171 research outputs found

    2000 Commencement Program

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    Contains the names of degree recipients and commencement speakers, an order of exercises, and other related information.https://digitalcommons.assumption.edu/commencement-programs/1054/thumbnail.jp


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    Among the natural colorants, annatto is the most used in Brazil. However, the use of annatto extracts has been under control in relation to the amount allowed and the varieties of products in which the extracts can be added. One of the reasons is the insufficient knowledge about the composition of annatto and its preparations. In the present study, a new carotenoid was isolated in trace amount and purified through semi-preparative column, thin layer and high performance liquid chromatography. Its structure was partially elucidated by the combined information from spectra of UV/visible, mass and proton nuclear magnetic resonance, including two dimensional technique). This is the first report on the occurrence of a high molecular weight alcohol linked to the carotenoid (9'Z)-apo-6'-lycopenoic.Entre os corantes naturais, o urucum é o mais utilizado no Brasil. Entretanto, o emprego de seus extratos tem sofrido restrições no que se refere à quantidade permitida bem como à gama de produtos a que pode ser adicionado. Uma das alegações é que pouco se conhece sobre a composição do urucum e de suas preparações. No presente estudo um novo carotenóide foi isolado de sementes de urucum em quantidades traços e purificado por cromatografia semi-preparativa em coluna aberta, camada delgada e líquida de alta eficiência. A sua estrutura foi parcialmente elucidada através das informações combinadas provenientes dos espectros no UV/visível, de massas e de ressonância magnética nuclear de próton, incluindo técnicas bidimensionais. Este é o primeiro relato da ocorrência de um álcool de alto peso molecular ligado ao carotenóide (9'Z)-apo-6'-licopenóico.19319

    Development of a novel micro-assay for evaluation of peroxyl radical scavenger capacity: Application to carotenoids and structure–activity relationship

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    AbstractA micro-assay was developed and validated, using a microplate reader in 96-well format, C11–BODIPY581/591 as fluorescent probe and AIBN as ROO generator. The structure–activity relationship was established for 15 carotenoid standards, indicating that the opening of the β-ionone ring and the increase of chromophore extension in the carotenoid structure were the major factors leading to the increase of ROO scavenging capacity. The values for ROO scavenging capacity were calculated using α-tocopherol as reference compound. Among the studied carotenoids, all-trans-lycopene was the most efficient ROO scavenger (8.67±0.74) followed by all-trans-astaxanthin (6.50±0.62). All the carotenoids showed to be more effective ROO scavengers than α-tocopherol and some hydrophilic compounds. Finally, the method was successfully applied to assay the ROO scavenging capacity of carotenoid extracts from two Amazonian fruits, peach palm (7.83±0.21) and mamey (6.90±0.44)

    HPLC analysis of carotenoids from five Rhodotorula strains

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    Um método por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) foi otimizado para a análise da composição de carotenóides de cinco linhagens de Rhodotorula.A extração com ruptura mecânica da parede celular da levedura com areia tratada mostrou ser mais eficiente que a ruptura química com dimetilsulfóxido. Os carotenóides foram separados e quantificados por CLAE em coluna de C18 utilizando como fase móvel acetonitrila/metanol (0,1% trietilamina)/acetato de etila (75:15:10) e 100% metanol (0,1% trietilamina) entre as injeções, com vazão de 1 mL/min. Em todas as linhagens, os carotenóides majoritários encontrados foram torularrodina, toruleno, ³-caroteno e ²-caroteno. Os teores totais de carotenóides, em µg/g, foram de 251,7 em R. glutinis,123,5 em R. rubra,113,2 em R. araucariae,105,8 em R. lactosa ede 103,7 em R. minuta.A method for extraction and HPLC separation of carotenoids from fiveRhodotorula strains was optimized. The extraction by mechanical disruption of the yeast cell wall with fine treated sand was shown to be more efficient than chemical disruption with dimethylsulfoxide. The carotenoids were separated and quantified by HPLC on a C18 column using as mobile phase acetonitrile/methanol (0.1% triethylamina)/ethyl acetate (75:15:10) with 100% methanol (0.1% triethylamine) between the injections, at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. In all strains, the major carotenoids found were torularhodin, torulene, ³-carotene and ²-carotene. The total carotenoid contents, in µg/g, obtained were 251.7 for R. glutinis,123.5 for R. rubra,113.2 for R. araucariae,105.8 for R. lactosaand 103.7 for R. minuta

