44 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Potensi Lokal di Desa Panawangan sebagai Model Desa Vokasi dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional

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    Desa Vokasi merupakan desa yang dijadikan model pengembangan potensi lokal untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat setempat. Potensi lokal pedesaan merupakan komoditas yang patut dikembangkan karena berperan penting dalam mengangkat taraf hidup bangsa pada umumnya dan masyarakat desa pada khususnya. Potensi lokal yang dikembangkan di Desa Panawangan berupa perikanan, peternakan, dan pertanian. Ketiga bidang tersebut dikembangkan dengan menerapkan bioteknologi sederhana. Budidaya ikan bawal menjadi pilihan utama untuk dikembangkan. Budidaya ikan bawal organik dengan sentuhan bioteknologi merupakan hasil penelitian di SITH. Kegiatan ini meliputi persiapan induk, larvikultur dengan sistem resirkulasi, growing, penyiapan pakan fermentasi organik, dan pemanfaatan ikan yang dihasilkan. Luas seluruh kolam ikan yang digunakan mencapai 9.433,32 m2, dimiliki oleh 30 orang petani. Pelatihan dan pendampingan diberikan oleh dosen dan 22 orang mahasiswa selama dua tahun berturut-turut. Produk yang dihasilkan dipasarkan dengan strategi bisnis dan pengemasan yang menarik, bekerja sama dengan Agato (pemasok sayuran organik). Pengembangan potensi tersebut merupakan bukti pengabdian SITH-ITB yang melakukan transfer teknologi kepada masyarakat Desa Panawangan. Dari 7 dusun yang diberikan pelatihan, saat ini telah berkembang dan diterapkan di 8 desa dan 3 kabupaten di luar Panawangan; yakni Desa Babantar, Desa Kawali Mukti, Desa Rajadesa, Desa Ciendut, Desa Nagara Pageuh, Desa Nagara Jaya, Desa Lumbung Girang, dan Desa Mulya Sari. Kabupaten yang menerapkan sistem tersebut adalah Garut, Kadipaten, dan Tasikmalaya.Kata kunci: Desa Vokasi, Potensi Lokal, Desa Panawangan, Ketahanan Pangan AbstractVocational village program is a model of local resources development for increasing wealthy in remote area. Local potential commodity is important to be developed because of its role in rising wealth. Fishery, ranch, and agriculture are the local potential commodity developed in Panawangan Village. Those commodities are developed using simple biotechnology principle. White Organic Pomfret fishery in freshwater using simple biotechnology ptinciple is the main activity in this programme as the result of research in SITH. The fishery activity includes parent preparation, larviculture with resirculation system, growing, organic fermented feed, and developing fishery product. Fishery pond with 9,433.32 m2 in wide and 30 farmers are utilized in this activity. Training and support system are provided by our team for two years. The products are packed, sold to market by using market and management strategy, in collaboration with Agato (organic vegetable supplier). Those development are the form of empowerment program by SITH ITB. Nowadays, there are 8 villages and 3 residences outside Panwangan and Ciamis apply the system. They are Babantar village, Kawali Mukti village, Rajadesa village, Ciendut village, Nagara Pageuh village, Nagara Jaya village, Lumbung Girang village, and Mulya Sari village. The residences are Garut, Kadipaten, dan Tasikmalaya.Keywords: vocational village, local potency, Panawangan Village, Food Securit

    Analysis of Bacterial Community level Physiological Profiling on the Fermentation of Traditional Pliek u using BIOLOG EcoPlates

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    Pliek u is an Acehnese traditional condiment made from fermented coconut (Cocos nucifera) endosperm. The traditional pliek u fermentation process typically involves a diverse bacterial community. This research aimed to discover the physiological profile of the bacterial community diversity in pliek u fermentation. BIOLOGTM EcoPlates was used to obtain the physiological functions of the bacterial community during the pliek u fermentation process. The bacteria were then isolated from EcoPlate substrate to determine the predominant microorganism. Results from the analysis showed that the value of the Average Well Colour Development (AWCD) increased during the EcoPlates incubation period. The AWCD values in sample IV were higher than the AWCD values in samples I, II, and III. PCA analysis showed that the use of EcoPlate substrate by the bacterial community at the beginning of the fermentation was correlated with the substrate groups of carbohydrate and polymer, and with the substrate groups of carbohydrate and the amino acid at the end of the fermentation. The phylogenetic analysis showed that EC1 had a close relation with Pseudomonas azotoformans strain NBRC, while EC3 had a close relation with Psedomonas lundensis strain ATCC 49968. In conclusion, there were changes in the use of EcoPlate substrate and the activities of the bacterial community during the pliek u fermentation process

