19 research outputs found

    Walking, Explore Race and Flying Fox Adventure Activity in Learning Statistics: Effect on Leadership Skills

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    The unemployment issue has opened the eyes of academic scientists and government. These things give the impression that the teaching and learning needs to be improved. One of the strategies that have been suggested by the Malaysia Education Blueprint (Higher Education) is to use experience-based approach. Teaching methods and adventure-based learning is a method characterized by experiential learning and inquiry learning. It is seen as having the characteristics of improving the skills of the 21st century in terms of leadership. The main objective of this study was to examine the effects of adventure-based learning through walks, explore race and flying fox in learning statistics (mathematics) against the student leadership skills. This study will employ a quantitative approach research using a quasi-experimental pre and post-test non-equivalent control group design.  The sample for this study will be selected randomly at one Malaysia Teacher Training Institute and will be involved semester two students in Program Persediaan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan.  Three main instruments will be used in this study such as the fundamental statistic achievement test, critical thinking test and leadership assessment questionnaire. The sample will be divided into two groups: the experimental groups will undergo an adventure-based learning approach while control groups remain to the conventional approach. The results of this study are expected to provide an alternative teaching approach that can be implemented by lecturers, teachers and educators in practicing the teaching and learning for the 21st century

    Basics Statistics Critical Thinking Test : Reliability and Validity Issues

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    This study aims to examine the validity and reliability of Statistics Critical Thinking Test (SCTT) for Institute of Teachers Education students using the Content Validity Index (CVI). The assessment was conducted through the evaluation by 3 experts and 30 students selected via purposive sampling. The instrument involved 30 items with two main constructs such as evaluation and interpretation. The result of analysis, CVI is 0.99. This instrument also has 0.71 of reliability value. The results of the study prove that the instrument has good validity and reliability. SCTT has a great potential to be promoted as a good measurement instrument. This instrument is recommended to be used to measure critical thinking level for others college students

    Primary school teachers’ awareness on STEAM learning: A starting point to develop STEAM-CB textbook

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    STEAM learning is an approach which integrates multidisciplinary knowledge while enriching students' skills to explore, try, ask, find, and build innovation, namely science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. We found that the learning resources of STEAM in Yogyakarta is very limited due to lack of knowledge about it. On the other hand, using local contexts as the starting point of learning is also important to foster character building.  This preliminary research aims to provide insight on the teachers’ awareness on STEAM learning and textbook, as well as the design we figured out after discussing it with the teachers. It was a descriptive qualitative research involving 214 primary school teachers. We collected the data through questionnaire and focus group discussion. The results suggest that STEAM is quite a new concept for most of primary school teachers in Yogyakarta. Not many teachers used to or have developed the STEAM learning resources, especially the one integrated with the character building. Therefore, a STEAM textbook needs to be developed to fulfill the need. Furthermore, the design of the textbook could have the characteristics of integrating all components of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics), starting from local context to develop characters, improving creative and critical thinking, having knowledge and skill assessment, and using project-based learning model


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    Penggunaan media pembelajaran belum dioptimalkan di MTS Muhammadiyah 03 Ngargosari terutama pada pembelajaran matematika. Pembelajaran matematika terbatas menggunakan buku LKS cetak, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah desain media pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan untuk kegiatan belajar di kelas maupun pembelajaran mandiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain E-LKPD yang valid berbasis STEM tema kearifan lokal bernuansa pendidikan karakter materi lingkaran kelas VIII. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian RnD (Research and Development). Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model 4D (Define, Design, Development, Dissiminate) namun dibatasi pada tahap perancangan. Instrumen dalam penelitian menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan lembar validasi ahli kemudian diintepretasikan menjadi data deskriptif. Hasil penelitian berupa desain E-LKPD dan hasil kevalidan E-LKPD dari ahli media dan ahli materi. Berdasarkan ahli media, E-LKPD mendapatkan rerata penilaian 89% dengan kategori sangat valid, sedangkan berdasarkan ahli materi, E-LKPD mendapatkan rerata penilaian 85% dengan kategori sangat valid. Rerata total E-LKPD dari ahli media dan ahli materi mencapai 87% dengan kategori sangat valid, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa E-LKPD layak pada penilaian validitas

