14 research outputs found

    Caractéristiques techniques et importance socio-économique de l’apiculture au Nord-Ouest du Bénin : cas de la commune de Cobly

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    Au Bénin, la production du miel constitue une source potentielle non négligeable de revenu monétaire pour la population rurale. Une enquête a été conduite au Nord-Ouest du Bénin auprès de 35 apiculteurs pour évaluer les caractéristiques techniques et l’importance socio-économique de l’apiculture. Les apiculteurs enquêtés ont un âge compris entre 20 et 79 ans. La plupart des apiculteurs interviewés (74,29%) pratiquaient la chasse au miel avant d’être formés pour l’apiculture moderne. Les types de ruches connus sont la ruche kenyane qui est utilisée exclusivement par 68,57% des apiculteurs et la ruche traditionnelle utilisée seulement par 8,57%. Le nombre de ruches colonisées par apiculteur ou groupement varie de 3 à 46. La production annuelle de miel est en moyenne de 10,55 ± 3,56 litres par ruche et de 148,57 ± 77,01 litres par apiculteur ou groupement. Le prix de vente du miel est compris entre 1200 et 2000 F CFA par litre. La recette annuelle brute par apiculteur ou groupement varie de 9000 à 580000 F CFA. Le miel est utilisé dans le traitement de 28 maladies dont la brûlure et la toux sont les plus citées.Mots clés: Miel, techniques apicoles, revenu monétaire, usages, Bénin

    Diversité floristique et caractérisation structurale de la réserve forestière de Ouoghi en zone soudanoguinéenne (Centre-Bénin)

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    Objective: The objective of this study is to identify the plant species and to characterize the vegetation of the Ouoghi forest reserve in the commune of Savè (Center-Benin). Method and results: Floristic and forest inventories were carried out through 144 relevés in according to the Braun-Blanquet method. A total of 246 plant species were identified. They belong to 178 genera and 63 families. Multivariate analyzes with the Community Analysis Package (CAP) software made it possible to individualize 3 vegetation formations comprising 8 plant groups. This is the shrub savannah with Prosopis africana and Pennisetum polystachion, the tree savannah with Hymenocardia acida and Pennisetum polystachion, the tree savannah to Vitellaria paradoxa and Pennisetum polystachion, the tree savannah to Pterocarpus erinaceus and Hyptis suaveolens, the woodland savannah with Daniellia Oliveri and Chromolaena odorata, the woodland savannah at Isoberlinia doka and Pennisetum polystachion, the woodland savannah at Daniellia oliveri and Andropogon tectorum and the tree flood savannah to Daniellia oliveri and Leersia hexandra. The floristic and structural parameters change from one group to another. Thus, the specific richness varies from 49 to 153 species and the diversity of families is between 22 and 49 with a predominance of Leguminosae. The density varies from 95 to 275 stems / ha, basal area from 2.35 to 8.44 m² / ha. Conclusion and application of results: The study evaluated the floristic diversity of the Ouoghi reserve. In addition, it indicated the need for its integral protection for its dynamics towards dry dense forest vegetation. Sustainable management of this site needs implication of local population

    Diversité, impacts et usages des Loranthaceae parasites de Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott. & Endl. au Sud-Bénin

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    Cola nitida est une espèce fruitière à usages multiples qui, malheureusement, est souvent la cible des plantes parasites de la famille des Loranthaceae. L’objectif de la présente étude est de recenser les espèces de Loranthaceae parasites de C. nitida, d’évaluer leur impact sur ce fruitier et d’inventorier les usages thérapeutiques faits de ces plantes parasites au Sud du Bénin. Pour y parvenir, des inventaires floristique et forestier puis des enquêtes ethnobotaniques ont été réalisés. Au total, 15 plantations et 50 jardins de case abritant C. nitida ont été explorés dans 12 villages à travers lesquels 87 personnes utilisant les Loranthaceae ont été questionnées. Les résultats révèlent que sur les 552 pieds de C. nitida explorés, 6 espèces de Loranthaceae qui sont : Globimetula braunii, G. cupulata, Phragmanthera capitata, Tapinanthus bangwensis, T. belvisii et T. globiferus ont été recensées. Le taux d’infestation est de 53%. Sur le plan ethnobotanique, les Loranthaceae de C. nitida interviennent dans le traitement de 3 affections que sont : la stérilité, les fausses couches (40% chacune) et les troubles menstruels (20%). Cette étude permet de proposer l’utilisation à grande échelle des Loranthaceae comme approche de gestion durable de ces hémiparasites.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Gui africain, biodiversité, densité parasitaire, gestion durable, BéninEnglish Title: Diversity, impacts and uses of Loranthaceae growing on Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott. & Endl. in Southern BeninEnglish AbstractCola nitida is a kind of fruit presenting international multiple uses. However, this fruit is often the target of parasitic plants of Loranthaceae family. The aim of the present work is to know the diversity and  impact of Loranthaceae on C. nitida tree and the different uses made of these parasites. A total of 552 feet of C. nitida have been explored within 15 plantations and 50 home gardens spread in 12 villages through which 87 people using Loranthaceae have been questioned. The results show that C. nitida is parasitized by 6 species of Loranthaceae (Globimetula braunii, G. cupulata, Phragmanthera capitata, Tapinanthus bangwensis, T. belvisii and T. globiferus). Infestation rate of C. nitida is 53%. On ethnobotanical level, Loranthaceae growing on C. nitida contribute to the treatment of three diseases which are barrenness, miscarriage (40% each) and menstrual disorders (20%). Pending the development of effective struggle methods against Loranthaceae growing on C. nitida, the widespread use of these parasites can contribute to maintain them in acceptable damage threshold and also generate incomes for people.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: African mistletoes, biodiversity, parasite density, sustainable management, Beni

