2,142 research outputs found

    Penyelesaian Pengangguran Melalui Identifikasi Perilaku Permintaan Tenaga Kerja Sektor Pertanian Dan Non Pertanian Dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Di Indonesia

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis determinan dan keterkaitan permintaan tenaga kerja sektor pertanian dan non pertanian baik tenaga kerja terdidik maupun tidak terdidik, sehingga mampu menggambarkan perilaku permintaan pasar kerja secara spesifik berdasarkan karakter pendidikan untuk setiap sektornya dalam rangka mengatasi pengangguran di Indonesia. Model dibangun dalam bentuk persamaan simultan. Pendugaan model menggunakan metode Two Stage Least Square (2 SLS). Data adalah data berurut waktu 1990-2009. Data sebagian besar diambil dari hasil Survey Angkatan Kerja Nasional, Badan Pusat Statistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertambahan permintaan tenaga kerja terdidik dan tidak terdidik di sektor pertanian lebih dipengaruhi oleh pertambahan investasi dan produksi pertanian, sementara pertambahan permintaan tenaga kerja terdidik dan tidak terdidik di sektor non pertanian lebih dipengaruhi oleh investasi dan permintaan tenaga kerja sektor non pertanian. Terdapat hubungan komplementer antara tenaga kerja sektor pertanian dengan tenaga kerja sektor industri terdidik, sebaliknya terdapat hubungan substitusi antara tenaga kerja sektor pertanian dengan tenaga kerja sektor jasa (informal) tidak terdidik. Upah bukan merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertambahan permintaan tenaga kerja terdidik dan tidak terdidik di sektor pertanian dan non pertanian. Oleh karenanya masih diperlukannya intervensi pemerintah dalam penentuan upah pasar dalam menjamin kesejahteraan tenaga kerja, mengingat upah bukan merupakan penentu dalam peningkatan permintaan tenaga kerja. Untuk mengatasi jumlah pengangguran yang semakin meningkat, maka penciptaan kesempatan kerja diarahkan pada peningkatan produksi dan investasi di sektor pertanian, serta memacu agroindustri pertanian

    Keragaan Pasar Kerja Pertanian-nonpertanian dan Migrasi Desa-kota: Telaah Periode Krisis Ekonomi

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    The objectives of this research are: 1) to analyze factors effecting labor marketperformance; 2) to analyze factors effecting migration in Indonesia. The research used poolingdata and be analyzed using simultaneous equation with 2 SLS technique. The result showed thatlabor force is influenced by productive-age population in both urban and rural area. In ruralarea, rural-urban migration also influenced labor force. Demand for labor is influenced by GrossDomestic Product, Labor Intensive Program in urban area, and Infrastructure DevelopmentProgram for Developing Village in rural area. Labor productivity is influenced by sectoral realwage, calorie consumption and Social Safety Net Program for health sector. Sectoral real wageis influenced by Sectoral Minimum Wage and rate of inflation. The result also showed thatsectoral real wage is not the important factor on labor market in Indonesia economic crisis

    Kajian Yuridis Jual Beli Bangunan Dengan Surat Jual Beli Bangunan Rumah Diatas Tanah Hak Milik Nomor 145 Dengan Menggunakan Surat Perjanjian Dibawah Tangan Di Daerah Keputren Desa Kampungdalem Kabupaten Tulungagung

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    This paper aims to determine and analyze the practice of buying and selling onthe letter purchase of the building of houses on the land property rights no. 145 by using the letter of agreement under hand in area Keputren Kampungdalem village, Tulungagung. By using the normative method with Case Approach. This study focuses on the Sale and Purchase of Building houses done by the members of the community land area keputren, Village Kampungdalem, Tulungagung. Based on the survey results revealed that the buying and selling of houses is carried out in this case is the letter the minister has violated land / agrarian dated February 8, 1964 Act 91/14 jo S.Dep. Agrarian dated 10 December 1966 No. DPH / 364/43/66, in the regulation of land that has been certified to be using the principle of vertical which isbuying and selling buildings and land is one unit. Regarding the purchase of the building must be made by an authentic deed of Notary. Legal protection can be obtained by the buyer in this case is the obligation of the seller to bear the hidden defects on the object that has been bought and sold

    Pengaruh Garam terhadap Hasil Pencelupan Bahan Sutera dengan Ekstrak Kulit Pohon Mahoni

