6 research outputs found

    Contexte de genre, autonomie des femmes et utilisation des services de santĂ© maternelle en milieu rural africain : analyse par modĂšles d’équations structurelles

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    La vie des femmes du continent africain et de leurs enfants continue d’ĂȘtre mise en danger lors de chaque accouchement car les risques de dĂ©cĂšs maternels et infantiles sont encore trĂšs Ă©levĂ©s. Il est estimĂ© chaque annĂ©e Ă  environ le quart du million le nombre de dĂ©cĂšs maternel et de prĂšs de quatre millions celui des enfants de moins de cinq ans. La comparaison de la situation sanitaire avec d’autres contextes permet de mieux cerner l’ampleur du problĂšme : en Afrique sub-Saharienne, le risque de dĂ©cĂšs liĂ© Ă  la grossesse est de l’ordre de 1 pour 31, alors qu’il n’est que de 1 pour 4300 dans les pays industrialisĂ©s. Cette situation est Ă©vitable et, le plus souvent, rĂ©sulte de la sous ou non-utilisation des services de santĂ© maternelle, du manque de structures adĂ©quates de soins ou de personnel de santĂ© qualifiĂ©. Notre thĂšse cherche Ă  comprendre la maniĂšre dont les inĂ©galitĂ©s de genre au sein du mĂ©nage et dans la communautĂ© renforcent les inĂ©galitĂ©s quant Ă  l’utilisation des services de santĂ© maternelle, ainsi qu’aux relations empiriques qui lient les diffĂ©rents recours aux soins. ConcrĂštement, elle vise Ă  1) proposer une mesure des normes de genre favorables Ă  la violence contre les femmes et Ă  analyser son influence sur leur prise de dĂ©cision au sein du mĂ©nage, 2) analyser simultanĂ©ment l’influence de ces normes et de l’autonomie des femmes sur le recours aux soins prĂ©natals et Ă  l’accouchement assistĂ© et finalement, 3) cerner l’influence des soins prĂ©natals sur le recours Ă  l’accouchement assistĂ©. Chacun de ces objectifs se heurte Ă  un problĂšme mĂ©thodologique substantiel, soit de mesure ou de biais de sĂ©lection, auxquels l’approche par modĂšles d’équations structurelles que nous avons adoptĂ©e permet de remĂ©dier. Les rĂ©sultats de nos analyses, prĂ©sentĂ©s sous forme d’articles scientifiques, s’appuient sur les donnĂ©es issues des EnquĂȘtes DĂ©mographiques et de SantĂ© (EDS) du Ghana, du Kenya, de l’Ouganda et de la Tanzanie et concernent les femmes vivant en milieu rural. Notre premier article propose une mesure des normes de genre et, plus exactement, celles liĂ©es Ă  la violence contre les femmes en recourant Ă  l’approche des variables latentes. Les cinq questions des EDS relatives Ă  l’attitude des femmes sur la lĂ©gitimation de la violence ont permis de saisir cette mesure au niveau contextuel. Les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent d’une part que cette mesure a de bons critĂšres de validitĂ© puisque l’Alpha de Cronbach varie de 0.85 pour le Kenya Ă  0.94 pour le Ghana; les chi-deux sont non significatifs partout; le RMSEA est en dessous de 0.05; le CFI supĂ©rieur Ă  0.96 et les saturations sont pour la plupart supĂ©rieures Ă  0.7 dans tous les pays. D’autre part, Ă  l’aide du modĂšle d’équations structurelles multiniveaux, nous avons trouvĂ© qu’au-delĂ  de leur propre attitude envers la violence contre les femmes, celles qui vivent dans un milieu oĂč les normes de genres sont plus favorables Ă  la violence ont plus de chances d’ĂȘtre de faible autonomie ou sans autonomie (comparativement Ă  forte autonomie) dans l’ensemble des pays Ă©tudiĂ©s. Le second article documente l’influence des inĂ©galitĂ©s de genre, cernĂ©es au niveau contextuel par les normes favorables Ă  la violence contre les femmes et au niveau individuel par l’autonomie de prise de dĂ©cision au sein du mĂ©nage, sur la survenue des soins prĂ©natals au cours du premier trimestre et sur les recours Ă  au moins 4 consultations prĂ©natales et Ă  l’accouchement assistĂ©. En utilisant Ă©galement les modĂšles d’équations structurelles multiniveaux sur les mĂȘmes donnĂ©es du premier article, nous constatons que chacune de ces variables dĂ©pendantes est fortement influencĂ©e par la grappe dans laquelle la femme vit. En d’autres mots, son lieu de rĂ©sidence dĂ©termine le comportement de santĂ© maternelle que l’on adopte. De mĂȘme, en contrĂŽlant pour les autres variables explicatives, nos rĂ©sultats montrent que les femmes qui vivent dans un milieu oĂč les normes de genre liĂ©es Ă  la violence contre les femmes sont Ă©levĂ©es ont, en moyenne, une plus grande chance de ne pas accoucher auprĂšs d’un personnel qualifiĂ© au Ghana et en Ouganda, de ne pas dĂ©buter leurs soins prĂ©natals dans le premier trimestre dans les mĂȘmes pays, et de ne pas recourir Ă  au moins quatre consultations prĂ©natales en Tanzanie. Par contre, cette variable contextuelle n’influence pas significativement le recours aux soins de santĂ© maternelle au Kenya. Enfin, les rĂ©sultats montrent que les normes de genre favorables Ă  la violence contre les femmes sont plus dĂ©terminantes pour comprendre le recours aux soins de santĂ© maternelle dans les pays Ă©tudiĂ©s que l’autonomie de prise de dĂ©cision de la femme. Dans le cadre du troisiĂšme et dernier article empirique de la thĂšse, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  l’importance des soins prĂ©natals dans le processus de recours Ă  l’accouchement assistĂ© et Ă  la place du contenu des soins reçus avant l’accouchement dans cette relation. Cet article met en exergue l’existence de biais d’endogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© au Kenya et en Tanzanie, oĂč sans sa prise en compte, l’effet des soins prĂ©natals sur le recours Ă  l’accouchement auprĂšs d’un personnel