    Connaissances et pratiques ethnobotaniques en médecines traditionnelles vétérinaire et humaine au Bénin : similarité ou dissemblance ?

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    Objectif : Rechercher la similarité entre les usages liés aux plantes sollicitées en ethnomédecines vétérinaire et humaine afin de contribuer à la valorisation de ces connaissances endogènes dans la zone cotonnière du centre-Bénin.Méthodes et Résultats : Des enquêtes ont été réalisées individuellement auprès de 105 éleveurs, agroéleveurs et guérisseurs traditionnels. Les paramètres de diversité floristique, ceux relatifs aux pratiques ethnobotaniques et les facteurs socioculturels déterminant la connaissance ethnobotanique sont utilisés pour les diverses comparaisons basées sur des tests de Khi Deux de Pearson et de deux proportions. La fréquence (S) d’espèces ou d’usages communs a été calculée pour évaluer le taux de similarité entre les deux types de médecine. Quatre-vingt douze (92) espèces de plantes impliquées dans la composition de 122 recettes ont été recensées pour les deux types de médecines. Globalement, la similarité est très grande entre les deux types de médecine en termes de plantes utilisées (86,69%) et grande en termes d’usages rapportés (65%).Conclusion et applications des résultats : Certaines connaissances ethnovétérinaires proviendraient de la médecine humaine et vice-versa. Les plantes efficaces utilisées en ethnomédecine vétérinaire pourraient être indiquées dans le traitement des mêmes maladies chez l’homme en cas d’une similarité d’agents pathogènes. Les études phytochimiques, pharmacologiques et cliniques devraient être envisagées pour la valorisation effective de ces plantes.Mots clés. Ethnomédecines vétérinaire et humaine, origine, similarité, Centre-Bénin

    Diversité Des Loranthaceae Et Leur Impact Sur Vitellaria Paradoxa C.F.Gaertn.: Un Fruitier À Grande Valeur Socio-Économique Au Nord-Bénin

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    Shea butter: Vitellaria paradoxa C. F. Gaertn (Sapotaceae) is a fruit tree in the Sudano-Sahelian region where it is a major economic source. Unfortunately, in Benin, the species has been revealed in recent decades, the target of parasitic vascular plants of Loranthaceae family that threaten its conservation. The present study, carried out in northern Benin, evaluated the impact of these parasitic plants on the shea of two phytogeographical zones. The botanical inventory identified three species of Loranthaceae in fields and protected areas. The rate of infestation and parasite density were assessed and their variation on shea was assessed. The results show that shea is parasitized by three species of Loranthaceae in varying proportions: Agelanthus dodoneifolius (DC.) Polh. and Wiens (191.75 tufts / ha), Tapinanthus globiferus (A. Rich.) Van Tieghem (70.57 tufts / ha) and T. Ophiodes (Sprague) (2 tufts / ha). The impact of Loranthaceae on shea productivity varies significantly between fields and protected areas with infestation rates of 87% versus 42% and average densities per shea foot of 14.76 tufts versus 3.62 tufts. These results are data to be taken into account in the control programs against Loranthaceae which parasitize shea

    Importance Du Couplage De L’inventaire Des Plantes Mellifères Et De L’analyse Pollinique Des Miels De La Saison Des Pluies En Zone Ouest Soudanienne Au Nord-Bénin

