13 research outputs found

    Pendampingan Komunitas Karang Taruna dalam Mengurangi Tingkat Kenakalan Remaja di Era New Normal

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    Remaja adalah usia yang sangat riskan sekali dalam mengenal kehidupan sosial diluar rumah karena banyak hal baru yang akan ditemukan dalam kehidupan sosial di luar rumah, dan jika kontrol yang rendah dari orang tua maka dapat memicu tindakan kenakalan remaja, sehingga akan terjadi tindakan yang berbeda. Tindakan kenakalan remaja seperti berbohong kepada orang tua, merokok di luar rumah, suka mengeluarkan kata-kata kotor/cemoohan kepada teman lainnya. Sejak merebaknya virus Covid-19 di Indonesia awal tahun 2020 memaksa pemerintah merubah metode pendidikan menjadi online, dab hal ini memaksa orang tua untuk memenuhi kelengkapan belajar online dipenuhi, namun fasilitas belajar tidak dimanfaatkan secara maksimal untuk belajar online, karena sebagian besar waktu kosongnya untuk permainan online. Hal ini merupakan tindakan kenakalan remaja dan perlu dicari jalan keluarnya. Seperti yang terjadi di RW 14 Kampung Babakan Cikeruh Cimekar Cileunyi dan bersama komunitas karang taruna dirangkulah anak-anak remaja dalam kegiatan positif, seperti 1). Menarik iuran sampah, 2). Membantu dalam mengkordinir penjadwalan dan pengumpulan sampah, 3). Mensosilisasikan pentingnya protokol kesehatan dan penyemprotan disinfektan. Kegiatan diatas dapat mengurangi tindakan kenakalan remaja, dan mereka dapat belajar secara langsung mengenai apa yang harus dilakukan dalam bermasyarakat dan bagaimana melakukannya agar dapat memberikan kontribusi yang nyata bagi masyaraka

    Karakteristik Hidrogeokimia dan Kualitas Air pada Mata Air Karst Selonjono Karst Gunungsewu Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Mataair Selonjono memiliki keunikan secara geologi berupa mataair kontak antara dua formasi, sekaligus mataair patahan dan merupakan mataair epikarst. Kondisi tersebut menyebabkan mataair ini memiliki karakteristik hidrogeokimia dan kualitas air yang unik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis variasi multi-temporal karakteristik hidrogeokimia dan kualitas air Mataair Selonjono. Sampel air diambil secara temporal mulai februari 2020 sampai dengan Januari 2021. Parameter yang diuji adalah suhu, Daya Hantar Listrik (DHL), Total Dissolved Solid (TDS),  pH, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, dan K+, SO42-, Cl-, dan HCO3-. Pengolahan data hidrogeokimia dilakukan dengan software Easy Quim v5.0 untuk menganalisis diagram piper segitiga dan diagram Schoeller, sedangkan kualitas air dibandingkan dengan baku mutu air. Mataair Selonjono termasuk dalam klasifikasi airtanah calsium enrichment, calsium/magnesium sulphate pollution, dan sulphate enrichment. Hasil diagram Schoeller menunjukkan pola ion kation dominan adalah Ca2+ dan anion adalah SO42-. Hasil ploting pada scatter plot ion mayor komposisi Mataair Selonjono termasuk dalam klasifikasi silicat weathering atau cation exchange, pelarutan batuan karbonat yang dominan dan pelarutan dari material sulfat dan halit. Hasil analisis baku mutu air Mataair Selonjono secara temporal menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua sampel termasuk memenuhibaku mutu, hanya parameter Ca2+ dan pH yang melebihi. Secara umum kualitas air Mataair Selonjono termasuk kategori sangat baik

    Effects of Ion Exchange Process on Catalyst Activity and Plasma-Assisted Reactor Toward Cracking of Palm Oil into Biofuels

