45 research outputs found

    Pendapatan Daerah, Pembiayaan Kesehatan, dan Gizi Buruk pada Balita: Studi Korelasi Tingkat Kabupaten/Kota

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    Pendanaan kesehatan merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam memengaruhi derajat kesehatan, termasuk salah satu masalah gizi pada Balita yang disebut gizi buruk. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pendapatan daerah dan pembiayaan kesehatan serta korelasinya dengan gizi buruk pada Balita di tingkat kabupaten/kota di Indonesia tahun 2007. Penelitian ini merupakan studi ekologi/korelasi. Data pendapatan daerah dan pembiayaan kesehatan didapat dari Kementerian Keuangan, sedangkan data gizi buruk menggunakan data Riset Kesehatan Nasional tahun 2007. Sebanyak 250 kabupaten/kota yang diteliti dengan tidak mengikutsertakan kabupaten/kota yang datanya tidak lengkap atau tidak valid. Secara nasional, hanya persentase pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) per total pendapatan yang berkorelasi dengan gizi buruk, meskipun korelasinya lemah (r = 0,22). Berdasarkan kawasan di Indonesia, Kawasan Indonesia Barat dan Kawasan Indonesia Timur menunjukkan persentase PAD per total pendapatan berkorelasi lemah dengan gizi buruk (r = 0,20 dan r = 0,53). Terlihat kecenderungan bahwa semakin tinggi persentase pendapatan daerah dan pembiayaan kesehatan, semakin rendah persentase gizi buruknya. Korelasi antara pendapatan daerah, pembiayaan kesehatan dan masalah status gizi tidak dapat diabaikan. Data yang lebih lengkap dan valid diperlukan untuk dikembangkan penelitian selanjutnya.Health financing is one of the factors which contribute important role in influencing health status, including nutritional problem among children under five, called severely wasted. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe districts income and health financing and examine it correlations with the prevalence of severely wasted among children under 5 years at regencies/ municipalities level in Indonesia in 2007. This research was an ecological study. Data on revenue and health financing were obtained from Ministry of Finance, and severely wasted data were obtained from the Indonesian Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2007. There are 250 regencies/municipalities were being objects of this research, while the others were excluded due to incomplete/missing or invalid data. Result shows nationally, only the percentage of local revenue by total district income had correlation with severely wasted, although it is weak (r = 0,22). By regions, in the Western Region Indonesia and the Eastern Region Indonesia, those variable had weak correlation with severely wasted (r = 0,20 and r = 0,53). The graphics trend shows higher percentage of local revenue and health financing, related to lower number of the prevalence of severely wasted. The correlation between district income and health financing for poor nutritional status cannot be ruled out. More valid and complete data on district income and health financing is needed for further research

    Hubungan Antara Menyusui Dengan Risiko Kanker Ovarium

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    Incidence of Ovarian Cancer, which has a high mortality rate, has been reported to increase since 2008 in Indonesia. A number of protective factors have been identified, one of which is breastfeeding. Despite this, published literature on the association of breastfeeding and ovarian cancer in Indonesia has not been found. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of breastfeeding on ovarian cancer in general, as well as among pre and post menopause patients. This case control study was done at “Dharmais”Cancer Hospital, involving 71 patients with ovarian cancer as the cases, and 140 cervical cancer patients who served as the controls. Interviews were done during follow-up visits. Patients, with adouble primary cancer,were not included in the study. The study shows that lifetime breastfeeding contributes to a decrease in the risk of ovarian cancer by 55% (OR=0.45, 95%CI 0.23 – 0.91) among all cases; the decrease was 53% (OR=0.47, 95%CI 0.23 – 0.96) for those who had previously given birth. These results were adjusted for level of education and menopause status at the time of diagnosis. Women with a history of breastfeeding have a lower risk of having ovarian cancer. The longer the duration of breastfeeding, the lower the risk of having ovarian cancer. The reduced risk was more than 50% for those with a lifetime breastfeeding of 24 months or more

    Assessment of Road Network Connectivity in Support of New Capital Development

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    The shifting of the capital of Indonesia from Jakarta to East Kalimantan, or East Borneo, is underway. There are certain to be new issues that arise as a result of this migration. The state of the nation's current transportation infrastructure is one of the most prominent right now. The new capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, is situated in the midst of a jungle. For this reason, the road network should be established before, or at least concurrently with, the IKN construction. It is critical to understand the direction of future growth in the IKN region before developing a road network architecture. Potential partner locations might potentially benefit from enhanced access and connection to the existing road network in this situation as well. To ensure that the IKN is able to work properly and link additional nodes, many partner area points are being considered. A literature review, a focus group discussion, and in-depth interviews were conducted to come up with a development plan for IKN partner regions and highlight areas of special concern. It was also determined if the addition of a new node had a positive impact by utilizing a connection matrix and the accessibility index. Most linkages are found at five of the 26 nodes in the complete connectivity matrix of national highways around IKN in East Kalimantan. Node 3 and Node 7 are the most accessible and easy-to-access component nodes of the road network, compared to other nodes. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-10-011 Full Text: PD

