26 research outputs found

    Pengolahan Limbah Cair Rumah Sakit secara Sonochemical

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    Hospital as a service provider has an important role in human life, especially for people who are experiencing physical and mental disorders. Various types of diseases and therapies performed in hospitals has made it as one of the producers of hazardous and infectious waste that requires special handling and processing so as not to pollute the water, soil, and air environment. Hospital wastewater treatment was conducted to determine the ability of sonochemical method to reduce level of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and determine the optimum conditions of the parameters used by the design of Response Surface Methodology Box-Behnken. The parameters that affected this process was the concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), pH, and reaction time. The Waste used was taken from the waste water treatment plant in Zainoel Abidin General Hospital in Banda Aceh with COD value 260.65 ppm. The optimum conditions of this treatment process occured at pH 2, H2O2 concentration 500 ppm, and reaction time 119.98 minutes with reduction of COD was 81.88%.ABSTRAKRumah sakit sebagai penyedia layanan jasa memegang peranan cukup penting dalam kehidupan manusia, terutama bagi orang-orang yang sedang mengalami gangguan fisik dan mental. Berbagai jenis penyakit dan terapi yang dilakukan di rumah sakit telah menjadikannya sebagai salah satu penghasil limbah berbahaya dan infeksius yang memerlukan penanganan dan pengolahan khusus agar tidak mencemari lingkungan yaitu air, tanah dan udara. Pengolahan limbah cair rumah sakit dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan metode sonochemical dalam menurunkan kadar Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) dan menentukan kondisi optimum dari parameter yang digunakan berdasarkan disain Response Surface Methodology Box-Behnken. Parameter yang mempengaruhi proses ini adalah konsentrasi hidrogen peroksida (H2O2), pH, dan waktu reaksi. Limbah yang digunakan diambil dari instalasi pengolahan air limbah di Rumah Sakit Umum Zainoel Abidin Kota Banda Aceh dengan nilai COD sebesar 260,65 ppm. Kondisi optimum dari proses pengolahan terjadi pada pH 2, konsentrasi H2O2 500 ppm, dan waktu reaksi 119,98 menit dengan penurunan COD sebesar 81,88

    Aplikasi Metode Advance Oxidation Process (AOP) Fenton pada Pengolahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan proses Fenton dalam menurunkan kadar chemical oxygen demand (COD) dan kadar total suspended solid (TSS) dari limbah cair pabrik kelapa sawit (PKS) dan menentukan kondisi optimum dari parameter yang digunakan dengan Response Surface Methodology menurut Box- Behnken design. Sampel diambil pada keluaran pertama kolam anaerobik ketiga dari instalasi pengolahan limbah cair kelapa sawit yang mengandung nilai COD berkisar antara 8.000 hingga 12.000 ppm. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pengujian pada berbagai pH, konsentrasi FeSO4.7H2O dan konsentrasi hidrogen peroksida. Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan proses AOP dengan metode Fenton dapat menurunkan konsentrasi COD dan TSS masing-masing adalah 70,7704% dan 88,3897% pada konsentrasi FeSO4.7H2O 3703,52 ppm, konsentrasi H2O2 5586,43 ppm, dan pH 3

    Pengaruh Nozzle Terhadap Aspek Hidrodinamika Kinerja Kolom Gelembung Pancaran

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    Kolom gelembung pancaran merupakan salah satu alat perpindahan massa antara fasa gas dan cair. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mempelajari pengaruh nozzle terhadap aspek hidrodinamika antara lain: kedalaman penetrasi gelembung (Z), holdup gas (eg), dan laju alir volumetrik gas entrainment (Ql) yang terjadi dalam kolom gelembung pancaran. Variabel proses yang dipelajari antara lain laju alir volumetrik cairan (10-50 L/menit), ukuran diameter nozzle (0,008-0,0127 m), dan tinggi nozzle (0,125-0,25 m). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa ukuran diameter nozzle semakin kecil dan laju alir volumetrik cairan yang semakin besar menghasikan laju alir volumetrik gas entrainment, holdup gas, dan kedalaman penetrasi gelembung yang semakin besar

    Removal of Lead Ion (Pb2+) in Water Using Modified Clay-Carbon-Manganese Monolith: Characterization and Adsorption Studies

