89 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPerilaku pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga yaitu kegiatan yang dilakukan mulai dari dalam rumah hingga keluar rumah. Sampah di dalam rumah umumnya ditempatkan di belakang rumah atau dapur. Perilaku pengelolaan sampah yang tidak benar di dalam rumah seperti menggunakan tempat sampah organik tidak tertutup dapat mendatangkan vektor penyebab penyakit. Tujuan dilakukannya pengabdian ini yaitu untuk memberikan sosialisasi dalam pemilihan tempat sampah RT 31 RW 08 Warungboto, kecamatan Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta. Pelaksanaan pengabdian dilakukan pada tanggal 18-24 April 2022 dengan metode pengumpulan data penentuan skala prioritas masalah pada masyarakat di RT 31 RW 08 dengan wawancara menggunakan lembar kuesioner. Hasil dari pengumpulan data dengan skala prioritas yaitu rendahnya pengetahuan masyarakat dalam pemilihan tempat sampah organik yang kurang tepat. Adapun hasil prioritas masalah yang diperoleh, dari 30 KK terdapat 21 KK yang kurang tepat dalam pemilihan tempat sampah organik. Berdasarkan hasil, masih banyaknya keluarga yang memilih tempat sampah tidak tertutup di Kecamatan Warungboto, sehingga masih membutuhkan transfer edukasi mengenai pentingnya pemilihan tempat sampah organik yang tepat. Kata kunci: sampah; pemilihan tempat sampah; sosialisasi ABSTRACTHousehold management behavior is carried out from inside to outside the house. Household waste is generally placed behind the house or kitchen. Waste management behavior that does not actually use an uncovered organic trash can will bring in disease-causing vectors. The purpose of this service is to provide socialization in the selection of trash bins in RT 31 RW 08 Warungboto, Umbulharjo District, Yogyakarta. The service was carried out on April 18 to 24, 2022, with the method of collecting data on the priority scale of problems in RT 31 RW 08 by interviewing using a questionnaire. The results of data collection with a priority scale are the low level of public knowledge in choosing inappropriate organic waste bins. The results of the priority problems obtained from 30 and 21 families are less precise in choosing organic waste bins. Based on the study's results, many families still choose open trash cans in Warungboto District, so it is still necessary to transfer education about the importance of choosing the right organic waste bins. Keywords: waste; trash selection; socialization


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    This study was designed to evaluate the hepatoprotective effect of the powder Eurycomalongifolia Jack. From the activity level of SGPT-SGOT on CCl4-induced in male rats. Twentyfive male rats (150-250 g) divide in to 5 groups. Group I treated with aquadest was kept asnormal, group II treated with a single dose of CCl4 (1 ml/ kg BW i.p), group III and IV weretreated with Eurycoma longifolia Jack. (100 mg/kg BW and 200 mg/kg BW p.o) respectivelyand CCl4 (1 ml/kg BW i.p), group V treated with a single dose of curcumin (100 mg/kg BWp.o) and CCl4 (1 ml/kg BW i.p). Blood was collected from vena porta for determination ofSGPT-SGOT. The study showed the activity level of SGPT from the rats was treated byEurycoma longifolia Jack. 100 mg/kg BW and 200 mg/kg BW, Curcumin, and control groupsare 150.0±5.099 U/L; 113.6±5.508 U/L; 60.5±2.887 U/L; and 129.0±6.055 U/L respectively. Mean while the activity level of SGOT from the rats was treated by Eurycoma longifolia Jack.100 mg/ kg BW and 200 mg/ kg BW, Curcumin, and control groups are 369.4±11.165;263.0±1.803; 194.5±7.448; and 451.5±16.759 U/L respectively. The Eurycoma longifoliaJack. powder and Curcumin significantly (p < 0.05) declines two enzymes (SGPT and SGOT)than control group. The results concluded that Eurycoma longifolia Jack. powder hashepatoprotective effect

    Genomic variants-driven drug repurposing for tuberculosis by utilizing the established bioinformatic-based approach

