1,402 research outputs found

    Sobre las bases teóricas de los estudios de tecnología lítica

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    Es presenta un anàlisi sobre les bases teòriques dels estudis de tecnología lítica, centrant l’atenció en aquells estudis basats en la tradició francesa de les chaînes opératoires.This article presents an analysis on the theoretical basis of lithic technology studies, focusing on those based in the French tradition of chaînes opératoires.Se presenta un análisis sobre las bases teóricas de los estudios de tecnología lítica, centrando la atención en aquellos basados en la tradición francesa de las chaînes opératoires

    Sobre las bases teóricas de los estudios de tecnología lítica

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    Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica, JIA (3as : 5-7 de mayo 2010 : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Sesión 7. Análisis tecnologicos y funcionales para la interpretación de los comportamientos humanos.Se presenta un análisis sobre las bases teóricas de los estudios de tecnología lítica, centrando la atención en aquellos basados en la tradición francesa de las chaînes opératoires.This article presents an analysis on the theoretical basis of lithic technology studies, focusing on those based in the French tradition of chaînes opératoires.Es presenta un anàlisi sobre les bases teòriques dels estudis de tecnología lítica, centrant l'atenció en aquells estudis basats en la tradició francesa de les chaînes opératoires

    Objetivos, métodos e interpretación : reflexión desde la caracterización tecnológica de las industrias líticas del mesolítico

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    Es presenta un estudi de la qüestió sobre els estudis en indústria lítica a la vall de l’Ebre.This article presents a review of the studies of the Mesolithic lithic industry in the Ebro valley.Se presenta un estado de la cuestión sobre los estudios de industria lítica del Mesolítico en el Valle del Ebro

    Acquisition of Catalan and Spanish Morphosyntax in the Catalan-Spanish Bilingual Context

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    This dissertation investigated the acquisition of Catalan and Spanish morphosyntax by early Catalan-Spanish bilinguals living in Catalunya, a province of Spain with widespread societal bilingualism. Specifically, it focused on the acquisition of six clitic pronouns in Catalan that have different representations in Spanish. Of the six, partitive en, oblique en, locative hi, and oblique hi do not have direct counterparts in Spanish, and correspond to ellipsis in the adult grammar. The accusative neuter clitic ho and masculine clitic l constitute a distinction based on specificity and gender not made in Spanish and both correspond to Spanish lo. With the help of a background questionnaire, participants (N=296) in this study were divided by language dominance and age of onset of acquisition into three groups: Catalan-Dominant (CD), Balanced Bilinguals (BB), and Spanish-Dominant (SD). In turn, participants were subdivided into five age groups, ages 4-8. Bi-directional data from an oral production task revealed significant differences with respect to clitic production in Catalan and clitic production and argument ellipsis in Spanish across both dominance groups and age groups. In Catalan, the CDs are the first to completely acquire these clitics (when acquisition takes place within the ages tested), with BBs and SDs lagging behind and often failing to converge with CDs by age 8. In Spanish the BBs perform like SDs from the first stages with respect to the ellipses and production of lo. The CDs converge with these two groups from age 4 with the exception of clitic lo and the ellipsis of the partitive argument. In contexts that would elicit partitive en and neuter ho in Catalan, CDs often recycle the Catalan clitics in Spanish. Implications in terms of the role that 1) markedness of the target structure, 2) age of onset of acquisition, and 3) input quantity and quality play in cases of 2L1 and cL2 acquisition are discussed

    Potential influence of blueberry and black raspberry pomace phenolics on inflammatory cytokines in coronary cells

