87 research outputs found

    Harmony in health sector: a requirement for effective healthcare delivery in Nigeria

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    AbstractHarmony is defined as the pleasing combination of elements of a system to form an all-inclusive, all involving and more productive team. The aim of this present review was to investigate the factors militating against harmony among healthcare professional in the Nigerian healthcare delivery system. This review was carried out by searching through literature on the topic that bother on harmony among health professions in the health sector. Literature search and reports from previous studies indicates that harmony among health workers is pivotal to improving the health indices. However, available evidence suggests that unlike in the developed world, health care professionals do not collaborate well together in Nigeria because of the claim of superiority of a particular health professional over others. This has often resulted in inter-professional conflict which is threatening to tear the health sector apart to the detriment of the patients. The Nigeria health system should be based on team work. Health professionals from a variety of disciplines should work together to deliver the best possible healthcare services to all Nigerians. All members of the team are equally valuable and essential to the smooth running of hospitals. Hospitals should ideally be headed by health administrators or by a qualified member of any of the professions in the health sector

    The challenges of meeting the blood transfusion requirements in Sub-Saharan Africa: the need for the development of alternatives to allogenic blood

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    As a resource, allogenic blood has never been more in demand than it is today. Escalating elective surgery, shortages arising from a fall in supply, a lack of national blood transfusion services, policies, appropriate infrastructure, trained personnel, and financial resources to support the running of a voluntary nonremunerated donor transfusion service, and old and emerging threats of transfusion-transmitted infection, have all conspired to ensure that allogenic blood remains very much a vital but limited asset to healthcare delivery particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is further aggravated by the predominance of family replacement and commercially remunerated blood donors, rather than regular benevolent, nonremunerated donors who give blood out of altruism. The demand for blood transfusion is high in Sub-Saharan Africa because of the high prevalence of anemia especially due to malaria and pregnancy-related complications. All stakeholders in blood transfusion have a significant challenge to apply the best available evidenced-based medical practices to the world-class management of this precious product in a bid to using blood more appropriately. Physicians in Sub-Saharan Africa must always keep in mind that the first and foremost strategy to avoid transfusion of allogenic blood is their thorough understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms involved in anemia and coagulopathy, and their thoughtful adherence to the evidenced-based good practices used in the developed world in a bid to potentially reduce the likelihood of allogenic blood transfusion in many patient groups. There is an urgent need to develop innovative ways to recruit and retain voluntary low-risk blood donors. Concerns about adverse effects of allogenic blood transfusion should prompt a review of transfusion practices and justify the need to search for transfusion alternatives to decrease or avoid the use of allogenic blood. These strategies should include the correction of anemia using pharmacological measures (use of antifibrinolytics to prevent bleeding and the use of erythropoietin and oral and intravenous iron to treat anemia) use of nonpharmacologic measures (preoperative autologous blood transfusion, perioperative red blood cell salvage and normothermia to reduce blood loss in surgical patients). All these strategies will help optimize the use of the limited blood stocks


