20 research outputs found

    Improved detection of Rhodococcus coprophilus with a new quantitative PCR assay

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    Agricultural practices, such as spreading liquid manure or the utilisation of land as animal pastures, can result in faecal contamination of water resources. Rhodococcus coprophilus is used in microbial source tracking to indicate animal faecal contamination in water. Methods previously described for detecting of R. coprophilus in water were neither sensitive nor specific. Therefore, the aim of this study was to design and validate a new quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) to improve the detection of R. coprophilus in water. The new PCR assay was based on the R. coprophilus 16S rRNA gene. The validation showed that the new approach was specific and sensitive for deoxyribunucleic acid from target host species. Compared with other PCR assays tested in this study, the detection limit of the new qPCR was between 1 and 3 log lower. The method, including a filtration step, was further validated and successfully used in a field investigation in Switzerland. Our work demonstrated that the new detection method is sensitive and robust to detect R. coprophilus in surface and spring water. Compared with PCR assays that are available in the literature or to the culture-dependent method, the new molecular approach improves the detection of R. coprophilu

    Pannexin 1 regulates postnatal neural stem and progenitor cell proliferation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pannexin 1 forms ion and metabolite permeable hexameric channels and is abundantly expressed in the brain. After discovering pannexin 1 expression in postnatal neural stem and progenitor cells we sought to elucidate its functional role in neuronal development.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We detected pannexin 1 in neural stem and progenitor cells <it>in vitro</it> and <it>in vivo</it>. We manipulated pannexin 1 expression and activity in Neuro2a neuroblastoma cells and primary postnatal neurosphere cultures to demonstrate that pannexin 1 regulates neural stem and progenitor cell proliferation likely through the release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Permeable to ATP, a potent autocrine/paracine signaling metabolite, pannexin 1 channels are ideally suited to influence the behavior of neural stem and progenitor cells. Here we demonstrate they play a robust role in the regulation of neural stem and progenitor cell proliferation. Endogenous postnatal neural stem and progenitor cells are crucial for normal brain health, and their numbers decline with age. Furthermore, these special cells are highly responsive to neurological injury and disease, and are gaining attention as putative targets for brain repair. Therefore, understanding the fundamental role of pannexin 1 channels in neural stem and progenitor cells is of critical importance for brain health and disease.</p

    Aktuelle interdisziplinäre Behandlung von Knochenmetastasen

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    Eine Vielzahl an Krebspatienten entwickelt im Verlauf Knochenmetastasen. Die daraus folgenden Symptome wie Schmerzen, Funktionsverlust sowie neurologische Symptome können rasch zu einem onkologischen oder auch chirurgischen Notfall werden, es besteht in vielen Fällen rascher Handlungsbedarf. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Darstellung der aktuellen, evidenzbasierten interdisziplinären Behandlung von Knochenmetastasen. Grundsätzlich ist die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit und die Abstimmung aller Disziplinen der Goldstandard zur optimalen Behandlung ossärer Metastasen

    Geosciences Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2025 - 2028 by the Swiss Geosciences Community

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    This roadmap is the product of a grassroots effort by the Swiss Geosciences community. It is the first of its kind, outlining an integrated approach to research facilities for the Swiss Geosciences. It spans the planning period 2025-2028. Swiss Geoscience is by its nature leading or highly in-volved in research on many of the major national and global challenges facing society such as climate change and meteorological extreme events, environmental pol-lution, mass movements (land- and rock-slides), earth-quakes and seismic hazards, global volcanic hazards, and energy and other natural resources. It is essential to under- stand the fundamentals of the whole Earth system to pro-vide scientific guidelines to politicians, stakeholders and society for these pressing issues. Here, we strive to gain efficiency and synergies through an integrative approach to the Earth sciences. The research activities of indivi- dual branches in geosciences were merged under the roof of the 'Integrated Swiss Geosciences'. The goal is to facilitate multidisciplinary synergies and to bundle efforts for large research infrastructural (RI) requirements, which will re-sult in better use of resources by merging sectorial acti- vities under four pillars. These pillars represent the four key RIs to be developed in a synergistic way to improve our understanding of whole-system processes and me- chanisms governing the geospheres and the interactions among their components. At the same time, the roadmap provides for the required transition to an infrastructure adhering to FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) data principles by 2028.The geosciences as a whole do not primarily profit from a single large-scale research infrastructure investment, but they see their highest scientific potential for ground-break-ing new findings in joining forces in establishing state-of-the-art RI by bringing together diverse expertise for the benefit of the entire geosciences community. Hence, the recommendation of the geoscientific community to policy makers is to establish an integrative RI to support the ne- cessary breadth of geosciences in their endeavor to ad-dress the Earth system across the breadth of both temporal and spatial scales. It is also imperative to include suffi-cient and adequately qualified personnel in all large RIs. This is best achieved by fostering centers of excellence in atmospheric, environmental, surface processes, and deep Earth projects, under the roof of the 'Integrated Swiss Geosciences'. This will provide support to Swiss geo-sciences to maintain their long standing and internatio- nally well-recognized tradition of observation, monitor-ing, modelling and understanding of geosciences process-es in mountainous environments such as the Alps and beyond

