149 research outputs found

    Peran lingkungan keluarga dalam mengembangkan wirausaha muda

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    The development and maturity of a person's business is influenced by many factors. Many factors also influence the development of pilot businesses that are started and carried out by students. One of the factors that play an essential role in influencing young entrepreneurs can come from their parents or family environment. This article aims to identify and how the family's role in motivating and developing young entrepreneurs' potential. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. In-depth interviews carried out data collection. The data obtained were then analyzed using interactive analysis techniques, which consisted of 4 stages: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results showed that entrepreneurial students who had sufficiently developed businesses received much support from their families. Parents' role as a form of support for their children in entrepreneurship is social, instrumental, emotional, and other support. The concrete form of this support is supported in providing facilities for business development, accompanying and assisting the business carried out by their children, giving permission and trust in children. These results can be used as knowledge and input to parents about how they should support children in entrepreneurship. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um022v6i12021p

    Explorative Study of M-Commerce As a Small Business Innovation Strategy

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    MSMEs have proven to be part of the national economic backbone and have survived the economic crisis that has occurred in Indonesia. However, MSMEs are required to continue to innovate in their business strategies in the rapid disruption of business. The purpose of this study is to explore the role of m-commerce in MSMEs' business innovation strategies. By a qualitative descriptive approach, this study conducted at the Tempe Chips Center in Sanan in Malang as a case study. This study used primary (informants) and secondary (works of literature) data as sources of data and collected by using observation, interview, and documentation and used purposive sampling in determining the informants. Triangulation tests carried out in order to check data from various sources in various ways and times. This study found that the use of social media and the marketplace as one of MSMEs' business strategies in marketing products is still less than optimal. Although almost all MSMEs businesses use the Whatsapp application in their business transaction processes, only a few are expanding the market through other media. In general, MSMEs are familiar with social media and the marketplace, but few of them can optimize it in marketing their products. Keywords: m-commerce, business strategy, business innovation, MSME

    Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Pengelolaan Jurnal Berbasis Online Journal System pada Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Kediri

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    The development of professional teachers, especially in the field of publications, requires a place that can accommodate their work. The initiation of creating a journal as a medium for teachers to actualize in it is a step forward that can be an inspiration for schools to continue to develop professionally and can be a reference for other schools. MAN I Kota Kediri is one of the public madrasah schools that is committed to developing themselves to the maximum and dares to seize opportunities related to the need to manage a new journal as a forum for the actualization of teachers. However, their lack of ability in journal management and expertise in scientific writing makes it difficult for them to perform the progressive program they have planned. This community service is to increase the capacity of journal managers at MAN 1 Kediri City. The method used in this activity is an in-service training program with training as well as mentoring for teachers as journal managers at MAN 1 Kediri City. The results of this study indicate that teachers can perform the registration process and submit scientific papers to the OJS that has been provided


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    OPTIMIZATION OF VARIETY AND BRANDING OF TOFU INDUSTRY PRODUCTS IN BALEN DISTRICT, BOJONEGORO REGENCYThe important thing that can be learned from the 1997 economic crisis that hit Indonesia is that small industries have the ability to survive. Small industries are also a manifestation of the Ekonomi Kerakyatan. The advantages possessed by this small industry encourage policies that can strengthen it. The ability of small industrial players to compete in this era. Efforts for the development of small industries are needed. The problem that often occurs is that they have less knowledge of business development strategies. One of the industries that many people are involved in, especially in Kabunan Village, is the tofu industry. The tofu industry in this village still has a limited number of variations and does not yet have a brand. The implementation method carried out in this service is the preparation made to analyse the situation and needs, implementation, and evaluation of the program. This activity was carried out well. This can be seen from the results of the questionnaire answer that 95 percent of the participants were happy with this socialization, 90 percent were satisfied with the material presented, and 90 percent stated that the material presented was interesting.Hal penting yang dapat dipetik dari krisis ekonomi 1997 yang menghampiri Indonesia adalah bahwa industri kecil memiliki kemampuan bertahan. Industri kecil juga merupakan wujud dari ekonomi kerakyatan. Keunggulan-keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh industri kecil ini mendorong adanya kebijakan yang dapat menguatkannya. Kemampuan pelaku industri kecil dalam bersaing di era seperti saat ini sangat penting untuk dimiliki. Upaya-upaya untuk pengembangan industri kecil sangat diperlukan. Permasalahan yang sering terjadi adalah pelaku industri kecil memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang akan strategi-strategi untuk mengembangkan usaha mereka. salah satu industri yang banyak digeluti masyarakat di Desa Kabunan adalah industri tahu. Industri tahu yang ada di desa ini masih memiliki jumlah variasi yang terbatas dan belum memliki nama dagang. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang variasi produk tahu, dan memperluas wawasan tentang branding produk. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan dalam pengabdian ini adalah persiapan yang dilakukan untuk menganalisis situasi dan kebutuhan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi program. Kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik sebagaimana ditunjukkan pada angket bahwa 95 persen peserta merasa senang dengan adanya kegiatan sosialisasi ini, 90 persen peserta puas dengan materi yang disampaikan, dan 90 persen peserta menyatakan materi yang disampaikan menarik

