24 research outputs found

    Nature Relatedness as a Predictor of Psychological Well-Being: A Study of Indonesian Urban Society

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    The complexity of urban life can have its own negative impact on the psychological well-being (PWB) of its society. It is thought that the natural environment can reduce that negative impact and have an important role in the health and well-being of urban society. Nature relatedness (NR) is a construct which illustrates an approach to, or a subjective individual relationship with, the natural environment. Previous research indicates that NR has a positive relationship with the PWB of a person; however such research used a sample of society in Western countries. Does a relationship between NR and PWB exist also in the context of urban Indonesian society? The principle aim of this research was to prove a relationship between NR and PWB, using a sample from urban Indonesian society. This research was of a non-experimental nature, with 178 respondents. Analysis using structural equation modeling (SEM) proved that the NR level of an individual is a positive predictor of the PWB they have. For this reason, the higher the level of NR an individual has, the higher also is the level of PWB they will have. The authors recommend that all people managing vested interests pay attention not only to situational factors, such as the existence of open green spaces and the cleanliness of the environment, but also pay attention to dispositional factors, such as NR, which is proven to have an important role for PWB

    Manusia dan lingkungan alam: Analisis faktor konfirmatori terhadap Nature Relatedness Scale Bahasa Indonesia

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    The relationship or closeness between humans and the natural environment is a psychological construct that can be used to overcome environmental problems nowadays. Nature Relatedness Scale (NRS) is a questionnaire used to measure the relationship between humans and the natural environment, which is proven to be related to pro-environment behavior. However, there are no studies that have adapted and analyzed the structure of NRS in Indonesia, so that it can be used for studies on environmental psychology in Indonesia. This study aims to test the construct validity and reliability of NRS Bahasa Indonesia using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with a sample of Indonesian people (N= 174). The result shows that NRS Bahasa Indonesia has the same factor structure as the original NRS, namely: NR Self, NR Perspective, and NR Experience and can be used in research with a population of Indonesian people. NR Self and NR Experience have good construct reliability and validity, while NR Perspective has moderate construct reliability and validity. The potential of the NRS to investigate pro-environmental concerns and behavior, as well as suggestions for further research are discussed


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    Manusia dan lingkungan alam: Analisis faktor konfirmatori terhadap Nature Relatedness Scale Bahasa Indonesia

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    The relationship or closeness between humans and the natural environment is a psychological construct that can be used to overcome environmental problems nowadays. Nature Relatedness Scale (NRS) is a questionnaire used to measure the relationship between humans and the natural environment, which is proven to be related to pro-environment behavior. However, there are no studies that have adapted and analyzed the structure of NRS in Indonesia, so that it can be used for studies on environmental psychology in Indonesia. This study aims to test the construct validity and reliability of NRS Bahasa Indonesia using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with a sample of Indonesian people (N= 174). The result shows that NRS Bahasa Indonesia has the same factor structure as the original NRS, namely: NR Self, NR Perspective, and NR Experience and can be used in research with a population of Indonesian people. NR Self and NR Experience have good construct reliability and validity, while NR Perspective has moderate construct reliability and validity. The potential of the NRS to investigate pro-environmental concerns and behavior, as well as suggestions for further research are discussed

    Climate change perception scale: Adaptation and psychometric properties in the Indonesian context

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    One of the crucial factors in changing behaviour towards pro-environmental actions is climate change perception. The latest measurement tool for assessing this variable is the Climate Change Perception Scale (CCPS). However, CCPS has not gained widespread adoption and usage across different cultures, including Indonesia, and no analyses have been conducted to adapt and validate CCPS in the Indonesian context. Therefore, this study aimed to adapt, validate, and assess the measurement tool's consistency in Indonesia's cultural context. To investigate the instrument's psychometric properties, two studies (n = 358, 415) were conducted in Indonesia to provide evidence of the internal consistency, convergent validity, and predictive validity of CCPS. The results of a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed that the Indonesian version of CCPS, which consists of 15 items, with three for each dimension, accurately and reliably measured perception of climate change. CCPS also demonstrated good convergent validity, as indicated by the significant correlations with a nature relatedness (r = 0.425, p < 0.01) and biospheric value (r = 0.341, p < 0.01) construct. Furthermore, it exhibited predictive validity by predicting pro-environmental behaviour, β = 0.243, b = 0.176, t(413) = 5.10, p < 0.01. However, the Indonesian version of CCPS still needs to be tested and confirmed through various studies, considering the poor validity of the temporal dimension and the weak factor loading of the consequence dimension in Study 2

    Psychological Reactance and Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Overview of the Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM)

