2,299 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Nutrisi Tepung Ikan Rucah yang Diolah Menggunakan Probiotik dan Precursor-Prebiotik dalam ransum Ayam Broiler

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kualitas nutrisi tepung ikan rucah (TI) yang diolah menggunakan probiotik bakteri asam laktat (PRO) dikombinasikan dengan precursor prebiotik berupa bungkil kelapa (BK) atau bungkil inti sawit (BIS) dalam ransum ayam broiler. Sebanyak 384 ekor ayam umur satu hari (MB 202-P) unsexed, didistribusikan ke dalam 32 unit kandang koloni (12 ekor/unit), menurut rancangan acak lengkap faktorial 2 x 3 dengan empat ulangan (kecuali kontrol 8 ulangan). Faktor pertama adalah penggunaan 2 jenis TI (TI-PRO-BK dan TI-PRO-BIS), sedangkan faktor ke-dua adalah 3 taraf penggunaannya di dalam ransum (5%; 7,5%; dan 10%) menggantikan TI-KOM. Ransum kontrol diformulasikan menggunakan TI-KOM 10% (tanpa TI-PRO). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan TI-PRO-BK 10% dan TI-PRO-BIS 10% dalam ransum ayam broiler menghasilkan performan pertumbuhan, bobot karkas, bobot daging dada, dan efisiensi penggunaan protein yang nyata lebih tinggi (P<0,05) dibandingkan TI-KOM 10%, namun tidak nyata dalam mempengaruhi jumlah Lactobacillus dan E. coli di dalam cairan usus. Disimpulkan bahwa TI-PRO-BK dan TI-PRO-BIS memiliki kualitas nutrisi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan TI-KOM, sehingga berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai sumber protein sekaligus sumber probiotik, prebiotik dan postbiotic dalam pakan ayam broiler

    Kajian Potensi Ekonomi di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat

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    Regional economic development involves a multi-sectoral and development actors, so that the necessary cooperation and coordination among all interested parties. Regional economic development is a process in which local governments and communities to manage resources - the resources available and to form a partnership with the private sector to create new jobs and stimulate the development of economic activities in the region. (Arsyad, 1999: 108).Regional development policies that are based on efforts to boost economic growth which can create jobs optimally in terms of quantity, productivity and efficiently determine the success of regional economic development. Policy determination must take into account internal conditions and external developments. Differences in internal and external conditions are just on the coverage region, which covers the internal conditions of the area / region, while the external conditions covering the national territory.Based on the theory of economic base, the main determining factor of economic growth of a region is directly related to the demand for goods and services from outside the area (Arsyad, 1999). Growth industries - industries that use local resources, including labor and raw materials for export will generate local wealth and create jobs (job creation). Implementation of regional development requires planning and a proper strategy because each region has different circumstances, has its own characteristics, economic growth and the potential different

    Perbedaan Teknik Mordanting terhadap Hasil Pencelupan Zat Warna Alam Ekstrak Daun Keladi Hias (Philodendron) dengan Mordan Air Tapai pada Bahan Sutera

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    This study is a True-experiment to reveal differences mordanting techniques to result mordant dyeing silk material with water Tapai. This study aimed to describe: 1) the name of the color (hue) 2) Dark bright color (Value) 3) Flatness Color and differences resulting from dyeing silk using ornamental taro leaf extract (Philodendron) with water mordant Tapai using the technique of pre-mordanting , meta-mordanting and post-mordanting.The data used is primary data obtained from the results of experiments using the silk material of ornamental taro leaf extract (Philodendron) with water mordant Tapai. The object is a silk cloth dipped with ornamental taro leaf extract (Philodendron) using pre-mordanting techniques, meta-mordanting and post-mordanting. The research data was obtained by spreading the research instrument which is based rating scale, which is distributed to the panelists. Research procedures performed with several stages, namely: 1) the preparation phase 2) Phase 3 implementation) stage of completion, and 4) assessment stage of data analysis techniques performed with SPSS (Statistical Product And Service Solution) version 16.0 using the formula F test (Fisher Test).From the experimental results it can be seen that the dyeing silk using ornamental taro leaf extract (Philodendron) with water mordant Tapai using pre-mordanting techniques, meta-mordanting and post-mordanting produce the same colors that Indian Red (red Indian). The results of the data analysis bright dark color (value) indicates Fhitung> Ftable = 2935> 3.22 means that there is no significant difference on the bright dark color (value). In flatness color indicates Fhitung <Ftabel = 199 <3.22. This means that there is no difference flatness of color due to differences in technique mordant in dyeing silk using ornamental tar

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Produksi Batik Pada Industri Batik Bungo Di Kabupaten Bungo Provinsi Jambi