    Pengembangan Potensi Lokal Desa Krosok Kecamatan Sendang Tulungagung melalui Kuliah Kerja Nyata

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    Potensi lokal desa Krosok adalah sektor pertanian dan peternakan dan memiliki alam yang luas dan masih terjaga.Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di desa Krosok adalah memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat bagaimana mengelola sektor pertanian dan peternakan menggunakan cara-cara yang modern. Kegiatan ini berupa Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Universitas Islam Kadiri selama satu bulan mulai tanggal 1 Agustus 2017 sampai 5 September 2017. Kegiatan KKN terdiri dari 2 kegiatan utama yaitu pertama kegiatan edukasi dan  kedua kegiatan partisipasi pembangunan sarana prasarana desa. Beberapa kegiatan yang telah dilakukan seperti pembuatan silase dari hijauan ternak, pengembangan pestisida nabati dan mikroorganisme lokal untuk pertanian yang ramah lingkungan, pengembangan UMKM dan etika dalam berbisnis, serta penataan arsip atau dokumen keluarga. Kegiatan berjalan baik dengan dukungan pemerintah desa. Kemudian melihat sumber daya alam yang melimpah memunculkan ide untuk menciptakan desa agrowisata di desa Krosok meskipun hal tersebut belum bisa terealisasi. Akan tetapi dengan adanya kegiatan ini memberi dorongan kepada masyarakat untuk mulai memikirkannya

    Evaluasi Adopsi Teknologi Peternakan Ayam Broiler di Kecamatan Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi yang berlangsung dari tanggal 9 Agustus sampai tanggal 4 September 2010. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat adopsi teknologi peternakan ayam broiler di Kecamatan Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode survey. Pemilihan desa sampel dan pemilihan responden dilakukan dengan metode sensus. Data yang diambil terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer yang dikumpulkan meliputi : Keadaan umum peternak dan adopsi teknologi peternakan ayam broiler. Untuk mengetahui adopsi teknologi peternakan ayam broiler digunakan Standardisasi Nasional Indonesia (SNI), serta standar baku yang telah diterapkan oleh Perusahaan industri di Indonesia yaitu PT. Charoen Phokpand Indonesia dan PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia sebagai acuan dan pedoman untuk pembanding adopsi teknologi yang dilakukan oleh peternak pada kondisi nyata di lapangan. Secara umum adopsi teknologi peternakan ayam broiler di Kecamatan Sungai Gelam yang meliputi penggunaan bibit, pakan, perkandangan, pemeliharaan serta program vaksinasi telah dilaksanakan dengan baik dan telah sesuai dengan standar. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa adopsi teknologi ayam broiler di Kecamatan Sungai Gelam telah sesuai dengan standar atau pedoman yang ditetapkan

    Mapping Monitoring of Environmental Conditions In Cilacap Waters

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    Cilacap waters are said to be busy with sea traffic with many activities being carried out in the Cilacap water area. Environmental monitoring activities are needed to determine the existing conditions in Cilacap waters, in order to support smooth and efficient traffic activities in Cilacap waters. This study uses a method in producing a mapping of environmental conditions, namely by looking at the aspects of changes in coastline, water depth (bathymetry), wind direction, and velocity, as well as models of surface currents speed and direction in Cilacap waters. The results of this study indicate that the environmental conditions in Cilacap waters are still relatively not much different from the conditions in the previous year, namely 2017. The value of modeling ocean currents which are influenced by sea tides and ebbs has a relatively small value with values ranging from 0.1-1.5 m / s with an average speed of 0.4 m / s that occurs in June (east season). In June 2020 the wind in the Cilacap water area blows from the east and southeast with speeds ranging from 2.5 - 7 m / s. The bathymetry measurement results showed a result of less than -2 meters. These results also indicate a relatively gentle seabed slope with a maximum depth of more than -30 meters in Cilacap waters. This clearly shows that the morphology of the coast and the condition of Cilacap waters are not relatively significant, experiencing changes every year

    Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Kewirausahaan Etnis Madura

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    Madurese is an ethnic group that we encounter in many cities. This ethnicity is usually attached to the image of the merchant. Besides this image, Madura also attaches to the image of newcomers. How this ethnic group became very attached to the merchant's identity indeed cannot be separated from the role of parents. The family environment is very instrumental in directing or learning children. The purpose of this research is to find out how to internalize these ethnic entrepreneurial values—this research designed using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are done through observation and in-depth interviews. Interview techniques are used to reveal how to internalize the value of entrepreneurship towards families, especially children. The research findings show that in some ethnic Madurese, there is no internalization process of entrepreneurial values in their families, but in other parts, this process occurs. Furthermore, the findings in the field show that the experience of parents influences the internalization process. The process of internalizing entrepreneurial values did by modeling or giving examples by parents, involvement, and habituation of parents' activities to children. Involvement did and verbally begins by inviting children to help with the work of parents. Most entrepreneurs tend to learn from the experience of joining parents or family. The values adopted by children in this ethnicity are self-confidence, high work ethic.DOI: 10.17977/um022v5i12020p00

    Studies of Relation Between Turbidity and Refractive Indeks of Bottled Water in the Area of Banda Aceh by Using Interferometer Murty Method

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    Bottled water is clean water ready to drink quickly without cooking however, it is not all of the bottled water have a good quality. The quality of water can be observed from the optical properties of water, such as clarity and refractive index. A study has been carried out by using interferometer Murty method to know the relation between turbidity and refractive index of the bottled water. The refractive index measurement was carried out for 20 samples from 10 brands of the bottled water. The result of refractive index measurement shows that the refractive index of the water is about 1,1, in averge on the other hand the refractive index of water based on literature is 1,33. Along with the refractive index measurement by using interferometer Murty, turbidity was also measured by using Turbidimeter. The result of measurement show that there is a relation between turbidity and refractive index. The deviation of refractive index values obtained in this measurement from the literature data is because there are some error in the measurement process. By improving the error, better measurement will allow the interferometer Murty to be used to inspect water clarity

    Energy Conversion and Conservation Technology in Facing Net Zero-Emission Conditions and Supporting National Defense

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    Conversion technology is a solution that was born to solve energy problems and human needs. Without energy, all human activities ranging from households and jobs to the industry cannot work as they should, but energy conversion that uses conventional fuels will cause new issues such as climate changes. Therefore, energy conservation is very important for sustainability and energy saving. So, by reducing energy use, the pollution produced will decrease. This paper focuses on the introduction of energy conversion and conservation technology based on a qualitative literature review to deal with net-zero emission conditions. The conversion technology is environmentally friendly and efficient, and is committed to following the international Net Zero Emissions (NZE) agreement, renewable energy conversion technology and new technologies (fuel cells) to meet Indonesia's defense equipment and defense needs. Indonesia's energy use (2019) consists of oil 35%, coal 37.3%, gas 18.5%, hydropower 2.5%, geothermal 1.7%, biofuel 3%, and other renewables at nearly 2%. In 2013 Indonesia's recoverable shale resources obtained a value of 8 Billion Barrels. Because of that the total CO2 emissions resulting from energy use in Indonesia are 581 MtCO2 in 2019. Efforts to fulfil Indonesia's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) continue to be carried out, so that Indonesia's target is to enter a state of net-zero emission by 2060. Fuel cell technology has the potential to be applied in the Indonesian National Army, because of its relatively small size, light weight, zero-emission, high specific energy and zero-noise.Citation: Idris, A. M., Sasongko, N. A., and Kuntjoro, Y. D. (2022). Energy Conversion and Conservation Technology in Facing Net Zero-Emission Conditions and Supporting National Defense. Trends in Renewable Energy, 8(1), 49-66. DOI: 10.17737/tre.2022.8.1.0013
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