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    The melliferous plants vary from one area to another according to biotic, climatic and ecological factors. This study was realized in the Sudanese region of Benin, in order to inventorize honey plants visited by the honeybee Apis mellifera adansonii Latreille. Pollen analysis of 34 samples of honey from three apiaries in the northwest of the country, combined with direct observations around each apiary within 1000 m radius were realized per month. In total 129 species were censised including 109 species inventorized on the field and 73 taxa identified through pollen analysis. Among these taxa, 43 are identified until species level. The contribution of pollen analysis to the knowledge of melliferous plants is 15.50%. The pollen analysis of honeys and visual inventory of honey plants field are two complementary methods of studying the honey flora

    Habitat factors associated with Fopius caudatus parasitism and population level of its host, Ceratitis cosyra

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    Biotic and abiotic factors affect herbivores and their natural enemies and understanding of their requirements may permit habitat modification enabling conservation biological control. Ceratitis cosyra Walker (Diptera: Tephritidae), an African-native fruit fly pest is mostly parasitized by the parasitoid wasp Fopius caudatus Szepligeti (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). To assess F. caudatus habitat, the wasp parasitism levels and infestation of its fruit fly host were examined in Sarcocephalus latifolius (Smith) Bruce (Rubiaceae), a shrub of which the fruits are among the preferred hosts of C. cosyra and F. caudatus. Fruit-collection site descriptions, including plant species presence, were analysed in relation to the target insect abundances (emergence from target fruit). Ceratitis cosyra and F. caudatus emerged from all sites; nonetheless, their population levels were associated with both abiotic and biotic factors, of which some can be manipulated. Several factors, such as cultivation level, topography, and vegetation coverage, were correlated with F. caudatus parasitism. Ceratitis cosyra infestation level was correlated with factors such as density of S. latifolius, vegetation cover, cultivation practices, temperature, altitude, rainfall pattern, and stoniness. Proximity to other fruit fly host plants correlated with both pest abundance and F. caudatus parasitism level of the fruit fly. The findings that insects' interactions and abundance are influenced by habitat structure and that parasitism is positively related to natural habitat indicates the importance of maintaining natural habitats in closeness to cultivated areas with the aim of enhancing pest suppression by parasitoids. Further studies should attempt to identify how plant species composition in and around orchards could affect the management of tephritid fruit fly pests

    Comparative chemical study and cytotoxic activity of Uvariodendron angustifolium essential oils from Benin.

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    International audienceThis study aimed to compare the chemical composition of volatile extracts obtained by hydrodistillation of leaves, stems, bark and roots of Uvariodendron angustifolium (Engl. & Diels) R. E. Fries. The essential oils, obtained with yields between 0.12 and 0.66%, were analyzed by GC/FID and GC/MS. A great variability in the chemical composition was observed depending on the plant part treated. The essential oils obtained from leaves and stems contained mainly neral (29.7-30.5%) and geranial (42.9-47.3%), while methyl eugenol was the major component of the volatile extracts from bark (68.3%) and roots (85.3%). Interesting cytotoxic properties of these essential oils on human breast cancer cells MCF-7 were demonstrated

    Farmers’ Knowledge and Management Practices of Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) in Benin, West Africa

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    Spodoptera frugiperda has caused significant losses of farmer income in sub-Saharan countries since 2016. This study assessed farmers’ knowledge of S. frugiperda, their perceptions and management practices in Benin. Data were collected through a national survey of 1237 maize farmers. Ninety-one point eight percent of farmers recognized S. frugiperda damage, 78.9% of them were able to identify its larvae, and 93.9% of the maize fields were infested. According to farmers, the perceived yield losses amounted to 797.2 kg/ha of maize, representing 49% of the average maize yield commonly obtained by farmers. Chi-square tests revealed that the severity of the pest attacks was significantly associated with cropping practices and types of grown maize varieties. About 16% of farmers identified francolin (Francolinus bicalcaratus), village weaver (Ploceus cucullatus), and common wasp (Vespula vulgaris) as natural enemies and 5% of them identified yellow nutsedge, chan, shea tree, neem, tamarind, and soybean as repellent plants of S. frugiperda. Most farmers (91.4%) used synthetic pesticides and 1.9% of them used botanical pesticides, which they found more effective than synthetic pesticides. Significant relationships exist between farmers’ management practices, their knowledge, organization membership, and contact with research and extension services. More research is required to further understand the effectiveness of botanical pesticides made by farmers against S. frugiperda and to refine them for scaling-up