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    Compliance with health protocols plays an important role in minimizing the spread of Covid-19. However, Indonesia is still facing a robust challenge including non-compliance to persuasive recommendations or messages (psychological reactance) and belief in conspiracy theories. Issues related to conspiracy theories and theories had obscured the message for the people to keep their behavior safe from the virus. The Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) is a theory that explains how people would obey the messages they received, particularly health messages. Perception of threats and efficacy contribute significantly to the effectiveness of the message people received. In this article, we discussed four psychological conditions that possess the chance to affect society's threats and efficacy to comply with health protocols. These conditions were viewed from social, clinical, and industrial-organizational psychology perspectives. Four solutions to cope with non-compliance tendencies were also proposed. We suggest that these solutions should be applied to strengthen the tendency for people to obey health protocols

    Psychological Well-Being Dynamics of Catholic Pastors in Surabaya

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    Being a pastor is a challenging life calling, not only in terms of duties and responsibilities, but also due to the lifestyle “demands”. On a personal level, a pastor is an individual who still needs to take care of their own welfare as well as being cared for. The current study is a qualitative research that aims to understand the psychological well-being dynamics of pastors. There are two informants in this study. Results showed that factors supporting the psychological well-being of the two pastors are self-determination, skill and positive values acquired from the seminary, adaptive coping strategies, and social support

    Psychological Well-Being Dynamics of Catholic Pastors in Surabaya

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    Being a pastor is a challenging life calling, not only in terms of duties and responsibilities, but also due to the lifestyle “demands”. On a personal level, a pastor is an individual who still needs to take care of their own welfare as well as being cared for. The current study is a qualitative research that aims to understand the psychological well-being dynamics of pastors. There are two informants in this study. Results showed that factors supporting the psychological well-being of the two pastors are self-determination, skill and positive values acquired from the seminary, adaptive coping strategies, and social support

    Psychological Dynamics of Individuals Using Shaman-Assisted Alternative Treatment:The Application of The Health Belief

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    Health is a basic need for everyone. Various methods are used by individuals to treat and cure their illnesses. Many Indonesian peoplestill use supernatural alternative medicine with the help of traditional shamans. Alternative medicine from shamans is treatment by askinga shaman to cure the disease using supernatural methods. This study aims to obtain an overview of the decision-making process ofindividuals who undergo supernatural alternative medicine using the help of traditional shamans regarding the theoretical framework ofthe health belief model. Three informants had undergone supernatural alternative medicine with the help of a shaman. The method usedis a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques using the interview method. Source triangulationtechniques, observer persistence, and discussions with colleagues demonstrated data validity. Data analysis was done by data reduction,presentation, conclusion, and verification with communicative validity. The results of this study indicate that the behavior of undergoingsupernatural alternative medicine with the help of traditional healers is supported by several factors, such as demographic factors,perceived vulnerability, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived obstacles, action cues, and dissatisfaction with medicaltreatment. Factors of dissatisfaction with medical treatment and lack of information about the disease informants suffered became typicalfactors in this study. This research shows that health literacy also needs to be provided to the public so that they are more aware ofhealthy living behavior and have sufficient knowledge to access appropriate health services. Kesehatan merupakan kebutuhan dasar bagi semua orang. Berbagai cara dilakukan oleh individu untuk mengobati dan menyembuhkanpenyakit mereka. Masih banyak masyarakat Indonesia yang menggunakan pengobatan alternatif supranatural dengan bantuan dukun.Pengobatan alternatif pada dukun adalah pengobatan dengan meminta bantuan dukun untuk menyembuhkan penyakit denganmenggunakan cara supranatural. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran proses pengambilan keputusan individu yangmenjalani pengobatan alternatif supranatural menggunakan bantuan dukun dengan mengacu pada kerangka teori health belief model .Informan berjumlah 3 orang yang pernah menjalani pengobatan alternatif supranatural dengan bantuan dukun. Metode yang digunakanadalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara. Keabsahandata ditunjukkan dengan teknik triangulasi sumber, ketekunan pengamat, dan diskusi dengan rekan sejawat. Analisis data yangdilakukan adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi dengan validitas komunikatif. Hasil dari penelitian inimenunjukkan bahwa perilaku menjalani pengobatan alternatif supranatural dengan bantuan dukun didukung oleh beberapa faktor,seperti faktor demografis, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefit, perceived barriers, cues to action, ketidakpuasan terhadap pengobatan medis . Faktor ketidakpuasan terhadap pengobatan medis dan kurangnya informasi tentangpenyakit yang diderita oleh informan menjadi salah satu faktor khas dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa literasikesehatan juga perlu dilakukan kepada masyarakat agar lebih sadar akan perilaku hidup sehat dan punya pengetahuan yang cukupuntuk mengakses layanan kesehatan yang sesuai