37 research outputs found

    Efficiency Analysis of Production Factors Utilization in Upland Rice Farming

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    The research aimed  to determine the factors that affect the production and the use of the factors that affect the production of upland rice farming. The research was conducted using a survey method in the Bluluk village, Bluluk district, Lamongan regency, Indonesia, from April to June 2012. Sampling was done by purposive sampling method on 38 farmer respondents. Based on the results of analysis, it was concluded that the production factors that have significant effects on upland rice farming were land, Urea fertilizer and herbicides. At current price levels, production factor of land have been efficient, whereas Urea fertilizer and herbicides are not efficient. Of the three factors of production,  only land use school is potential to  improve

    Chlorophyll, crop growth rate and forage yield of Brachiaria (Brachiaria brizantha Stapf) as the result of goat manure in various nitrogen dosage

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    growth rate (CGR), forage yield, dry matter ((DM) yield and DM content of BrachiariabrizanthaStapf. The experiment used manure (0 and 5 ton/ha) and nitrogen dosage (50, 100, 150 kg N ha-1) set in factorial design 2 x 3, repeated three times. The result showed that manure increased chlorophyll content, plant height, CGR, forage yield, DM yield and DM content. N dosage increased chlorophyll content, plant height, CGR, forage yield, DM yield and DM content. The interaction between manure and N dosage increased chlorophyll content, plant height, CGR, forage yield, DM yield and DM content. The result showed that manure usage and nitrogen dosage 150 kg N ha-1 increased chlorophyll content, plant height, CGR, forage yield, DM yield and DM content in the amount of 27.5; 20.5; 98.4; 68.5; 103.4 and 20.5% compared to without manure and nitrogen dosage in the amount of 150 kg N ha-1

    Bioethanol used as topical antiseptics: pretreatment optimization of bioethanol production from tobacco industrial waste

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    Bioethanol can be used for biosolvents and antiseptics material in the pharmaceutical industry. With the abundance of tobacco production in Jember, East Java, Indonesia, tobacco stalks become a promising biomass raw material for bioethanol. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of temperature on the pretreatment process of bioethanol production. Settings and Design of this study using Conventional pretreatment with batch system. The materials used in this study include industrial tobacco waste, HCl, H2SO4, aquadest, filter paper, and aluminum foil. The pretreatment method used is chemical methods. The effect of pretreatment temperature was analyzed on the pretreatment process for the optimization of bioethanol production. Statistical analysis used a percentage frequency distribution. The test results of cellulose with H2SO4 solvents are 6.99 % at temperature 100 °C, 6.60 % at temperature 120 °C, and 4.47 % at temperature 140 °C. The test results of cellulose with HCl solvents are 6.00 % at temperature 100 °C, 6.23 % at temperature 120 °C, and 5.66 % at temperature 140 °C. Conclusions of this study, the optimum temperature in the pretreatment process with H2SO4 for the temperature range 100 °C to 140 °C is 100 °C, with the cellulose content produced as much as 6.99 %. The optimum temperature in the pretreatment process with HCl for the temperature range 100 °C to 140 °C is 120 °C, with the cellulose content produced as much as 6.23 %

    Assessment of soil chemical properties for monitoring and maintenance of soil fertility in Probolinggo, Indonesia

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    Soil is paramount to sustaining living in biomass production, water quality control, climatic mitigation, and biodiversity endurance. Closely associated with sustainable agriculture, it degrades soil in the long run, robbing the soil of its production capacity and food-generating ability. In Probolinggo, a regency in Indonesia, intensifying the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides yet a declining trend in yield production was discovered. This research analyzed the acid, nitrogen, organic carbon, and nutrients focusing on phosphor, potassium, iron, and manganese contents. Organic carbon/nitrogen ratio, soil organic compound rate, and cation exchange capacity were also discussed in order to illustrate the correlations among chemical substances and their roles in soil and plant maintenance. While such a study has yet to be performed in Probolinggo, the results should show the degree of land deterioration and future attempts at damage control and correction open to facilitate. Employing a simple random method, soil and plant samples were collected from 18 villages in six districts and their chemical contents were compared to the standard set in Government Regulations No 150/2000. The results showed low N-total, P-Bray, P-Olsen, K, C-Organic, and C/N ratio availabilities at 0.18, 13.88, 14.41, 0.37, 1.36, and 7.38 respectively, contrasted to high rates on pH (5.94), Fe (153.46 mg kg–1) and Mn (37.96 mg kg–1). Biomass production is conclusively imperative to fix the land composition and meet the plant nutrient requirements through an organic approach; fertilizers from digester biogas are therefore recommended. This action requires field agricultural advisors to raise awareness of sustainable agriculture

    Metodologi penelitian: pendekatan praktis dalam penelitian

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    Studi Gatra Biologi Penggunaan Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) Pada Tanah Kahat Fosfor: Penelitian Eksperimental Laboratorik

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate infectivity and effectiveness of V AM fimgi for 81J8&rCane varities, the influence of V AM inoculation to the sugarcane growth in phosphor scarcity soils, the influence soil inoculmn amotmt of VAM fungi to the sugarcane growth and also the effect ofVAM inoculation and TSP fertilizier dosll8e application to the trug111"Cano yiold, sugarcane oontont, and orystal sugar. The experiment was conducted in Complete Randomized Design (pot experiment) and Randomized Block Design (field experiment). The parameters observed were agronomy components and yield production. The difference between treatment8 were teated by HSD (Honestly Significance Difterence) 5 %. The results showed that the infectivity of Indigenous V AM and Glomus sp were higer than.Acaulospora sp. The Indigenous VAM have high effectiveness on M 442-Sl cane variety for P concentration in le~ per~entage of root infected, and shoot dry weight, whereas Glomus sp has high effectiveness for P concentration in leaf on M 442-51, Ps 61, and Q 90 cane varities. Myconbizal treatments significantly affected cane height In inceptisol soil, Indigenous VAM , Glomus sp, and .Acaulospora sp increased cane height in the amotmt of 11.75%, 9. 20%, and 7 .900A,, while in oxisol 'oil that ia 16.71%, 24.65%, and 22.77%. The height of cane and persentage of root infected respon&e was as high as 300 gram soil inoculmn were applied and inoculation with 358.60 gram aoil inoculmn can be obtained maxiunun moot dry weight. The V AM inoculation can either increase cane yield at a given level of applied P, or reduction of the P application level. Inoculated with Indigenous V AM can be reduced TSP fertilizier application in the amotmt of28.19 %, while Glomus sp 41.75%

    Perancangan dan analisis data percobaan agro: manual dan SPSS

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    ix, 213 hlm. : ilus. ; tab. ; 26 cm

    Perancangan dan analisis data percobaan agro : manual dan SPSS/ Adinurani

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    ix, 231 hal.: ilus.; 26 c