2,645 research outputs found

    A Political Ecology of Injustice when Extracting Rights-holders from Nature: Analysis of the communications mechanism of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights

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    In a world of interconnected global value chains, regulating the conduct of transnational corporations is challenging. In international human rights law, only voluntary mechanisms regulate the responsibility of businesses to respect. In the United Nations, the Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights determine the international standards applicable: the duty of the State to protect, the corporate responsibility to respect, and the right of victims to remedy. The UN Human Rights Council established the Working Group on Business and Human Rights to guarantee the implementation of the Guiding Principles. This special procedure, composed of five independent experts, pushes forward the business and human rights agenda in the UN system. The Working Group receives information on abuses from civil society and sends letters to the States and companies involved to draw attention to the issue, ask for information, and remedy. This dissertation seeks to identify in those complaints patterns of conduct of the extractive industry that can reproduce environmental injustice and environmental human rights abuses. The extractive industry is the most frequently addressed sector in public allegations of abuses due to its impacts on local communities and the environment. As a nature-intensive sector, it offers an entry point to re-think environmental human rights from a political ecology perspective. The methodology includes a qualitative content analysis of 57 cases of alleged abuses of extractive companies from 2012-January 2023 in the complaint mechanism of the UN Working Group. Based on the Third World Approaches to International Law movement, this research questions whether human rights can challenge extractive neocolonial corporate practices. In the findings, the company´s notion of reputation and home States´ mere expectations are on the spot. At the same time, the claims of indigenous peoples and defenders are central to re-imagining environmental human rights in and from the sites of extraction

    Morocco’s Leadership: Assessing the Relationship Between the State and Non-Governmental Organizations Working on Migration Affairs

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    The history of Moroccan Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) is almost as long as the country’s history with migration. After Morocco\u27s record as a sending country, its unique location attracted an increasing flow of migrants from the rest of Africa to transit the territory in hopes of crossing over to Europe. More recently, tighter border securitization has resulted in notable numbers of migrants permanently settling in Morocco. Significant changes in migration policy have both prompted and resulted from this progression. And simultaneously, national NGOs have strengthened their role as protagonist advocates for migrants’ rights as well as foremost providers of target-diverse support mechanisms. In this study, through a historical analysis of policy, relevant literature and short interviews, I will examine the relationship between the Moroccan State and the country’s civil society working on migration. By examining the evolution of the legal framework through which the Moroccan State interacts with NGOs, I intend to determine whether there is congruence between the government’s approach and the achievement -or lack thereof- of NGOs’ work. In addition, I will consider the influence of international pressure (i.e. the European Union) in Morocco’s migration affairs. And ultimately, I seek to investigate the contextual implications of these findings in the current and future life of migrants. Research Question: In what ways is the Moroccan State partnering with, patronizing or marginally involving the country’s civil society with the responsibility of migrant-related issues, and how does this relationship look moving forward

    Modulus of edge covers and stars

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    This paper explores the modulus (discrete pp-modulus) of the family of edge covers on a discrete graph. This modulus is closely related to that of the larger family of fractional edge covers; the modulus of the latter family is guaranteed to approximate the modulus of the former within a multiplicative factor based on the length of the shortest odd cycle in the graph. The bounds on edge cover modulus can be computed efficiently using a duality result that relates the fractional edge covers to the family of stars

    Precisión instruccional, retroalimentación y eficacia: efectos sobre el entrenamiento y transferencia en una tarea de discriminación condicional en adultos

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    Thirty college students were exposed to accurate instructions and continuous (Experiments1 and 2) or delayed (Experiment 3) feedback during training in conditional discriminationtasks. The effectiveness of instructional control on transfer-test performance was evalu-ated. Subjects received one of two training sequences (similarity/difference or difference/similarity) with first-order matching to sample. Transfer tests (similarity or difference)were presented after each training phase (similarity or difference); a final transfer test(similarity and difference) was presented after the entire training sequence was completed.Results showed effective performances during training and initial transfer test; but perfor-mance in a final test with major requirements for transfer was poorer (Experiments 1 and2). In Experiment 3 the transfer -test instructions highlighting previous training were intro-duced, and effective performance resulted. These data suggest that the characteristics ofstimuli, instructions and feedback are relevant variables interacting for the instructionalcontrol and the transfer of effective performances in conditional discrimination tasks.Treinta estudiantes universitarios fueron expuestos a instrucciones precisas y comentarios continuos (Experimentos 1 y 2) o retrasados ​​(Experimento 3) durante el entrenamiento en tareas de discriminación condicional. Se evaluó la efectividad del control de instrucción en el rendimiento de la prueba de transferencia. Los sujetos recibieron una de dos secuencias de entrenamiento (similitud / diferencia o diferencia / similitud) con emparejamiento de primer orden para la muestra. Las pruebas de transferencia (similitud o diferencia) se presentaron después de cada fase de entrenamiento (similitud o diferencia); se presentó una prueba de transferencia final (similitud y diferencia) después de completarse toda la secuencia de entrenamiento. Los resultados mostraron rendimientos efectivos durante el entrenamiento y la prueba de transferencia inicial; pero el desempeño en una prueba final con los requisitos principales para la transferencia fue peor (Experimentos 1 y 2). En el Experimento 3 se introdujeron las instrucciones de prueba de transferencia que resaltan el entrenamiento anterior, y se obtuvo un rendimiento efectivo. Estos datos sugieren que las características de los estímulos, las instrucciones y la retroalimentación son variables relevantes que interactúan para el control de instrucción y la transferencia de desempeños efectivos en tareas de discriminación condicional