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    A major challenge in translating genomic variants of Tuberculosis (TB) into clinical implementation is to inte�grate the disease-associated variants and facilitate drug discovery through the concept of genomic-driven drug repurposing. Here, we utilized two established genomic databases, namely a Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) and a Phenome-Wide Association Study (PheWAS) to identify the genomic variants associated with TB disease and further utilize them for drug-targeted genes. We evaluated 3.425 genomic variants associated with TB disease which overlapped with 200 TB-associated genes. To prioritize the biological TB risk genes, we devised an in-silico pipeline and leveraged an established bioinformatics method based on six functional annotations (missense mutation, cis-eQTL, biological process, cellular component, molecular function, and KEGG molecular pathway analysis). Interestingly, based on the six functional annotations that we applied, we discovered that 14 biological TB risk genes are strongly linked to the deregulation of the biological TB risk genes. Hence, we demonstrated that 12 drug target genes overlapped with 40 drugs for other indications and further suggested that the drugs may be repurposed for the treatment of TB. We highlighted that CD44, CCR5, CXCR4, and C3 are highly promising proposed TB targets since they are connected to SELP and HLA-B, which are biological TB risk genes with high systemic scores on functional annotations. In sum, the current study shed light on the genomic variants involved in TB pathogenesis as the biological TB risk genes and provided empirical evidence that the genomics of TB may contribute to drug discovery


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    Objective: Stroke is defined as a sudden loss of brain function due to blockade/rupture of the brain’s blood vessels. Data collected by the Indonesian Stroke Foundation show that Indonesia ranks first in Asia as the country with the highest number of stroke sufferers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of gabapentin to reduce pain intensity and improve the quality of life of post-stroke neuropathic pain in NTB Province hospital patients. Methods: This study was carried out in the period of June–July 2018. The targeted population was all post-stroke neuropathic patients who received gabapentin therapy in NTB provincial hospital. Affordable populations are post-stroke neuropathic pain patients who seek outpatient treatment at NTB provincial hospital that meets the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results of the data will be analyzed using paired sample t-test. Obtained 15 patients were willing to participate in this study. Results: The results of the study using questionnaire EQ-5D-3L after using gabapentin for 2 weeks. Patients experienced an improvement in the quality of life in each dimension items, namely the ability to walk/move from 6.7%, no problem to 60%, no self-care, 26.7% no problem to be 80% without problems, usual activities carried out from 13.3% had no problems to 46.7% had no problems, feeling of pain/discomfort from 60% having moderate problems to 60% had no problems, and anxiety/depression of 60% had no problem being 100% has no problem. While the measurement of the quality of life using the EQ-VAS questionnaire, there was a significant improvement in the quality of life between before and after using gabapentin at 32.66. Conclusion: The use of gabapentin has effectiveness on reduction of pain intensity and the quality of life of post-stroke neuropathic patients in regional general hospital, West Nusa Tenggara Province year 2018

    Gerakan Masyarakat Sadar Stunting (Gemasting) di Dusun Bangket Tengah Desa Masbagik Utara, Kabupaten Lombok Timur

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    Stunting dicegah pada 1.000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (1.000 HPK) sampai anak usia dua tahun. Prevalensi balita stunting urutan ketiga di Indonesia yakni 45,2%. Program Gemasting dilakukan penyuluhan smart nutrition tujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, skill/kemampuan, rasa kesadaran dan kepedulian masyarakat mengenai stunting, serta meningkatkan kreativitas masyarakat dalam upaya pencegahan stunting melalui pengolahan bahan pangan bergizi berbasis sumber daya pangan lokal. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah menggunakan alat peraga leaflet. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam pengabdian Gemasting terlaksana dengan baik dan setelah dilakukan pengukuran didaptakan 17 responden dengan tingkat persentase pengetahuan gemasting sebesar 69,21% yang termasuk kategori tingkat pengetahuan cukup. Kesimpulan pengabdian didapatkan tingkat pengetahuan sebesar 69,21%. Kata kunci: Stunting, Hari Pertama Kehidupan, Program gemasting, Tingkat pengetahuan

    Pengaruh Kepatuhan dan Ketepatan Waktu Minum Obat Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pasien Hipertensi Primer

