44 research outputs found


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    PDAM District Penajam Paser Utara is a company engaged in the service sector. In the service sector, service quality must be considered to meet customer satisfactions who use these services. PDAM districts Penajam Paser Utara has tried to provide the best service. However, there are still complaints from customers, so research is needed using Integration Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and Kano to prioritize what attributes should be improved, maintained, and reduced. The results show that the quadrant I research category is the main priority to increase E3 complaints and suggestions that are well responded to, T1 air cleanliness, T4 air sufficiency, RS1 the responsiveness of officers if customer complaints, RS2 officers' willingness to provide the needed assistance, A1 guarantees officers to provide services are polite and friendly, and E1 information given to customers is clear

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niat kewirausahaan

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    Instill the entrepreneurial spirit is not an easy thing to do because there are several factors that must be considered in growing interest in entrepreneurship. Some of the factors in question are a factor that comes from outside and inside the private student among other entrepreneurial traits and skills as well as contextual factors. Each of these factors consists of several indicators that are measured using a Likert scale of 1 to 5. Population and sample in this research is the students of S1 Faculty of Economics and Business, University Mulawarman Samarinda ever take entrepreneurship courses or have completed entrepreneurship training both inside and outside the college campus. Population and sample in this study were 98 students, in order to qualify for the analysis of the data used in this research is using Structural Equation Model PLS. The results showed that the traits and contextual variables entrepreneurial no significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions, while variable entrepreneurial skills significantly influence entrepreneurial interests


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    This study examined the Influence of Online advertisement Via WhatsApp consisting of attitude towards the ad, ad recall and click through rates, against the decision of the purchase for the increased sales of Local Culinary Products. The purpose of this research was to describe the activity of young culinary entrepreneurs in social media that is WhatsApp the current phenomenon of increased numbers of their accounts as well as how much influence the activity of the young culinary entrepreneurs on WhatsApp can increase sales of local culinary products. With the right marketing activities on WhatsApp can be beneficial against purchasing decisions so that it will enhance local culinary products sales. This research use questionnaire as a research instrument to get the data from the consumer donut JCO. In this study the respondent's criteria are that respondents must be followers, and never eat the product by the number of samples planned is 100 people. Analysis tools that will be used Multiple Linear Regression is to test the influence of the dependent and independent variables. The results of the data processing have been done the third factor i.e. attitude towards the advertisement, ad recall and click rates are throught to have simultaneous and partial influence against the purchasing decision. Factor Ad Recall is the most dominant factor and Factor Click Through Rates is the factor that has the most influence diminished purchasing decision

    Antecedents of Motivation and Employee Performance in Samarinda's Class IIA Women's Correctional Institutions

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    This study aims to understand and analyze the impact of organizational learning, work environment, education and training, and work motivation on the performance of employees at The Women's Correctional Institutions Class IIA in Samarinda. The author's data analysis method is the Structural Equation Model (SEM). Multivariate analysis using the Smart PLS program is used to test hypotheses. Data analysis using partial Least Squares (PLS) is carried out in two stages: To begin, evaluate the outer and measurement models. Second, evaluate the inner model, also known as the structural model. The findings revealed that organizational culture positively influences work motivation; however, organizational learning has no significant effect on work motivation. The work environment positively influences work motivation; additionally, the work environment significantly influences work motivation. Education and training positively affect work motivation; however, education and training have no significant effect on work motivation. Organizational culture positively influences employee performance; however, organizational learning does not significantly impact employee performance. The work environment positively influences employee performance; however, it can also be seen that the work environment has no significant effect on employee performance. Education and training have a negative impact on employee performance; however, education and training have no significant impact on employee performance. Work motivation has a positive influence on employee performance; additionally, work motivation significantly influences employee performance

    Analisis Assigment Problem Berdasarkan Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Menggunakan Metode Hungarian (HUNGARIAN METHOD) dan Pohon Keputusan (DECISION TREE)

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    Analisis Penugasan Soal Berdasarkan Penilaian Kinerja Dengan Menggunakan Metode Hungaria (Metode Hungaria) dan Pohon Keputusan (Decision Tree) pada PT Suryabumi Tunggal Perkasa di Kutai Kartanegara. Dipandu oleh Ibu Justina Ade Judiarni dan Pak Doddy Adhimursandi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan penugasan hak kepada karyawan, dengan menggunakan data dari penilaian produksi dan kinerja yang diperoleh dari PT Surya Bumi Tunggal Perkasa. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Metode Hungarian atau Assignment yang merupakan teknik pemecahan masalah penugasan kepegawaian. Untuk dapat menerapkan metode ini, jumlah sumber daya dan jumlah tugas harus sama banyaknya di mana masing-masing sumber daya ditugaskan untuk satu tugas. Selain metode Hungaria yang digunakan juga merupakan alat analisis Decision Tree adalah alat manajemen dalam membuat keputusan tentang isu-isu kompleks, sekuensial dan membutuhkan serangkaian rincian sekuensial dalam kerja tim yang baik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan studi pustaka. Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa penugasan yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan saat ini sudah optimal, berdasarkan hasil produksi sebesar 378 (ratusan ton) dan penilaian kinerja dengan total skor 356. Berdasarkan analisis tugas pegawai Daud Sianipar harus ditugaskan ke Divisi II, Andi Pratama ditugaskan ke Divisi III, Willy Tuba ditugaskan ke Divisi IV dan Tiki Fajar ditugaskan ke Divisi I