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    The purpose of this study to reveal the resulting color dyeing silk using mahogany bark extract using a ratio much salt 10 grams, 30 grams and 60 grams, and the difference in outcomes dyeing (color, value, color and flatness). This type of research is experimental research. The variables of this study is the variable X as a control, the independent variables are X1, and Y variables dyeing color difference results (value and flatness of color). Types of data used are primary data. Sources of data in this study was a faculty department UNP KK FT 5 people and students by 5 people. Mechanical analysis of data processed and compiled, and analyzed by one-way analysis of variance. Processed using SPSS version 12.0. Based on the analysis of variance of data on the color (hue) colors obtained landing leads to Yellowish brown (Peru), with the addition of 10 grams of salt leads to a brown color (Chocolate), 30 grams of salt leads to a young brown color (Sienna), and 60 grams of salt leads to a young brown color (Sienna)

    The Quantity and Quality of Brahman Cross Cattle Embryo After Injected FSH and PMSG

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    Twenty cattles were used in this experiment to determine the quantity and quality of embryo after injected FSH (follicle stimulating hormone ) and PMSG (pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin) in Brahman Cross Cattle. The experiment was assigned into Completely Randomized Design with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were T1 = 4 mg of FSH twice a day intra-ovary decreased doses, T2 = 8 mg of FSH twice a day intra-ovary decreased doses, T3 = 300 IU of PMSG single dose intra-ovary, T4 = 600 IU of PMSG single dose intra-ovary, T5 = 40 mg of FSH twice a day intramuscular decreased doses. Trial cattle were oestrus synchronized using 15 mg of PGF2α that gave twice at 11-daily intervals. One day after giving FSH and PMSG was detected the cattle\u27s oestrus. Washing uterus was done at day 7 after AI using mixture of PBS, FCS and streptomicyn. Data observed were cow performances, embryo quantity and embryo quality. Results of experiment showed that 19 cattle (95%) responded oestrus synchronized treatment and super ovulation, whereas 1 cattle (5%) did not respond oestrus synchronized treatment and super ovulation. Generally, cattle showed oestrus at 2 – 3 days after giving PGF2α. Eleven cattle (57,90%) showed oestrus at 2 days after giving PGF2α whereas the others (8 cattle, 42,10%) showed oestrus 3 days giving PGF2α. The treatment of giving FSH and PMSG could increase (P<0,05) embryo. T5 was highest compared the others ( T1, T2, T3 and T4), while T2 and T4 were higher than T1 and T3. Produced total embryo was 82 with average 4,3 ± 5,67 using FSH and PMSG. 8 embryo (9,76%), 9 embryos (10,90), 20 embryo (24,40%), 16 embryo (19,50%) and 29 embryos (35,40%) were grade A, B, C, D and E respectively. It is concluded that giving of 40 mg FSH intramusculer produce the best embryo donor whereas and giving of FSH 8 mg intraovari was the best effeciency. (Animal Production 11(2): 96-102 (2009

    Eksistensi Agama Shinto dalam Pelaksanaan Matsuri di Jepang

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    Japan is one of the nations having an extensive historical culture, as well as the system of faith or religion. The existence of religion, as a part of their life, has been streaming from the ancient time (pre-modern) up to present. The implementation of their religious life is very unique and fascinating. Other remarkable issues is about the tight relationship among the religions especially Shinto with the festival performances which is held in Japan along the seasons

    Studi Tentang Saluak Penghulu di Kota Payakumbuh

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    This study aimed to describe the design, opportunity, how to use, and meaning-making technique saluak prince in Payakumbuh. This research is descriptive qualitative. Data were analyzed with a snow ball sampling technique. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Results of the study revealed that: 1) Design saluak prince in Payakumbuh have folds in the same direction at the front of the number eight, the color is the color of batik material with rigid texture, dull and not transparan2) Saluak prince in Payakumbuh imposed primarily on traditional ceremonies and events adat3 ) Saluak prince in Payakumbuh imposed in accordance with the level of ninik mamak4) saluak making techniques include providing material starch, until the formation of saluak5) saluak meaning prince in Payakumbuh City like a big tree that symbolizes the duties and responsibilities of the prince

    Skema Perselingkuhan Dalam Pernikahan Dan Intensi Untuk Menikah Pada Wanita Dewasa Muda Yang Orangtuanya Berselingkuh

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    Anak yang mengetahui perselingkuhan orang tuanya memiliki skema pernikahan yang di dalamnya terdapat perselingkuhan, yang akan mempengaruhi perilaku mereka untuk menikah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur hubungan skema perselingkuhan dalam pernikahan dengan intensi untuk menikah pada wanita dewasa muda yang orang tuanya selingkuh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hubungan skema perselingkuhan dalam pernikahan dengan intensi untuk menikah tidak signifikan. Selain itu juga diketahui bahwa meskipun skema perselingkuhan dalam pernikahan yang dimiliki responden adalah negatif tetapi intensi untuk menikah tetap cenderung tingg
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