13 research outputs found
Flexible Work Arrangement Factors That Affect Startup Employees in New Normal Situation
Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) is a work pattern implemented by companies with the aim of reducing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The research was conducted to identify and measure the level of influence of FWA factors on employees in startup companies in the new normal situation. This research method was carried out using factor analysis. The research instrument was a questionnaire containing personal data and questions regarding FWA factors using Likert scale. Questionnaires were distributed via online platforms (WhatsApp and Instagram) using a non-probability sampling technique. 224 samples were collected and proceeded to the data processing stage using SPSS version 26 software. The results showed that were 5 FWA factors that influenced startup employees to work in the new normal situation. The factors are telecommuting factor, work location factor, policy and regulatory factor, company facilities factor, and personal factor. The conclusions of these findings were important for human relations and company management to understand the FWA factors that were considered beneficial for the business processes of startup companies, such as reducing operational costs and attracting the employee recruitment process. The practical implication for the management of startup companies was to observe and ensure that employees who applied the FWA work pattern were beneficial for their respective companies in achieving the company’s targets.
Keywords: flexible work arrangement, work factors, work pattern, startup, new norma
Commercial Buildings as Public Spaces
This research aims to verify the contribution of three commercial buildings in providing places for public in Bandung and Jakarta city in Indonesia. To achieve this goal, some field observations, interviews and evaluation of public activities at the buildings were conducted. The public uses and the ways the company manages the buildings that enable public activities were evaluated. The results of this research show that some types of public activities are identified. The types of the public activities are related to the ways the company manages the places and the physical characters of the places.Keywords: commercial; buildings; public spaceeISSN 2398-4279 © 2018. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Literature Review: Kontekstualisasi Pendekatan Kebutuhan Maslow dalam Studi Interior Hunian
Hunian merupakan salah-satu bentuk ruang binaan yang terus berkembang dan terkait dengan aspek penghuninya. Beberapa aspek manusia meliputi aspek fisikal dan mental menjadi bagian dari perhatian desain berbasis manusia. Kebutuhan manusia dalam pendekatan humanistik dipercaya telah menawarkan perspektif penyelidikan baru yang lebih terfokus dan tepat guna, tidak terkecuali dalam spasialitas hunian. Melalui penelitian ini, penulis menelusuri Teori Kebutuhan Maslow dan mengemukakan variable kontekstual yang telah dipergunakan dalam pendekatan studi pemanfaatan desain dan interior terdahulu. Penelitian menggunakan metode literature review yang meliputi proses analisis dan sintesis guna mendeskripsikan teori kebutuhan dalam desain, aspek manusia, dan tipologi kebutuhan dalam desain hingga ranah interior hunian. Penelusuran artikel menggunakan Science Direct, EBSCOhost, dan Google Scholar, yang terbit pada tahun 2009-2022. Adapun 10 sumber data literatur review yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan artikel jurnal, naskah prosiding, dan buku terpublikasi dipilih sesuai kriteria penelitian dan diproses melalui flow diagram. Hasil dalam penelitian ini merupakan identifikasi teori kebutuhan yang telah dielaborasikan dalam desain interior dan membentuk kontekstualisasi pendekatan. Kontekstualisasi memuat penerjemahan atas 5 kategori kebutuhan Maslow dan uraian variabel unsur kebutuhan dalam ranah interior sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai kerangka studi dan evaluasi pasca huni melalui identifikasi pemanfaatan interior hunian yang terbentuk oleh penghuni
Analisa Uses & Activities pada Placemaking Gedung Filateli Jakarta
Bangunan cagar budaya memuat identitas budaya dan merupakan saksi perkembangan peradaban. Namun pada tatanan kehidupan modern bangunan cagar budaya tidak lagi memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan mulanya. Adanya perbedaan fungsi tersebut merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mempertahankan keberadaan bangunan tersebut melalui melahirkan fungsi baru yang menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kehidupan sosial budaya saat ini. Siasat tersebut juga merupakan salah satu upaya melaksanakan pembangunan minim emisi dengan cara mengoptimalkan fungsi dari bangunan yang sudah ada. Prinsip yang erat kaitannya dengan praktik optimasilasi bangunan cagar budaya dikenal dengan adaptive reuse. Pada objek bangunan cagar budaya strategi adaptive reuse dijalankan dengan pendekatan placemaking. Gedung Filateli merupakan bangunan cagar budaya yang direvitalisasi dengan pendekatan placemaking. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi indikator uses dan activities pada placemaking fase I Gedung Filateli, khususnya area great hall. Identifikasi indikator uses dan activitiy bertujuan untuk mengetahui terpenuhi atau tidaknya kebutuhan masyarakat melalui pendekatan placemaking yang dilakukan pada Gedung Filateli. Metoda yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah observasi dan deskriptif. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada placemaking Gedung Filateli khususnya area great hall , area tersebut berhasil mewadahi beragam aktivitas dan program kegiatan sehingga indikator uses dan activities sudah teridentifikasi dan terpenuhi.
