7 research outputs found

    Preclinical Models of Cancer Therapy-Associated Cardiovascular Toxicity:A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

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    Although cardiovascular toxicity from traditional chemotherapies has been well recognized for decades, the recent explosion of effective novel targeted cancer therapies with cardiovascular sequelae has driven the emergence of cardio-oncology as a new clinical and research field. Cardiovascular toxicity associated with cancer therapy can manifest as a broad range of potentially life-threatening complications, including heart failure, arrhythmia, myocarditis, and vascular events. Beyond toxicology, the intersection of cancer and heart disease has blossomed to include discovery of genetic and environmental risk factors that predispose to both. There is a pressing need to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular toxicity to improve outcomes in patients with cancer. Preclinical cardiovascular models, ranging from cellular assays to large animals, serve as the foundation for mechanistic studies, with the ultimate goal of identifying biologically sound biomarkers and cardioprotective therapies that allow the optimal use of cancer treatments while minimizing toxicities. Given that novel cancer therapies target specific pathways integral to normal cardiovascular homeostasis, a better mechanistic understanding of toxicity may provide insights into fundamental pathways that lead to cardiovascular disease when dysregulated. The goal of this scientific statement is to summarize the strengths and weaknesses of preclinical models of cancer therapy-associated cardiovascular toxicity, to highlight overlapping mechanisms driving cancer and cardiovascular disease, and to discuss opportunities to leverage cardio-oncology models to address important mechanistic questions relevant to all patients with cardiovascular disease, including those with and without cancer.</p

    Interplay of Troponin- and Myosin-Based Pathways of Calcium Activation in Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle: The Use of W7 as an Inhibitor of Thin Filament Activation

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    To investigate the interplay between the thin and thick filaments during calcium activation in striated muscle, we employed n-(6-aminohexyl) 5-chloro-1-napthalenesulfonamide (W7) as an inhibitor of troponin C and compared its effects with that of the myosin-specific inhibitor, 2,3-butanedione 2-monoxime (BDM). In both skeletal and cardiac fibers, W7 reversibly inhibited ATPase and tension over the full range of calcium activation between pCa 8.0 and 4.5, resulting in reduced calcium sensitivity and cooperativity of ATPase and tension activations. At maximal activation in skeletal fibers, the W7 concentrations for half-maximal inhibition (K(I)) were 70–80 μM for ATPase and 20–30 μM for tension, nearly >200-fold lower than BDM (20 mM and 5–8 mM, respectively). When W7 (50 μM) and BDM (20 mM) were combined in skeletal fibers, the ATPase and tension-pCa curves exhibited lower apparent cooperativity and maxima and higher calcium sensitivity than expected from two independent activation pathways, suggesting that the interplay between the thin and thick filaments varies with the level of activation. Significantly, the inhibition of W7 increased the ATPase/tension ratio during activation in both muscle types. W7 holds much promise as a potent and reversible inhibitor of thin filament-mediated calcium activation of skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction

    Response of Equatorial X-Ray Reflections and Stiffness to Altered Sarcomere Length and Myofilament Lattice Spacing in Relaxed Skinned Cardiac Muscle

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    Low angle x-ray diffraction measurements of myofilament lattice spacing (D(1,0)) and equatorial reflection intensity ratio (I(1,1)/I(1,0)) were made in relaxed skinned cardiac trabeculae from rats. We tested the hypothesis that the degree of weak cross-bridge (Xbr) binding, which has been shown to be obligatory for force generation in skeletal muscle, is modulated by changes in lattice spacing in skinned cardiac muscle. Altered weak Xbr binding was detected both by changes in I(1,1)/I(1,0) and by measurements of chord stiffness (chord K). Both measurements showed that, similar to skeletal muscle, the probability of weak Xbr binding at 170-mM ionic strength was significantly enhanced by lowering temperature to 5°C. The effects of lattice spacing on weak Xbr binding were therefore determined under these conditions. Changes in D(1,0), I(1,1)/I(1,0), and chord K by osmotic compression with dextran T500 were determined at sarcomere lengths (SL) of 2.0 and 2.35 μm. At each SL increasing [dextran] caused D(1,0) to decrease and both I(1,1)/I(1,0) and chord K to increase, indicating increased weak Xbr binding. The results suggest that in intact cardiac muscle increasing SL and decreasing lattice spacing could lead to increased force by increasing the probability of initial weak Xbr binding