    Peranan Keberadaan Bidan Dalam Rujukan Maternal

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    Latar belakang: Program pembangunan kesehatan ibu di desa merupakan upaya untuk mendekatkan akses ibu pada pelayanan kesehatan sehingga diharapkan memperkecil terjadinya kematian ibu. Untuk memudahkan akses, penempatan tenaga bidan hingga ke desa merupakan hal yang penting untuk memberikan pertolongan persalinan normal dan rujukan yang diperlukan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan keberadaan bidan berdomisili di desa dalam melakukan rujukan komplikasi maternal melalui tempat kematian ibu sebagai ukuran kinerja rujukan. Metode: Diambil 3493 kematian ibu yang merupakan separuh dari populasi dalam Sensus Penduduk Tahun 2010 yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia yang kemudian ditindak lanjuti dengan Studi Tindak Lanjut Kematian Maternal 2012 untuk menggali data pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan. Kemudian dianalisis regresi logistik multivariat untuk mengetahui peranan masing-masing faktor terhadap tempat kematian ibu. Hasil: analisis menemukan bahwa keberadaan bidan berdomisili di desa meningkatkan kemungkinan ibu meninggal di rumah sakit atau dapat mencegah kematian terjadi di rumah. Sedangkan faktor lain yang berperan yaitu anjuran merujuk dan akses. Kesimpulan: Kebijakan penempatan bidan berdomisili di desa dalam kasus rujukan maternal sangat penting dan perlu didukung oleh semua pihak

    Characteristics of Asphalt Mixed Using Mountain Stone

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    Aggregate is the main thing in asphalt mixtures with a percentage of about 70% to 80%. The aggregate used should meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) before being used in the asphalt mixture. East Kalimantan Province is one of the provinces in Indonesia which always brings in aggregates from outside the region for road construction. This study aims to analyze the modulus of stiffness of the AC-WC mixture using local aggregate of East Kalimantan Province and petroleum bitumen grade 60/70 as a binder due to water immersion. This research is experimental in the laboratory. The variation of the petroleum bitumen content used was 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 and 6.5%. Water immersion was carried out at the age of 3, 5 and 7 days. The results showed that at 3 days of immersion, the resilient modulus values obtained at petroleum bitumen content of 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 and 6.5% were 421.0, 506.0, 872.5, 747.0 and 648.5 MPa, respectively. At 5 days immersion, the resilient modulus values obtained were 383.5, 386.0, 915.5, 561.0 and 555.5 MPa, respectively. Whereas for the 7 days immersion, the resilient modulus were 290.5, 425.5, 1369.0, 547.5 and 525.0 MPa, respectively. It can be seen that water immersion greatly affects the stiffness modulus of the asphalt mixture. This stiffness will cause the asphalt mixture to be easily damaged or cracked. This can be caused by the influence of the sub-standard aggregates used, namely Senoni stone and Mahakam sand. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091652 Full Text: PD

    Pengaruh Nilai K pada Metode K-nearest Neighbor (Knn) terhadap Tingkat Akurasi Identifikasi Kerusakan Jalan

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    Melihat kelemahan dari metode penilaian kerusakan jalan secara visual, salah satunya hasil identifikasi yang bisa bersifat subyektif, maka perlu dibuat suatu algoritma atau metode untuk mengidentifikasi jenis kerusakan jalan. Langkah awal dari proses algoritma berupa pengambilan gambar dengan jenis kamera digital, dihasilkan citra digital. Citra tersebut digunakan untuk pengolahan citra dengan software Matlab untuk menentukan jenis kerusakan jalan secara tepat dan cepat. Pengolahan citra pada penelitian ini meliputi dua tahap, yaitu proses ekstraksi dengan tahapan: wiener filtering dan thresholding, sedangkan proses klasifikasi dengan metode KNN. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu jenis kerusakan jalan yang dapat diidentifikasi meliputi retak dan retak kulit buaya. Tujuan penelitian adalah berapa besar pengaruh nilai k dari metode KNN terhadap tingkat akurasi jenis kerusakan retak dan retak kulit buaya. Ditemukan bahwa dengan uji coba nilai k yang berbeda-beda, yaitu 1, 8, dan 15, menghasilkan tingkat akurasi yang berbeda untuk tiap jenis kerusakan

    Studi Karakteristik Perkerasan HRS-WC Menggunakan Aspal Minyak dan Penambahan Aditif Lateks