The Effects of Worker’s Behavior Changes on Batik Equipment in Traditional Batik Process of Oey Soe Tjoen
Batik Tulis is one of the world's worth preserving intangible heritage objects from Indonesia. Preservation of the batik industry also includes the conservation of the manufacturing process. Oey Soe Tjoen Peranakan Batik is one of the batik workshops that still maintains the traditional batik tulis process for almost a hundred years. This batik workshop located in the Kedungwuni area, Central Java, is now managed by Widianti Widjaja as the third generation. The intergenerational period causes differences in behavior in everyday life, including the process of making batik tulis. In the second and third generations, postural limitations founded, which also affected the equipment used in the process of making batik. The inconvenience factor in the process of making traditional batik tulis is one of the reasons that trigger changes in the equipment used. The purpose of this study is to examine changes in equipment used in the process of making traditional batik tulis in the Oey Soe Tjoen workshop. Through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation in a certain period, it can be concluded that the influence of habits and comfort factors at work increased the work platform on some equipment used in making traditional batik tulis, especially at this workshop.Keywords: Batik tulis, batik tools, behavior, postural, working platformDOI: 10.7176/ADS/80-01Publication date: January 31st 202
Artificial Light as A Supporting Element to Achieve Sacredness in the Holy Spirit Cathedral Church of Denpasar
The sacred space in Catholic Church buildings is intended for people to experience the mystery of God’s work of salvation and the epiphany of faith through light as one of its design elements. Light is seen as a significant aspect of Catholic teachings, representing divine manifestation through its symbolic function. The presence of artificial light in the worship room of the Holy Spirit Cathedral Denpasar was designed to accommodate all worship activities in conveying symbolic meanings. This study aimed to determine how artificial lighting through pragmatic, psychological, and symbolic functions is present in the prayer room. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The study results showed that the pragmatic function of light in the worship room of the Holy Spirit Cathedral Denpasar is considered a supporting aspect, while light with its psychological and symbolic functions is considered to be the main aspect, which is very influential in creating a spatial atmosphere that facilitates the religious experience of the churchgoer. Although the presence of artificial lighting in the worship room does not fulfill visual comfort, churchgoers consider the presence of artificial light to be able to accommodate the whole procession of worship activities
Visual-thinking in congenitally blind individuals
What is mental imagery like for the congenitally blind? Using a combined storytelling and clay modelling task and an analysis of the clay models in terms of a physical ontological concept, we observed the visual-like abstraction of congenitally blind individuals. Next, we observed their distinct mental lexicon construction through an analysis of how they include attributive adjectives of an animal’s savageness using semantic memory. The results demonstrated that visual thinking is a conflict between immature visual cognitive resource with critical adult logic induced by the absence of visual recognition and the proper resources for a mental lexicon. This leads to feelings of estrangement, which allows this ambiguous concept to occur. To capture visual phenomena, their brain harnesses another particular mode of thinking, associative and/or bisociative thinking, as a referral in addition to employing self-body referencing as an archetype. We discuss how these findings can be applied to possible employment opportunities for people with visual impairments