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    ABSTRAK Seiring dengan pesatnya perkembangan media saat ini, arus informasi yang diperoleh konsumen akan semakin banyak dan dapat pula mempengaruhi pola konsumsi konsumen. Labelisasi halal merupakan label yang mengimformasikan kepada konsumen produk yang berlabel tersebut, bahwa produk tersebut benar-benar halal dan bahan-bahan yang dikandungnya tidak mengandung unsur-unsur yang diharamkan secara syariah sehingga produk tersebut dapat dikonsumsi oleh konsumen. Dengan pemahaman yang semakin baik tentang agama membuat konsumen muslim menjadi semakin selektif dalam memilih produk yang akan dikonsumsi. Pokok masalah penelitian ini adalah Bakso Ali di Kecamatan Sukarame Kota Bandar Lampung merupakan salah satu restoran yang berstatus ada labelisasi halal tetapi pembeli muslim sebagian membeli produk di bakso Ali dipengaruh oleh faktor lain seperti harga, bukan karena label halalnya. Oleh karena itu penulis ingin mengetahui apakah labelisasi halal dan harga berpengaruh positif dan signifikasikan terhadap keputusan pembeli produk Bakso Ali di Kecamatan Sukarame Kota Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh label halal dan harga terhadap keputusan konsumen dalam pembelian produk makanan siap saji dalam perspektif ekonomi islam (studi pada konsumen Bakso Ali di Kecamatan Sukarame Kota Bandar Lampung). Sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik purposive sampling. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu data primer yang didapatkan melalui kuesioner yang disebar kepada kosnumen Bakso Ali di Kecamatan Sukarame Kota Bandar Lampung. berdasarkan sampel yang berjumlah 100 responden dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda, menunjukkan bahwa baik dari labelisasi halal dan harga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian produk makanan siap saji oleh konsumen Bakso Ali di Kecamatan Sukarame Kota Bandar Lampung. Hasil penelitian uji t menunjukkan bahwa label halal secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pembelian terhadap produk indomie ditunjukkan dengan tingkat signifikan 0.000 < 0.05. Hasil penelitian uji t menunjukkan harga produk secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian produk, ditunjukkan dengan tingkat signifikan 0.000 < 0.05. Hasil uji F menunjukkan bahwa labelisasi halal dan harga menpunyai hubungan dan secara serentak (simultan) mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian produk makanan siap saji. Pengaruh label halal dan harga dengan keputusan membeli produk makanan siap saji melalui uji koefisien (Adjusted R2 ) dengan nilai sebesar 0.624 atau 62.4%. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa labelisasi halal dan harga adalah faktor yang paling penting yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian konsumen. Kata Kunci : Label Halal, Harga, Keputusan Pembelian. ABSTRACT Along with the rapid development of today's media, the flow of information obtained by consumers will be more and more and can also affect consumer consumption patterns. Halal labeling is a label that informs consumers of the labeled product that the product is truly halal and the ingredients it contains do not contain elements that are prohibited by sharia so that the product can be consumed by consumers. With a better understanding of religion, Muslim consumers become more selective in choosing products to be consumed. The main problem of this research is that Bakso Ali in Sukarame District, Bandar Lampung City is one of the restaurants with halal status, but some Muslim buyers buy products at Ali Bakso which are influenced by other factors such as price, not because of the halal label. Therefore the author wants to know whether halal labeling and price have a positive and significant effect on the decision of buyers of Bakso Ali products in Sukarame District, Bandar Lampung City. This study aims to determine the effect of halal labels and prices on consumer decisions in purchasing ready-to-eat food products in an Islamic economic perspective (studies on Bakso Ali consumers in Sukarame District, Bandar Lampung City). The sample in this study used a purposive sampling technique. The data used in this study are primary data obtained through questionnaires distributed to Bakso Ali consumers in Sukarame District, Bandar Lampung City. based on a sample of 100 respondents using multiple regression analysis, indicating that both halal labeling and price have a positive and significant effect on the decision to purchase ready-to-eat food products by Bakso Ali consumers in Sukarame District, Bandar Lampung City. The results of the t-test study show that the halal label partially has a significant effect on purchases of Indomie products indicated by a significant level of 0.000 <0.05. The results of the t-test research show that product prices partially have a significant effect on product purchasing decisions, indicated by a significant level of 0.000 <0.05. The results of the F test show that halal labeling and price have a relationship and simultaneously (simultaneously) have a positive and significant influence on the decision to purchase ready-to-eat food products. The effect of halal labels and prices on the decision to buy ready-to-eat food products through a coefficient test (Adjusted R2) with a value of 0.624 or 62.4%. Therefore, it can be concluded that halal labeling and price are the most important factors influencing consumer purchasing decisions. Keywords: Halal Label, Price, Purchase Decision

    Review of Some Herbs with Haemato-Therapeutic Properties in Use in Nigeria

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    No Abstrac

    Pengembangan Deteksi Suhu dan Kelembaban Laboratorium Elektronika Dengan Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic