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    Biofuels can be produced through a conventional catalytic cracking system and/or a hybrid catalytic-plasma cracking system. This paper was focused on studying effect of Na+ ion exchange to HY-Zeolite catalyst on catalyst performance to convert palm oil into biofuels over a conventional continuous fixed bed catalytic cracking reactor and comparing the catalytic cracking performance when carried out in a continuous hybrid catalytic-plasma reactor. The catalysts were characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Bruneuer-Emmet-Teller (BET) surface area methods. The biofuels product were analyzed using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) to determine the hydrocarbons composition of biofuels product. From the results, ion exchange process of Na+ into HY-Zeolite catalyst decreases the catalyst activity due to decreasing the number of active sites caused by blocking of Na+ ion. The selectivity to gasoline ranges achieved 34.25% with 99.11% total conversion when using HY catalyst over conventional continuous fixed bed reactor system. Unfortunately, the selectivity to gasoline ranges decreased to 13.96% and the total conversion decrease slightly to 98.06% when using NaY-Zeolite catalyst. As comparison when the cracking reaction was carried out in a hybrid catalytic-plasma reactor using a spent residual catalytic cracking (RCC) catalyst, the high energetics electron from plasma can improve the reactor performance, where the conversion and yield were increased and the selectivity to lower ranges of hydrocarbons was increased. However, the last results were potential to be intensively studied with respect to relation between reactor temperature and plasma-assisted catalytic reactor parameters. Copyright © 2019 BCREC Group. All rights reserve


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    Sub-sistem Panggang di Kawasan Karst Gunungsewu di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta merupakan bagian dari tinggian Gunungsewu yang berada di bagian paling barat. Zona ini secara hidrogeologi dicirikan dengan kemunculan mataair di sepanjang perbatasan dengan Graben Bantul, mataair epikarst dan mataair yang muncul di wilayah kepesisiran yang berbatasan dengan Samudera Hindia. Namun demikian, dibandingkan dengan sub-sistem lain di Gunungsewu, Sub-sistem Panggang merupakan salah satu zona yang paling sedikit dilakukan kajian ilmiah khususnya terkait dengan kondisi hidrogeologinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi stratigrafi akuifer di wilayah Sub-sistem Panggang dan kaitannya dengan kemunculan mataair pada perbatasan dengan Graben Bantul. Penelitian dilakukan di wilayah sekitar Mataair Guntur yang terletak di Desa Girijati, Purwosari, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Data stratigrafi diambil dengan pendugaan geofisika menggunakan Geosonar. Titik-titik Geosonar didesain membentuk transek yang secara morfologi memotong Mataair Guntur mulai dari atas (puncak perbukitan) sampai dengan bagian bawah (lereng Escarpment Graben Bantul). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Mataair Guntur muncul karena jalur sungai bawah tanah terpotong oleh topografi. Pemotongan ini terjadi pada Patahan Opak yang terletak di bagian utara Karst Gunungsewu Sub-sistem Panggang. Hal ini didukung dari hasil interpretasi yang menunjukkan bahwa lapisan gamping di bawah Mataair Guntur setebal 127 – 182 meter. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa mataair ini tidak muncul oleh kontak batuan

    Estimated rate of karst aquifer development by MRC analysis and flood hydrograph components at Guntur Springs, Gunungsewu Karst Area, Indonesia

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    Understanding the stage of karst aquifer development (karstification) is of vital importance because this parameter can reflect the character of flow system release, from which relevant management patterns are derived. Master Recession Curve (MRC) construction is considered ideal for identifying at which stage karstification works because MRC relies on recession curves as its primary input. Recession curves are the most stable component of flow hydrographs in representing aquifer characteristics. The study focused on springs located in a karst hydrogeological subsystem, namely, Guntur Spring in the Panggang Hydrogeological Subsystem (Gunungsewu Karst Area). It was designed to determine (1) the flow characteristics and (2) the degree of karst aquifer development at Guntur Spring. It utilized a one-year flow hydrograph with a 30-minute logging interval as the main data. The flood hydrograph showed that a fissure system dominated the flow characteristics. Moreover, the MRC construction results indicated that the karstification level at Guntur Spring was 5.0, confirming the dominant fissure system and also signs of the recent development of conduit flows

    Installation of Deep Groundwater Wells as Solution to Water Resources Problem in Panggang Subsystem, Gunungsewu Karst Area, Indonesia

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    The karst area in Panggang Subsystem, Gunungsewu has specific hydrogeological properties, including predominant epikarst springs with minimal discharge in dry seasons. Since this situation inevitably leads to drought, the installation of deep wells to extract water from deep aquifers is proposed as an alternative solution to water provision. This study determined the location of these wells using general geological and geomorphological surveys, followed by analyzing the results of geophysical measurements. The results showed potential aquifers in the sand layer of tertiary volcanic aquifers under the limestone formation that makes the karst region. Although three borewells were constructed at three different points, only two of them succeeded and are ready for use to meet the clean water needs of the population at the research site