    Memperkasa pembangunan modal insan Malaysia di peringkat kanak-kanak: kajian kebolehlaksanaan dan kebolehintegrasian pendidikan STEM dalam kurikulum PERMATA Negara

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    Kajian ini adalah mengenai pendidikan STEM (Sains, Teknologi, Kejuruteraan, Matematik) untuk PERMATA Negara dan bertujuan menentukan kebolehlaksanaan pendidikan STEM kepada kanak-kanak 3-4 tahun di taska PERMATA dan kebolehintegrasian pendidikan STEM ke dalam Kurikulum PERMATA Negara. Selain itu, kajian ini juga menilai kesan pendidikan STEM terhadap kebolehan inkuiri, penerokaan, rekacipta, refleksi, minat, komunikasi, dan kerjasama dalam kalangan kanak-kanak yang terlibat. Sepuluh Modul STEM telah dibina dan ditentusahkan oleh pendidik PERMATA dan penyelidik pakar bidang STEM. Seramai 22 orang pendidik dan 160 orang kanak-kanak dari 19 buah Taska PERMATA terlibat sebagai responden. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan (p<0.001) terhadap kebolehan inkuiri, penerokaan, rekacipta, reflleksi, minat, dan komunikasi serta semangat kerjasama kanak-kanak. Kesan latihan STEM kepada pendidik juga menunjukkan peningkatan yang sangat besar dan signifikan terhadap pengetahuan, pemahaman, kemahiran dan keyakinan diri pendidik melaksanakan STEM di taska. Dapatan-dapatan ini memberi implikasi positif terhadap pelaksanaan STEM di peringkat awal kanak-kanak. Bahagian Permata Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan agensi-agensi pelaksana perlu segera mengintegrasikan STEM ke dalam kurikulum PERMATA dan menyediakan latihan profesional STEM kepada pendidik-pendidik menerusi penubuhan Jawatankuasa Pelaksana , penggubalan dasar-dasar yang sesuai , dan penglibatan industri, swasta dan GLC

    Assessing the Relationship between Psychosocial Learning Environment and Higher Order Thinking Skills / Mohd Azry Abdul Malik ...[et al.]

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    The aimof this studyisto investigate the influence oflearning environment (psychosocial) on higher order thinking skills ability among higher education students.A total of 164 undergraduate chemistry studentsin UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia (UTM)were selected as sample usingdisproportionate stratified sampling technique. The study instruments wereadapted from College and Classroom Environment Inventory CCEI, and Marzano Higher Order Thinking Dimension of Learning. Multiple linear regression analysis indicatesthat psychosocial learning environment constructs have a significant direct effect onHOTS; Student-Student Relationship (ß=0.395), Attitudes toward Students (ß=0.344), Class Organization (ß=0.161), Autonomy and Power Sharing (ß=0.076),and StudentsInterest and Motivation (ß=0.176). Moreover, Tukey’s test shows thattheperception towards HOTS has a significant difference among differentstudents’ achievement (CGPA

    Melestarikan Matlamat Pembangunan Mampan (SDGs) 2030 Di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT)

