5 research outputs found

    Influence de la deformation plastique sur les caracteristiques mecaniques des materiaux geologiques : Cas des gneiss migmatitiques de la commune de Djidja au centre du Benin (Golfe de guinee, Afrique de l’ouest)

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    La zone interne de la chaĂźne panafricaine des DahomĂ©yides renferme des gneiss migmatitiques et des granites qui sont exploitĂ©s pour les bĂątiments et travaux publics. Ces deux roches de genĂšse diffĂ©rente, ont fait l’objet d’études pĂ©trographique, structurale et gĂ©otechnique dans le but de dĂ©terminer l’influence de la dĂ©formationplastique sur les caractĂ©ristiques mĂ©caniques des roches. Les granites Ă©tudiĂ©s n’ont pas subi une dĂ©formation plastique. Ils ont une structure Ă©quante Ă  faiblement orientĂ©e, une texture grenue Ă  grains fins et ils sont formĂ©s de quartz, feldspaths et micas. Par contre, les gneiss migmatitiques sont dĂ©formĂ©s de maniĂšre plastique ; ce qui s’est traduit par la structure foliĂ©e et la texture granolĂ©pidoblastique. Ils contiennent du quartz, des feldspaths, des micas et des grenats et renferment des  leucosomes quartzo-feldspathiques. L’étude des propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques de ces deux roches rĂ©vĂšle que la rĂ©sistance Ă  la  sĂ©sagrĂ©gation est plus faible pour les gneiss migmatitiques 6% que pour les granites 5- 8%. Les essais de Los Angeles indiquent des valeurs plus Ă©levĂ©es pour les gneiss migmatitiques 23-27%, 23-25.2% et 23-24% que pour les granites 21-23%, 20-22% et 19.5-20.5% respectivement pour les classes granulaires 4/6, 6/10 et 10/14. Les rĂ©sultats des tests de Micro-Deval montrent des valeurs plus Ă©levĂ©es pour les gneiss migmatitiques 8.4% que pour les granites 6.2%. La rĂ©sistance en compression uniaxiale est plus Ă©levĂ©e 226.5 MPa pour les granites que les gneiss migmatitiques 147.6 MPa. Ces rĂ©sultats traduisent l’effet de la dĂ©formation plastique, marquĂ©e par le dĂ©veloppement d’une architecture structurale foliĂ©e, sur les caractĂ©ristiques mĂ©caniques des matĂ©riaux gĂ©ologiques. Mots-clĂ©s : mĂ©canique, gneiss migmatitique, granite, dĂ©formation plastique.   English Title: Effects of the plastic deformation on the mechanical characteristics of geological  materials: Case of migmatitic gneisses of Djidja town in centre-Benin (Guinee gulf, West Africa) The inner zone of Dahomeyides fold belt contains migmatitic gneisses and granites that are used for the bulding and public works. These two rocks of different genesis, have been studied petrographically, structurally and geotechnically in order to determine the effects of plastic deformation on the mechanical characteristics of rocks. The studied granites have not been deformed plastically. They have equante to weakly oriented structure, fine grained texture and made of quartz, feldspar and micas.  The migmatitic gneisses are deformed plastically that inducing foliated structure and granolepidoblastic texture. They formed by quartz, feldspar, micas and garnet and contain quartz-feldspar leucosomes. The mechanical properties study of these two rocks reveal that the resistance to the desagregation is low for the migmatitic gneisses 6% than in the granite 5-8%. The Los Angeles tests indicate high values for the migmatitic gneisses 23-27%, 23-25.2%, 23- 24% than in the granite 21-23%, 20-22%,  19.5-20.5% respectively for the 4/6, 6/10 and 10/14 granular classes. The results of Micro-Deval tests show high values for the migmatitic gneisses 8.4% than in the granites 6.2%. The resistance to the uniaxial compression is high for the granites 226.5 MPa than in the migmatitic gneisses 147.6 MPa. These results are in agreement with the effect of plastic deformation, marked by the development of foliated structural architecture on the mechanical characteristics of geological materials. Keywords: mechanical, migmatitic gneiss, granite, plastic deformation. &nbsp

    CaractĂ©ristiques pĂ©trologiques et indices de minĂ©ralisation associĂ©s au massif de Fita (Centre- BĂ©nin, Afrique de l’Ouest).

