444 research outputs found

    Working Paper 65 - Governance in Africa: The Role for Information and Communication Technologies

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    The information and knowledge age is upon us due to rapid advances ininformation and communication technologies (ICTs). These new technologies arechanging the way we live and work, and they are transforming many aspects ofsocial and economic organization in ways we could have hardly imagined less thantwo decades ago. ICTs offer developing countries formidable and cost-effectivetools for accelerated development. This paper assesses the role that ICTs can playin Africa’s development with special emphasis on governance. The 21st centurychallenges for governance in Africa are reviewed. The paper summarizes the usesof ICTs in governance and discusses possible risks. It also attempts to offer ideasthat should be considered in employing ICTs for governance, and identifies keyareas for intervention by African countries and the African Development Bank. Thepaper stresses the importance of the human factor in realizing good governance,given that ICTs are only tools.

    Strength and strain quantities under brittle compression process of hard rocks

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    Purpose. To examine the relationships between strength properties and strain quantities associated with the brittle compression process of hard brittle rocks. Methods. The data used in this paper were obtained from laboratory uniaxial compression tests carried out on 84 different types of hard rocks in accordance with Ulusay (2015) proposed standards. The strength properties and the strain quantities were coordinated so that each of the strain quantities or their ratios is compared individually with the strength properties of the rocks as for their relationship. Findings. In all the cases the relationships between the strain ratios and the strength parameters are stronger than when compared with individual strain quantities. A threshold level for strain ratio Ɛvf / Ɛcd may be assumed as the limit for fracture initiation above which the rock may experience brittle fracture failure. Originality. Scientific sources demonstrate few laboratory studies as for strength properties-strain quantities ratio. Most of the published research has been concentrated on crack damage stress (σcd) and uniaxial compressive strength (σc) of characteristic stress levels during compression. The paper has performed detailed analysis of the problem using experimental results of the relationships between strength properties and strain quantities under the deformation process of hard rocks. Practical implications. The relationships can improve our knowledge to evaluate correctly the stability of excavations, design of stable structures such as tunnels and excavations for mining and civil engineering purposes.Мета. Вивчення зв’язків між міцнісними характеристиками та величинами деформацій, що виникають у процесі крихкого стискання твердих порід. Методика. На підставі лабораторних тестів на одноосьове стискання, проведені з 84 видами твердих гірських порід, отримано результати їх міцності на одноосьове стискання, модулі пружності та коефіцієнти Пуассона. Для випробувань використана сервокерована система контролю із замкненим контуром (випробувальна машина МТS 815). Параметри міцності оцінюються відповідно до запропонованих стандартів (Ulusay, 2015). Результати. Експериментальним шляхом встановлено кореляційні взаємозв’язки критичної об’ємної деформації при втраті міцності з її безпосередніми параметрами (міцність на одноосьове стискання, модуль пружності, коефіцієнт Пуассона). Встановлено, що у всіх випадках взаємозв’язок між відносинами деформації та параметрами міцності сильніший, ніж у порівнянні з окремими величинами деформації. Граничний рівень для деформаційного співвідношення Ɛvf /Ɛcd може бути прийнятий як межа початку руйнування, вище якої гірська порода може піддаватися крихкому руйнуванню. Наукова новизна. Попередні дослідження були сфокусовані у більшості випадків при вивченні напружень розриву (σcd) та одноосьовому компресійному стисканні (σc) характерних рівнів напружень під час стискання й носили теоретичний характер. У цій статті експериментальним шляхом були уточнені результати дослідження співвідношень і взаємозв’язків між міцнісними характеристиками та величинами деформації у процесі деформації твердих гірських порід. Практична значимість. Встановлені співвідношення міцнісних та деформаційних величин сприяють удосконаленню знань щодо коректної оцінки стійкості проведених гірничих виробок, проектування стійких споруджень, таких як тунелі, розробки в гірництві, промисловому та цивільному будівництві.Цель. Исследование взаимосвязей между прочностными характеристиками и величинами деформаций, возникающими в процессе хрупкого сжатия твердых хрупких пород. Методика. На основе лабораторных тестов на одноосное сжатие, проведенных с 84 видами твердых горных пород, получены результаты их прочности на одноосное сжатие, модуля упругости и коэффициента Пуассона. Для испытаний использовалась сервоуправляемая система контроля с замкнутым контуром (испытательная машина MTS 815). Параметры прочности оценивались в соответствии с предложенными стандартами (Ulusay, 2015). Результаты. Экспериментальным путем установлены корреляционные взаимосвязи критической объемной деформации при потере прочности с ее непосредственными параметрами (прочность на одноосное сжатие, модуль упругости, коэффициент Пуассона). Установлено, что во всех случаях взаимосвязь между отношениями деформации и параметрами прочности сильнее, чем по сравнению с отдельными величинами деформации. Пороговый уровень для деформационного соотношения Ɛvf /Ɛcd может быть принят как граница начала разрушения, выше которой горная порода может подвергаться хрупкому разрушению. Научная новизна. Предыдущие исследования были сфокусированы в большинстве случаев на изучении напряжения разлома (σcd) и одноосном компрессионном сжатии (σc) характерных уровней напряжения во время сжатия и носили теоретический характер. В этой статье экспериментальным путем были уточнены результаты исследования соотношений и взаимосвязи между прочностными характеристиками и величинами деформации в процессе деформации твердых горных пород. Практическая значимость. Установленные соотношения прочностных и деформационных величин способствуют совершенствованию знаний относительно корректной оценки устойчивости проведенных горных выработок, проектированию устойчивых сооружений, таких как туннели, разработки в горном деле, промышленном и гражданском строительстве.The Rock Engineering Laboratories of Rock Engineering Department of Aalto University Helsinki Finland and School of Mining Engineering Wits University South Africa are appreciated for allowing part of this work to be done there