qualifiĂ© serait fortement biaisĂ©. De plus, il ressort qu’à l’exception du Ghana et dans une moindre mesure de la Tanzanie, cet effet est totalement mĂ©diatisĂ© par le contenu des soins prĂ©natals que les femmes reçoivent. L’article met ainsi en relief le rĂŽle des prestataires de soins qui pour atteindre plus efficacement les populations doivent agir en tant que leaders au sein de leur communautĂ©.In Africa, the lives of women and their offspring continue to be threatened at every birth because of the underuse of maternal health care. It is estimated that every year about a quarter of a million the number of maternal deaths and nearly four million children die before age five. Comparing the health patterns in sub-Saharan Africa with other contexts helps to better understand the reality of sub-Saharan Africa, where the risk of death in pregnancy is of the order of 1 to 31, while it is only 1 per 4300 in industrialized countries. This situation is preventable and most often is the result of under or non-use of maternal health services, lack of adequate health care facilities or skilled health personnel. This thesis seeks to understand how gender inequality within the household and in the community reinforces inequalities in the use of maternal health services, as well as the empirical relationship linking the various types of maternal health care uptakes. Specifically, it aims to 1) provide a measure of gender norms favorable to violence against women and to analyze its influence on women’s decision-making authority within the household, 2) simultaneously analyze the impact of these gender norms along with the women’s decision-making authority on the use of antenatal care and delivery assistance, and finally, 3) determine the influence of antenatal care on the use of assisted delivery. Each of these objectives faces substantial methodological issues, either measurement or selection bias, which the structural equation modeling approach we adopted overcomes. The results of our analysis, in the form of scientific articles, are based on the data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) of Ghana, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and are related to women living in rural areas. Our first article provides a measure of gender norms and, more specifically, those related to violence against women by using the approach of latent variables. The five questions of the DHS on women's attitudes about the legitimacy of violence allowed measuring these gender norms at contextual level. The results suggest that this measure has good validity criteria as the Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0.85 to 0.94 for Kenya to Ghana, the chi-square is insignificant everywhere, the RMSEA is below 0.05 and the CFI above 0.96 and saturation are mostly higher than 0.7 in all countries. On the other hand, using multilevel structural equation modeling, we found that beyond their own attitude toward violence against women, women who live in an environment where gender norms are more favorable to violence are more likely to be of low or no decision-making autonomy (compared to high decision-making autonomy) in all the countries studied. The second Article documents the influence of the gender inequality identified at the contextual level by the gender norms favorable to violence against women and at the individual level by the women’s autonomy of decision-making within the household, on the occurrence of antenatal care during the first quarter, and the use of at least four antenatal care and assisted delivery with skilled professional. Also using multilevel structural equation modeling on the same data of article 1, we find that each of these dependent variables is strongly influenced by the cluster in which the woman lives. In other words, her place of residence determines the maternal health behavior she adopts. Similarly, controlling for other variables, our results show that women who live in an environment where gender norms related to violence against women are higher, have on average, a greater chance of not giving birth with a qualified staff in Ghana and Uganda, of not starting their antenatal care in the first trimester in the same countries, and of not reaching at least four antenatal care visits in Tanzania. By cons, this contextual variable does not significantly affect the use of maternal health care in Kenya. Finally, the results show that norms in favor of gender violence against women are more critical to understand the use of maternal health care in the countries studied than the women’s decision-making autonomy. Chapter VII is the last empirical paper of the thesis and examines the effects of prenatal care on the use of skilled birth attendance and also investigates the role of the content of prenatal care in this relationship. Previous studies on the topic have failed to control for possible endogeneity biases, limiting the validity of their conclusions. Our findings point to the existence of important biases in Kenya and Tanzania, where the estimated effect of prenatal care on the use of skilled birth attendance is highly biased downwards when endogeneity is not taken into account in the statistical model. Furthermore, with the exception of Ghana and, to a lesser extent, of Tanzania, our findings indicate that the beneficial effects of prenatal health care are completely mediated by the content of services that women receive. This study emphasizes the role of healthcare providers who, to effectively reach populations, must also act as leaders in their community

