138 research outputs found

    Treatment of Combine Dye And Flour Wastewater By Coagulation Process

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    Food industries produce large quantities of organic wastewater which creates high biological and chemical oxygen demand in surface water. The textile industry is also a major contributor of dye wastewater into the water bodies affecting the water quality in relation to light transmissivity. This study focused on the treatment process of coagulation on a combined mixture of dye and flour wastewater. Synthetic dye and flour wastewater prepared in the laboratory was used and the flour used to prepare the flour wastewater was bought from the grocery store. The treatment was carried out using four different concentrations of wastewater. Using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, the effectiveness of the coagulation process was measured for Transmittance, Absorbance, and total organic carbon (TOC) as indices. It can be concluded that coagulation process is an effective preliminary treatment process for suspended particles, organics, and color removal from industrial effluent

    New iteration process for a general class of contractive mappings

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    Let K be a closed convex subset of X, and let T : K → K be a self-mapping with the set FT of fixed points such that ‖Tx − ρ‖ ≤ δ‖x − ρ‖ for all x ∈ K, ρ ∈ FT and some δ ∈ (0, 1). We introduce a new iteration process called Picard-hybrid iteration and show that this iteration process converges to the unique fixed point of T. It is also shown that our iteration process converges more rapidly than the Picard–Mann and Picard iteration processes. Our result improves a recent result of S. H. Khan and some other results


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    In this paper, we introduce Jungck-Kirk-multistep and Jungck-Kirk-multistep-SP iterative schemes and use their strong convergences to approximate the common fixed point of nonself operators in a normed linear Space. The Jungck-Kirk- Noor, Jungck-Kirk-SP, Jungck-Kirk-Ishikawa, Jungck-Kirk-Mann and Jungck-Kirk iterative schemes follow our results as corollar- ies. We also study and prove stability results of these schemes in a normed linear space. Our results generalize and unify most approximation and stability results in the literature


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    We have introduced diamond ϕhs,T\phi_{h-s, \mathbb{T}} derivative and diamond ϕhs,T\phi_{h-s,\mathbb{T}} integral on an arbitrary time scale. Moreover, various interconnections with the notion of classes of convex functions about these new concepts are also discussed


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    In this paper, we introduced a new mapping called Uniformly L-Lipschitzian mapping of Gregus type, and used the Mann iterative scheme to approximate the fixed point. A Strong convergence result for the sequence generated by the scheme is shown in real Banach space. Our result generalized and unifybmany recent results in this area  of research. In addition, using Java(jdk1.8.0_101), we give a numericalbexample to support our claim

    Literature across Boundaries

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    Despite the fact that the boundaries of the Apartheid state were constructed in a way that did not encourage literary and cultural transactions between that carceral space and the rest of the world, Francophone African literatures still managed to establish a marginal presence in South Africa, mainly within the context of the negritude debate. Today, a good number of South African Universities have incorporated writing from Francophone Africa into their literary curricula. South Africa is now in a post-Apartheid era rooted in a deontology of exploration and change which, from all indications, will reinforce the renewed interest in Francophone African literatures in that country.Bien que les frontières de l’apartheid aient été édifiées de telle sorte qu’elles n’encouragèrent pas les échanges littéraires et culturels entre cet espace carcéral et le reste du monde, les littératures africaines francophones ont réussi à conserver une présence marginale en Afrique du Sud, surtout dans le cadre du débat sur la négritude. De nos jours, un grand nombre d’universités sud-africaines ont inclu les œuvres littéraires d’Afrique francophone dans leurs programmes. L’Afrique du Sud est maintenant entrée dans une époque post-apartheid, laquelle est enracinée dans une déontologie de l’exploration et du changement. De l’avis général, ce climat d’ouverture devrait y renouveler l’intérêt envers les littératures africaines francophones

    Libraries and Health Literacy Campaigns as Veritable Tools for Curtailment of COVID- 19 in Nigeria

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    Health literacy is an important aspect of preventive measures in curtailing the spread of diseases in the society. This is due to the fact that a health literate person understands his/her health status, take prevention and control measures of various diseases. The purpose of this paper was to discuss how libraries and deployment of health literacy campaigns can prevent, control and curtail the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Nigeria. The researchers reviewed several literatures and found out that libraries have a big role to play to ensure that community recognises their information needs, search for relevant information and make use of the information to make informed health decisions. The study concluded that COVID-19 imposes a double burden of health emergency and economic crisis on government and the people. Therefore, it becomes imperative for all stakeholders including the libraries to be deeply involved in health literacy campaigns in order to curtail the spread of the pandemic code named COVID-19 in Nigeria. Keywords: Health Literacy, Libraries, COVID-19, Nigeria DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-17-08 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Diagnosis of malaria parasitemia in children using a rapid diagnostic test

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    Aim: This cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the diagnostic performance of a new rapid immunochromatographic test named “Paracheck pf” in the diagnosis of malaria in Nigerian children.Materials and Methods: A total of 380 Nigerian children aged between 6 and 59 months who presented at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) Enugu with fever and no obvious focus of any other infection were consecutively recruited. Malaria parasitemia was determined using simple microscopy and “Paracheck pf”.Results: “Paracheck pf” has the following diagnostic performance characteristics: Sensitivity of 82%, specificity of 91.5%, negative predictive value of 91.5%, positive predictive value of 82%, a strong positive correlation between parasite density and test sensitivity, and a detection limit of 397 parasites/ml.Conclusions: The test is, therefore, recommended for the use in Nigerian children aged between 6 and 59 months in Enugu for the diagnosis of malaria, but negative results should be cautiously interpreted in infants because symptomatic malaria may occur in these children at parasite densities as low as 100/ml

    Iterative Procedure for Uniform Continuous Mapping.

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