    Advantages and disadvantages of C18 and C30 columns for HPLC separation of carotenoids

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    Estudos têm demonstrado uma alta associação entre ingestão ou nível plasmático de carotenóides e a diminuição do risco ou proteção contra algumas doenças. Estes fatos, bem como a elevada suscetibilidade destes compostos à luz e calor, com formação de isômeros cis, os quais apresentam menor atividade biológica, torna importante o desenvolvimento de sistemas que permitam a separação destes carotenóides em alimentos. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a separação de isômeros geométricos de licopeno, e dos isômeros de posição luteína e zeaxantina, por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE), utilizando colunas C18 (monomérica, 4 mm, 300 x 3,9 mm) e C30 (polimérica, 3 mm, 250 x 4,6 mm) e diferentes fases móveis, tanto com eluição isocrática como com gradiente. Os carotenóides foram identificados através das características espectrais e co-cromatografia com padrões. As melhores condições cromatográficas foram obtidas em coluna C30 com temperatura de 33 ºC, eluição isocrática a 1 mL/min e fase móvel com metanol (0,1% trietilamina)/éter metil-terc-butílico (50:50) para separar isômeros de licopeno e (95:5) para luteína e zeaxantina. Entretanto, para análise quantitativa, é necessário verificar a repetibilidade da área dos picos na coluna C30. Além disso, a coluna C18 monomérica pode ser empregada para separar luteína e zeaxantina.Several studies have demonstrated a high association between dietary intake or plasma levels of carotenoids and the decrease of risk or the protection against some diseases. Taking this into consideration, as well as the high susceptibility of these compounds to light and heat, leading to the formation of cis isomers with lower biological activity, it is important to develop systems that allow the separation of such compounds in foods. This work evaluated the separation of the geometric isomers of lycopene and of the position isomers, lutein and zeaxanthin, by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using C18 (monomeric, 4 mm, 300 x 3.9 mm) and C30 (polymeric 3 mm, 250 x 4.6 mm) columns and many different mobile phases, with either isocratic or gradient elution. The carotenoids were identified by their spectral characteristics and co-chromatography with standards. The best chromatographic conditions were achieved with the C30 column, temperature set at 33 ºC and as mobile phase an isocratic elution of methanol (0.1% triethylamine)/tert-butyl methyl ether (50:50) to separate lycopene isomers and (95:5) for lutein and zeaxanthin, both at 1 mL/min. However, for quantitative analysis, it is necessary to evaluate the peak area repeatability on the C30 column. In addition, the monomeric C18 column can be employed for separation of lutein and zeaxanthin

    Comparison of extraction methods for kahweol and cafestol analysis in roasted coffee