    Industrialization, Exports and the Developmental State in Africa: The Case for Transformation

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    This essay explores the role of the state in promoting exports and industrialization in the quest for transformation of African economies. It does this by exploring the role of trade in African economies followed by a brief look at the East Asian Developmental state. This is followed by an examination of why many African states have failed at being drivers of transformation. It concludes by examining the potential role of African states in a project of transformation as well as the available avenues and resources for transformation. JEL Categories: O1; O2; O3; N17; N47; N57; N67; N77.Africa; economic development; economic history; exports; industrialization; transformation;.


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    The purpose of this particular paper is to analyze the impact of the money supply on consumer price indexes within the U.S. The intent of this paper is to probe the impact of the M1 and M2 money supplies on consumer and producer prices indexes by estimating a multitude of equations taking core CPI, general CPI, core PPI, commodity PPI, and personal consumption expenditures as a measure of inflation, with M1, and M2 money supply, as explanatory variables. For this analysis, the OLS technique is used to cover time series data from 1980-81 to 2009-10. The results for general CPI, core CPI, core PPI, and PCE, show a positive correlation with the M1 money supply. Commodity PPI however, is negatively correlated with M1. General CPI, core PPI, commodity PPI, and the PCE are positively correlated with M2. Results show that only the cores CPI, general CPI, are positively correlated with the M3 money supply. It may be concluded that the supply of money M1 and M2 affect the core and general price indices in the same way. The central question that this paper attempts to answer is: Do the domestic money supplies have the same effect on both general pricing indexes as they do on the core pricing indexes? The most important revelation within this project is that the M1 money supply affects general CPI stronger than the core CPI, thus contradicting the analysis posited by the equity research analysts on Wall Street

    Stretch sensors for measuring knee kinematics in sports

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    The popularity of wearable technology in sport has increased, due to its ability to provide unobtrusive monitoring of athletes. This technology has been used to objectively measure kinetic and kinematic variables, with the aim of preventing injury, maximising athletic performance and classifying the skill level of athletes, all of which can influence training and coaching practices. Wearable technologies overcome the limitations of motion capture systems which are limited in their capture volume, enabling the collection of data in-field, during training and competition. Inertial sensors are a common form of technology used in these environments however, their high-cost and complex calibration due to multiple sensor integration can make them prohibitive for widespread use. This thesis focuses on the development of a strain sensor that can be used to measure knee range of motion in sports, specifically rowing and cycling, as a potential low-cost, lightweight alternative to inertial sensors which can also be integrated into clothing, making them more discreet. A systematic review highlighted the lack of alternate technologies to inertial sensors such as strain sensors, as well as the limited use of wearable technologies in both rowing and cycling. Strain sensors were fabricated from a carbon nanotube-natural rubber composite using solvent exchange techniques and employed a piezoresistive sensing mechanism. These were then characterised using mechanical testing, to determine their electrical properties under cyclical strain. The strain sensors displayed hysteretic behaviour, but were durable, withstanding over 4500 strain cycles. Statistical analysis indicated that over 60% of the tests conducted had good intra-test variability with regards to the resistance response range in each strain cycle and sensor response deviating by less than 10% at strain rates below 100 mm/min and less than 20% at a strain rate of 350 mm/min. These sensors were integrated into a wearable sensor system and tested on rowing and cycling cohorts consisting of ten athletes each, to assess the translational use of the strain sensor. This preliminary testing indicated that strain sensors were able to track the motion of the knee during the rowing stroke and cycling pedalling motion, when compared to the output of a motion capture system. Perspectives of participants on the wearable system were collected, which indicated their desire for a system that they could use in their sport, and they considered the translation of this system for real-life use with further development to improve comfort of the system and consistency of the sensor response. The strain sensors developed in this project, when integrated into a wearable sensor system, have the potential to provide an unobtrusive method of measuring knee kinematics, helping athletes, coaches and other support staff make technical changes that can reduce injury risk and improve performance.Open Acces