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    "hot-Rolled Sheet - wearing course is a mixture of concrete asphalt using the\ud grading gap with content of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and has high\ud asphalt content then finding the nature changing of the asphalt mixture obtained\ud by adding natural rubber type of lump with 55 % dry rubber content of the\ud materials added to asphalt. This study aims to determine the effect of added\ud rubber content to the oil asphalt and effect of addition to the characteristics\ud Marshall of mixed Hot-Rolled Sheet -Wearing Course (HRS-WC). From the results\ud of testing the physical properties of bitumen pen 60/70 with the addition of rubber\ud content of 6%,7% and 8% of the total weight of the mixture, it is known that the\ud addition of rubber content causes a decrease in the density of asphalt, decrease\ud the flash point temperature and burning point asphalt, asphalt penetration\ud impairment, impairment of ductility and an increase in temperature of the asphalt\ud softening point bitumen. To test the performance of a mixture of hot rolled sheet wearing\ud course, research has conducted in the Iaboratory by making the test\ud specimens as many as 45 pieces with 5 variations in bitumen content with 3\ud 'variations addition of rubber content for each bitumen content. Results were\ud obtained by the characteristics Marshall of mixed HRS-WC with a value ranging\ud from 1102.60 kg Marshal stability- 1285.55 kg, the flow between 3.07mm -4.80\ud rnm, Marshall quotienl of 248.79 kg / mm - 378.74 kg / mm, the void in the mix is\ud obtained between 4.05% - 12.51%, voids in mineral aggregate values obtained\ud between 16:11% -19.35%, and the void filled in bitumen ranges from 35.38% -\ud 75.M From each of the rubber content of 0%, 6%,7% and 8% was found that\ud optimum bitumen content is 5.93%, 5.80% ,5.7Oo/o, and 5.57%, respectively

    A Relationship Model between Accident Factors and the Traffic Accident Severity Using Logistic Regression Model

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    The present paper purposes to develop the relationship model between the factors of accidents and severity level of traffic accidents by using multinomial logistic regression model approach, for a case study the traffic accident in Makassar City, Indonesia. In further, the study evaluates the traffic accident factors which significantly influence the traffic accident severity level. In this regard, the outcome variable is the severity level of the traffic accident which has three attributes, i.e., death, serious injury, and minor injury. The explanatory variables involve victim characteristics and traffic accident characteristics. The present study used the traffic accident database during 2012 – 2015 which recorded by the traffic police agency in the city. The model calibration results show that the relationship model has a good accuracy level. The victim position and the collision types significantly influence the severity accident level. The results provide basic information for efforts in reducing traffic accidents.

    Kejadian Tuberkulosis Pada Anak Setelah Imunisasi Baccilus Calmette Et Guerrin Di 5 Wilayah Puskesmas Kecamatan Jatinegara Jakarta Timur Tahun 2000-2002

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    In western countries with good nutrition BCG status were given during perinatal age with pretuberculin test show on 80% but in developing countries with variation nutrition status BCG have protection level on 0%-80%. The objective of this study is to determine TB event in children after BCG immunization. Design of study was cohort historical, total samples were 222. consisted of 148 with BCG immunization and 74 BCG non immunization. The result showed that there was no significant association between BCG immunization with TB cases in children after it has been adjusted by sex OR= 0,952 (95%CI: 0.541-1.676

    Neck Dissection in Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Dharmais Hospital, Jakarta

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    Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is one of the rarest cancers worldwide. In Indonesia, the incidence is less than five thousands per year, and the mortality rate is almost 50%. More than 50% patients with OSCC have lymph node metastasis; the proportion of occult metastasis is 24-42%. Those with lymph node metastatishave the worst possibility of survival. This study aimed to estimate the survival of OSCC patients with neck dissections. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 78 patients with OSCC who were treated in Dharmais National Cancer Hospital between 1 January 2003 and 31 January 2013. The three years survival rate postdiagnosis, post neck dissection was calculated using Kaplan —Meier survival curves and statistically tested using a log-rank test. Cox proportional hazard models were applied to assess the prognostic significance of neck dissections. Of the total patients in this study (n=78), 53.8% of patients had surgery. Of patients who underwent surgery, 71.4% had a neck dissection surgery. These patients were in either early or advanced stages of cancer. Overall survival showed that patients who received neck dissections had better survival rates (58.2%) than patients who did not receive neck dissection (32.2%). Stratification at every stage of cancer (I, II, III, and IV) showed better survival in patients with neck dissections. The risk of patients without neck dissections is higher than patient with neck dissection to die, Hazard Ration(HR)=2.19 (CI95% 1.04-4.62, p=0.028). Adequate neck dissection surgery increases chances of survival in patients with OSCC. Keywords: Neck Dissection, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Oral Cancer, Surviva