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    Não InformadoKahweol and cafestol, diterpenes from the unsaponifiable fraction of coffee, present known effects on human health such as anticarcinogenic and hipercholesterolemic activities. There are discrepancies regarding the levels reported for these compounds in roasted coffee, probably due to the extraction processes. Therefore, four sample preparation methods were studied: direct hot saponification (DHS), direct cold saponification (DCS); and Bligh and Dyer (BD) or Soxhlet (SO) extraction followed by saponification. The levels of diterpenes and their dehydro derivatives obtained by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array and mass spectrometry detectors (HPLC-DAD-MS/MS) and the chromatographic profiles of roasted coffee, obtained by these four methods, were compared. DHS was more efficient for extraction, showing better separation of chromatographic peaks and levels of 930.2 (± 36.8), 113.2 (± 4.7), 568.6 (± 16.6) and 87.1 (± 3.7) mg 100 g-1 for kahweol, dehydrokahweol, cafestol and dehydrocafestol, respectively. The DHS extract presented a diterpene content (kahweol and cafestol) 15% superior to that of DCS and up to 88% superior than using SO and BD methods.Kahweol and cafestol, diterpenes from the unsaponifiable fraction of coffee, present known effects on human health such as anticarcinogenic and hipercholesterolemic activities. There are discrepancies regarding the levels reported for these compounds in roasted coffee, probably due to the extraction processes. Therefore, four sample preparation methods were studied: direct hot saponification (DHS), direct cold saponification (DCS)and Bligh and Dyer (BD) or Soxhlet (SO) extraction followed by saponification. The levels of diterpenes and their dehydro derivatives obtained by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array and mass spectrometry detectors (HPLC-DAD-MS/MS) and the chromatographic profiles of roasted coffee, obtained by these four methods, were compared. DHS was more efficient for extraction, showing better separation of chromatographic peaks and levels of 930.2 (± 36.8), 113.2 (± 4.7), 568.6 (± 16.6) and 87.1 (± 3.7) mg 100 g-1 for kahweol, dehydrokahweol, cafestol and dehydrocafestol, respectively. The DHS extract presented a diterpene content (kahweol and cafestol) 15% superior to that of DCS and up to 88% superior than using SO and BD methods.Kahweol and cafestol, diterpenes from the unsaponifiable fraction of coffee, present known effects on human health such as anticarcinogenic and hipercholesterolemic activities. There are discrepancies regarding the levels reported for these compounds in roasted coffee, probably due to the extraction processes. Therefore, four sample preparation methods were studied: direct hot saponification (DHS), direct cold saponification (DCS)and Bligh and Dyer (BD) or Soxhlet (SO) extraction followed by saponification. The levels of diterpenes and their dehydro derivatives obtained by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array and mass spectrometry detectors (HPLC-DAD-MS/MS) and the chromatographic profiles of roasted coffee, obtained by these four methods, were compared. DHS was more efficient for extraction, showing better separation of chromatographic peaks and levels of 930.2 (± 36.8), 113.2 (± 4.7), 568.6 (± 16.6) and 87.1 (± 3.7) mg 100 g-1 for kahweol, dehydrokahweol, cafestol and dehydrocafestol, respectively. The DHS extract presented a diterpene content (kahweol and cafestol) 15% superior to that of DCS and up to 88% superior than using SO and BD methods.243492492499Não InformadoNão InformadoCaveol e cafestol, diterpenos da fração lipídica do café, têm efeitos conhecidos na saúde humana, como atividade anticarcinogênica e hipercolesterolêmica. Existem divergências quanto às concentrações desses compostos reportadas para café torrado, provavelmente devido aos processos de extração empregados. Assim, quatro métodos de preparo de amostra foram estudados: saponificação direta a quente (SDQ), saponificação direta a frio (SDF)e extração por Bligh e Dyer (BD) ou soxhlet (SO) seguida de saponificação. Teores dos diterpenos e seus