33 research outputs found

    Débito cardíaco diminuído: mapeamento cruzado das intervenções de enfermagem e sua contribuição na prática clínica

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    Objective: Analyze the use of the interventions proposed by the Classification of Nursing Interventions indicated for the Diagnosis of Nursing cardiac output decreased in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.Methods: A descriptive and exploratory study was carried out with 11 nurses from the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of a hospital in São Luís - Maranhão, from September 2016 to October 2017. Data collection and analysis were performed in three moments: survey of nursing activities with nurses from the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit; cross-mapping and data analysis and refinement by expert nurses.Results: Were identified 113 activities described by nurses, mapped to 38 Classification of Nursing Interventions activities, contained in 11 interventions. Cardiac care; Cardiac care: acute phase, and Hemodynamic regulation were the interventions that presented the highest number of reported activities.Conclusions: The analysis of the data allowed to verify that for all the activities reported by the nurses, equivalent activities were found in the Classification of Nursing Interventions for the diagnosis worked.Objetivo: Analizar el uso de las intervenciones propuestas por la Clasificación de las Intervenciones de Enfermería indicadas para el Diagnóstico de Enfermería débito cardíaco disminuido en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátrica.Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y exploratorio realizado con 11 enfermeros de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátrica de un hospital en São Luís - Maranhão, de septiembre de 2016 a octubre de 2017. El levantamiento y el análisis de los datos se realizaron en tres momentos: levantamiento de las actividades de enfermería junto a los enfermeros de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátrica; mapeo cruzado y análisis y refinamiento de los datos por enfermeros expertos.Resultados: Se identificaron 113 actividades descritas por los enfermeros, asignadas para 38 actividades de la NIC, contenida sen 11 intervenciones. Cuidados del corazón; Cuidados cardíacos: fase aguda, y Regulación hemodinâmica fueron las intervenciones que presentaron mayor número de actividades relatadas.Conclusiones: El análisis de los datos permitió verificar que para todas las actividades relatadas por las enfermeras, se encontraron actividades equivalentes em la NIC para el diagnóstico trabajado.Objetivo: Analisar o uso das intervenções propostas pela Classificação das Intervenções de Enfermagem indicadas para o Diagnóstico de Enfermagem débito cardíaco diminuído em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica.Métodos: Estudo descritivo e exploratório realizado com 11 enfermeiros da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica de um hospital em São Luís – Maranhão, de setembro de 2016 a outubro de 2017. O levantamento e a análise dos dados foram realizados em três momentos: levantamento das atividades de enfermagem junto aos enfermeiros da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica; mapeamento cruzado e análise e refinamento dos dados por enfermeiros experts.Resultados: Identificou-se 113 atividades descritas pelos enfermeiros, mapeadas para 38 atividades da Classificação das Intervenções de Enfermagem, contidas em 11 intervenções. Cuidados cardíacos; Cuidados cardíacos: fase aguda e Regulação hemodinâmica foram as intervenções que apresentaram maior número de atividades relatadas.Conclusões: A análise dos dados permitiu verificar que para todas as atividades relatadas pelas enfermeiras, foram encontradas atividades equivalentes na Classificação das Intervenções de Enfermagem para o diagnóstico trabalhado


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    Introdução: Atualmente, o câncer de mama é uma das doenças de maior impacto devido à elevada e preocupante incidência, devido aos enormes custos sociais, e às desastrosas consequências físicas e psíquicas com altas taxas de mortalidade. Objetivo: Avaliar o nível de conhecimento sobre o autoexame das mamas em usuárias de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde. Métodos: Estudo transversal descritivo onde foram entrevistadas mulheres que procuraram espontaneamente ao ambulatório de ginecologia da Unidade Básica de Saúde Fabiciana Moraes, localizada na periferia de São Luís (MA). Foi utilizado o modelo de regressão 2 logística e o teste do χ e o nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados: O estudo mostrou que 77,4% das usuárias conheciam o autoexame, 63,3% afirmaram saber como o autoexame é feito, porém a maior parte delas desconhecia a periodicidade correta para realizá-lo (63,7%). Quanto à frequência de realização do autoexame pelas entrevistadas, apenas 31,5% o faziam na periodicidade preconizada, ou seja, mensalmente. A maioria das entrevistadas afirmou ter adquirido seus conhecimentos através de rádio/TV (58,9%); 51,4% das entrevistadas relataram ter dificuldades na realização do autoexame, sendo o esquecimento o principal motivo apresentado. Quanto à análise das variáveis sócio-demográficas, apenas a faixa etária (p=0,01) e a escolaridade (p=0,00) foram estatisticamente significativas relacionadas ao conhecimento do autoexame. Conclusão: Apesar de muitas mulheres possuírem conhecimento sobre o autoexame, poucas o incorporam como hábito.Palavras-Chave: Autoexame. Neoplasias da mama. Saúde da Mulher.AbstractIntroduction: Currently, breast cancer is one of diseases most striking and worrisome due to the high incidence, the enormous social costs, and the disastrous consequences of physical and psychological with high mortality rates. Objective: To evaluate the level of knowledge about breast self-examination in clients of primary healthcare unit. Methods: Cross-sectional study where they were interviewed women who spontaneously sought the service of gynecology in the primary Healthcare Unit 2 Fabiciana Moraes, on the outskirts of São Luís. The logistic regression and χ test was used and the significance level was 5%. Results: This study showed that 77.4% of those who knew the self-examination, 63.3% claimed to know how the self-exam is done, but most of them unaware of the correct frequency to accomplish it (63.7%). Regarding the frequency of application of self-examination by the interviewees, only 31.5% were in the recommended interval, or monthly. Most patients said they had acquired their knowledge through self-examination on the radio / TV (58.9%), 51.4% of respondents reported having difficulties in carrying out self-examination, and forgetting the main reason given. Regarding the analysis of socio-demographic variables, only age (p = 0.01) and schooling (p = 0.00) were statistically significant with knowledge of self-examination. Conclusion: Although many women studied to know the self-examination, few are those that incorporate it as a habit.Keywords: Self-examination. Breast câncer. Women's Health

