1,053 research outputs found

    Chitosan/virgin coconut oil-based emulsions doped with photosensitive curcumin loaded capsules: a functional carrier to topical treatment

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    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in developing smart drug delivery systems based on natural resources combined with stimulus-sensitive elements. This trend aims to formulate innovative and sustainable delivery platforms tailored for topical applications. This work proposed the use of layer-by-layer (LbL) methodology to fabricate biocompatible photo-responsive multilayer systems. These systems are composed of a polyoxometalate inorganic salt (POM) ([NaP5W30O110]14â) and a natural origin polymer, chitosan (CHT). Curcumin (CUR), a natural bioactive compound, was incorporated to enhance the functionality of these systems during the formation of hollow capsules. The capsules produced, with sizes between 2â 5μm (SEM), were further dispersed into CHT/VCO (virgin coconut oil) emulsion solutions that were casted into molds and dried at 37 â ¦C for 48 h.The system presented a higher water uptake in PBS than in acidic conditions, still significantly lower than that earlier reported to other CHT/VCO-based systems. The drug release profile is not significantly influenced by the medium pH reaching a maximum of 37% ± 1% after 48 h. The antioxidant performance of the designed structures was further studied, suggesting a synergistic beneficial effect resulting from CUR, POM, and VCO individual bioactivities. The increased amount of those excipients released to the media over time promoted an increase in the antioxidant activity of the system, reaching a maximum of 38.1% ± 0.1% after 48 h. This work represents a promising step towards developing advanced, sustainable drug delivery systems for topical applications.The authors would like to thank the contributions to this research from the project “TERM RES Hub–Scientific Infrastructure for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine”, reference PINFRA/22190/2016 (Norte-01-0145-FEDER-022190), funded by the Portuguese National Science Foundation (FCT) in cooperation with the Northern Portugal Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-N), for providing relevant lab facilities, state-of-the art equipment and highly qualified human resources

    \u3cem\u3eHelicobacter pylori\u3c/em\u3e infection in Havana, Cuba. Prevalence and \u3cem\u3ecagA\u3c/em\u3e status of the strains

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    There is a great paucity of information about Helicobacter pylori infection in the countries of the Caribbean basin. Almost no studies have been performed to determine the prevalence, antibiotic resistance or virulence factors of the bacterium. To measure the prevalence of H. pylori infection among patients attending endoscopy in three clinics in Havana, Cuba, to evaluate clarithromycin resistance, and to determine the cagA status of the strains obtained. Endoscopy was performed and biopsies were obtained from 117 successive patients attending the Institute of Oncology, the Institute of Gastroenterology, and the Calixto Garcia Hospital in Havana, Cuba. Biopsies were maintained at –70 ºC before being cultured on three different media (two selective and one non-selective) and incubated for 7 days at 37 °C under a microaerobic atmosphere. The presence of H. pylori was identified by oxidase, catalase and urease activities. DNA was extracted, and PCR was performed with primers H2761676 which amplify a 397 bp fragment of the cagA gene. Clarithromycin susceptibility was measured by the gel diffusion method. The diagnoses of patients were: 1 gastric carcinoma; 19 duodenal ulcers; 8 gastric ulcers; and 89 non-ulcer dyspepsia, including (62) gastritis, (9) hiatal hernia,(2) biliary reflux, (1) gastric polyps, and (15) no abnormality. Among the 117 biopsies tested, 83 were H. pylori positive (70.9%). The cagA status determined for 35 cases gave a positive result in 31 cases (88.5%). Only 3% of the strains were resistant to clarithromycin. The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in the symptomatic population of La Habana is the same as reported for other developing countries. Most strains were cagA positive and are likely harbour the cag pathogenicity island. The low resistance to clarithromycin in the strains studied probably reflects the low degree of use of the antibiotic in this population