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    Hipertensi merupakan penyakit seumur hidup yang tidak bisa disembuhkan secara permanen sehingga banyak pasien yang jenuh dan tidak patuh dalam pengobatan yang menyebabkan tidak terkontrolnya tekanan darah. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi tekanan darah pasien hipertensi yaitu tingkat kepatuhan dan waktu minum obat yang tepat. Tingkat kepatuhan penderita dalam minum obat merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan terapi, terutama untuk penyakit hipertensi. Penggunaan amlodipin di RSUD Provinsi NTB untuk pasien hipertensi bervariasi yaitu menggunakan 5 mg dan 10 mg dan belum ada ketentuan dalam penggunaannya, sebagian dokter memberikan terapi pagi hari dan sebagian juga memberikan terapi malam hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepatuhan dan ketepatan waktu minum obat terhadap tekanan darah pasien hipertensi primer. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuasi-eksperimental dengan mengambil data pasien secara prospektif selama periode Juli-Oktober 2018. Populasi  yang digunakan adalah pasien yang menjalani rawat jalan di poliklinik jantung dan poliklinik penyakit dalam RSUD Provinsi NTB, sedangkan sampel penelitian adalah pasien yang menjalani rawat jalan di poliklinik jantung dan poliklinik penyakit dalam RSUD Provinsi NTB dengan diagnosa utama hipertensi dan diberikan terapi tunggal amlodipin 5 mg selama periode penelitian. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan total sampling. Data yang didapatkan selanjutnya akan dianalisis statistik menggunakan program SPSS versi 16.0.Abstract:: Hypertension is a condition where there is an increase in blood pressure which gives a continuing symptom for the organ. There were so many research has been done on anti-hypertensive drugs. One of them is a study of Amlodipine, which claimed that there were differences in blood pressure in the use of amlodipine at the morning and night in 24-hour blood pressure profile against the calcium channel blockers. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of amlodipine administration on blood pressure in primary hypertensive patients which is given in the morning with those given at night and the adherence to taking medication. This research used quasi experimental design by taking prospective data of the patients. The study was done at the Regional Hospital of West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB Provincial Hospital). The research sample consisted of 30  out patient of NTB Provincial Hospital with a primary diagnosis of hypertension that given with single therapy of amlodipine. The results of this study showed that there was no significant difference in blood pressure reduction (systole and diastole) of primary hypertension outpatient and there was a significant effect of systolic blood pressure based on the adherence of taking medication. However, there was no significant effect between adherence of taking medication and diastole blood pressure


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    ABSTRAK“Tanya Lima O” merupakan salah satu program dari Kementerian Kesehatan RI dan Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi dan Kota yaitu GeMa CerMat (Gerakan Masyarakat Cerdas Menggunakan Obat). Melalui tagline ini diharapkan masyarakat dapat lebih aktif lagi dalam mencari informasi tentang obat, tidak hanya pada tenaga kesehatan, namun juga dapat diperoleh dari sumber lain yang valid dan dapat dipercaya. Demi tercapainya penggunaan obat yang bermutu dan aman, keterlibatan masyarakat secara aktif sangat diharapkan. Pada kegiatan ini yang menjadi target sasaran adalah masyarakat yang sedang mengikuti kegiatan car free day di Taman Udayana Mataram. Metodenya berupa penyuluhan interaktif dengan para peserta, diskusi dan tanya jawab dibantu dengan kuesioner. Rata-rata pengetahuan masyarakat yang didapatkan setelah dilakukan pengukuran sebesar 69,21% yang termasuk kategori tingkat pengetahuan cukup. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penyuluhan masih harus sering dilakukan karena penyuluhan yang dilakukan terbukti efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat. Setelah kegiatan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat pada masyarakat ini terlaksana, masyarakat menjadi mengerti dan paham tentang penggunaan obat sejak dini (Tanya Lima O) dengan metode demonstrasi dan tanya jawab. Penting untuk disadari bahwa obat merupakan substansi yang tidak hanya dapat memberikan manfaat, tetapi juga bahaya. Obat hanya akan memberikan manfaat jika digunakan dalam cara pakai yang benar. Dengan pengetahuan yang benar, masyarakat akan dapat memperoleh manfaat maksimal dari obat dan dapat meminimalkan segala hal yang tidak diinginkan yang dapat terjadi akibat pemakaian suatu obat. Kata kunci: Tanya Lima O; GeMa CerMat; masyarakat; pengetahuan.  ABSTRACT“Tanya Lima O” is one of the programs of the Indonesian Ministry of Health and the Provincial and City Health Offices, namely GeMa CerMat (Gerakan Masyarakat Cerdas Menggunakan Obat). Through this tagline, it is hoped that the public will be more active in seeking information about drugs, not only from health workers, but also from other valid and reliable sources. In order to achieve the use of quality and safe medicines, active community involvement is highly expected. In this activity the target audience is the community who are participating in car free day activities at Taman Udayana Mataram. The method is in the form of interactive counseling with participants, discussions and questions and answers assisted by questionnaires. The average knowledge of the community that was obtained after measurements were 69.21% which was included in the category of sufficient level of knowledge. This shows that counseling must still be carried out frequently because the counseling that has been carried out has proven to be effective in increasing public knowledge. After the community service program activities for the community were carried out, the community became aware and understood about the use of drugs from an early age (Tanya Lima O) with demonstration and question and answer methods. It is important to realize that medication is a substance that can not only provide benefits, but also harm. Drugs will only provide benefits if used in the correct way of use. With the right knowledge, the public will be able to get the maximum benefit from the drug and can minimize all unwanted things that can occur due to the use of a drug. Keywords: Tanya Lima O; GeMa CerMat; public; knowledge