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    Elevated free fatty acids (FFAs) in obesity are known risk factors associated with chronic inflammatory conditions including cardiovascular inflammation and thus cardiovascular disease (CVD), the leading cause of death in the US. Anthocyanins from berries have the potential to provide protection against inflammation in various tissues; however they are poorly absorbed and undergo major transformations by the microbiome. The work presented in this dissertation involves the development and utilization of an in vitro model to characterize the products of colonic fermentation and absorption of blueberry and black raspberry pomace phenolics, and evaluate the potential efficacy of these products compared to anthocyanin-rich extracts as anti-inflammatory compounds in fatty acid-induced inflammation. A previous study identified myristic and palmitic acids as the most inflammatory, and linoleic acid as least inflammatory. In the first study, a model of colonic fermentation and transport through Caco-2 cells was used to evaluate the changes in phenolic profile of blueberry and black raspberry pomaces. Phenolic acids deriving from anthocyanin degradation were identified as the major products of berry pomace digestion and absorption. The second study involved the use of palmitic acid-stimulated HCAE and HCASM cells to evaluate the anti-inflammatory properties of anthocyanin-rich extracts and phenolic acids produced by microbiota fermentation and transport across Caco-2 monolayers using the prevention and intervention approaches. Protein and gene expression of inflammation markers demonstrate that phenolic acids derived from fermentation and absorption of both blueberry and black raspberry pomaces were equally or more effective than anthocyanin-rich extracts in modulating the inflammatory response through a proposed effect on NF-κB transcription, especially when used in the prevention approach. This suggests that phenolic acids may be responsible for some of the beneficial effects of blueberries and black raspberries. We have also demonstrated that berry pomaces, could be utilized in foods, providing anthocyanins and phenolic acids that may prevent inflammation in cardiovascular cells

    Differential effect of 14 free fatty acids in the expression of inflammation biomarkers on human coronary arterial cells

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    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the US, and circulating free fatty acids (FFAs) are known risk factors associated with cardiovascular inflammation. The influence of 14 dietary FFAs (including saturated, mono-, poly-unsaturated and trans), on the expression of inflammatory markers in human coronary arterial smooth muscle (HACSM) and endothelial (HCAEC) cells using a cell culture model was investigated. HACSM and HCAEC cell cultures were incubated with 200 μM of each FFA for 8 or 24 h respectively at 37 °C in a 5% CO2 humidified incubator. Inflammatory biomarkers were assessed by ELISA or Western Blot in the supernatant or cell lysates respectively. Results showed significant differences in the expression of inflammatory biomarkers among the fatty acid treatments and the control, with myristic and palmitic acids being identified as the most and linoleic acid as the least pro-inflammatory. This confirms that FFAs can induce low-grade inflammation in human coronary arterial cells and provides more information on mode of action

    Formulación adecuada en la elaboración de pan a base de harina de algarroba (prosopis pallida) y harina de trigo con fines de aceptabilidad

