13 research outputs found


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    This study investigated and compared exclamatory expressions performed by native speakers of Australian English and Bahasa Indonesia. Three different contexts and situations were selected as the prompts for the respondents to express their exclamations: (a) surprise; (b) enthusiasm; and (c) annoyance. Based on data from 36 respondents of both languages, the findings revealed that both Australian English and Bahasa Indonesia were likely to utilize different types of exclamatory words, phrases or expressions of surprise, enthusiastic and annoyance. Te expressions seemed to be systematic in their constructions and the selection of words or phrases remained personal and indicated the speakers‟ feeling, attitude, and emotion. In expressing surprise and enthusiasm, in particular, the selection of words or phrases by both language communities tended to use positive and socially acceptable exclamatory expressions. However, when they turned to express annoyance, most of the words, phrases, or expressions used were often taboo and socially unacceptable

    Students’ Voices on Lecturers’ Written Corrective Feedback (WCF) in Their Writing Tasks

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    ABSTRACTAlthough studies on Written Corrective Feedback (WCF, hereafter) have been increasingly prevalent in the last few years, inquiries on how advisory students perceive the lecturers’ feedback on their writing tasks have been likely scarce, especially in Indonesian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) contexts. This study examines the students’ perception and evaluation of the lecturers’ WCF in response to errors and inaccuracies in their academic writing tasks. Through an online survey questionnaire distributed to 46 respondents via email, the results show that the majority of students appreciated any forms of feedback from the lecturers. Their writing skills in four aspects (grammar, vocabulary, organization, and mechanics) also improved significantly through an enhancement of their self-directed learning. Following the analysis model by one of previous studies, the results showed that the students preferred direct WCF to the Indirect one (58.7 %: 15.2 %), while the “Praise” category was given the highest rate with an average score of (4.06). “Criticism”, on the other hand, was the lowest one with an average score of only (2.3) in the evaluation. It is recommended that lecturers always avoid unclear, vague, aggressive, thoughtless, and inappropriate feedback to improve students’ writing skills and performance. ABSTRAKMeskipun studi tentang Umpan Balik Korektif Tertulis (WCF, selanjutnya) semakin lazim dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, namun, diskusi tentang penilaian mahasiswa terhadap umpan balik dosen terkait tugas menulis mereka sangat terbatas, terutama dalam konteks Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia (PT). Penelitian ini mengkaji persepsi dan evaluasi mahasiswa terhadap WCF dosen dalam merespon kesalahan dan ketidaktepatan dalam tugas menulis akademik mahasiswa. Melalui kuesioner survei online yang dibagikan kepada 46 responden melalui email, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas mahasiswa mengapresiasi segala bentuk umpan balik dari dosen. Keterampilan menulis mereka dalam empat aspek (tata bahasa, kosakata, organisasi, dan mekanik) juga meningkat secara signifikan melalui peningkatan pembelajaran mandiri mereka. Mengacu kepada model analysis dari salah satu penelitian terdahulu, ditemukan bahwa penggunaan WCF Langsung lebih disukai oleh siswa daripada penggunaan Tidak Langsung (58,7%: 15,2%), sedangkan kategori “Pujian” diberikan nilai tertinggi dengan nilai rata-rata (4,06). Sementara, “Kritik” adalah yang paling rendah dengan skor rata-rata hanya (2,3) dalam evaluasi. Disarankan agar dosen selalu memberikan semangat, namun hindari umpan balik yang tidak jelas, kabur, agresif, ceroboh, dan tidak tepat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis dan prestasi mahasiswa

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Guru Bahasa Inggris Menulis Karya Ilmiah Dengan Pelatihan Parafrase Dan Mengutip Untuk Menghindari Tindak Plagiasi

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    Guru sebagai pendidik terus diminta untuk melakukan kegiatan Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (PKB) yang salah satunya adalah publikasi ilmiah. Akan tetapi, seringkali guru-guru terbentur pada permasalahan kurangnya kemampuan dan pengetahuan dalam menulis. Sehingga, seringkali akibat tuntutan untuk menulis guru sering terjebak dalam tindak plagiasi. Ini juga seringnya disebabkanketidaktahuan guru bagaimana menghindari tindak plagiasi. Inilah yang juga dihadapi oleh guru-guru anggota MGMP Bahasa Inggris Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Oleh karena itu, tim pengabdian masyarakat ini bersepakat untuk memberikan pembimbingan teknik cara memparafrase dan mengutip. Diharapkan dengan adanya kegiatan ini guru-guru dapat menulis karya ilmiah sesuai kaidah dan terhindar dari tindak plagiasi. &nbsp