    Coffee Plants' Endomycorrhizae Potential to increase the growth and nutrient uptake of Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) under Field Condition

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    Inorganic fertilizers utilization is the most common way to increase plant productivity. However, the intensive use of organic fertilizer can harm the environment. Therefore, alternative fertilization by utilizing soil microorganisms to provide plant nutrients is needed. Endomycorrhizae is known as a microorganism that can increase the availability of nutrients and plant growth. This study aimed to determine the potential of endomycorrhizae to increase the growth of arabica coffee seedlings under field conditions. A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 5 replications was used with four treatments, i.e., (P0) control: without endomycorrhizae and fertilizer, (P1) inorganic fertilizer: NPK recommended dose for seedlings nine months after sowing (N 184 kg/ha, P2O5 72 kg/ha, and K2O 120 kg/ha from 400kg/ha urea, 200 kg/ha SP-36, and 200 kg/ha KCl, respectively), (P2) endomycorrhizae: 1:1 (w/w basis) endomycorrhizal inoculum-planting medium, and (P3) endomycorrhizae + organic fertilizer: 1:1 (w/w basis) endomycorrhizal inoculum-planting medium with the addition of chicken manure at a dose of 10 tons/ha. The results showed that endomycorrhizae could increase the growth of arabica coffee seedlings by increasing plant height, plant dry weight, and plant N, P, and K uptake by 15.4%, 23.3%, 52.5%, 90.8%, and 75.6%, respectively compared to the control with 67,5% of root colonization at 16 weeks after transplanting (WAT). In conclusion, endomycorrhizae can potentially increase the growth of arabica coffee seedlings under field conditions

    Biosolubilisasi Batubara Hasil Iradiasi Gamma oleh Kapang Trichoderma sp.

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    Biosolubilisasi batubara adalah proses yang memiliki potensi untuk mengubah batubara padat menjadi bahan bakar cair dengan bantuan mikroorganisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengamati kemampuan kapang Trichoderma sp. dalam mencairkan batubara dari jenis subbituminus hasil iradiasi gamma. Dosis iradiasi yang digunakan adalah 5, 10, dan 20 kGy dan sebagai pembanding adalah kontrol, yaitu batubara tidak diiradiasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah submerged culture dan inkubasi dilakukan pada suhu ruang dan agitasi 150rpm selama 28 hari. Parameter yang diukur adalah kolonisasi, pH medium dan produk solubilisasi berdasarkan nilai absorbansi pada λ250nm dan λ450nm serta analisis GC/MS untuk perlakuan terbaik. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa biosolubilisasi batubara dapat ditingkatkan dengan iradiasi gamma. Kapang dapat tumbuh dengan baik dalam medium yang mengandung batubara hasil iradiasi dan pH medium menjadi lebih asam. Tingkat biosolubilisasi mengalami peningkatan tidak sebanding dengan dosis iradiasi. Dosis terbaik perlakuan adalah 20 kGy dengan produk biosolubilisasi berupa senyawa yang cenderung setara dengan bensin dan solar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, maka dapat disimpulkanbahwa pra perlakuan batubara dengan iradiasi gamma memiliki potensi untuk digunakan dalam meningkatkan biosolubilisasi

    The Need Analysis for Developing Microbiology Practical Program in the Topic of Heavy Metals Bioremediation Microorganisms

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    The involvement of bacteria in lowering the concentrations of heavy metal contaminants in the environment is one of the most recent topics of discussion in the field of microbiology. This topic hasn't been brought up much in microbiology lectures thus far in the classroom. Therefore, it is important to analyze the requirement for the construction of a microbiology practical model with the focus on investigating heavy metal-bioremediating bacteria as environmental polluting agents. The curriculum papers in the biology education study program were analyzed using quantitative and descriptive research methodologies, with a focus on the microbiology course. Additionally, this study used both closed- and open-ended questions. We studied a total of 45 fourth-semester microbiology students from four different institutions, six microbiology lecturers from several Indonesian universities, and four biology teachers from Tanjung Pinang. It was discovered that environmental bioremediation needs to be covered in more detail in microbiology lectures and practicum for aspiring biology teachers based on an analysis of the curriculum, students' perspectives, and instructors' perceptions. Lectures on the subject of heavy metal bioremediation should cover it in detail and should provide useful knowledge. The teacher believes that lab exercises have the potential to be a successful teaching method for this subject

    Strategi Pengembangan Usahatani Kopi Arabika (Kasus pada Petani Kopi Di Desa Suntenjaya Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Provinsi Jawa Barat)