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    This study aim to describe how the tool, material, and labor in the batikindustry, and what are the factors thet influence the production of batik bungo.Thekind of this research is quantitative descriptive. It use saturated sampling. Datacollection did by using questionnaire with Likert scale, spread to all respondents thathave been passed validation and realibility test. version The result shows that theresults showed the tool and materials on the level achievement of the questionaire isvery good category (93,67%). Labor at the level achievement of the questionaire isvery good category (83,05%). Batik production at the level achievement of thequestionaire is very good category (86,5%). Based on regression testing, tool andmanpower positif effect on the production of batik, while material negatif effect.Factor influence the production of batik is a tool, material and labor the valueadjusted square (74,0%)

    Spatial Resolution of Double-Sided Silicon Microstrip Detectors for the PAMELA Apparatus

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    The PAMELA apparatus has been assembled and it is ready to be launched in a satellite mission to study mainly the antiparticle component of cosmic rays. In this paper the performances obtained for the silicon microstrip detectors used in the magnetic spectrometer are presented. This subdetector reconstructs the curvature of a charged particle in the magnetic field produced by a permanent magnet and consequently determines momentum and charge sign, thanks to a very good accuracy in the position measurements (better than 3 um in the bending coordinate). A complete simulation of the silicon microstrip detectors has been developed in order to investigate in great detail the sensor's characteristics. Simulated events have been then compared with data gathered from minimum ionizing particle (MIP) beams during the last years in order to tune free parameters of the simulation. Finally some either widely used or original position finding algorithms, designed for such kind of detectors, have been applied to events with different incidence angles. As a result of the analysis, a method of impact point reconstruction can be chosen, depending on both the particle's incidence angle and the cluster multiplicity, so as to maximize the capability of the spectrometer in antiparticle tagging.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figures, submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

    Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan, Kesehatan dan Pendapatan terhadap Kemiskinan di Provinsi Jambi

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    The purpose of this research is to know the influence from the level of education , health , and income to poverty at 2000-2014 period in Jambi province. Method and a tool used in this research is the double regression with SPSS 20 program . From the calculation known that the variable levels of education ( X1 ) and income ( X3 ) have negative impact to poverty ( Y ) , in other words if the level of education and income increased, poverty will decline in Jambi province .The size of the influence of each variable levels of education ( X1 ) and income (X3) is 0,578 and 1,773 .While , variable health (X2) have a positive impact to poverty in Jambi province with coefficient is 1,315. Also known that from the calculations stimultaneously a variable degree in education , health , and income have significant on poverty in Jambi province , but only degree in education have significant in partially

    The Analysis Return on Investment Education of Married Woman in Indonesia

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    This study is the extension of the previous studies about the benefits of schooling, which emphasizes on the married women in Indonesia. Previous research found that the return on education of the married women is declining when the level of education increases. It needs more assessment since there are some unobserved variables which are potential to explain the return on schooling. This research is important since their involvement in labor markets is increasing. This study uses 2014 Susenas data to calculate and analyze the return on schooling for the married women. It will use the Mincerian model, adding more variables to the model such as control variable are characteristics individual variable, household characteristics and job characteristics husband of respondents. The hypothesis is that the marriage provides higher returns if the externalities due to marriage is valued. Externality (impact) because the variable of marriage significantly influences the return of female labor. Indonesia aged 15-64 years are: Number of children under five, education of respondents as well as husbands, respondent’s working hours and husbands, main workers / respondent professionals, Respondent’s work sector or husband, respondent’s education level and husband, Age of first married respondent, married long Positive and negative externalities (impacts) affect return to education. &nbsp; &nbsp; Keywords: return on education, married wome

    Pengaruh PDRB dan Jumlah Penduduk terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabuparen Merangin

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    The research used secondary information that analyzed by regression method to have a simple picture about relationship between population growth, gross domestic regional product, and local revenue of Region of Merangin.The conclusion of this research shows us a positive relationship between gross domestic regional product and population growth in influencing local revenue of a region. The variable of gross domestic regional product (x1), represented by elastic coefficient, has 2,197 point where t variable has 8,868 point means this variable has significant influence to local revenue variable. In the other side, population growth (x2) has minus 0,794 point as its elastic coefficient where t variable has minus 1,020 point, and it means this variable does not have significant influence to variable of local revenue. The F variable, a examiner value, has 61.132 point, it tells us that gross domestic regional product and population growth fairly together gives an influence to local revenue of Region of Merangin.Entirely, by using regression analyzes we have found that local revenue would be influenced by fluctuation of economic growth and population growth as reflected by values of gross domestic regional product
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