    The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics' resources: focus on curated databases

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    The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (www.isb-sib.ch) provides world-class bioinformatics databases, software tools, services and training to the international life science community in academia and industry. These solutions allow life scientists to turn the exponentially growing amount of data into knowledge. Here, we provide an overview of SIB's resources and competence areas, with a strong focus on curated databases and SIB's most popular and widely used resources. In particular, SIB's Bioinformatics resource portal ExPASy features over 150 resources, including UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, ENZYME, PROSITE, neXtProt, STRING, UniCarbKB, SugarBindDB, SwissRegulon, EPD, arrayMap, Bgee, SWISS-MODEL Repository, OMA, OrthoDB and other databases, which are briefly described in this article

    RDspeed: development framework for speed-based adaptation of web content on public displays

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    Viewers of public displays perceive the content of a display at different walking speeds. While responsive design (RD) adapts web content to different viewing contexts, so far only the characteristics of the device and recently the proximity of the viewers are taken into account. Yet, little attention has been paid to speed-based adaption of content and its potential in case of public displays. We therefore decided to develop a framework that would support speed-based adaptation of public display applications. In this paper, we present a framework called RDSpeed that allows developers and designers alike to easily utilize our speed-based adaptation technique and integrate them into their own applications. RDSpeed extends the standard RD definition by adding new media queries for each adaptation technique. Media queries have long been established as the go-to technique for developing responsive web applications when dealing with a variety of different devices. A user study was conducted to investigate the potential of our content adaptation technique, and possible use and extensions in the future. We show several example adaptive applications of RDSpeed, as well as discussing advantages and limitations of our framework as revealed by our user study

    Impact of topography on in-situ soil wetness measurements for regional landslide early warning – a case study from the Swiss Alpine Foreland

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    Recent studies have demonstrated the potential of in-situ soil wetness measurements to predict regional shallow landslides. Increasing availability of monitoring data from sensor networks provides valuable information for developing future regional landslide early warning systems (LEWSs), however, most existing monitoring sites are located on flat terrain. The question arises, if the representativeness for regional landslide activity would improve if sensors were installed on a landslide-prone hillslope? To address this, two soil wetness monitoring stations were installed at close proximity on a steep slope and on a flat location in the Napf region (Northern Alpine Foreland of Switzerland), and measurements were conducted over a period of 3 years. As both sites inhibit similar lithological, vegetation and precipitation characteristics, soil hydrological differences can be attributed to the impact of topography and hydrogeology. At the sloped site, conditions were generally wetter and less variable in time, and evidence was found for temporary lateral water transport along the slope. These differences were systematic and could be reduced by considering relative soil moisture changes. The application of a statistical landslide forecast model showed that both sites were equally able to distinguish critical from non-critical conditions for landslide triggering, which demonstrates the value of existing monitoring sites in flat areas for the application in LEWSs

    Distribution of muscarinic receptor subtypes and interstitial cells of Cajal in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy dairy cows