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    Abstract:  In recent years, the presence of heavy metals in water has been a concern, and some purification processes have been developed to overcome these problems. This study aims to conduct and investigate the performance of the 3 modifications of adsorbents namely clay-carbon, clay-carbon manganese monolith 2% and clay-carbon manganese monolith 5% in adsorbing Pb2+ ions in water. The surfaces and elemental compositions of the two adsorbents were investigated by a scanning electron microscope and Fourier infrared transform. The variables evaluated in analyzing the adsorption efficiencies were the effect of contact time (0, 150, 180, 210, and 240 minutes), MnO2 doses in monolith (2 and 5% weight) and initial Pb2+ ion concentrations (2 and 4 mg/L). The adsorption behaviour in the equilibrium stage was observed through the isotherms (Freundlich, Langmuir, and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET)) and kinetics study (pseudo-first and pseudo-second order linear-non linear models). The impregnation of manganese into the adsorbent showed significant results in adsorption. The maximum adsorption efficiency was 92.92% in a Pb2+ solution of 4 mg/L utilizing clay-carbon-manganese monolith at a contact time of 240 minutes. Meanwhile, the clay-carbon monolith efficiency was 50.59%. Thus, the modification biomass material with the impregnation of metal such as clay-carbon-manganese monolith can be used as a potent, reusable, and durable adsorbent in removing metal ions in water and wastewater.Abstrak: Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, keberadaan logam berat dalam air masih menjadi perhatian dan beberapa proses pemurnian dikembangkan untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Adsorpsi adalah proses yang efisien dan murah untuk mengolah air yang mengandung logam berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan dan menyelidiki kinerja monolit tanah liat-karbon dan tanah liat-karbon mangan dalam mengadsorpsi ion Pb2+ dalam air. Permukaan dan komposisi unsur dari dua adsorben diselidiki dengan mikroskop elektron dan transformasi inframerah fourier. Variabel yang dinilai dalam analisis efisiensi adsorpsi adalah pengaruh waktu kontak (0, 150, 180, 210 dan 240 menit), dosis MnO2 dalam monolit (2 dan 5% berat) dan konsentrasi ion Pb2+ awal (2 dan 4 mg/L). ). Perilaku adsorpsi pada tahap kesetimbangan diamati melalui isoterm (Freundlich, Langmuir dan Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET)) dan studi kinetika (model linier-non linier orde satu semu dan semu dua). Impregnasi mangan ke dalam adsorben menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan dalam adsorpsi. Efisiensi adsorpsi ion Pb2+ tertinggi diperoleh 92,92% pada konsentrasi larutan 4 mg/L dengan penggunaan monolit lempung-karbon-mangan pada waktu kontak 240 menit. Sedangkan efisiensi clay-carbon monolit sebesar 50,59%. Perilaku adsorpsi ion Pb2+ baik pada karbon lempung maupun monolit karbon-lempung-mangan paling sesuai dengan model orde satu non linier dan isoterm Langmuir, dimana adsorpsi terjadi pada permukaan adsorben monolayer. Dengan demikian, bahan biomassa modifikasi dengan impregnasi logam seperti monolit tanah liat-karbon-mangan dapat digunakan sebagai adsorben yang kuat, dapat digunakan kembali, dan tahan lama dalam menghilangkan ion logam dalam air dan air limbah

    Bentonite and Magnetite Filler-Modified Polyurethane Foam in Fixed Bed Column for the Adsorption of Mercury(II) Ions from Aqueous Solution

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    This paper proposed adsorbent development by synthesizing polyurethane foam (PUF) using a simple method, mixing polyol with isocyanate and adding fillers of bentonite and magnetite to the PUF matrix. The study's main objective was to produce a PUF-based adsorbent with high reactivity to remove Hg2+ in wastewater. This bentonite and magnetite filler-modified polyurethane foam (BMPUF) adsorbent was fixed in a bed column for the adsorption of mercury (II) ions from an aqueous solution. The effect of initial Hg2+ concentration on the removal rate and the effect of contact time on adsorption efficiency was investigated. Langmuir, Freundlich, and BET non-linear models were taken into account to determine the best adsorption isotherm fitting and obtain adsorption capacity, intensity, and pore volume. As a result, it followed the non-linear Freundlich model, and the average adsorption capacity and intensity were 0.466 mg/g and 0.923, respectively. The average BET-based pore volume obtained was 0.782 L/mg. The kinetics study showed that the non-linear pseudo-first-order kinetics model was more suitable for describing the Hg2+ adsorption kinetics. The maximum equilibrium adsorption capacity was 1.770 mg/g with the adsorption rate of 0.0013 min-1 based on the non-linear model. The effect of varying bentonite and magnetite ratio on adsorption isotherm and kinetics was also investigated. Overall, the potential application of BMPUF adsorbent in the adsorption of mercury (II) ions was demonstrated in the current study.