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    The electronics laboratory is an important place to run the practical activities, especially among electronics students. It is important to protect laboratory equipment and components from the temperature and humidity factors. Whether, the temperature is too cold and the humidity is too high, it caused the corrosion of all electronic components. Thus, it also caused minor until severe damage of the components. Arduino is an open source electronics kit which specially designed to make easier for researcher to develop electronic devices regarding to various sensors and controllers. The laboratory room temperature detection system was carried out by using an Arduino device, which aims to determine the temperature conditions in the laboratory. The method used in this research is the fuzzy logic method. The software used is Arduiono and Matlab, while the hardware is power supply, D1 Mini microcontroller, DHT11 sensor and LCD. The results showed that the temperature data obtained from the DHT11 sensor will be displayed on the LCD. The temperature data obtained is 27 degrees Celsius – 29 degrees Celsius. The system is able to provide information when the temperature and humidity conditions are abnormal and the LED lights up according to room conditions

    Alat Deteksi Nominal Uang Kertas Untuk Penyandang Tuna Netra Dengan Metode Deteksi Warna

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    Uang merupakan alat tukar atau standar pengukur nilai yang sah, tapi dalam pelaksanaannya terdapat kendala penggunaannya, yaitu ketika uang digunakan oleh tunanetra. Perancangan alat ini bertujuan membuat alat yang bisa mendeteksi nominal uang dengan menggunakan sensor warna untuk memudahkan bagi penyandang tunanetra dalam bertransaksi jual beli barang atau jasa, alat ini menggunakan sensor warna Tcs3200 yang berfungsi pendeteksi warna pada uang kertas, proses deteksi uang kertas yaitu uang dimasukan pada kotak wadah maka sensor TCS 3200 dapat mengambil data frekuensi warna uang frekuensi warna uang yang di dapat dikonversikan menjadi data berupa nilai RGB(Red,Green,Blue) uang yang sudah di masukan akan di baca sensor warna TCS 3200 dan keluarannya berupa suara nominal uang yang sudah dimasukan. Pada pengujian ini nilai akurasi yang didaptakan yaitu uang 10 ribu memiliki akurasi 80%, uang 20 ribu memiliki nilai akurasi 90% dan uang 50 ribu memiliki nilai akurasi 90

    Analisis sistem keamanan pada sistem operasi android 2.2 froyo

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    Sistem Operasi Android merupakan sistem besutan dari Google Inc dapat berjalan di device manapun yang mendukung dalvik virtual machine ( mesin virtual yang di kembangkan oleh dalvik). Sistem operasi Android merupakan suatu sistem yang bersifat open source dan secara statistika sistem operasi Android mengalami peningkatan jumlah pengguna dari bulan ke bulan. Per tanggal 3 oktober 2011 pemakai versi 2.2 Froyo masih pemakai tertinggi yaitu sebesar 45,3%.Masalah yang muncul dari banyaknya pembelian produk smartphone(telpon pintar) yang berbasis sistem operasi Android mengundang para penguji sistem mencoba keamanan sistem operasi Android. Sehingga versi 2.2 Froyo masih sangat layak untuk di cari celah keamanannya.Dalam tugas akhir ini dilakukan penelitian sistem keamanan pada sistem operasi Android 2.2 Froyo. Tujuannya mengidentifikasi kelemahan – kelemahan yang ada pada sistem operasi Android 2.2 Froyo dan membandingkan sistem keamanan Android 2.2 Froyo stock rom dan root. Analisis sistem keamanan dicoba ke dalam sistem operasi Android menggunakan jalur wireless. Metodenya menggunakan empat macam yang terdiri tiga ancaman dasar dan satu titik lemah dari sistem operasi Android 2.2 Froyo. Pertama berdasar ancaman availability, kedua berdasar ancaman confidentiality, ketiga berdasar ancaman integrity, dan keempat penggunaan aplikasi untuk memanfaatkan titik lemah sistem operasi Android 2.2 Froyo. Hasil yang didapat adalah Android 2.2 Froyo stock rom dan root, dalam hal keamanan, tidak berbeda dan masih memiliki kelemahan – kelemahan.<br
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