    Hasil cek similarity" Identification of Potential Treatments for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia through Integrated Genomic Network Analysis"

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    The advancement of high-throughput sequencing and genomic analysis revealed that acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a genetically heterogeneous disease. The abundance of such genetic data in ALL can also be utilized to identify potential targets for drug discovery and even drug repurposing. We aimed to determine potential genes for drug development and further guide the identification of candidate drugs repurposed for treating ALL through integrated genomic network analysis. Genetic variants associated with ALL were retrieved from the GWAS Catalog. We further applied a genomic-driven drug repurposing approach based on the six functional annotations to prioritize crucial biological ALL-related genes based on the scoring system. Lastly, we identified the potential drugs in which the mechanisms overlapped with the therapeutic targets and prioritized the candidate drugs using Connectivity Map (CMap) analysis. Forty-two genes were considered biological ALL-risk genes with ARID5B topping the list. Based on potentially druggable genes that we identified, palbociclib, sirolimus, and tacrolimus were under clinical trial for ALL. Additionally, chlorprothixene, sirolimus, dihydroergocristine, papaverine, and tamoxifen are the top five drug repositioning candidates for ALL according to the CMap score with dasatinib as a comparator. In conclusion, this study determines the practicability and the potential of integrated genomic network analysis in driving drug discovery in ALL


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    ABSTRAKInteraksi obat merupakan interaksi yang dapat terjadi apabila efek obat diubah oleh obat lain, makanan, atau minuman. Interaksi obat ini dapat menyebabkan beberapa masalah antara lain penurunan efek terapi, peningkatan toksisitas, atau efek farmakologis yang tidak diharapkan. Rendahnya pemahaman dan kesadaran Wali Murid mengenai interaksi obat dengan makanan dan interaksi obat dengan obat lain, ditambah dengan banyaknya informasi kurang tepat yang beredar melalui media sosial merupakan tantangan baru bagi tenaga kefarmasian untuk melakukan edukasi interaksi obat dalam penggunaan obat pada anak-anak yang diberikan pada Wali Murid di Sekolah. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk memberikan edukasi kepada Wali Murid tentang interaksi obat. Pelaksanaan pra kegiatan meliputi survei lokasi kegiatan di TK Cahaya Kartini, Lombok Tengah, proses pembuatan dan pencetakan leaflet. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan pada hari Jumat tanggal 17 Maret 2023 bertempat di TK Cahaya Kartini. Leaflet yang telah disiapkan didistribusikan kepada peserta kegiatan. Pada tahap pasca kegiatan dilakukan evaluasi hasil dengan tanya jawab dan pengisian pertanyaan pre-intervensi dan post-intervensi tentang interaksi obat oleh Wali Murid. Edukasi interaksi obat ini menunjukkan hasil yang baik terlihat dari adanya kenaikan nilai pada post-intervensi dibandingkan dengan pra-intervensi. Edukasi interaksi obat ini membuka wawasan Wali Murid TK Cahaya Kartini untuk lebih berhati-hati terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya interaksi obat dan melaporkan jika terjadi kejadian akibat interaksi obat pada fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan terdekat untuk meminimalisir kejadian yang lebih berbahaya. Kata kunci: interaksi obat; edukasi; TK cahaya kartini ABSTRACT Drug interactions are interactions that can occur when the effects of drugs are altered by other drugs, foods, or drinks. These drug interactions can cause several problems including decreased therapeutic effects, increased toxicity, or unexpected pharmacological effects. The low understanding and awareness of parents regarding drug interactions with food and drug interactions with other drugs, coupled with the large amount of incorrect information circulating through social media is a new challenge for pharmaceutical personnel to educate drug interactions in the use of drugs in children given to parents at school. The purpose of this activity is to educate parents about drug interactions. The pre-activity implementation includes a survey of the location of activities at TK Cahaya Kartini, Central Lombok, and the process of making and printing leaflets. The activity will be held on Friday, March 17, 2023, at TK Cahaya Kartini. The prepared leaflets were distributed to the participants of the activity. In the post-activity stage, results were evaluated with questions and answers and filled in pre-intervention and post-intervention questions about drug interactions by parents. This drug interaction education showed good results as seen from the increase in post-intervention scores compared to pre-intervention. This drug interaction education opens the insight of Guardians of Cahaya Kartini Kindergarten Students to be more careful of the possibility of drug interactions and report if there is an incident due to drug interactions at the nearest healthcare facility to minimize more dangerous events. Keywords: drug interactions; education; TK cahaya kartin