    Teorias científicas de saúde no cuidado ao paciente oncológico: revisão integrativa

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    Objetivo: Analisar o uso das teorias de saúde no cuidado a pacientes oncológicos, destacando os principais eixos na assistência de enfermagem oncológica. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura realizada, por meio das bases de dados LILACS, PUBMED e MEDLINE, totalizando 16 publicações. Resultados: Após a análise, foi possível destacar 4 eixos principais na assistência de enfermagem oncológica: câncer, enfermagem e cuidado fundamentado em teorias; o autocuidado e o paciente oncológico; processo de ação, reação e interação na enfermagem; outras formas de cuidar. Conclusão: É necessário o avanço da ciência no campo da enfermagem oncológica e suas interações com as teorias científicas. O aprofundamento do conhecimento mostrará o caminho para um cuidado qualificado e orientado à oncologia

    Gastroprotective potential of frutalin, a d-galactose binding lectin, against ethanol-induced gastric lesions

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    AbstractThe present study was designed to verify whether frutalin (FTL) affords gastroprotection against the ethanol-induced gastric damage and to examine the underlying mechanism(s). Gastric damage was induced by intragastric administration of 0.2ml of ethanol (96%). Mice in groups were pretreated with FTL (0.25, 0.5 and 1mg/kg; i.p.), cimetidine (100mg/kg; p.o.), or vehicle (0.9% of NaCl, 10mL/kg; p.o.), 30min before ethanol administration. They were sacrificed 30min later, the stomachs excised, and the mucosal lesion area (mm2) measured by planimetry. Gastroprotection was assessed in relation to inhibition of gastric lesion area. To study the gastroprotective mechanism(s), its relations to capsaicin-sensitive fibers, endogenous prostaglandins, nitric oxide, sulphydryls, ATP-sensitive potassium channels, adrenoceptors, opioid receptors and calcium channels were analyzed. Treatments effects on ethanol-associated oxidative stress markers GSH and MDA were measured in gastric tissue. FTL afforded a dose-unrelated gastroprotection against the ethanol damage. However, it failed to prevent the ethanol-induced changes in the levels of GSH and MDA. It was observed that the gastroprotection by FTL was greatly reduced in animals pretreated with capsazepine, indomethacin, L-NAME or glibenclamide. Considering the results, it is suggested that the FTL could probably be a good therapeutic agent for the development of new medicine for the treatment of gastric ulcer

    Attenuation of capsaicin-induced acute and visceral nociceptive pain by α- and β-amyrin, a triterpene mixture isolated from Protium heptaphyllum resin

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    Abstract The triterpene mixture, a-and h-amyrin, isolated from Protium heptaphyllum resin was evaluated on capsaicinevoked nociception in mice. Orally administered a-and h-amyrin (3 to 100 mg/kg) significantly suppressed the nociceptive behaviors-evoked by either subplantar (1.6 Ag) or intracolonic (149 Ag) application of capsaicin. The antinociception produced by a-and h-amyrin against subplantar capsaicin-induced paw-licking behavior was neither potentiated nor attenuated by ruthenium red (1.5 mg/kg, s.c.), a non-specific antagonist of vanilloid receptor (TRPV1), but was greatly abolished in animals pretreated with naloxone (2 mg/kg, s.c.), suggesting an opioid mechanism. However, participation of a 2 -adrenoceptor involvement was unlikely since yohimbine (2 mg/ kg, i.p.) pretreatment failed to block the antinociceptive effect of a-and h-amyrin in the experimental model of visceral nociception evoked by intracolonic capsaicin. The triterpene mixture (3 to 30 mg/kg, p.o.) neither altered significantly the pentobarbital sleeping time, nor impaired the ambulation or motor coordination in open-field and rota-rod tests, respectively, indicating the absence of sedative or motor abnormality that could account for its antinociception. Nevertheless, a-and h-amyrin could significantly block the capsaicin (10 mg/kg, s.c.)-induce