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la formulación adecuada en la elaboración de pan a base de Harina de Algarroba (Prosopis pallida) y Harina de vii Trigo con fines de aceptabilidad, para lo cual se diseñó el Flujograma y procesamiento de la elaboración de pan con harina de Algarroba y Trigo, se determinó las características físico-químicas de las harinas y se evaluó las características sensoriales para obtener la mejor mezcla de harina para un producto de calidad. Se realizó 4 formulaciones de Harina de Algarroba (H.A) y Trigo (H.T): La primera formulación fue 90% de H.T y 10% de H.A, la segunda formulación fue 97% de H.T y 3% H.A, la tercera formulación fue 98% de H.T y 2% de H.A y la cuarta formulación fue 99% de H.T y 1% de H.A. Se concluyó que se pudo hacer el diseño del Flujograma para elaborar el pan a base de Harina de Algarroba y Harina de Trigo, donde se obtuvo el siguiente proceso: recepción (Harina de Algarroba y Trigo), pesado (Harina de Algarroba y Trigo, levadura, manteca, sal, agua, aceite vegetal), mezclado (levadura, manteca, sal, agua), boleado (aceite vegetal), fermentación y horneado. Las características físico-químicas de la Harina de Algarroba y Trigo fueron: Harina de Algarroba: humedad 4%, cenizas 5.20%, proteínas 14.10%, grasa total 4.50%, fibra bruta 3.80%, carbohidratos 72.20% y energía 385.70 Kcal/100g y Harina de Trigo: humedad 5.10%, cenizas 2.70%, proteínas 8.10%, grasa total 1.10%, fibra bruta 4.10%, carbohidratos 83% y energía 374.30 Kcal/100g. Cabe resaltar que en las características físicos-químicas del pan se reportó 28% de humedad y 0.15% de acidez, que exige la Norma Técnica Peruana 206.004.1988 para la elaboración del pan. En cuanto a las características sensoriales, el mayor grado de sabor lo obtuvo F3 (3.75) y F4 (3.85) y el menor F1 (1.75), por otra parte el mayor grado de olor fue obtenido por F2 (3.20), F3 (3.80) y F4 (3.95) y el menor F1 (1.95), así mismo el mayor grado de textura lo obtuvo F3 (3.55) y F4 (3.75) y el menor por F1 (1.85) y F2 (2.60); de igual manera en cuanto al grado de color el mayor fue obtenido por F2 (3.35), F3 (3.65) y F4 (3.60) el menor por F1 (2.00); finalmente en cuanto a la apariencia el mayor grado lo obtuvieron F2 (3.35), F3 (3.80) y F4 (4.05), el menor grado lo obtuvo F1 (1.50). El mayor grado de aceptabilidad fue obtenido por F3 (18.55) y F4 (19.20); el menor grado fue encontrado en F1 (9.05), en efecto las mejores mezclas para la elaboración de pan son: F3 (2% de Harina de Algarroba y 98% de Harina de Trigo) y F4 (1% de Harina de Algarroba y 99% de Harina de TrigoThe objective of the present work was to determine the adequate formulation in the elaboration of bread based on Carob Flour (Prosopis pallida) and Wheat Flour ix for acceptability purposes, for which the Flowchart and processing of the elaboration of bread with flour was designed of Algarroba and Wheat, the physical-chemical characteristics of the flours were determined and the sensory characteristics were evaluated to obtain the best mixture of flour for a quality product. Four formulations of Carob Flour (H.A) and Wheat (H.T) were made: The first formulation was 90% H.T and 10% H.A, the second formulation was 97% H.T and 3% H.A, the third formulation was 98% of H.T and 2% of H.A and the fourth formulation was 99% of H.T and 1% of H.A. It was concluded that the Flowchart design could be made to make bread based on Carob Flour and Wheat Flour, where the following process was obtained: reception (Carob and Wheat Flour), weighing (Carob and Wheat Flour, yeast , lard, salt, water, vegetable oil), mixed (yeast, lard, salt, water), rounded (vegetable oil), fermentation and baking. The physical-chemical characteristics of the Carob and Wheat Flour were: Carob Flour: moisture 4%, ashes 5.20%, proteins 14.10%, total fat 4.50%, crude fiber 3.80%, carbohydrates 72.20% and energy 385.70 Kcal/100g and Wheat flour: moisture 5.10%, ash 2.70%, protein 8.10%, total fat 1.10%, crude fiber 4.10%, carbohydrates 83% and energy 374.30 Kcal/100g. It should be noted that in the physical-chemical characteristics of the bread, 28% humidity and 0.15% acidity were reported, which is required by the Peruvian Technical Standard 206.004.1988 for bread making. Regarding sensory characteristics, the highest degree of flavor was obtained by F3 (3.75) and F4 (3.85) and the lowest by F1 (1.75), on the other hand, the highest degree of odor was obtained by F2 (3.20), F3 (3.80 ) and F4 (3.95) and the lowest F1 (1.95), likewise the highest degree of texture was obtained by F3 (3.55) and F4 (3.75) and the lowest by F1 (1.85) and F2 (2.60); Similarly, in terms of color degree, the highest was obtained by F2 (3.35), F3 (3.65) and F4 (3.60), the lowest by F1 (2.00); Finally, in terms of appearance, the highest grade was obtained by F2 (3.35), F3 (3.80) and F4 (4.05), the lowest grade was obtained by F1 (1.50). The highest degree of acceptability was obtained by F3 (18.55) and F4 (19.20); the lowest degree was found in F1 (9.05), in fact the best mixtures for bread making are: F3 (2% Carob Flour and 98% Wheat Flour) and F4 (1% Carob Flour and 99 % Wheat Flour).Tesi

    Calidad en la atención al cliente en las Pymes del municipio de Arauca

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    El presente estudio, muestra como las pymes del municipio de Arauca orientan la calidad del servicio al cliente y como la existencia de factores internos que están bajo la orientación de la gerencia, ocasionan que las expectativas de los clientes sean mayores que sus percepciones. Lo poca planificación estratégica, la falta de liderazgo empresarial y la cultura inciden de forma negativa en los procesos de calidad que las empresas deben lograr para tener niveles altos de satisfacción de los clientes.Abstract : The present study shows how SMEs in the municipality of Arauca quality oriented customer service and the existence of internal factors that are under the guidance of management, cause that customer expectations are higher than their perceptions. What little strategic planning, lack of corporate leadership and culture impact negatively on the quality processes that companies must achieve to have high levels of customer satisfaction.Maestrí

    Registro de la prensa política michoacana: siglo XIX

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