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    Coffee is an important export commodity for Indonesia, which is able to contribute a sizeable foreign exchange. West Bandung Regency is a regency in West Java province which have significant potential for the development of Arabica coffee commodity. Suntenjaya village, Lembang district is one of the Arabica coffee-producing areas in West Bandung regency. However, there are some obstacles in the development of arabica coffee farming including land resources utilization, harvest and post-harvest, quality and institutional aspects. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate business development strategies that can be applied arabica coffee farmers. Data and information needed were primary data and secondary data. Data were analyzed using SWOT analysis and QSPM. The study concluded that in order to help farmers in developing a business, there are several strategies a priority that can be conducted, that is  develop the processing of product, improve technical skills of farming to increase product quality, empowerment of farmer to further improve the business, increasing access to capital, optimize of farming business land, optimizing production capacity and maintain marketing network. Keywords: arabica coffee, SWOT analysis, coffee farming, the development strateg

    Isolation and Molecular Identification of Endophytic Bacteria From Rambutan Fruits (Nephelium lappaceum L.) Cultivar Binjai

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    Interactions between plants and endophytic bacteria are mutualistic. Plant provides nutrient for bacteria, and bacteria will protect the plant from pathogen, help the phytohormone synthesis and nitrogen fixation, and also increase absorption of minerals. These bacteria called plant growth-promoting bacteria. The aim for this study is to identify endophytic bacteria on rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) cultivar Binjai with 16S rRNA. Sequencing results showed that the bacteria is derived from genus Corynebacterium, Bacillus, Chryseobacterium, Staphylococcus and Curtobacterium,which suspected play a role as plant growth-promoting bacteria

    Microbial Diversity of Acidic Hot Spring (Kawah Hujan B) in Geothermal Field of Kamojang Area, West Java-Indonesia

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    Microbial communities in an acidic hot spring, namely Kawah Hujan B, at Kamojang geothermal field, West Java-Indonesia was examined using culture dependent and culture independent strategies. Chemical analysis of the hot spring water showed a characteristic of acidic-sulfate geothermal activity that contained high sulfate concentrations and low pH values (pH 1.8 to 1.9). Microbial community present in the spring was characterized by 16S rRNA gene combined with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis. The majority of the sequences recovered from culture-independent method were closely related to Crenarchaeota and Proteobacteria phyla. However, detail comparison among the member of Crenarchaeota showing some sequences variation compared to that the published data especially on the hypervariable and variable regions. In addition, the sequences did not belong to certain genus. Meanwhile, the 16S Rdna sequences from culture-dependent samples revealed mostly close to Firmicute and gamma Proteobacteria

    Isolasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri Termofilik Penghasil Enzim Selulase dari Sumber Air Panas Sila

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    Cellulose is included in the main polysaccharide group that is widely available in nature. Cellulose is a straight-chain glucose polymer that is bound by β-1,4 glucoside bonds. Cellulase is an enzyme complex consisting of several enzymes that work in stages or together in breaking down cellulose into glucose, by hydrolyzing the β-1,4 glucoside bond in cellulose. Cellulase enzymes have been used in various industries. Industrial applications require enzymes that are stable at high temperatures. Various types of thermostable enzymes can be isolated from thermophilic bacteria, cellulase enzymes are no exception. This study aims to isolate and identify thermophilic bacteria that produce cellulase enzymes from Sila hot springs. The results of isolation and screening of cellulase-producing bacteria from hot water samples obtained by 7 isolates that have the ability to degrade cellulose can produce clear zones on LB-CMC agar selective medium, but CR2 isolates showed the largest zone of 1.5 cm. CR2 isolates were Gram-positive bacteria and were identified as having close relations with Bacillus aryabhattai strain B8W22 using the 16S rRNA method.Keywords: Cellulose; Cellulose enzyme; Thermostable enzyme; Thermophilic bacteri

    Strategi Pengembangan Usahatani Kopi Arabika (Kasus pada Petani Kopi di Desa Suntenjaya Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Provinsi Jawa Barat)

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    Coffee is an important export commodity for Indonesia, which is able to contribute a sizeable foreign exchange. West Bandung Regency is a regency in West Java province which have significant potential for the development of Arabica coffee commodity. Suntenjaya village, Lembang district is one of the Arabica coffee-producing areas in West Bandung regency. However, there are some obstacles in the development of arabica coffee farming including land resources utilization, harvest and post-harvest, quality and institutional aspects. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate business development strategies that can be applied arabica coffee farmers. Data and information needed were primary data and secondary data. Data were analyzed using SWOT analysis and QSPM. The study concluded that in order to help farmers in developing a business, there are several strategies a priority that can be conducted, that is develop the processing of product, improve technical skills of farming to increase product quality, empowerment of farmer to further improve the business, increasing access to capital, optimize of farming business land, optimizing production capacity and maintain marketing network