167 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a Twin-Fluid Nozzle for Precision Air-Assisted Agro-Chemical Application

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    The purpose of agrochemical application is to provide nutrients for plant growth and to control weeds, insects and other crop pests as well as plant and animal disease pathogens. The objective of this study was to fabricate a twin fluid nozzle (TFN) and evaluate its distribution pattern for on-the-go precision air-assisted agricultural chemical application. The fabricated nozzle prototype was mounted on a test rig in the laboratory with a view to determine its distribution pattern at various liquid pressures and flow rates while the air pressure was kept constant in the first instance.Thereafter, the distribution pattern was also determined for varying air pressure while keeping the liquid flow rate and pressure constant.It was concluded that independent control of liquid flow rates and spray distribution pattern was achieved by a combination of controlling liquid and air pressure. In addition, a flow turndown ratio of 1.414:1 corresponding to 35.34 to 49.98 L/min, at a fixed air pressure was achieved by the TFN and that even spray distribution pattern were observed for 35.34 L/min liquid flow rate and 200 kPa liquid pressure for air pressures below 500 kPa. Although the pattern width was independent of variation in air pressure it decreased by 40 percent as the flow rate decreased from 49.98 to 35.34 L/min


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    The banking system is one of the major drivers of the financial system of any economy. Therefore, development of the banking system is vital to economic growth and development, and the banking system develops through the activities of the banks. Thus, the major objective of this study is to look at the value banks add to itself, the banking system, the customers and shareholders. Panel data and questionnaires were used in carrying out the research on five top multinational banks in Nigeria. Results of the panel data analysis using random effect regression results also shows that both total equity and customer’s deposits significantly improve profit before tax of the selected deposit money banks in Nigeria. However, the bank’s investment in their subsidiaries exposed them to greater risk and possibility of decline in their profit before tax. Results of the secondary data shows that multinational banks significantly add value to the bank, banking system, the customers and the shareholders. Based on the of the random effect regression analysis, we recommend that the banks look into its investment in subsidiaries because it adversely affects profit after tax, the banks are advised to look into externalities that may affect investment in subsidiaries. Regulatory body should also bring up policies that would encourage the banks to go multinational, because multinational banking helps the banking system of a country and therefore grows and develops the financial system

    Climate change and mycotoxins - The African experience

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    The role of climate change on mycotoxin profile and activity was reviewed. The unprecedented spread and relocation experienced by some regulated mycotoxins on food and feed items were investigated. Aspergillus species and aflatoxin, originally associated with tropical and subtropical climate characteristics of Sub-Saharan Africa are now comfortable guests in temperate zones. The same applies to Fusarium and Penicilium species, earlier thought to be strictly specific to temperate regions of Europe, now encountered in tropical Africa, with their toxins like zearalenone and trichothecenes, particularly in recent surveillance studies. This review is an update on the unstable trend on a global mycotoxin map with reference to the obvious climatic dynamics, having Africa in view

    Pesticides and food safety in Africa

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    African countries have experienced nonconformance in the levels of pesticides for local consumption and export. Sometimes this leads to rejects and other forms of embarrassment from the importing countries. Economic challenge and lack of awareness heighten the overall cost of interventions in pesticide-related food safety management. For example, not a few of the infractions were a result of incorrect ways of pesticide application. The hazard accompanying chemical pesticide application has left open a window of biological alternatives which this review article seems to explore. The bio-alternatives, including green pesticides cancel out the adverse effect of residual chemicals on crops in farm and store and so make it more attractive. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.123754

    Pesticides and food safety in Africa

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    African countries have experienced nonconformance in the levels of pesticides for local consumption and export. Sometimes this leads to rejects and other forms of embarrassment from the importing countries. Economic challenge and lack of awareness heighten the overall cost of interventions in pesticide-related food safety management. For example, not a few of the infractions were a result of incorrect ways of pesticide application. The hazard accompanying chemical pesticide application has left open a window of biological alternatives which this review article seems to explore. The bio-alternatives, including green pesticides cancel out the adverse effect of residual chemicals on crops in farm and store and so make it more attractive. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.123754


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    Leadership and rewards are two key management constructs that plays significant roles in organization’s effectiveness. Thus, this study investigated the impact of these two management variables on team performance in Nigerian Premier League (NPL). A total of 75 respondents comprising of 60 players and 15 coaches from 3 NPL teams were selected through a stratified random sampling technique and used in the study. The Club Structure-Performance Questionnaire (CSPQ) was the instrument used for data collection (r=0.88). A total of seventy five copies of the questionnaire were administered on selected respondents (Players=60; Coaches=15) and the data collected were analyzed using inferential statistics of t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) at alpha < 0.05.The findings revealed that transformation leadership (mean=3.22) and direct financial reward (mean=3.44) recorded higher influences on team performance as compared with other variables in each group. In addition, a stronger correlation was recorded between rewards and performance as compared with leadership.   Article visualizations