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    Le massif de Fita, situĂ© au centre-BĂ©nin est une intrusion de granitoĂŻdes Ă  laquelle sont associĂ©s des microgranites. Cette intrusion est formĂ©e de granites Ă  biotite et de syĂ©nites qui renferment des enclaves mafiques microgrenues et des septa de migmatites, de volcanites mafiques et de mĂ©ta-sĂ©diments. Les microgranites sont formĂ©s de phĂ©nocristaux de feldspaths alcalins dans une matrice finement grenue de quartz, de feldspaths alcalins et de biotite. Ces microgranites renferment des septas d’orthogneiss de Dassa et sont recoupĂ©s par des filons de roches mafiques et de rhyolite d’épaisseur dĂ©cimĂ©trique Ă  mĂ©trique. Les Ă©tudes gĂ©ochimiques indiquent que les granites et syĂ©nites sont ferreux, mĂ©talumineux et dĂ©rivent d’un magma alcalin. Les teneurs de ce magma en LILE (Ă©lĂ©ments lithophiles) et HFSE (Ă©lĂ©ments Ă  fort potentiel ionique) incluant les terres rares (REE) sont compatibles avec des granitoĂŻdes qui proviennent d’un mĂ©lange de magmas d’origine crustale et mantellique enrichie, gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s en contexte intraplaque. Les analyses chimiques semi-quantitatives des granitoĂŻdes et microgranites du massif de Fita effectuĂ©es au spectromĂštre Ă  fluorescence rayons X (XRF) portatif, ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence d’indices de minĂ©ralisation de chrome (Cr), vanadium (V), zinc (Zn), manganĂšse (Mn), bismuth (Bi), niobium (Nb), plomb (Pb) et antimoine (Sb).Mots clĂ©s : PĂ©trographie, gĂ©ochimie, indices de minĂ©ralisation, massif de Fita, Centre- BĂ©nin.English AbstractThe Fita massif located in Center Benin is granitoid intrusion to which microgranites rocks are associated. This intrusion consists of biotite-granites and syenites which contain mafic microgranular enclaves and septa of migmatites, mafic volcanic and metasediments. The microgranites are composed of alkaline feldspars present in a finegrained matrix of quartz, feldspars and biotite. These microgranites contain septa of Dassa orthogneiss and are crosscut by dykes of mafic rocks and rhyolite of decimetric to metric size. The geochemical studies indicate that the granites and syenites are ferrous, metaluminous and derived from alkaline magma. The magma contents in LILE (Large Ions Lithophiles Elements) and HFSE (High Field Strength Elements) including REE (Rare Earth Elements) are compatible to the granitoids source from mixing origin (crustal and enriched mantle), generated in within-plate tectonic context. The chemical analyses of the granitoids and microgranites of Fita massif performed on the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) handled spectrometer revealed the presence of chromium (Cr), vanadium (V), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn.), bismuth (Bi), niobium (Nb), plumb (Pb) and of antimony (Sb) mineralization index.Keywords: Petrography, geochemistry, mineralization index, Fita massif, Center Benin

    Influence des caracteristiques petro-structurales sur les proprietes mecaniques des quartzites de l’atacora au Benin (Golfe de Guinee, Afrique de l’Ouest)

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    Deux variĂ©tĂ©s de quartzites de l’unitĂ© litho-tectonique de l’Atacora dans la chaĂźne panafricaine des DahomĂ©yides au Nord-Ouest du BĂ©nin ont fait l’objet d’études pĂ©trostructurales et mĂ©caniques en vue de la dĂ©termination de l’influence de la minĂ©ralogie et de la dĂ©formation des roches sur leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s gĂ©otechniques. Les quartzites Ă©tudiĂ©s proviennent de Pouya et BĂ©rĂ©cingou dans la commune de Natitingou. Les quartzites sont Ă  quartz + orthose. Ils contiennent en plus environ 10 % de muscovite Ă  Pouya tandis qu’ils en en sont presque dĂ©pourvus Ă  BĂ©rĂ©cingou. De plus les quartzites de BĂ©rĂ©cingou et Pouya prĂ©sentent un bon dĂ©bitage, un rĂ©seau de fracturations et une composition pĂ©trographique permettant l’obtention de plaquettes de 1 Ă  15 cm d’épaisseur. Les essais gĂ©otechniques rĂ©vĂšlent que les coefficients de Micro Deval MDE obtenus au niveau des sites de BĂ©rĂ©cingou et Pouya sont respectivement de 6,4% et 8,3% suggĂ©rant que les quartzites de ces deux sites rĂ©sistent excellemment Ă  l’usure par frottement. Les coefficients de Los Angeles LA sont de 12,96% et 23,6% respectivement pour les quartzites de BĂ©rĂ©cingou et Pouya ; ceci indique une excellente rĂ©sistance Ă  la fragmentation par chocs et Ă  l’usure par frottements rĂ©ciproques pour les quartzites de BĂ©rĂ©cingou et une rĂ©sistance satisfaisante Ă  la fragmentation par chocs et Ă  l’usure par frottements rĂ©ciproques des quartzites de Pouya. Cette variation de propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques entre ces deux types de quartzite est attribuĂ©e Ă  l’influence de la tectonique locale et de la minĂ©ralogie.Mots clĂ©s : BĂ©nin, Atacora, minĂ©ralogie, structure, mĂ©canique, quartzites. Influence of petro-structural characteristics on mechanical properties of quartzits from Atacora in Benin (Guinea Gulf, West Africa)ABSTRACTThe petrographic, structural and mechanical characteristic of two types of quartzite from the Atacora structural unit of Dahomeyides pan-African belt were study in order to determine the influence of mineralogy and tectonic on their geotechnical properties. The studied quartzites are sampled at BĂ©rĂ©cingou and Pouya in the Natitingou municipality. Both quartzites contain quartz and orthose. Additionally, the quartzites from Pouya contain 10% of muscovite whereas those from BĂ©rĂ©cingou are nearly mica free. Moreover the quartzites of Pouya and BĂ©rĂ©cingou have a good breakdown, fracturation network and petrographic feature allowing the production wafer quartzites having 1 to 15 cm thickness. The geotechnical test reveal that the Micro Deval coefficients (MDE) obtained at BĂ©rĂ©cingou and Pouya are respectively of 6.4% and 8.3% suggesting that the quartzites of these sites excellently resist to frictional wear. The Los Angeles (LA) coefficients are of 12.96% and 23.6% respectively for quartzite from BĂ©rĂ©cingou and Pouya. This indicates an excellent resistance to fragmentation by shock and reciprocal frictional wear for the quartzite from BĂ©rĂ©cingou and satisfactory resistance to fragmentation by shock and reciprocal frictional wear for the quartzite from Pouya. The change in mechanical properties of these two types of quartzite is attributed to the effect local tectonic and mineralogical composition.Keywords: Benin, Atacora, mineralogy, structure, mechanical, quartzits

