1,609 research outputs found

    A Glimpse of the Status of the Discipline: Internal Identity of Speech Communication at a Small College

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    This article discusses the results of a survey administered to faculty and administration at a small U.S. liberal arts college associated with the Lutheran Church, to assess the attitudes toward the speech communication discipline at the college. Speech communication discipline was assessed according to its level of respect, its overall status and its identity as a reputable academic field. Speech communication received its highest ranking for the descriptor applications based, matching the perception that the field is dominated by utility courses that teach students how to give a speech

    Small food stores and availability of nutritious foods: a comparison of database and in-store measures, Northern California, 2009.

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    IntroductionSmall food stores are prevalent in urban neighborhoods, but the availability of nutritious food at such stores is not well known. The objective of this study was to determine whether data from 3 sources would yield a single, homogenous, healthful food store category that can be used to accurately characterize community nutrition environments for public health research.MethodsWe conducted in-store surveys in 2009 on store type and the availability of nutritious food in a sample of nonchain food stores (n = 102) in 6 predominantly urban counties in Northern California (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Sacramento, San Francisco, and Santa Clara). We compared survey results with commercial database information and neighborhood sociodemographic data by using independent sample t tests and classification and regression trees.ResultsSampled small food stores yielded a heterogeneous group of stores in terms of store type and nutritious food options. Most stores were identified as convenience (54%) or specialty stores (22%); others were small grocery stores (19%) and large grocery stores (5%). Convenience and specialty stores were smaller and carried fewer nutritious and fresh food items. The availability of nutritious food and produce was better in stores in neighborhoods that had a higher percentage of white residents and a lower population density but did not differ significantly by neighborhood income.ConclusionCommercial databases alone may not adequately categorize small food stores and the availability of nutritious foods. Alternative measures are needed to more accurately inform research and policies that seek to address disparities in diet-related health conditions

    Neighborhood Typology and Cardiometabolic Pregnancy Outcomes in the Maternal Adiposity Metabolism and Stress Study.

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    ObjectiveThis study aimed to assess associations between neighborhood typologies classified across multiple neighborhood domains and cardiometabolic pregnancy outcomes and determine variation in effectiveness of a mindfulness-based stress-reduction intervention on outcomes across neighborhood types.MethodsNeighborhoods of participants in the Maternal Adiposity Metabolism and Stress (MAMAS) intervention (n = 208) were classified across dimensions of socioeconomic, food, safety, and service/resource environments using latent class analysis. The study estimated associations between neighborhood type and three cardiometabolic pregnancy outcomes-glucose tolerance (GT) during pregnancy, excessive gestational weight gain, and 6-month postpartum weight retention (PPWR)-using marginal regression models. Interaction between neighborhood type and intervention was assessed.ResultsFive neighborhood types differing across socioeconomic, food, and resource environments were identified. Compared with poor, well-resourced neighborhoods, middle-income neighborhoods with low resources had higher risk of impaired GT (relative risk [RR]: 4.1; 95% confidence Interval [CI]: 1.1, 15.5), and wealthy, well-resourced neighborhoods had higher PPWR (beta: 3.9 kg; 95% CI: 0.3, 7.5). Intervention effectiveness varied across neighborhood type with wealthy, well-resourced and poor, moderately resourced neighborhoods showing improvements in GT scores. PPWR was higher in intervention compared with control groups within wealthy, well-resourced neighborhoods.ConclusionsConsideration of multidimensional neighborhood typologies revealed important nuances in intervention effectiveness on cardiometabolic pregnancy outcomes

    Recruitment and retention of pregnant women for a behavioral intervention: lessons from the maternal adiposity, metabolism, and stress (MAMAS) study.