dehidroderivados obtidos por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada a detector de arranjo de diodos e espectrometria de massa (HPLC-DAD-MS/MS) e perfis cromatográficos de café torrado, obtidos pelos quatro métodos, foram comparados. SDQ foi mais eficiente quanto à extração, mostrando melhor separação dos picos cromatográficos e teores de 930,2 (± 36,8), 113,2 (± 4,7), 568,6 (± 16,6) e 87,1 (± 3,7) mg 100 g-1 para caveol, dehidrocaveol, cafestol e dehidrocafestol, respectivamente. O extrato SDQ apresentou teores de diterpenos (caveol e cafestol) 15% superiores àqueles obtidos por SDF e até 88% maiores que pelos métodos SO e BD.Kahweol and cafestol, diterpenes from the unsaponifiable fraction of coffee, present known effects on human health such as anticarcinogenic and hipercholesterolemic activities. There are discrepancies regarding the levels reported for these compounds in roasted coffee, probably due to the extraction processes. Therefore, four sample preparation methods were studied: direct hot saponification (DHS), direct cold saponification (DCS)and Bligh and Dyer (BD) or Soxhlet (SO) extraction followed by saponification. The levels of diterpenes and their dehydro derivatives obtained by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array and mass spectrometry detectors (HPLC-DAD-MS/MS) and the chromatographic profiles of roasted coffee, obtained by these four methods, were compared. DHS was more efficient for extraction, showing better separation of chromatographic peaks and levels of 930.2 (± 36.8), 113.2 (± 4.7), 568.6 (± 16.6) and 87.1 (± 3.7) mg 100 g-1 for kahweol, dehydrokahweol, cafestol and dehydrocafestol, respectively. The DHS extract presented a diterpene content (kahweol and cafestol) 15% superior to that of DCS and up to 88% superior than using SO and BD methods.Caveol e cafestol, diterpenos da fração lipídica do café, têm efeitos conhecidos na saúde humana, como atividade anticarcinogênica e hipercolesterolêmica. Existem divergências quanto às concentrações desses compostos reportadas para café torrado, provavelmente devido aos processos de extração empregados. Assim, quatro métodos de preparo de amostra foram estudados: saponificação direta a quente (SDQ), saponificação direta a frio (SDF)e extração por Bligh e Dyer (BD) ou soxhlet (SO) seguida de saponificação. Teores dos diterpenos e seus dehidroderivados obtidos por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada a detector de arranjo de diodos e espectrometria de massa (HPLC-DAD-MS/MS) e perfis cromatográficos de café torrado, obtidos pelos quatro métodos, foram comparados. SDQ foi mais eficiente quanto à extração, mostrando melhor separação dos picos cromatográficos e teores de 930,2 (± 36,8), 113,2 (± 4,7), 568,6 (± 16,6) e 87,1 (± 3,7) mg 100 g-1 para caveol, dehidrocaveol, cafestol e dehidrocafestol, respectivamente. O extrato SDQ apresentou teores de diterpenos (caveol e cafestol) 15% superiores àqueles obtidos por SDF e até 88% maiores que pelos métodos SO e BD.Kahweol and cafestol, diterpenes from the unsaponifiable fraction of coffee, present known effects on human health such as anticarcinogenic and hipercholesterolemic activities. There are discrepancies regarding the levels reported for these compounds in roasted coffee, probably due to the extraction processes. Therefore, four sample preparation methods were studied: direct hot saponification (DHS), direct cold saponification (DCS)and Bligh and Dyer (BD) or Soxhlet (SO) extraction followed by saponification. The levels of diterpenes and their dehydro derivatives obtained by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array and mass spectrometry detectors (HPLC-DAD-MS/MS) and the chromatographic profiles of roasted coffee, obtained by these four methods, were compared. DHS was more efficient for extraction, showing better separation of chromatographic peaks and levels of 930.2 (± 36.8), 113.2 (± 4.7), 568.6 (± 16.6) and 87.1 (± 3.7) mg 100 g-1 for kahweol, dehydrokahweol, cafestol and dehydrocafestol, respectively. The DHS extract presented a diterpene content (kahweol and cafestol) 15% superior to that of DCS and up to 88% superior than using SO and BD methods