    Temporal Variation of Tropical Karst Groundwater Suitability for Irrigation in Gremeng Resurgence, Gunungsewu Karst Area, Indonesia

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    Analysis of groundwater availability for irrigation purposes pertains to not only quantity but also quality. The characteristics of groundwater quality essentially define crop productivity and determine whether or not crops can grow. This research was designed to identify the suitability of karst groundwater for irrigation temporally (in one year), with an example of Gremeng Resurgence in Gunungsewu Karst Region, Indonesia. It drew on data on electrical conductivity and several major ions, such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium, by analyzing % sodium content (Na%), Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), and groundwater suitability for irrigation using the Wilcox and USSL diagrams. These analyses revealed that the water quality observed varied by seasons owing to the effects of dilution by rain and water-rock interaction in the karst region. However, this temporal variation was not substantial so that the classes of groundwater suitability only ranged between good and excellent, and the salinity hazard levels differentiated into low until medium


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    Sub-sistem hidrogeologi Panggang merupakan salah satu sub-sistem di Kawasan Karst Gunungsewu yang terletak di paling barat. Karakter mataair yang berkembang di sub-sistem ini adalah mataair epikarst dengan debit yang tidak terlalu besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konektivitas antara sungai bawah tanah Kalinangka dan Mataair Guntur yang terletak di Desa Girijati, Kecamatan Purwosari, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Sistem ini merupakan bagian dari Sub-sistem Hidrogeologi Panggang, Kawasan Karst Gunungkidul. Analisis konektivitas dilakukan dengan uji perunutan dengan larutan tinopal dan fluorometer. Injeksi tinopal dilakukan di Sungai Bawah Tanah Kalinangka, sedangkan fluorometer sebagai pencatat diletakkan di Mataair Guntur. Hasil yang diperoleh terdapat konektivitas antara mata air Guntur dengan Sungai Bawah Tanah (SBT) Kali Nangka yang berjarak 1,3 km dengan durasi perjalanan 5 jam setelah penuangan larutran tinopal. Karakterisasi pelorongan berdasarkan pada breaktrought curve menunjukkan lorong yang berupa single conduit yang sudah sangat berkembang

    Temporal Variations of Baseflow Contribution to Epikarst spring Discharge in

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    Flow moving slowly (infiltration), and known as steady flow or baseflow is the only supplier of water in underground flows in the form of karst fields during the dry season. Certainly, the character contribution of this flow plays a major role in supporting the supplier of clean water. Understanding related to the character of baseflow in detail has a very high urgency to be studied. This Research aims to do a temporal analysis of baseflow contributions on epikarst water springs in Gunungsewu Karst Area, Indonesia. The research takes place in Guntur Springs that occupy the hydrogeological subsystem. Data used in this Research includes flow data from Guntur Springs for one year. The method used in this Research is automated base flow separation by digital filtering. Results of the analysis show that baseflow contribution in Guntur Springs are between 79.57% and 93.96%

    Temporal variation of water suitability for paddy irrigation needs at karst springs influenced by allogenic recharge in Gunungsewu Karst Area, Indonesia

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    Irrigation, a critical element in farming, can fulfill crop water needs and increase agricultural productivity during the dry season, provided that the two necessary factors are met, namely water supply and water quality. Water quality is a principal factor in assessing whether or not a water body is usable as a source of irrigation. Excess or lack of elements in irrigation water may affect irrigated crops and soil. For maximum harvests, studies scrutinizing the suitability of water supply for irrigation become necessary. Beton Spring has a large discharge, which the people of Ponjong District, Gunungkidul Regency, rely on for their irrigation and fish farming practices. Uniquely, this karst spring receives allogenic recharges from outside the karst area. This research was intended to assess the suitability of water quality of Beton Spring for temporal irrigation purposes by Sodium analysis (Na%), Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), USSL, and Wilcox. The elements observed in the analysis were Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+, K+ and electrical conductivity. Based on the overall analysis results of the water quality series—Sodium analysis (the water samples were classified as Excellent), SAR (Excellent), USSL (moderate to good), and Wilcox (Excellent to Good), Beton Spring produces good-quality water that is suitable for irrigation