    Preclinical Models of Cancer Therapy-Associated Cardiovascular Toxicity: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

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    Although cardiovascular toxicity from traditional chemotherapies has been well recognized for decades, the recent explosion of effective novel targeted cancer therapies with cardiovascular sequelae has driven the emergence of cardio-oncology as a new clinical and research field. Cardiovascular toxicity associated with cancer therapy can manifest as a broad range of potentially life-threatening complications, including heart failure, arrhythmia, myocarditis, and vascular events. Beyond toxicology, the intersection of cancer and heart disease has blossomed to include discovery of genetic and environmental risk factors that predispose to both. There is a pressing need to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular toxicity to improve outcomes in patients with cancer. Preclinical cardiovascular models, ranging from cellular assays to large animals, serve as the foundation for mechanistic studies, with the ultimate goal of identifying biologically sound biomarkers and cardioprotective therapies that allow the optimal use of cancer treatments while minimizing toxicities. Given that novel cancer therapies target specific pathways integral to normal cardiovascular homeostasis, a better mechanistic understanding of toxicity may provide insights into fundamental pathways that lead to cardiovascular disease when dysregulated. The goal of this scientific statement is to summarize the strengths and weaknesses of preclinical models of cancer therapy-associated cardiovascular toxicity, to highlight overlapping mechanisms driving cancer and cardiovascular disease, and to discuss opportunities to leverage cardio-oncology models to address important mechanistic questions relevant to all patients with cardiovascular disease, including those with and without cancer

    Cardiac Length Dependence of Force and Force Redevelopment Kinetics with Altered Cross-Bridge Cycling

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    We examined the influence of cross-bridge cycling kinetics on the length dependence of steady-state force and the rate of force redevelopment (k(tr)) during Ca(2+)-activation at sarcomere lengths (SL) of 2.0 and 2.3 μm in skinned rat cardiac trabeculae. Cross-bridge kinetics were altered by either replacing ATP with 2-deoxy-ATP (dATP) or by reducing [ATP]. At each SL dATP increased maximal force (F(max)) and Ca(2+)-sensitivity of force (pCa(50)) and reduced the cooperativity (n(H)) of force-pCa relations, whereas reducing [ATP] to 0.5 mM (low ATP) increased pCa(50) and n(H) without changing F(max). The difference in pCa(50) between SL 2.0 and 2.3 μm (ΔpCa(50)) was comparable between ATP and dATP, but reduced with low ATP. Maximal k(tr) was elevated by dATP and reduced by low ATP. Ca(2+)-sensivity of k(tr) increased with both dATP and low ATP and was unaffected by altered SL under all conditions. Significantly, at equivalent levels of submaximal force k(tr) was faster at short SL or increased lattice spacing. These data demonstrate that the SL dependence of force depends on cross-bridge kinetics and that the increase of force upon SL extension occurs without increasing the rate of transitions between nonforce and force-generating cross-bridge states, suggesting SL or lattice spacing may modulate preforce cross-bridge transitions

    Standardization and clinical applications of retinal imaging biomarkers for cardiovascular disease:a Roadmap from an NHLBI workshop

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    The accessibility of the retina with the use of non-invasive and relatively low-cost ophthalmic imaging techniques and analytics provides a unique opportunity to improve the detection, diagnosis and monitoring of systemic diseases. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute conducted a workshop in October 2022 to examine this concept. On the basis of the discussions at that workshop, this Roadmap describes current knowledge gaps and new research opportunities to evaluate the relationships between the eye (in particular, retinal biomarkers) and the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including coronary artery disease, heart failure, stroke, hypertension and vascular dementia. Identified gaps include the need to simplify and standardize the capture of high-quality images of the eye by non-ophthalmic health workers and to conduct longitudinal studies using multidisciplinary networks of diverse at-risk populations with improved implementation and methods to protect participant and dataset privacy. Other gaps include improving the measurement of structural and functional retinal biomarkers, determining the relationship between microvascular and macrovascular risk factors, improving multimodal imaging 'pipelines', and integrating advanced imaging with 'omics', lifestyle factors, primary care data and radiological reports, by using artificial intelligence technology to improve the identification of individual-level risk. Future research on retinal microvascular disease and retinal biomarkers might additionally provide insights into the temporal development of microvascular disease across other systemic vascular beds.</p