    Antioxidant activity of Moringa oleifera tissue extracts

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    Moringa oleifera is an important source of antioxidants, tools in nutritional biochemistry that could be beneficial for human health; the leaves and flowers are used by the population with great nutritional importance. This work investigates the antioxidant activity of M. oleifera ethanolic (E1) and saline (E2) extracts from flowers (a), inflorescence rachis (b), seeds (c), leaf tissue (d), leaf rachis (e) and fundamental tissues of stem (f). The radical scavenging capacity (RSC) of extracts was determined using dot-blots on thin layer chromatography stained with a 0.4 mm 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) solution; spectrophotometric assays were recorded (515 nm). Antioxidant components were detected in all E1 and E2 from a, b and d. The best RSC was obtained with E1d; the antioxidants present in E2 reacted very slowly with DPPH. The chromatogram revealed by diphenylborinate-2-ethylamine methanolic solution showed that the ethanolic extract from the flowers, inflorescence rachis, fundamental tissue of stem and leaf tissue contained at least three flavonoids; the saline extract from the flowers and leaf tissue revealed at least two flavonoids. In conclusion, M. oleifera ethanolic and saline extracts contain antioxidants that support the use of the plant tissues as food sources.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Portuguese Fundacao para Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) by the Post-doctoral grant SFRH/BPD/37349/2007. The Brazilian Programmes Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) for research grants and fellowships (PMGP and LCBBC) and the Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) are acknowledged for financial support

    Qualidade de vida na síndrome do intestino curto: em um único centro

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    Model of the study: This is an exploratory and descriptive study which was executed in sector of Nutrologynursing at University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (HCFMRPUSP). Objective: The aim of this research was to evaluate the perception of quality of life of individualswith short bowel syndrome (SBS) with the help of the Quality of Life Core - 30 Questionnaire (QLQ - C30).Methods: The instrument used was the EORTC- QLQ-C30 (European Organization for Research andTreatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire/ Quality of Life Core - 30 Questionnaire) version 3.0 inPortuguese. The study was conducted on six patients with SBS. Results: The applicability of the questionnaire was adequate and the mean score obtained for this sample (70.7) was considered to besatisfactory. Conclusions: The most affected domains were: Emotional Function and Symptoms: pain,insomnia, fatigue, and diarrhea. The application of the QLQ - C30 permitted us to evaluate the perceptionof the patieModelo do estudo: Estudo de corte transversal do tipo descritivo e exploratório realizado na enfermariada Unidade Metabólica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP). Objetivos do estudo: Avaliar a aplicabilidade do Quality of Life Core- 30 Questionnaire (QLQ - C30), não específico para Síndrome do intestino curto (SIC) em portadores dasíndrome. Metodologia: Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado como instrumento o questionário EORTCQLQ-C30 (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire/Quality of Life Core - 30 Questionnaire) versão 3.0 em português. O estudo foi realizado com 6 pacientescom SIC. Resultados: A aplicabilidade deste questionário foi adequada; o escore médio obtido nestaamostra foi considerado satisfatório (escore médio = 70,7). Conclusões: Os domínios mais afetadosforam: Função Emocional e sintomas: dor, insônia, fadiga e diarréia. A aplicação do questionário QLQ -C30 possibilitou avaliar a percepção dos pacientes quanto a sua condição de saúde e qualidade devida, revelando pontos importantes que devem ser considerados pela equipe

    Caracterização das argamassas históricas do centro de tradições do município de laranjeiras/SE / Characterization of the historical mortars of the traditions center of orange / SE