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    Kertas kerja ini menerangkan penggunaan media sosial iaitu Facebook Pages dan Instagram dan pembentukkan rubrik penilaian tugasan pelajar bagi kursus DRK3062 (Inovasi dan Reka Cipta). Responden adalah terdiri daripada pelajar Politeknik Kota Kinabalu semester tiga yang mengikuti kursus DRK3062 Inovasi Dan Reka Cipta. Media Sosial digunakan sebagai alat bantuan mengajar bagi mengatasi masalah semasa yang dihadapi proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Seterusnya pembentukkan rubrik penilaian tugasan juga dibentuk supaya penilaian lebih tepat dengan hasil kerja dan kreativiti pelajar. Media sosial yang dibangunkan adalah dengan menggunakan Facebook dan Instagram di mana terdapat video dan penerangan yang boleh dijadikan rujukan kepada pelajar untuk menyiapkan tugasan. Dengan membangunkan rubrik analitik, pensyarah dapat menganalisis kelebihan dan kelemahan seseorang pelajar. Kesimpulannya, pelajar memberikan respon positif terhadap penggunaan media sosial dan rubrik yang dibina. Penggunaan internet dalam proses Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (P&P) adalah selari dengan perkembangan teknologi maklumat masa kini seterusnya menyokong transformasi pendidikan di Politeknik


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    In an ethnically diverse country like Malaysia, educators often argue about the best medium of instruction to be used in teaching mathematics especially in primary school. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of teaching mathematics employing the pupils’ mother tongue as the medium of instruction in a rural primary school. Specifically, this quasi-experimental study was conducted to compare the effect of two treatments: using Bahasa Malaysia as the medium of instruction and using the pupils’ mother tongue as the medium of instruction in teaching a mathematics lesson on the topic of ‘Money up to RM1000’. The samples of this study consisted of two classes of Year 3 pupils from two rural schools in Kapit, Sarawak. Each class consisted of 16 pupils whose mother tongue was Bahasa Iban . Iban is one of the major ethnic groups in Sarawak. The class from the first school employed Bahasa Malaysia as the medium of instruction while the class from the second school employed Bahasa Iban as the medium of instruction. A pre-test and a post-test were administered to both classes before and after the study. The main finding from this study suggested a higher positive impact in learning mathematics for pupils using their own mother tongue as the medium of instruction. Thus, the incorporation of mother tongue in the primary mathematics classroom provides a better solution to aid rural pupils’ understanding and development of basic mathematical concepts. Moreover, this could be considered as a crucial platform in knowledge acquisition in a country with diverse ethnic groups

    Students Islamic personality on amanah: a structural modelling approach

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the factorial structure of the Ummatic Personality Inventory (UPI). One of the constructs in UPI, Amanah was measured to understand the relationship among the factors namely, Amar Maaruf, Nahi munkar, Accountability to Allah and Accountability to Society. The sample of this study was a group of female students (n= 287) in a government school. Data were analysed using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The findings for the structural model revealed that Khalifah and Accountability correlated to the Amanah. The percentage of variance accounted for by the independent variable was 63% accordingly, which indicated a very good effect size. This reflects that accountability of people for enjoining good deeds is moderately related to accountability towards society. The act of forbidding evil has a strong direct effect on accountability towards Allah. Thus, more efforts should be put on educating students to forbid evil-doing (nahi munkar). In future, a deeper analysis of this nature could be made on the other two constructs of UPI

    Development and Usability of STEAM Textbook Integrated Character Education with Local Wisdom Themes for Primary School Students

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    This study aims to develop a valid, usable, and creative for project-based learning STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) textbook integrating character education with local wisdom themes for primary school students. Design and Development Research (DDR) based on the ADDIE model was used as the research design. Three experts were used to validate the STEAM textbook and 58 mathematics teachers and 60 students of Year 4 from the Perak Tengah district participated in the usability survey. The data were analyzed descriptively (percentage, mean and standard deviation) and Pearson correlation. The results show the STEAM textbook has excellent validity with 90% agreement from the experts. The usability of the STEAM textbook was rated well by teachers with a mean of 4.21 (SD = 0.45) and by students with a mean of 3.69 (SD = 0.17). This indicated that the textbook is usable for teachers and students. Pearson correlation also revealed a strong relationship between the variables with r = 0.967. Overall, the STEAM textbook has high validity and usability among teachers and students