    Dynamiques familiales et activité sexuelle précoce au Canada

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    Cette Ă©tude explore le rĂŽle de la structure et des dynamiques familiales sur l’entrĂ©e prĂ©coce des jeunes canadiens dans la vie sexuelle. Elle se fonde sur l’analyse des donnĂ©es de l’EnquĂȘte longitudinale nationale sur les enfants et les jeunes (ELNEJ), en recourant Ă  la fois Ă  des mĂ©thodes descriptives (tables de survie et analyse des sĂ©quences) et des mĂ©thodes d’analyse de rĂ©gression (analyse des transitions en temps discret). Les rĂ©sultats des analyses multivariĂ©es montrent que, mĂȘme s’ils sont importants individuellement, ni la structure familiale Ă  la naissance ni le nombre de changements de situations familiales ne se rĂ©vĂšlent comme facteurs significatifs pour expliquer l’entrĂ©e prĂ©coce des jeunes dans la sexualitĂ© au Canada. C’est plutĂŽt la combinaison de ces deux variables dans la dynamique de la structure familiale qui constitue le facteur explicatif le plus important.We explore the role of family structure and family dynamics for early sexual initiation among Canadian youth analyzing the data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) with descriptive methods (life tables and sequence analysis) as well as regression analysis (discrete-time event history analysis). Our results show that, even though they are important factors when considered individually, neither the family structure at the child’s birth nor the number of changes of family structure remain significant predictors of early sexual initiation in multivariate analyses. It is rather their combination resulting in the larger family dynamics that is the most important predictor of early sexual initiation among Canadian youth

    Does economic growth reduce childhood stunting? A multicountry analysis of 89 Demographic and Health Surveys in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Background: There is mixed evidence and lack of consensus on the impact of economic development on stunting, and likewise there is a dearth of empirical studies on this relationship in the case of sub-Saharan Africa. Thus, this paper examines whether economic growth is associated with childhood stunting in low-income and middle-income sub-Saharan African countries. Methods: We analysed data from 89 Demographic and Health Surveys conducted between 1987 and 2016 available as of October 2018 using multivariable multilevel logistic regression models to show the association between gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and stunting. We adjusted the models for child's age, survey year, child's sex, birth order and country random effect, and presented adjusted and unadjusted ORs. Results: We included data from 490 526 children. We found that the prevalence of stunting decreased with increasing GDP per capita (correlation coefficient=-0.606, p<0.0001). In the unadjusted model for full sample, for every US1000increaseinGDPpercapita,theoddsofstuntingdecreasedby231000 increase in GDP per capita, the odds of stunting decreased by 23% (OR=0.77, 95% CI 0.76 to 0.78). The magnitude of the association between GDP per capita and stunting was stronger among children in the richest quintile. After adjustment was made, the association was not significant among children from the poorest quintile. However, the magnitude of the association was more pronounced among children from low-income countries, such that, in the model adjusted for child's age, survey year, child's sex, birth order and country random effect, the association between GDP per capita and stunting remained statistically significant; for every US1000 increase in GDP per capita, the odds of stunting decreased by 12% (OR=0.88, 95% CI 0.87 to 0.90). Conclusion: There was no significant association between economic growth and child nutritional status. The prevalence of stunting decreased with increasing GDP per capita. This was more pronounced among children from the richest quintile. The magnitude of the association was higher among children from low-income countries, suggesting that households in the poorest quintile were typically the least likely to benefit from economic gains. The findings could serve as a building block needed to modify current policy as per child nutrition-related programmes in Africa

    Understanding how young African adults interact with peer-generated sexual health information on Facebook and uncovering strategies for successful organic engagement