    Standardization of a protocol to extract and analyze chlorophyll a and carotenoids in Gracilaria tenuistipitata Var. Liui. Zhang and Xia (Rhodophyta)

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    Chlorophyll a and carotenoids are important pigments in photosynthesis. Several studies have been published describing extraction and analysis protocols of these pigments, mainly in vascular plant species. This study standardizes an extraction and analysis protocol of these substances in Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui, a red seaweed. Apical portions grown in vitro were triturated in liquid nitrogen. Extracts were prepared in 1.5 mL solvent and centrifuged. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of pigments were performed by UV/visible light spectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and HPLC coupled to mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). The parameters assessed were: minimum biomass, best extraction solvent, and number of extraction steps. Methanol was the most efficient solvent, and 50 mg fresh biomass was the amount of sample indicated, submitted to one single extraction step. No significant differences were observed in levels of these pigments by UV-visible light spectrophotometry and HPLC. However, HPLC or HPLC-MS are required to identify the different carotenoids present in this seaweed species.Clorofila a e carotenoides são importantes pigmentos da fotossíntese. Na literatura são encontrados vários protocolos de extração e análise desses pigmentos utilizando, principalmente, plantas vasculares. O objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar uma metodologia de extração e análise dessas substâncias em uma macroalga vermelha, Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui. Amostras de talos gametofíticos cultivados in vitro foram trituradas em nitrogênio líquido, extraídas em 1,5 mL de solvente, centrifugadas e os pigmentos analisados quantitativamente e qualitativamente através de espectrofotometria de UV/visível, cromatografia liquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) e CLAE-acoplada a espectrometria de massas (CLAE-EM). Foram testados os parâmetros massa mínima, solvente para extração e número de extrações. Dentre os solventes testados, o metanol foi o mais eficiente, sendo 50mg de material fresco a massa mínima indicada para ser submetida a somente uma extração. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na quantificação desses pigmentos comparando-se os dados obtidos em espectrofotometria de UV/visível com os de CLAE. No entanto, para a identificação dos diferentes carotenoides e suas quantificações são necessárias CLAE ou CLAE-EM.The authors thank FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) for their financial support (2010/02948-3), and CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) for PBT fellowship

    Fat content affects bioaccessibility and efficiency of enzymatic hydrolysis of lutein esters added to milk and yogurt

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    ABSTRACT Addition of lutein to dairy products is an alternative that widens the range of foods which could be lutein source. However, bioaccessibility is an essential aspect to be considered during the development of products with added bioactive substances. We evaluated the in vitro bioaccessibility of lutein esters added to milk and yogurt with different fat contents, and determined the efficiency of enzymatic hydrolysis of the esters during digestion. Bioaccessibility of lutein and efficiency of hydrolysis were significantly lower in skimmed products than semi-skimmed and whole products, indicating thata minimal amount of fat is required to allow micellization and hydrolysis. The efficiency of ester hydrolysis ranged between 12-35%, which was attributed to pancreatic lipase. Whole and semi-skimmed samples were shown to be good vehicles for the addition of lutein, since presented bioaccessibility indices (38.3-47.5%) similar to those found in natural food sources of xanthophylls


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    A B S T R A C T Chlorophyll a and carotenoids are important pigments in photosynthesis. Several studies have been published describing extraction and analysis protocols of these pigments, mainly in vascular plant species. This study standardizes an extraction and analysis protocol of these substances in Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui, a red seaweed. Apical portions grown in vitro were triturated in liquid nitrogen. Extracts were prepared in 1.5 mL solvent and centrifuged. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of pigments were performed by UV/visible light spectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and HPLC coupled to mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). The parameters assessed were: minimum biomass, best extraction solvent, and number of extraction steps. Methanol was the most efficient solvent, and 50 mg fresh biomass was the amount of sample indicated, submitted to one single extraction step. No significant differences were observed in levels of these pigments by UV-visible light spectrophotometry and HPLC. However, HPLC or HPLC-MS are required to identify the different carotenoids present in this seaweed species. R E S U M O Clorofila a e carotenoides são importantes pigmentos da fotossíntese. Na literatura são encontrados vários protocolos de extração e análise desses pigmentos utilizando, principalmente, plantas vasculares. O objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar uma metodologia de extração e análise dessas substâncias em uma macroalga vermelha, Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui. Amostras de talos gametofíticos cultivados in vitro foram trituradas em nitrogênio líquido, extraídas em 1,5 mL de solvente, centrifugadas e os pigmentos analisados quantitativamente e qualitativamente através de espectrofotometria de UV/visível, cromatografia liquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) e CLAE-acoplada a espectrometria de massas (CLAE-EM). Foram testados os parâmetros massa mínima, solvente para extração e número de extrações. Dentre os solventes testados, o metanol foi o mais eficiente, sendo 50mg de material fresco a massa mínima indicada para ser submetida a somente uma extração. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na quantificação desses pigmentos comparando-se os dados obtidos em espectrofotometria de UV/visível com os de CLAE. No entanto, para a identificação dos diferentes carotenoides e suas quantificações são necessárias CLAE ou CLAE-EM