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    Na Tecnologia da Conservação e Restauro, a análise das características das argamassas presentes em edificações históricas, no caso a argamassa do Centro de Tradições da cidade de Laranjeiras no Estado de Sergipe, Nordeste brasileiro, popularmente conhecido como Trapiche de Laranjeiras, possivelmente edificado no século XVIII, além de possibilitar conhecer a produção de argamassas antigas e buscar alternativas para “curar” patologias relacionadas a fenômenos como umidades, cristalizações, “leprosidades” e outros agentes aos quais os objetos patrimoniais estão suscetíveis, resulta em uma metodologia de leitura historiográfica, a partir dos elementos construtivos desta edificação que podem prover subsídios para (re)escrever a história do universo açucareiro nos interiores do Nordeste brasileiro. Além do correto saneamento das patologias que atualmente atacam as paredes desta edificação, este artigo demonstra como a pedra calcária passa a fazer parte dos alicerces e estruturas das edificações de Sergipe, seu corte e assentamento, como a coloração destas pedras, brancas e amarelas, estão presentes nos pigmentos usados nas caiações das paredes e dos fingidos das pilastras laterais das construções e a composição das argamassas a base de cal, arenoso e argila vermelha pisoteada pelos escravos utilizadas nesta edificação. Ao demonstrar rotinas e resultados de ensaios de caracterização e tratamento das argamassas históricas, como teor de umidade, sais solúveis, traço e granulometria das argamassas e sua cor, junto com elementos e técnicas construtivas aplicadas na edificação de um Trapiche, produz-se um diálogo de conhecimento entre a Tecnologia da Conservação e Restauro, a História e Teoria da Construção e o Saber Fazer local, descortinando possibilidades para agregar valores historiográficos na descrição mais completa de uma edificação representativa de 300 anos da arquitetura colonial e imperial no Brasil, proporcionado informações capazes de subsidiar instrumentos para a proteção do patrimônio cultural frente as suas diversas dimensões.


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    Two independent but virtually identical mol­ecules comprise the asymmetric unit of the title compound, C16H14ClN3. The mol­ecules have a slightly curved shape owing to puckering in the six-membered C4N2 ring; the respective dihedral angles formed between the benzene rings are 12.64 (7) and 11.72 (7)°. In the crystal, layers sustained by a combination of N—H⋯N hydrogen bonding as well as C—H⋯N and C—H⋯π contacts are formed; these stack along [011] and are connected by further C—H⋯π contacts

    Inativação seletiva de esporos mantendo atividade larvicida em Bt sorovar israelensis irradiada com raios gama

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    Bacillus thuringiensis is used to produce biopesticides against target-insects of importance in agroindustry and human health. However, B. thuringiensis can carry the same enterotoxin-encoding genes as Bacillus cereus, suggesting a potential risk of food poisoning. The objective of this work was to study the application of gamma radiation to eliminate spores in biopesticides based on B. thuringiensis serovar israelensis in order to avoid the liberation of these spores in the environment. The application of 20 kGy of radiation ensures total inactivation of the spores in the insecticide without changing the larvicidal activity. Results showed that it is possible to develop formulations containing B. thuringiensis serovar israelensis (IPS-82) eliminating viable spores with gamma radiation without affecting the larvicidal activity. Irradiated formulations would be safer for the environment and humans since the elimination of viable spores abolishes the pathogenic potential of B. thuringiensis strains.Keywords: biopesticides, gamma radiation, larvicidal insecticides.Bacillus thuringiensis é usado na produção de biopesticidas contra insetos-alvo de importância na agroindústria e na saúde pública. Contudo, B. thuringiensis pode apresentar os mesmos genes codificadores de enterotoxinas presentes em Bacillus cereus, sugerindo a possível existência de risco para intoxicação alimentar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a aplicação de radiação gama para a eliminação de esporos em preparações de biopesticidas de B. thuringiensis sorovar israelensis de forma a se evitar a liberação de esporos viáveis no ambiente. Observou-se que a aplicação de 20 kGy garante a inativação total dos esporos no inseticida sem que haja mudança na atividade larvicida. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que é possível desenvolver formulações contendo B. thuringiensis sorovar israelensis (IPS-82) eliminando-se esporos viáveis sem alteração da atividade larvicida. As formulações irradiadas seriam mais seguras para o meio-ambiente e para seres humanos uma vez que a eliminação dos esporos viáveis neutraliza o potencial patogênico de cepas de B. thuringiensis.Palavras-chave: biopesticidas, radiação gama, inseticidas larvicidas