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    BackgroundThe use of social media for sexual health communication is gaining intense discussion both globally and in Africa. Despite this reality, it remains unclear whether and how young African adults use digital innovations like social media to access sexual health information. More importantly, the unique properties of messages that increase message reach and propagation are not well understood. This study aims to fill the gaps in scholarship by identifying post features and content associated with greater user engagement.MethodsWe analyzed a corpus of 3533 sexual and reproductive health messages shared on a public Facebook group by and for young African adults between June 1, 2018, and May 31, 2019, to understand better the unique features associated with higher engagement with peer-generated sexual health education. Facebook posts were independently classified into thematic categories such as topic, strategy, and tone of communication.ResultsThe participants generally engaged with posts superficially by liking (x̃ = 54; x̄ = 109.28; σ = 159.24) rather than leaving comments (x̃ = 10; x̄ = 32.03; σ = 62.65) or sharing (x̃ = 3; x̄ = 11.34; σ = 55.12) the wallposts. Messages with fear [IRR:0.75, 95% CI: 0.66–0.86] or guilt [IRR:0.82, 95% CI: 0.72–0.92] appeals received a significantly lower number of reactions compared to neutral messages. Messages requesting an opinion [IRR:4.25, 95% CI: 3.57–5.10] had a significantly higher number of comments compared to status updates. The use of multimedia and storytelling formats were also significantly associated with a higher level of engagement and propagation of sexual health messages on the group.ConclusionYoung adults in our sample tend to superficially interact with peer-communicated sexual health information through likes than engage (comments) or propagate such messages. Message features that increase engagements and propagation of messages include multimedia and engaging styles like storytelling. Our findings provide valuable insight and pave the way for the design of effective and context-specific sexual health information use of features that attract young African adults

    Understanding how young African adults interact with peer-generated sexual health information on Facebook and uncovering strategies for successful organic engagement

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    EO acknowledges partial funding from the Southern Africa Systems Analysis Centre (SASAC) and the University of the Witwatersrand to support this study which forms part of a graduate thesis on “Advancing Sexual Health Education Strategies for Young African Adults in the Digital Age”.Background The use of social media for sexual health communication is gaining intense discussion both globally and in Africa. Despite this reality, it remains unclear whether and how young African adults use digital innovations like social media to access sexual health information. More importantly, the unique properties of messages that increase message reach and propagation are not well understood. This study aims to fill the gaps in scholarship by identifying post features and content associated with greater user engagement. Methods We analyzed a corpus of 3533 sexual and reproductive health messages shared on a public Facebook group by and for young African adults between June 1, 2018, and May 31, 2019, to understand better the unique features associated with higher engagement with peer-generated sexual health education. Facebook posts were independently classified into thematic categories such as topic, strategy, and tone of communication. Results The participants generally engaged with posts superficially by liking (x̃ = 54; x̄ = 109.28; σ = 159.24) rather than leaving comments (x̃ = 10; x̄ = 32.03; σ = 62.65) or sharing (x̃ = 3; x̄ = 11.34; σ = 55.12) the wallposts. Messages with fear [IRR:0.75, 95% CI: 0.66–0.86] or guilt [IRR:0.82, 95% CI: 0.72–0.92] appeals received a significantly lower number of reactions compared to neutral messages. Messages requesting an opinion [IRR:4.25, 95% CI: 3.57–5.10] had a significantly higher number of comments compared to status updates. The use of multimedia and storytelling formats were also significantly associated with a higher level of engagement and propagation of sexual health messages on the group. Conclusion Young adults in our sample tend to superficially interact with peer-communicated sexual health information through likes than engage (comments) or propagate such messages. Message features that increase engagements and propagation of messages include multimedia and engaging styles like storytelling. Our findings provide valuable insight and pave the way for the design of effective and context-specific sexual health information use of features that attract young African adults.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Cohort analysis of adolescent first birth timing and births progression in West-Africa

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    Context/Background: Adolescent Childbearing is an important factor sustaining high; fertility, childhood mortality and maternal mortality in West-Africa. We examined cohort analysis of adolescent first birth (AFB) timing and births progression in West-Africa.Data Source and Methods: Most recent round of DHS data of four countries in West-Africa were used. Women aged 20-49 years were studied. Birth timing probability, birth progression rate and hazard ratio were estimated (α=5.0%).Results: Across countries, AFB increases as the women’s year of birth cohort increases and the rate was highest among Nigerian women (r=0.773, p&lt;0.001) but lowest in Liberia (r=0.497, p&lt;0.001). The probability of surviving adolescent years’ interval without bearing a child was highest in Ghana for all age-cohorts, while Nigeria and Liberia exhibited similar pattern. Birth progression rate was higher among women who had AFB than women who started theirs at the later years. Hazard ratio of AFB was higher among women in age cohort 20-24 than those aged 45-49 years.Conclusion: Adolescent first birth is a problem in West-Africa but variation exist in the region. Adolescent pregnancy prevention policy is solicited in West-Africa