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the distribution of muscarinic receptor subtypes M(1) to M(5) and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy dairy cows. SAMPLE POPULATION: Full-thickness samples were collected from the fundus, corpus, and pyloric part of the abomasum and from the duodenum, ileum, cecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon, and both external loops of the spiral colon of 5 healthy dairy cows after slaughter. PROCEDURES: Samples were fixed in paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. Muscarinic receptor subtypes and ICCs were identified by immunohistochemical analysis. RESULTS: Staining for M(1) receptors was found in the submucosal plexus and myenteric plexus. Antibodies against M(2) receptors stained nuclei of smooth muscle cells only. Evidence of M(3) receptors was found in the lamina propria, in intramuscular neuronal terminals, on intermuscular nerve fibers, and on myocytes of microvessels. There was no staining for M(4) receptors. Staining for M(5) receptors was evident in the myocytes of microvessels and in smooth muscle cells. The ICCs were detected in the myenteric plexus and within smooth muscle layers. Distribution among locations of the bovine gastrointestinal tract did not differ for muscarinic receptor subtypes or ICCs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The broad distribution of M(1), M(3), M(5), and ICCs in the bovine gastrointestinal tract indicated that these components are likely to play an important role in the regulation of gastrointestinal tract motility in healthy dairy cows. Muscarinic receptors and ICCs may be implicated in the pathogenesis of motility disorders, such as abomasal displacement and cecal dilatation-dislocation

    Simulated or measured soil moisture: which one is adding more value to regional landslide early warning?

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    The inclusion of soil wetness information in empirical landslide prediction models was shown to improve the forecast goodness of regional landslide early warning systems (LEWSs). However, it is still unclear which source of information – numerical models or in situ measurements – is of higher value for this purpose. In this study, soil moisture dynamics at 133 grassland sites in Switzerland were simulated for the period of 1981 to 2019, using a physically based 1D soil moisture transfer model. A common parameterization set was defined for all sites, except for site-specific soil hydrological properties, and the model performance was assessed at a subset of 14 sites where in situ soil moisture measurements were available on the same plot. A previously developed statistical framework was applied to fit an empirical landslide forecast model, and receiver operating characteristic analysis (ROC) was used to assess the forecast goodness. To assess the sensitivity of the landslide forecasts, the statistical framework was applied to different model parameterizations, to various distances between simulation sites and landslides and to measured soil moisture from a subset of 35 sites for comparison with a measurement-based forecast model. We found that (i) simulated soil moisture is a skilful predictor for regional landslide activity, (ii) that it is sensitive to the formulation of the upper and lower boundary conditions, and (iii) that the information content is strongly distance dependent. Compared to a measurement-based landslide forecast model, the model-based forecast performs better as the homogenization of hydrological processes, and the site representation can lead to a better representation of triggering event conditions. However, it is limited in reproducing critical antecedent saturation conditions due to an inadequate representation of the long-term water storage.ISSN:1027-5606ISSN:1607-793

    Assessing the potential of soil moisture measurements for regional landslide early warning

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    In mountainous terrain, rainfall-induced landslides pose a serious risk to people and infrastructure. Regional landslide early warning systems (LEWS) have proven to be a cost-efficient tool to inform the public about the imminent landslide danger. While most operational LEWS are based on rainfall exceedance thresholds only, recent studies have demonstrated an improvement of the forecast quality after the inclusion of soil hydrological information. In this study, the potential of in situ soil moisture measurements for regional landslide early warning is assessed. For the first time, a comprehensive soil moisture measurement database was compiled for Switzerland and compared with a national landslide database (Swiss flood and landslide damage database, WSL). The time series were homogenized and normalized to represent saturation values. From ensembles of sensors, the mean and standard deviation saturation were calculated and infiltration events were delimited, characterized, and classified as landslide-triggering or non-triggering based on the occurrence of landslides within a specified forecast distance. A logistic regression function was applied to model the landslide activity based on the infiltration event characteristics and several models were analysed and compared with receiver operating characteristics (ROC). A strong distance dependence becomes apparent showing a forecast goodness decrease with increasing distance between water content measurement site and landslide, and a better forecast goodness for long-lasting as opposed to short-duration precipitation events. While most variability can be explained by the two event properties antecedent saturation and change of saturation during an infiltration event, event properties that describe antecedent conditions are more important for long-lasting as opposed to short-duration precipitation events that can be better explained by properties describing event dynamics. Overall, the analysis demonstrated that in situ soil moisture data effectively contains specific information useful for landslide early warning