposes an engaging data transmission (read and write), that combines the HTTP and MQTT protocols using third party broker that has monitor and control features for energy usages. Data retrieving uses single LoRa modulation and delivery to the Application Programming Interface (API) in Laravel Framework will then be stopped by the system and stored in the database. The development of this system uses the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method and the Laravel Frameworks. The black-box, UAT, and performance validation test results showed that the information system was running properly and following the objectives

    Design of Unmaned Surfaces Vehicle System Based on Coordinates and Internet of Things for Semi Automatic Shrimp Feeding

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    This research develops an automatic feeder vessel for catfish farming. The aim is to increase the efficiency of feeding. In trials, the ship produced 113 grams of feed in 10 seconds and 716 grams in 60 seconds. Ship speed and radius affect GPS accuracy. The implementation of automatic feeding vessels in ponds worked well, following routes, providing feed according to the program, and transmitting data via IoT. This research contributes to overcoming the problem of equal distribution of feed in catfish farming with automatic feeders to increase the efficiency and productivity of aquaculture