    Fascioliasis in Cattle Slaughtered for Consumption at Ado Ekiti Central Abattoir in Ekiti State, Nigeria

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    The occurrence of fascioliasis among cattle slaughtered for consumption at the Ekiti central abattoir was investigated using the faecal sedimentation concentration technique, as well as gross and histological investigations of liver tissues. Three hundred and fifty cattle slaughtered for consumption at Ado Ekiti Central Abattoir in Ekiti State, Nigeria, were investigated. Fifty three (15.14%) out of the 350 cattle were diagnosed with fascioliasis. The parasite density was 5-7 flukes per liver of infected cattle. Infected liver examined showed gross fibrosis, thickening of the bile duct with severe hemorrhage and paleness of the liver tissues. Dislodged adult worms bile ducts were classified morphological features as Fasciola gigantica and F. hepatica. Histological examination of liver infested with adult flukes showed marked sinusoidal occlusions, basophilic inflammatory cells, extensive degeneration and lymphocytic infiltrations. The liver of cattle presumed not infested, with no visible adult flukes, showed a varied degree of basophilic infiltration and chronic inflammatory cells, congestion of sinusoids and partial necrotic Cells. The findings in this study underscore the importance of meat inspection in public health practice. Also, the faecal disposal of these cattle should be highly monitored as this may serve as source of contamination to the environment. Keywords: Cattle, fascioliasis, liver, rot, zoonosi


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    This study examined the type of medicinal plants used in the management of malaria in the Yoruba folklore in south western Nigeria. 87 Traditional medicine practitioners (TMP’s) were interviewed. Plants available in the regions were considered in the survey and recorded with their local names, parts used, preparation and the modes of use. A total of 21 plant species used by TMP`s in the management of malaria infections were identified. These species belong to 18 plant families

    Discussing sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: Are we empowering our patients? A questionnaire survey

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine patient knowledge about sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) compared to other risks in epilepsy. To explore patients' experiences surrounding SUDEP disclosure and opinions on how information should be delivered. DESIGN: A cross-sectional questionnaire. SETTING: Royal Free Hospital, London outpatient epilepsy clinics. PARTICIPANTS: New and follow-up patients attending epilepsy clinics at a London teaching hospital over six months. Patients identified as being at risk of suffering negative emotional or psychological consequences of SUDEP discussions were excluded. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Patient knowledge about epilepsy risks; patient opinion regarding source, timing and delivery of SUDEP information; impact on health seeking behaviour. RESULTS: Ninety-eight per cent of patients were aware of medication adherence, 84% of factors influencing seizure frequency, 78% of driving regulations, 50% of SUDEP and 38% of status epilepticus; 72% of patients felt that SUDEP information should be given to all patients. Preferences for timing of SUDEP discussions varied between those wanting information at diagnosis (40%) and those preferring to receive it after three clinic appointments (18%) to avoid information overload at the first consultation. Emotional responses (48% positive, 38% negative) predominated over measurable behavioural change following SUDEP discussions. CONCLUSIONS: Less than half the patients knew about SUDEP and status epilepticus. Although the majority of patients with epilepsy wish to be informed about SUDEP early on in their diagnosis, information must be delivered in a way that promotes patient knowledge and empowerment

    Pattern of primary caesarean deliveries in a Nigerian tertiary hospital

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    Background: Primary caesarean section (CS) has become a major driver of the steadily rising total caesarean rate. This study determined the primary CS rate, pattern and associated factors.Methods: It was a retrospective, hospital-based cross-sectional study of 645 pregnant women who had primary caesarean section over a 3-year period in Lagos state university teaching hospital, Lagos, Nigeria. Data obtained were expressed in frequency and percentages.Results: Primary CS accounted for more than 50% of all the CS done during the study period with a primary CS rate of 16.7% and total CS rate was 30.6%. Primary CS was commonest among women of age group 30-39years (50.1%) and women with no prior parous experience (58.6%). The commonest indication for primary CS was poor progress in labour due to cephalopelvic disproportion, which occurred in 170 women (26.4%), followed by suspected foetal distress in 94 women (14.6%) and hypertensive disease in pregnancy in 91 women (14.1%). Post-operative wound infection and/or dehiscence was the most prevalent post-operative complication occurring in 12.1% of women who had primary CS.Conclusions: Primary CS rate is increasing and relatively more common among primiparous women. Cephalopelvic disproportion, suspected foetal distress and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are the leading indications for primary CS.
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