    Cerdas Dan Bijak Menggunakan Media Sosial Di Era Digital Literasi Dan Informasi Kepada Siswa Kelas IX SMP N 7 Muaro Jambi

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    Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini memberikan penyuluhan sosialisasi cerdas dan bijak menggunakan media sosial di era digital kepada siswa kelas IX SMPN 7 Muaro Jambi. Kegiatan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena penting yang muncul dalam kehidupan masyarakat sejak tahun 2000an, yaitu adanya jejaring media sosial seperti Friendster, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, dan banyak lagi lainnya. Tidak dipungkiri adanya jejaring tersebut telah memberikan berbagai fasilitas kemudahan kepada penggunanya, misalnya dalam berkomunikasi, menyebarkan dan mendapatkan akses informasi. Seiring dengan banyaknya manfaat positif yang didapat, dampak negatif dari maraknya media sosial pun dirasakan nyata. Didasari oleh fenomena ini, maka tim pengabdian ini memberikan penyuluhan sosialisasi bagaimana menggunakan media sosial secara cerdas dan bijak sehingga tidak terpapar oleh pengaruh negatifnya. Sehingga diharapkan kedepannya, siswa-siswa ini akan menjadi individu-individu yang bertanggung jawab dalam menggunakan media sosial.        &nbsp

    A Text Analysis on Joko Widodo’s Speech Text on Indonesia Independence Day

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    This study aimed to describe the President's speech text as a critical discourse analysis taken on the Indonesian Republic Secretariat Cabinet website, conveyed by Ir. Joko Widodo as the 7th president of the Republic of Indonesia. The methodology used by the researchers was a descriptive qualitative method. This textual content analysis is base on Van Dijk's design by which the research unit section is divide into three parts: macro-structure, supra structure and microstructure. The study revealed that the textual content was analyzed thematically or the discourse's subject in the macro-structure. The theme of Jokowi's speech was about Indonesia's excellence. It can be seen clearly from almost all the paragraphs in the statement stating one general subject, namely, about Indonesia's superiority. Then, for the supra-structure, Jokowi's speech text is divided into three main elements: opening, content, and closing, which consisted of two opening paragraphs, eighteen content paragraphs, and two closing paragraphs. The last was microstructure. It was analyzed in a semantic way, which refers to the text's social meaning and the language modes used in the text. Semantically, the text of Jokowi's speech was analyzed from its setting, detail, intention, and presupposition. From Jokowi's information, this expression shows that the speech's overall form contained all the speeches delivered by him; opening, filling, and closing. What has become very clear to set Jokowi apart from many other international public figures is that he uses simple language. The things that Jokowi has brought can be an excellent lesson for people when speaking in front of the audience. Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Jokowi’s Speech Text, Van Dijk’s Desig

    Using Gamification in the English Classroom: Impact on Motivation and Learning Outcomes

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    This study aims to explore the use of gamification in English classes and analyze its impact on student's motivation and learning outcomes. The research method used in this article is qualitative with a library research approach by analyzing data sources from various literatures. Data collection through scientific journals, books, research reports, and other related documents relevant to this research topic. Data analysis by juxtaposing theories and previous research findings. The study results show that gamification benefits students' academic performance in English classes and dramatically increases their motivation and enthusiasm for learning so that the learning outcomes are satisfactory. This research provides a new contribution to understanding how gamification can be applied in an educational context and valuable recommendations for educators and decision-makers to improve the quality of teaching English in educational environments

    Students’ Preferences on the Lecturers’ Written Corrective Feedback (WCF) on Their Writing Tasks: A Study at the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP), Faculty of Education, Universitas Jambi

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    This study analyzes students’ preferences on the lecturer’s written corrective feedback (WCF) on their writing tasks. It looks at how the students want WCF to be written, delivered, and focused on to fulfill the students’ expectations. It also analyzes the students’ preferences on the use of English or Bahasa Indonesia in the WCF to accommodate their learning needs and styles. Through an internet survey delivered to 100 students’ emails, using 5 levels of Likert scales on preferences range, the results show that the students’ preferences varied in terms of types, focuses, and ways the WCF are provided and delivered. It is an evident that many students want the lecturers to provide the correct forms of the errors, to mark and to underline the errors with corrections, and to provide explanations for every single error in their writing tasks. A significant number of the students have a low preference for the use of indirect feedback through cues and prompts. Another interesting result is the fact that many students prefer WCF to be written in Bahasa Indonesia rather than in English. It is recommended that the lecturers flexibly provide WCF according to students’ preferences and expectations to increase their writing skills.