    Epidermoid Polycystic Ovaries and Uterine Hypoplasia in a Cow

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     Background: Ovarian cysts originate from mature follicles that do not ovulate within the predicted time according to the oestrous cycle. Dermoid cysts are structures lined by keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, without adjacent epidermal structures, filled by keratinic debris and amorphous proteinaceus material. They are small, located below the cortex, near the hilus. There is controversy regarding the teratogenicity of the dermoid cyst. Some authors use the nomenclature of benign cystic ovarian teratoma, others, reports that although the fibrous wall and histological features are similar to teratomas, it is not associated with this germ cell-derived neoplasia.Case: Ovaries and uterus were received from a female, adult bovine, Nelore, from a slaughterhouse. The left ovary measured 6.5x5.0x3.9 cm and weighed 80 g; the right ovary measured 5.7x3.7x3.0 cm and weighed 60 g. Grossly, the ovaries were similar, presenting floating consistency, multilobulated and pointed aspect, and at the cut surface, there was extravasation of mucopurulent content of whitish colour. Regarding to the uterus, macroscopically, the uterine horns were infantile and decrease in the diameter. Fragments of the tissues were collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin for histopathological examination and the staining of the slides was done with hematoxylin and eosin. Microscopically, in the ovaries, it was observed rare vestigial elements of ovary identifying an atresic follicle. Polycystic formation with cysts exhibiting partial or total coating of a keratinized squamous epithelium was also observed. In the lumen abundant keratinous material was present. The uterine microscopy revealed compact endometrium with areas variably infiltrated by lymphocytes, plasmocytes and occasional neutrophils. Areas devoid of endometrial glands were observed, in addition to other areas with reduced quantity and size. Also, the myoepithelial layer was thin and enlargement of the endometrial vascular space was noted.Discussion: Only one study was found reporting three cases of unilateral dermoid cyst in bovine ovary, also from slaughterhouse. Dermoid cysts appear most often in Zebu cattle. Clinically, these cysts do not necessarily result in infertility and do not interfere in the ovarian functions, due to this, the ovaries are not referred for histopathology examination, which difficult its classification. However, in this study the histological examination showed the absence of follicular development, which characterizes infertility, including endocrine dysfunction. Macroscopically ovarian dermoid cysts are similar to abscesses. It has a viscous or milky content inside and, at the cut surface, usually the content project to the surface. Histologically, there are dilated cysts containing material in the lumen at various stages of keratinization conferring a lamellar aspect and a keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. In this study, we observed pseudostratified epithelial lining containing cilia in addition to lumen keratin content, without follicles or adnexal structures, corroborating the findings in the literature. Also, it was observed uterine hypoplasia, which occurs due to failure of the development of the paramesonephric ducts during embryonic development. Ovarian dermoid cysts associated with uterine hypoplasia are infrequent in animals and, clinically, may not present changes in fertility and ovarian function

    Scientific Production of Patient’s Electronic Health Record in Online Journals from Brazilian scenario

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    The study aims to analyse the scientific production about patient’s Electronic Health Record (EHR) available in online journals from 2006 to 2015. This is an integrative review. The search was conducted in the Virtual Health Library and Portal Capes, considering only studies in Portuguese. The sample consisted of 17 articles. It was observed that from 2011 to 2012 is the period with the highest number of publications about the investigated issue. The majority of papers were published in journals in the area of computer science and the most common modality of publication was original article. It was found that scientific productions involving Electronic Health Record discussed about its importance and implementation in health services, as well as perceptions of health professionals about its utilization. The research evidenced the relevance of EHR in health services, emphasizing necessity for improved regulations of ethical and legal issues and creation of legal provision to concede judicial validity in Brazil


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    Plectranthus barbatus, (malva-santa), é utilizado pela população para o tratamento de distúrbios gástricos e está incluído no Programa Nacional de Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterápicos. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a ação gastroprotetora de dois fitoterápicos à base de Plectranthus barbatus disponibilizado à população por farmácias vivas do estado do Ceará. Diferentes grupos de camundongos Swiss  (n=8) receberam doses orais das tinturas de malva-santa a 20% (0,2ml/animal), extratos secos da tintura (5 – 20 mg/0,1ml/animal) ou cimetidina (40 mg/kg). A lesão gástrica foi induzida pela administração de etanol absoluto (0,2ml/animal/v.o). As áreas, total e lesionada, do estômago foram determinadas por planimetria e expressa em termos de porcentagem. Plectranthus barbatus mostrou ação gastroprotetora em todas as concentrações analisadas, reduzindo significativamente a área lesionada pela administração do etanol absoluto. As tinturas analisadas revelaram semelhança fitoquímica qualitativa no perfil cromatográfico. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo demonstrou a eficácia do fitoterápico à base de Plectranthus barbatus. Este trabalho é o primeiro a demonstrar a ação gastroprotetora do Plectranthus barbatus (malva-santa) na forma de fitoterápico que agora é reconhecido pelo Serviço Único de Saúde e faz parte da assistência farmacêutica no Brasil. </p