22 research outputs found

    Respon Fisiologis Domba Ekor Tipis Terhadap Waktu Pemberian Pakan Yang Berbeda

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    This study aimed to examine the relationship of feeding time on physiological response and the effect on the behavior of Javanese thin-tailed sheep. The total population of the study was 12 sheep. The treatment in this study is feeding time in the morning (W1) and evening (W2). Parameters that had been observed were heart rate, respiration rate, rectal temperature. This research design used was a completely randomized design. Feeding at different times did not affect daily body weight gain. However, feeding at different times affects the physiological response of thin tail sheep. W1 has a higher heart rate value at daytime of 80.65 ± 3.49 but has a lower value in the afternoon at 75.26 ± 4.20. Respiration rates W1 in the morning and evening were 32.06 ± 2.69 and 51.88 ± 3.43. Rectal temperature W1 lower in the morning at 37.76 ± 0.05. Physiological response of thin tail sheep which were fed with different feeding times indicated that the heart rate, respiration rate, and rectal temperature were still in normal condition

    Pengaruh Waktu Istirahat Berbeda Sebelum Proses Pemotongan Terhadap Respon Suhu Permukaan Tubuh Sapi Brahman Cross

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    his study aims to assess the physiological response through body surface temperature of Brahman Cross beef by giving different rest periods. This study used 24 Brahman Cross cattle in several slaughterhouses in West Java. Observation of microclimatic conditions includes temperature, humidity, THI (temperature-humidity index). Data collections of livestock body surface temperature was carried out when the cattle arrive at the slaughterhouse, while they are in the holding pen and the restraining box. Comparative tests were carried out on the surface temperature of cows under different conditions using a completely randomized design (CRD). This study showed that the body surface temperature was still in the normal range, between 30.89-36.75 °C. Analysis of variance showed that different rest periods had a significant effect  (P <0.05) on body surface temperature change in the eye area in the three pre-cutting stages. Providing a 24 hours rest period resulted in lower stress response in livestock


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    Perubahan adalah suatu keniscayaan dalam sebuah organisasi sebagai dampak dari adanya persaingan yang semakin kompetitif. Oleh karena itu setiap organisasi dituntut untuk terus meningkatkan daya saing. Salah satu cara yang banyak ditempuh adalah mengkolaborasikan potensi dari berbagai stakeholder meliputi pemerintah, swasta, dan masyarakat. Namun kebanyakan mereka justru melupakan satu unsur yang sangat kuat yaitu aktor internasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa UIN Sunan Kalijaga adalah universitas yang sangat menyadari pentingnya peran aktor internasional dalam pengelolaan lembaga dan meningkatkan daya saing, terutama untuk mewujudkan visi sebagai World Class University dalam bidang studi Islam, meskipun pada faktanya belum berjalan maksimal karena terdapat hambatan-hambatan yang bersifat politik, ekonomi, maupun budaya dalam mencapai visi tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan pendekatan deskriptif. Kata Kunci: Sound Governance, Daya Saing, Perguruan Tinggi Isla

    Pemanfaatan Kotoran Ternak Sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif di Kelompok Ternak Sapi Potong Sido Makmur Umbulsari Jember

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    The sustainability of the livestock business does not only depend on the success of the maintenance system which aims at increasing productivity, but also on the ability to process the resulting livestock waste. Livestock waste is the main source of quality degradation for the environment, this occurs due to the presence of ammonia and methane gas which is formed from the decomposition of organic matter. Ammonia along with other gases can cause acid rain, while methane gas causes a greenhouse effect. This community service partner is a farmer who is part of the "Sido Makmur" beef cattle group in Umbulrejo village, Umbulsari sub-district, Jember district. The purpose of this community service activity is to transfer knowledge and technology regarding livestock waste processing to be used as biogas. The selection of waste treatment topics is based on a situation analysis of the "Sido Makmur" livestock group. The results of the situation analysis show that generally livestock manure is not processed and is left around the stables and there are some group members who have difficulty buying LPG fuel because it is considered quite expensive. The implementation of the service consists of several activitie, the first was outreach activities, demonstrations / practices and assistance of community service activities. The results of the community service survey which have shown that the application of technology in the processing or utilization of livestock manure into a useful material that even has economic value will support the creation of an environmentally friendly livestock system or zerro waste system, besides that it will also improve the welfare of breeders through minimizing the cost of purchasing fuel

    Pelatihan Manajemen Pemeliharaan Ayam Jantan Petelur pada Kelompok Ternak Nawawi Farm Jember