    Exploring the role of wearable technology in sport kinematics and kinetics: a systematic review

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    The aim of this review was to understand the use of wearable technology in sport in order to enhance performance and prevent injury. Understanding sports biomechanics is important for injury prevention and performance enhancement and is traditionally assessed using optical motion capture. However, such approaches are limited by capture volume restricting assessment to a laboratory environment, a factor that can be overcome by wearable technology. A systematic search was carried out across seven databases where wearable technology was employed to assess kinetic and kinematic variables in sport. Articles were excluded if they focused on sensor design and did not measure kinetic or kinematic variables or apply the technology on targeted participants. A total of 33 articles were included for full-text analysis where participants took part in a sport and performed dynamic movements relating to performance monitored by wearable technologies. Inertial measurement units, flex sensors and magnetic field and angular rate sensors were among the devices used in over 15 sports to quantify motion. Wearable technology usage is still in an exploratory phase, but there is potential for this technology to positively influence coaching practice and athletes’ technique

    Assessment of Environmental Effects of Post-Blasted Explosive on the Ecosystem of Old Netim Village in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria

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    The study investigated the effects of post-blast explosive residues on ecosystems around Prodeco Quarry industry in Calabar Nigeria by collecting explosives residues and air/fumes samples. The variation between the intensity and temperature of explosive dissolution in the mine environment shows that TNT appears at the lowest temperature of 10oC and PETN reflected at about 35oC and NG shows almost at 58oC. Consequently, 5-15 kg of ANFO produced 10-30 lit/kg of nitrogen oxide compound (NOx) fumes while 20 kg ANFO produced 40 lit/kg of carbon monoxide fume. Also, 0.2 μg/L concentration of explosive in water recorded the highest mean recovery of 116.0 % while 1.0 μg/L recorded the highest values of 99.0 %. The mean recovery in soil sample is range between 105.0-126.0 % while that of forest is range between 91.0-107.0 % with the 50.0 μg/L concentration of explosive. The study concluded that the contaminating effects of the explosives residues have direct and indirect influences on the growth and development of the ecosystems

    Language And Communication: An Introduction To Approaches To Meaning And Text Analysis

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    This paper explores the concept of language and communication. It gives an exposition to the study of meaning as it diachronically investigates the theories and approaches to meaning. The crux of the study is that language is central to linguistic communication. It explains concept of meaning in language with the various theories of meaning, such as the traditional referential, ideational, behavioural, and contextual theories of meaning. It also examines some modern theoretical developments on meaning. It carries out the pragmatics and critical discourse analysis of some selected texts to demonstrate the application of some of the approaches to meaning in Language. It concludes on the ground that an understanding of approaches to meaning in language would enhance the development of knowledge and promote successful communication in various situations.     &nbsp

    Manual In-Line Stabilization of the Cervical Spine Increases the Rate of Difficult Oro-Tracheal Intubation in Adults - A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Patients with traumatic brain injury present with loss of consciousness andsuspected cervical fracture. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of difficult orotracheal intubation in surgical patients undergoing various procedures when manual in-line neck immobilization technique was applied. Methods: This was a randomized prospective study at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital. A total of 100 patients were enrolled into the study and were allocated into 2 groups of either Manual In-Line Stabilization (MILS) or Early Morning Sniffing position (EMSP) techniques during intubation. Successful or unsuccessful intubations within 30secs, as well as time to successful intubation were the outcome measures. Results: The mean ± SD intubation time for successful intubation was similar in both groups (MILS=17.9±7.7 seconds, EMSP=14.6±6.6 seconds (p=0.359)).There were more failed intubations in the MILS group (27%) and (2%) in the EMSP group (p=0.001). Conclusion: The study showed that patients who had MILS had more failed intubations than those that were intubated with the EMSP technique. With this level of failed intubations there is need for provision of difficult airway laryngoscopic adjuncts for patients with diagnosed cervical fracture and uncleared cervical injury who require orotracheal intubation.Key Words: Manual inline stabilization, Cervical spine injury, Orotracheal intubation, Difficult intubatio