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    IntroductionRecruiting participants for research studies can be challenging. Many studies fall short of their target or must prolong recruitment to reach it. We examined recruitment and retention strategies and report lessons learned in a behavioral intervention developmental trial to encourage healthy pregnancy weight gain and stress reduction in low-income overweight pregnant women.MethodsIn the San Francisco Bay area from February 2010 through March 2011, we used direct and indirect strategies to recruit English-speaking overweight and obese pregnant women who were aged 18 to 45, were in the early stages of pregnancy, and who had an annual household income less than 500% of the federal poverty guidelines. Eligible women who consented participated in focus groups or an 8-week behavioral intervention. We identified successful recruiting strategies and sites and calculated the percentage of women who were enrolled and retained.ResultsOf 127 women screened for focus group participation, 69 were eligible and enrolled. A total of 57 women participated in 9 focus groups and 3 women completed individual interviews for a completion rate of 87%. During recruitment for the intervention, we made contact with 204 women; 135 were screened, 33% were eligible, and 69.1% of eligible women enrolled. At 1 month postpartum, 82.6% of eligible women completed an assessment. Recruiting at hospital-based prenatal clinics was the highest-yielding strategy.ConclusionThe narrow window of eligibility for enrolling early stage pregnant women in a group intervention presents obstacles. In-person recruitment was the most successful strategy; establishing close relationships with providers, clinic staff, social service providers, and study participants was essential to successful recruitment and retention

    Educational television : is anybody watching

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    "November 1960"--t.p. -- At head of each page: "November 15, 1960.""L2-1160"--handwritten on coverDSR 833

    Differential Regulation of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Production in Bovine and Caprine Macrophages

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    Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) regulation in human and murine macrophages in vitro differs considerably. In this study, expression of macrophage iNOS in ruminants was addressed. Nitric oxide (NO) output by cattle and goat macrophages was as different as that by human and mouse macrophages. Bovine macrophages activated by heated Salmonella dublin or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) expressed high levels of iNOS mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity. Analogously cultured caprine macrophages did not respond to these and other activators by NO generation and iNOS expression. The lack of response was not due to general unresponsiveness to stimuli. Caprine iNOS mRNA was induced by stimulation of caprine macrophages with LPS, as shown by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. The level of mRNA expression in activated goat macrophages was lower than in resting bovine macrophages. A caprine 372-bp iNOS mRNA fragment that was sequenced closely resembled the bovine counterpart. This points to species-specific iNOS gene regulation

    Differential Regulation of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Production in Bovine and Caprine Macrophages

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    Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) regulation in human and murine macrophages in vitro differs considerably. In this study, expression of macrophage iNOS in ruminants was addressed. Nitric oxide (NO) output by cattle and goat macrophages was as different as that by human and mouse macrophages. Bovine macrophages activated by heated Salmonella dublin or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) expressed high levels of iNOS mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity. Analogously cultured caprine macrophages did not respond to these and other activators by NO generation and iNOS expression. The lack of response was not due to general unresponsiveness to stimuli. Caprine iNOS mRNA was induced by stimulation of caprine macrophages with LPS, as shown by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. The level of mRNA expression in activated goat macrophages was lower than in resting bovine macrophages. A caprine 372-bp iNOS mRNA fragment that was sequenced closely resembled the bovine counterpart. This points to species-specific iNOS gene regulatio

    Isolasi Dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Endofit Penghasil Inhibitor α-Glukosidase Dari Tanaman Pare (Momordica Charantia L)

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    Diabetes merupakan penyakit metabolik yang serius di Indonesia. Jumlah penderita diabetes mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Inhibitor α-glukosidase merupakan senyawa yang dapat menghambat enzim α-glukosidase sehingga bermanfaat sebagai obat antidiabetes. Tanaman Pare (Momordica charantia) diketahui memiliki kasiat sebagai anti diabetes. Senyawa aktif yang dihasilkan tanaman tersebut dapat berasal dari endofit yang hidup di dalam jaringan tanaman. Eksplorasi bakteri endofit dari tanaman pare merupakan salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan isolat bakteri penghasil inhibitor enzim α-glukosidase. Isolasi bakteri dilakukan dengan menginokulasikan sampel tanaman yang telah disterilisasi permukaan pada media agar. Isolat bakteri yang didapat selanjutnya dimurnikan dan di karakterisasi lebih lanjut baik morfologi maupun aktivitas inhibitor α-glukosidasenya. Pengujian aktivitas inhibitor α-glukosidase menggunakan metode spektrofotometer dengan nitrofenil-α-D-glukopiranosida sebagai substrat. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 5 isolat bakteri endofit penghasil inhibior α-glukosidase. Penghambatan terbesar ditunjukkan oleh isolat bakteri Ad 1 yaitu sebesar 27,4%
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