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    "Nawawi Farm" Breeder Group of Nogosari Village is one of the breeder's groups community in Jember Regency which has a focus on layer rooster’s commodity business. Members of this group are approximately 100 breeders. Production of laying hens has a final weight of around 800 g. Meanwhile, feeding during maintenance requires quite a lot of cost. The existence of expenditures made and income generated is unbalanced, of course, become quite serious problems in the world of the livestock business. This is due to the lack of understanding of the Nawawi Farm livestock group regarding the maintenance management of Laying Roosters. Therefore, training and educations are needed regarding the maintenance management of laying hens. The service of the community dedication stage begins with analyzing community needs, training in the management of laying hens, to guiding the maintenance of laying hens in the Nawawi Farm Livestock Group. The main results of the implementation of this service carried out is that all Nawawi Farm breeders can understand the maintenance management of Laying Hens properly and correctly. The service activities that have been carried out can be carried out properly and run smoothly in accordance with the planned activities that have been prepared. This community service activity was well-received by all apparatus of the Nawawi Farm breeder group. The suggestion of this activity is a follow-up activity in the form of training on making rations with the use of local feed ingredients, especially in the face of the new normal era now to maintain the economic stability of the Nawawi Farm livestock group

    Proses Eksanguinasi dan Kualitas Fisik Daging Sapi Brahman Cross dengan Waktu Istirahat Berbeda Sebelum Pemotongan

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    The aim of this study was to examine blood parameters during exsanguination process, and physical meat quality characteristics of Brahman cross at different preslaughter resting periods. The total number of cattle used in this study was 24 heads of Brahman cross; they were alloted to  3, 6, 12 and 24 hours preslaughter resting periods with 6 heads replication for each treatment. The measurements of blood parameters comprised  gushing blood downtime, weight and presentage of blood loss. Physical characteristics of Meat quality assessment were based on ultimate pH, water holding capacity, cooking loss, and shear force. The data was analyzed using analysis of variance and further differences between treatments were tested using Duncan’s multiple range test. The results showed that preslaughter resting period had significant effected (P<0.05) on gushing blood downtime, and the weight and presentage of blood loss.  Cattle with 24 hours preslaughter resting periods had longer gushing blood downtime, higher  weight and presentage of blood loss, and they yielded meat with lower ultimate pH, cooking loss and shear force value if compared to those with 3 and or 6 hours preslaughter resting period.  Thus, increasing cattle resting periods before slaughter from 3 to 24 hours  might have increased gushing blood downtime, blood lost at exsanguination and cosequently  produced better meat quality


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    Perubahan adalah suatu keniscayaan dalam sebuah organisasi sebagai dampak dari adanya persaingan yang semakin kompetitif. Oleh karena itu setiap organisasi dituntut untuk terus meningkatkan daya saing. Salah satu cara yang banyak ditempuh adalah mengkolaborasikan potensi dari berbagai stakeholder meliputi pemerintah, swasta, dan masyarakat. Namun kebanyakan mereka justru melupakan satu unsur yang sangat kuat yaitu aktor internasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa UIN Sunan Kalijaga adalah universitas yang sangat menyadari pentingnya peran aktor internasional dalam pengelolaan lembaga dan meningkatkan daya saing, terutama untuk mewujudkan visi sebagai World Class University dalam bidang studi Islam, meskipun pada faktanya belum berjalan maksimal karena terdapat hambatan-hambatan yang bersifat politik, ekonomi, maupun budaya dalam mencapai visi tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan pendekatan deskriptif. Kata Kunci: Sound Governance, Daya Saing, Perguruan Tinggi Isla

    Hubungan antara ukuran tubuh dan bobot badan pada induk sapi perah Friesian Holstein laktasi pertama

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between body size and bodyweight of the first lactating FH dairy cow. The research method used was linear regression analysis with 17 individuals at 27-29 months. The observed variables were body weight (BW), body length (BL), shoulder height (SH), and chest circumference (CC). The results showed that the correlation value between BW and BL was 0.6791 with the correlation regression equation Y = -724.63+7.68X1. SH and BW have a correlation value of 0.4043. CC with BW has a correlation value of 0.6863 with the regression equation Y = -733.455.90X1. The relationship between BL and SH has a correlation value of 0.2048. BL and CC have a correlation value of 0.4832. The conclusion of this study was that BW has a correlation of 67.91% to BL and 68.63% to CC of first lactating dairy cows, but does not have a correlation to SH. The more the BL and CC of the first lactating dairy cow increased, the more the weight of the dairy cow increased. BL does not have a correlation with SH and CC. SH has a 60.08% correlation with CC