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    Pemodelan Sumber Gempa di Wilayah Sulawesi Utara sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Bencana Gempa Bumi

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    PEMODELAN SUMBER GEMPA DI WILAYAH SULAWESI UTARA SEBAGAI UPAYA MITIGASI BENCANA GEMPA BUMI 1) Guntur Pasau2) dan Adey Tanauma2); e-mail: [email protected])Penelitian IPTEK dan Seni dengan Biaya DIPA Unsrat Tahun 2011 2)Progran Studi Fisika FMIPA Universitas San Ratulangi Manado, 95115 ABSTRAK Pemodelan sumber gempa di wilayah Sulawesi Utara telah dilakukan. Pemodelan sumber gempa menggunakan teori probabilitas total merupakan salah satu upaya mitigasi dalam mengetahui besarnya percepatan suatu gerakan tanah yang diakibatkan oleh suatu gempa bumi. Analisis perhitungan percepatan tanah maksimum di batuan dasar meliputi probabilitas terlampaui 10% dalam 50 tahun. Hasil analisis pemodelan sumber gempa yang telah dilakukan didapatkan bahwa nilai percepatan tanah pada beberapa kota besar di Sulawesi Utara cukup tinggi. Nilai percepatan tanah maksimum yang tertinggi adalah Kota Gorontalo dengan nilai percepatan sekitar 0,5g kemudian disusul oleh Kota Bitung sebesar 0,4g, dan Kota Manado sebesar 0,25g. Kata Kunci: pemodelan, sumber gempa, probabilitas, percepatan, batuan dasar. EARTHQUAKE SOURCE MODELING OF NORTH SULAWESI REGION AS AN EFFORT OF EARTHQUAKE DISASTER MITIGATION ABSTRACT Earthquake source modeling of North Sulawesi region was carried out. The earthquake source modeling using the theory of total probability is one of the mitigation efforts in knowing the magnitude of the acceleration of the ground motion caused by an earthquake. Analysis of the calculation of the maximum ground acceleration at bedrock includes the probability of exceedance 10% in 50 years. The results of the earthquake source modeling analysis has been done found that the ground acceleration values ​​in some major cities in North Sulawesi is quite high. The maximum ground acceleration value of the highest is the of Gorontalo City with a value of about 0.5 g acceleration was followed by the Bitung City of 0.4 g, and the Manado City of 0.25 g

    Effects of a cognitive acceleration program in a low socio-economic high school in regional Australia

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    This paper presents research on the effects of a cognitive acceleration intervention in science lessons on low socio-economic students in a government high school in regional Western Australia. Thinking Science Australia is a program currently being implemented in Australian junior high school classes. The research was conducted over two years as a case study in one school with students as they entered high school in Year 8 (n = 71). Findings show that significant cognitive gains were made, with concomitant improvement in the state-wide testing in science when participating students were in Year 9, aged 13 and 14. Teachers reported changes to the ways they teach and described the challenges in implementing the intervention program

    Pola Variasi Reguler Medan Magnet Bumi Di Tondano

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    Data variasi medan magnet bumi komponen horisontal diambil dari komputer akuisisi yang merekam data secara real time. Dibuat grafik data magnet bumi komponen horisontal versus waktu per hari. Dipilih grafik quite days dan dibandingkan dengan quiet days di Lerwick (Inggris). Dihitung nilai rata-rata dari Quiet days yang sama perbulan untuk dijadikan pola variasi reguler bulanan, sehingga dalam satu tahun dapat dibuat dua belas pola variasi reguler medan magnet bumi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa variasi reguler medan magnet bumi polanya teratur, nilai variasi tertinggi berkisar 39308,3– 39409,5 nT pada kisaran waktu 02:39–03:38 Universal Time. Pola variasi reguler medan magnet bumi digunakan sebagai acuan untuk menganalisis variasi harian medan magnet bumi. Pada tahun 2011 tercatat badai besar geomagnet sebanyak 11 kali yang nilai variasinya berkisar 71–20 nT dengan nilai K indeks sama dengan lima.Data variation of the horizontal component of the earth\u27s magnetic field was taken from the acquisition computer which records data in real time. Graphs describing the horizontal component data versus time were created daily. Graphs of quiet days were selected and compared with quiet days in Lerwick (England). Average value the same of quiet days were calculated in order to create monthly regular variation pattern, so that in one year there were twelve regular variation patterns of the earth \u27s magnetic field created. The results showed that the regular variations of the earth \u27s magnetic field is on a regular pattern, the value of the highest variation ranged 39308.3-39409.5 nT at around 2:39 to 3:38 Universal Time. Regular variation patterns of the earth \u27s magnetic field were used as references for analyzing the daily variation of the earth \u27s magnetic field. In 2011, the large geomagnetic storms were recorded 11 times, the value of the variation range 71–20 nT with the K index value equal to five

    Author Correction: A HML6 endogenous retrovirus on chromosome 3 is upregulated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis motor cortex

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    There is increasing evidence that endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) play a significant role in central nervous system diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Studies of ALS have consistently identified retroviral enzyme reverse transcriptase activity in patients. Evidence indicates that ERVs are the cause of reverse transcriptase activity in ALS, but it is currently unclear whether this is due to a specific ERV locus or a family of ERVs. We employed a combination of bioinformatic methods to identify whether specific ERVs or ERV families are associated with ALS. Using the largest post-mortem RNA-sequence datasets available we selectively identified ERVs that closely resembled full-length proviruses. In the discovery dataset there was one ERV locus (HML6_3p21.31c) that showed significant increased expression in post-mortem motor cortex tissue after multiple-testing correction. Using six replication post-mortem datasets we found HML6_3p21.31c was consistently upregulated in ALS in motor cortex and cerebellum tissue. In addition, HML6_3p21.31c showed significant co-expression with cytokine binding and genes involved in EBV, HTLV-1 and HIV type-1 infections. There were no significant differences in ERV family expression between ALS and controls. Our results support the hypothesis that specific ERV loci are involved in ALS pathology
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