    Geochronology and geochemistry of igneous rocks of the Dassa region, Central-Benin: evidence of an Ediacaran emplacement of alkali-calcic and alkaline plutonic and volcanic magmas

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    International audienceThe Dassa region is part of the Pan-African Trans-Saharan Belt, located between the West African craton and the Sahara metacraton. This region, with widespread granitoids and volcanites, is cut by the Kandi Shear Zone (KSZ) that could be connected to the 4°50' shear zone northwards in the Hoggar mountains and to the "Transbrasiliano lineamento" Northeast Brazil. The LA-ICP-MS U-Pb isotopes of zircon, whole-rock geochemistry and Sr-Nd isotope were analysed to constrain the emplacement ages and chronology of granitoids and volcanic rocks in the Dassa region in relation to the KSZ dynamics and the geochemical signatures and genesis of the magmas. Five intrusions (Dassa, TrĂ©, Gobada, Tchetti and Fita) with the igneous rocks of the volcano-sedimentary basin of Idaho-Mahou have been investigated. Radiometric ages (U-Pb) obtained on zircons from the intrusions and the alkaline rhyolites from the Idaho-Mahou volcano-sedimentary basin indicate the Ediacaran timing emplacement in the Pan-African Dahomeyide orogen. The Dassa intrusion is dated at 633 ± 19 Ma while the Tchetti, Gobada and TrĂ© intrusions yield 607 ± 11 Ma, 603 ± 10 Ma and 595 ± 12 Ma, respectively. The alkaline Fita granite and rhyolite of the Idaho-Mahou volcano-sedimentary basin provide U-Pb on zircon ages of 594 ± 32 Ma and 583 ± 9 Ma, respectively. Geochemical investigations reveal that the granitoids are ferroan and metaluminous; alkali-calcic (Dassa and TrĂ©) and alkali-calcic to alkalic (Gobada, Tchetti and Fita). The mafic to intermediate volcanites and trachyte of Idaho-Mahou volcano-sedimentary basin are alkali-calcic whereas the rhyolite displays an alkalic signature. Sm-Nd isotopic analyses reveal that the Δ Nd values at c. 600 Ma in the Fita granite and alkalic rhyolite of Idaho-Mahou basin are the highest (− 6.94 and − 6.07). In the other intrusions, the Δ Nd values at c. 600 Ma are lower, ranging between − 9.66 and − 9.28 (Tchetti and Godada granites) and − 8.84 and − 8.56 (Dassa and TrĂ© granites). The TrĂ© monzonite shows an intermediate value around − 7.70. The calculated TDM model ages are very close and range between 1.80 and 2.05 Ga. All this suggests hybridization processes between an Archean to Paleoproterozoic continental crust source and a juvenile mantle (600 Ma) source for the parent magmas. But the significantly high Δ Nd values of Fita granite and the alkaline rhyolite are in agreement with higher mantle contribution and a distinct more enriched mantle source for the parent magmas of alkaline rocks compared to the alkali-calcic felsic ones for which the mantle contribution is from the depleted mantle. According to these data, the Ediacaran magmatic events in the Dassa region can be divided into two main episodes with respect to the main transcurrent shearing event that started at about c. 610 Ma: a pre-transcurrent shear alkali-calcic plutonic magmatism c. 635-610 Ma and the transcurrent shear magmatism c. 610-580 Ma with contemporaneous alkali-calcic and alkaline plutonic and volcanic magmatism. The integration of existing U-Pb on zircon dating in the Benin basement indicates that in the Dahomeyide orogen, the reactivation of the Kandi shear zone toward the end of Ediacaran timing at around c. 550-540 Ma allowed emplacement of the third suite of magmatism as intrusions and volcanoes