    Aplikasi Metode Advance Oxidation Process (AOP) Fenton pada Pengolahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan proses Fenton dalam menurunkan kadar chemical oxygen demand (COD) dan kadar total suspended solid (TSS) dari limbah cair pabrik kelapa sawit (PKS) dan menentukan kondisi optimum dari parameter yang digunakan dengan Response Surface Methodology menurut Box- Behnken design. Sampel diambil pada keluaran pertama kolam anaerobik ketiga dari instalasi pengolahan limbah cair kelapa sawit yang mengandung nilai COD berkisar antara 8.000 hingga 12.000 ppm. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pengujian pada berbagai pH, konsentrasi FeSO4.7H2O dan konsentrasi hidrogen peroksida. Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan proses AOP dengan metode Fenton dapat menurunkan konsentrasi COD dan TSS masing-masing adalah 70,7704% dan 88,3897% pada konsentrasi FeSO4.7H2O 3703,52 ppm, konsentrasi H2O2 5586,43 ppm, dan pH 3

    Effect of Drying and Hydrodistillation Time on the Amount of Ginger Essential Oil

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    The objective of this research is to study the effect of drying and hydrodistillation time on the amount of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) essential oil. For this purpose, a hydrodistillation laboratory-scale extraction unit was employed. The fresh ginger were dried by air drying for 1, 2 and 4 days at ambient temperature. In general, ginger oil obtained in the form of bright yellow liquid with a distinctive aroma of ginger. The experimental results showed that the yields of the ginger essential oils were affected by the drying time of raw material and hydrodistillation times. The obtained essential oil was analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and 12 compounds were identified. The major compounds of ginger essential oil were 1,8-cineole, geranial, geraniol, camphene and neral

    Glycerolysis for Lowering Free FattyAcid of Waste Cooking Oil

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    Glycerolysis can be a useful alternative for lowering free fatty acid content present in the sustainable feedstock of waste cooking oil. In the present work, the effect of reaction parameters such as molar ratio of oil to glycerol (1:1, 1:2 and 1:3), catalyst NaOH concentration (0.875, 1.3 and 1.75 %-w of oil) and mass ratio of oil to co-solvent hexane (2:1, 4:1, 8:1) have been investigated. The reaction parameters have a remarkable effect on the free fatty acid (in term of acid value) of waste cooking oil. The final acid value decreased with an increased in molar ratio of oil to glycerol from 1:1 to 1:2. A significant reduction in acid value was not observed with a further increase in molar ratio of oil to glycerol. It has been observed that the optimum catalyst concentration of 1.3% can be reduced acid value from 12.2 to 1 mg KOH/g oil in 20 min. The addition of hexane as co-solvent affected the reaction rate due to immiscibility of the oil and glycerol phases. However, a suitable amount of co-solvent must be added to achieve an optimum of acid value reduction

    Purification of Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil Using Bentonite as Dry Washing Agent

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    The process of biodiesel purification is an important step in getting biodiesel products that meet specifications as a substitute for fossil-based fuels. Dry washing method has been developed to achieve an effective puriïŹcation strategy in order to produce high-quality biodiesel. Bentonite can be used as dry washing agent because it has a good adsorbing properties as well as a large pore and surface area therefore can attract polar substances such as glycerol and methanol. The purpose of this research is to know the capability of activated bentonite as dry washing agent for purification of biodiesel produced from waste cooking oil. The activation process of bentonite was carried out using sulfuric acid with concentration 1.5 M. Characterization of the bentonite was conducted using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) for minerals content and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) method for surface area. Bentonite was used as dry washing agent for biodiesel purification by varying washing time (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 minutes) and adsorbent amount (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5%). The experimental results showed that purification of biodiesel by dry washing using activated bentonite resulted in a better yield and quality than wet washing and dry washing using non-activated bentonite, except the acid number. The best operation condition resulted from this research is at 10 minutes washing time and 1% adsorbent with yield of 94.1%; acid number of 0.4208 mg KOH/gram; density of 0.8838 gram/cm3, viscosity of 3.0617 mm2/s and water content of 1.17%

    Adsorpsi Surfaktan Nonionik Alkil Poliglikosida pada Antar muka Fluida-Fluida

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    Nonionic surfactants have been used extensively in various industrial applications such as cleaning, personal care, crop protection, paint and coating, textile finishing, emulsion stabilization, food and leather processing. In this study, we have studied the adsorption of three nonionic surfactants of alkyl polyglycoside, namely commercial APG from Cognis and APG produced from glucose as well as APG synthesized from sago starch, at fluid–fluid interfaces. The variation of surface and interfacial tension with the concentration of surfactant in the bulk was studied, and the data were fitted using a surface equation of state derived from the Langmuir isotherm. The agreement between ?(c) data and Langmuir isotherm model was very good.Keywords: adsorption, air/water interface, interfacial tension, surface tensio