10,639 research outputs found

    Remote sensing X-ray spectrometer

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    Spectrometer measures chemical composition of lunar rocks by remote sensing from orbit and senses lunar X-rays produced by interaction of solar X-rays and elements on the lunar surface. Instrument features high sensitivity, data handling system that accumulates and prepares data for telemetry, and automatic calibration

    Min-oscillations in Escherichia coli induced by interactions of membrane-bound proteins

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    During division it is of primary importance for a cell to correctly determine the site of cleavage. The bacterium Escherichia coli divides in the center, producing two daughter cells of equal size. Selection of the center as the correct division site is in part achieved by the Min-proteins. They oscillate between the two cell poles and thereby prevent division at these locations. Here, a phenomenological description for these oscillations is presented, where lateral interactions between proteins on the cell membrane play a key role. Solutions to the dynamic equations are compared to experimental findings. In particular, the temporal period of the oscillations is measured as a function of the cell length and found to be compatible with the theoretical prediction.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Physical Biolog

    Constant Rank Bimatrix Games are PPAD-hard

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    The rank of a bimatrix game (A,B) is defined as rank(A+B). Computing a Nash equilibrium (NE) of a rank-00, i.e., zero-sum game is equivalent to linear programming (von Neumann'28, Dantzig'51). In 2005, Kannan and Theobald gave an FPTAS for constant rank games, and asked if there exists a polynomial time algorithm to compute an exact NE. Adsul et al. (2011) answered this question affirmatively for rank-11 games, leaving rank-2 and beyond unresolved. In this paper we show that NE computation in games with rank 3\ge 3, is PPAD-hard, settling a decade long open problem. Interestingly, this is the first instance that a problem with an FPTAS turns out to be PPAD-hard. Our reduction bypasses graphical games and game gadgets, and provides a simpler proof of PPAD-hardness for NE computation in bimatrix games. In addition, we get: * An equivalence between 2D-Linear-FIXP and PPAD, improving a result by Etessami and Yannakakis (2007) on equivalence between Linear-FIXP and PPAD. * NE computation in a bimatrix game with convex set of Nash equilibria is as hard as solving a simple stochastic game. * Computing a symmetric NE of a symmetric bimatrix game with rank 6\ge 6 is PPAD-hard. * Computing a (1/poly(n))-approximate fixed-point of a (Linear-FIXP) piecewise-linear function is PPAD-hard. The status of rank-22 games remains unresolved

    Non-local anomaly of the axial-vector current for bound states

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    We demonstrate that the amplitude <ργν(qˉγνγ5q)0><\rho\gamma|\partial_\nu (\bar q\gamma_\nu \gamma_5 q)|0> does not vanish in the limit of zero quark masses. This represents a new kind of violation of the classical equation of motion for the axial current and should be interpreted as the axial anomaly for bound states. The anomaly emerges in spite of the fact that the one loop integrals are ultraviolet-finite as guaranteed by the presence of the bound-state wave function. As a result, the amplitude behaves like 1/p2\sim 1/p^2 in the limit of a large momentum pp of the current. This is to be compared with the amplitude which remains finite in the limit p2p^2\to\infty. The observed effect leads to the modification of the classical equation of motion of the axial-vector current in terms of the non-local operator and can be formulated as a non-local axial anomaly for bound states.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, numerical value for κ\kappa in Eq. (19) is corrected, Eqs. (22) and (23) are modified. New references added. Results remain unchange

    Gravitomagnetism in Quantum Mechanics

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    We give a systematic treatment of the quantum mechanics of a spin zero particle in a combined electromagnetic field and a weak gravitational field, which is produced by a slow moving matter source. The analysis is based on the Klein-Gordon equation expressed in generally covariant form and coupled minimally to the electromagnetic field. The Klein-Gordon equation is recast into Schroedinger equation form (SEF), which we then analyze in the non-relativistic limit. We include a discussion of some rather general observable physical effects implied by the SEF, concentrating on gravitomagnetism. Of particular interest is the interaction of the orbital angular momentum of the particle with the gravitomagnetic field.Comment: 9 page

    Noncommutative Sp(2,R) Gauge Theories - A Field Theory Approach to Two-Time Physics

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    Phase-space and its relativistic extension is a natural space for realizing Sp(2,R) symmetry through canonical transformations. On a Dx2 dimensional covariant phase-space, we formulate noncommutative field theories, where Sp(2,R) plays a role as either a global or a gauge symmetry group. In both cases these field theories have potential applications, including certain aspects of string theories, M-theory, as well as quantum field theories. If interpreted as living in lower dimensions, these theories realize Poincare' symmetry linearly in a way consistent with causality and unitarity. In case Sp(2,R) is a gauge symmetry, we show that the spacetime signature is determined dynamically as (D-2,2). The resulting noncommutative Sp(2,R) gauge theory is proposed as a field theoretical formulation of two-time physics: classical field dynamics contains all known results of `two-time physics', including the reduction of physical spacetime from D to (D-2) dimensions, with the associated `holography' and `duality' properties. In particular, we show that the solution space of classical noncommutative field equations put all massless scalar, gauge, gravitational, and higher-spin fields in (D-2) dimensions on equal-footing, reminiscent of string excitations at zero and infinite tension limits.Comment: 32 pages, LaTe

    Topologies of nodal sets of random band limited functions

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    It is shown that the topologies and nestings of the zero and nodal sets of random (Gaussian) band limited functions have universal laws of distribution. Qualitative features of the supports of these distributions are determined. In particular the results apply to random monochromatic waves and to random real algebraic hyper-surfaces in projective space.Comment: 62 pages. Major revision following referee repor