    Uma taxonomia para a análise de descrições pré e pós-contato com arranjos contingenciais

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    There is enough data in the literature to support an argument showing functional differences between instructions and rules. In an attempt to distinguish these elements, this paper presents the argument that even though instructions and rules are descriptions of particular contingencies, they differ in: a) the moment in which the subject describes the contingency, b) the description s source, and c) their function in behaviour acquisition and maintenance. It can be assumed that any situation, both experimental and non-experimental, is made up of three components: 1) stimulus situation (SS), 2) subject s response (R), and 3) response s consequences (C). The description made about each component often possesses four qualities: a) presence, b) relevance, c) specificity, and d) pertinence. These qualities are inclusive and the registered values are the opposite sides of each one (i.e. presence-absence, relevant-irrelevant, generic-specific, pertinent-non pertinent). Should rules and instructions considered to be descriptions of a contingencial array, it would be necessary to have a taxonomy that allows analysis and qualification under similar assessment criteria. Any description can be classified into six identifiable categories; four of them, result from a combination of quality values (i.e. specificity and pertinence), the fifth is based on the mention of irrelevant elements, and the sixth is based on the non-mention of any of the elements: 1) Specific and pertinent (SP), 2) Specific and Non-Pertinent (SNP), 3) Generic and Pertinent (GP), 4 Generic and Non-pertinent (GNP), 5) Irrelevant (I), and 6) Absent (A). This proposal can constitute a useful tool for the study and analysis of contingencial descriptions (i.e. instructions and rules).Existen en la literatura suficientes datos para tratar de establecer diferencias funcionales entre instrucciones y reglas. En un intento para distinguirlos, el presente trabajo se basa en la idea de que, aun cuando instrucciones y reglas son descripciones de contingencias particulares, difieren en el momento, la fuente y su función en la adquisición y mantenimiento de conducta. Se asume que cualquier situación, tanto experimental como no experimental, está integrada por tres componentes: a) la situación de estímulo (SE), 2) la respuesta (R) del sujeto y, 3) las consecuencias de dicha respuesta (C). La descripción hecha acerca de cada uno de estos componentes puede poseer cuatro cualidades: a) presencia, b) relevancia, c) especificidad y, d) pertinencia. Dichas cualidades son inclusivas y los valores registrados para cada una de ellas son su valores opuestos (i.e. presencia-ausencia, relevante-irrelevante, genérico-específico, pertinente-no pertinente). Podemos identificar seis categorías para clasificar cualquier descripción, cuatro de ellas resultados de la combinación de los valores de las cualidades especificidad y pertinencia, una basada en la mención de elementos irrelevantes y, una sexta, basada en la falta de mención de cualquiera de los elementos. Esta propuesta puede constituir una herramienta útil para el estudio y análisis de descripciones contingenciales.Na literatura há suficientes dados para tratar de estabelecer diferenças funcionais entre instruções e regras. No intuito por distingui-los, este trabalho postula que, mesmo se e instruções e regras são descrições de contingências particulares, diferem no momento, na fonte e a sua função na aquisição e manutenção da conduta. Assume-se que qualquer situação, experimental ou não experimental, é integrada por três componentes: 1) a situação de estímulo (SE), 2) a resposta (R) do sujeito e 3) as conseqüências dessa resposta (C). A descrição de cada um destes componentes pode possuir quatro qualidades: presença, relevância, especificidade e pertinência. Estas qualidades são inclusivas, e os valores registrados para cada uma delas são os seus valores contrários (por exemplo, presença-ausência, relevância-irrelevância, genérico-específico, pertinente, não-pertinente). Se podem identificar seis categorias para classificar qualquer descrição: quatro são o resultado de combinar os valores das qualidades especificidade e pertinências a combinação, uma baseada na menção de elementos irrelevantes e outra fundada na falta de menção de qualquer um dos elementos. Esta proposta pode ser um instrumento útil para estudar e analisar descrições contingenciais

    La dificultad para proteger infantes y adolescentes apoyados jurídicamente para consumir dosis personal de drogas ilegales

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    Tesis de maestríaSe abordó la investigación identificado la problemática resultante de la permision de la dosis personal en Colombia a través de la Sentencia C-221 de 1994, que sin consideraciones a las restricciones de edad que debían ser contempladas inmediatamente generaron desde su aparición y siguen generando, una dicotomía en la implementación del código de infancia y adolescencia del año 2006 y el estatuto de ciudadanía juvenil expedido en el año 2013.INTRODUCCIÓN CAPÍTULO I: PERSONALIDAD Y AUTODETERMINACIÓN CAPÍTULO II: ORDEN JURÍDICO, AUTODETERMINACIÓN Y DOSIS PERSONAL CAPÍTULO III: POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS DE INFANCIA ADOLESCENCIA Y JUVENTUD CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAMaestríaMagister en Ciencia Polític