    Optimalisasi Manufacturing Cycle Effectivieness (MCE) terhadap Pengelolaan Value Added Activities dan Non Value Added Activities dalam Meningkatkan Efisiensi Produksi

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    The aim of this study is to recognize the effectiveness and to optimize management of value and non-value added activities in increasing the production efficiency at a coal mining company PT Gading Jaya Perkasa. The production activities are value added activities, which is a production process, and non-value added activities including inspection time, waiting time and money time. The research method is Manufacturing Cycle Effectiveness (MCE). Data collection is done by observation interview, analyzing documentation and literature study. Data analysis technique is qualitative with descriptive analysis. The results of this study with manufacturing cycle effectiveness (MCE) calculation that have been done are 60,81% in April, 61,57% in May and 49,75% in June. The achievement level of the companys productivity and efficiency has been quite good with the production achievements 98,43 ton/hour in April, 100 ton/hour in May and 79,67 ton/hour in June. The production efficiency is 88%. The MCE calculation can be utilized by PT Gading Jaya Perkasa management to plan the reduction of non-value added activities for continuous improvement. By using MCE method, production and cost effectiveness can be attained optimall

    Optimalisasi manufacturing cycle effectivieness (mce) terhadap pengelolaan value added activities dan non value added activities dalam meningkatkan efisiensi produksi

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengenali efektivitas dan untuk mengoptimalkan pengelolaan nilai dan kegiatan non-nilai tambah dalam meningkatkan efisiensi produksi pada perusahaan pertambangan batubara PT Gading Jaya Perkasa. Kegiatan produksi adalah kegiatan bernilai tambah, yang merupakan proses produksi, dan kegiatan yang tidak bernilai tambah termasuk waktu inspeksi, waktu tunggu dan waktu uang. Metode penelitiannya adalah Manufacturing Cycle Effectiveness (MCE). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi wawancara, menganalisis dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Teknik analisis data adalah kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini dengan perhitungan efektivitas siklus produksi (MCE) yang telah dilakukan adalah 60,81% pada bulan April, 61,57% pada bulan Mei dan 49,75% pada bulan Juni. Tingkat pencapaian produktivitas dan efisiensi perusahaan telah cukup baik dengan pencapaian produksi 98,43 ton / jam pada bulan April, 100 ton / jam pada bulan Mei dan 79,67 ton / jam pada bulan Juni. Efisiensi produksi adalah 88%. Perhitungan MCE dapat dimanfaatkan oleh manajemen PT Gading Jaya Perkasa untuk merencanakan pengurangan kegiatan non-nilai tambah untuk perbaikan berkelanjutan. Dengan menggunakan metode MCE, produksi dan efektivitas biaya dapat dicapai secara optimal

    Pengendalian kualitas produk kayu lapis

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengendalikan kualitas produk kayu lapis pada PT. SLJ Global Tbk. Penelitian ini menggunakan Statistical Process Control (SPC) sebagai alat bantu statistik dalam mengendalikan kualitas produk. Peneliti memakai tiga macam alat bantu statistik yang ada di dalam Statistical Process Control (SPC), yaitu diagram peta kendali (control chart), diagram pareto (pareto chart) dan diagram sebab akibat (cause and effect diagram). Penelitian ini meneliti tingkat kecacatan produk kayu lapis yang diproduksi PT. SLJ Global Tbk. periode Januari hingga Desember 2016. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecacatan produk kayu lapis pada PT. SLJ Global Tbk. berada diluar batas kendali. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kecacatan seperti kurang ketelitian saat bekerja, mesin mati dan macet karena gangguan listrik dan lain-lai

    Pengaruh jumlah automated teller machine (atm) dan jumlah cabang serta status devisa terhadap profitabilitas

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    The effect of automated teller machine (ATM), branch and foreign exchange status on profitability at private national bank in Indonesia, supervised by F. Defung and Doddy Adhimursandi. The aim of study is to analyze the effect of ATM, number of branch and foreign exchange status on profitability (Return on Asset/ROA) at private national bank in Indonesia. There are 36 banks included in the data set, covering period of 2012-2015, and multiple regression analysis is used to analyze the data. The result show that number branch have a positive impact and statistically significant on ROA. However the effect of Automated Teller Machine and Foreign Exchange Status indicate that there is a positive but not significant on ROA. Therefore, the hypothesis on the positif effect of ATM and foreign exchange status on bank profitability is rejecte

    Pengaruh pemberdayaan karyawan dan keterikatan karyawan serta manajemen pengetahuan terhadap kinerja karyawan

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberdayaan karyawan dan keterikatan karyawan serta manajemen pengetahuan terhadap kinerja karyawan di Platinum Hotel Convention Hall Balikpapan. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 121 orang karyawan kontrak yang bekerja di 8 bidang kerja berbeda yang terdiri dari human resource, sales marketing, engineering, accounting, front office, house keeping, FB services dan FB product dengan 52% laki-laki dan 48% perempuan. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner skala likert. Dalam menganalisis data menggunakan regresi linear berganda dan analisis deskriptif serta menggunakan pengolahan data SPSS. Teknik analisis data kuantitatif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, dan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara pemberdayaan karyawan terhadap kinerja karyawan, terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara keterikatan terhadap kinerja karyawan, terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara manajemen pengetahuan terhadap kinerja karyawa