693 research outputs found

    The State, the Media: Conceptual Elucidations and the Nigerian Context?

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    This paper undertakes two tasks. First, it critically examines conceptual problematique surrounding the concepts of the state and the media in literature, and second, it empirically teases out state Ă¢â‚¬â€œmedia relations in Nigeria with the objective of understanding the character of the relations. Drawing mainly from secondary data sources, it contends that while there are conceptual ambiguities revolving around the concepts of the state and the media, there had also been uneasiness in state-media relations in Nigeria which cannot be divorced from the authoritarian character of the Nigerian State. It recommends, among others, the deconstruction and decolonization of the meddlesome Nigerian State

    An Iterative Model as a Tool in Optimal Allocation of Resources in University Systems

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    In this paper, a study was carried out to aid in adequate allocation of resources in the College of Natural Sciences, TYZ University (not real name because of ethical issue). Questionnaires were administered to the highranking officials of one the Colleges, College of Pure and Applied Sciences, to examine how resources were allocated for three consecutive sessions(the sessions were 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012),then used the data gathered and analysed to generate contributory inputs for the three basic outputs (variables)formed for the purpose of the study. These variables are: 1 x represents the quality of graduatesproduced; 2 x stands for research papers, Seminars, Journals articles etc. published by faculties and 3 x denotes service delivery within the three sessions under study. Simplex Method of Linear Programming was used to solve the model formulated

    Pervasive intra-party conflicts in a democratising Nigeria: Terrains, implications, drivers and options for resolution

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    Intra-party conflicts of all shapes and complexions have been part and parcel of Nigeria’s democratic journey. However, in recent times, they have become much more pervasive and even assumed crisis dimensions, with negative implications for democratic stability and consolidation. Drawing from the literature and interpreting the evidence, this article examines the terrain, implications and drivers of intra-party conflicts in a democratising Nigeria with a view to recommending options for resolution. It proceeds from the premise that pervasive intra-party conflicts, which have now assumed crisis dimensions, are not given, but have been nurtured by certain structural factors which have shaped the contours of politics in Nigeria. Specifically, it argues that the crises are closely connected with the neo-patrimonial character of the Nigerian petro state, the nature of politics being played by the political actors, praetorian hangover, and the paucity of democrats who genuinely have democratic temperaments to play the game of democratic politics according to established rules. It calls for, among others, the reform and strengthening of the internal conflict management capacities of political parties in Nigeria.Keywords: democracy, political parties, elections, intra-party conflicts, conflict management, Nigeri

    Neo-Liberal Globalization, the State and Conflicts: Some Remarks on Sub- Sahara Africa

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    This article interrogated in theoretical cum descriptive fashion the linkage s between neo-liberal globalization the state the arena of politics and conflicts using sub-Sahara Africa as a research backdrop Drawing from secondary data sourced mainly from textbooks and journals and leaning on dependency theoretical platform it found out that neo- liberal globalization has affected states in the global system differentially While the developed states of the north had developed various strategies to deal with the enigma and had even made huge success of it the dependent post-colonial states in Africa have been at the mercies of this technologically driven post- cold war phenomenon Merciless it argues that globalization has dented the integrity of these states in manner that made them to lose legitimacy in the eyes of citizens under their confines The outcome of such state of affairs was the relocation of legitimacy from them to the sub-state movements which in most cases have now become the new sites of conflicts in the region The article recommended two action areas for reversing the trends First at the national level the state the epicentre of the socio-economic space needs to be reconstituted It is expected that a genuinuely democratic nation-states could serve as building blocks for continental integration Second sub-Sahara African states must move the integration process beyond rhetori

    The legislatures, legislative oversight and crisis of governance in democratizing Nigeria: a prebendalist perspective

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    This article, which is based on desk analysis, examines the legislative oversight roles of the legislatures in democratizing Nigeria against the backdrop of the seeming crisis of governance. It observes that the legislatures and their functionaries in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic, especially at the national level, have performed abysmally in discharging their oversight roles, resulting in a crisis of governance. The essay concludes that as long as the Nigerian post-colonial rentier state and existing democratic institutions, the legislatures included, remain trapped in the prebendal orbit, the journey towards democratic accountability and by extension dividends of democracy, may continue to be a tortuous one.Keywords: Democracy, the legislature, horizontal accountability, neo-patrimonialism, prebendalis

    Preparation and Evaluation of Electrical Properties of Plastic Composites Developed from Recycled Polystyrene and Local Clay

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    In this study, the development of polymer composites was achieved from local clay material and waste polystyrene by cold pressing method, the preparation, electrical, and physical behaviours of clay-polystyrene composites are described. Polystyrene based resin (PBR) was produced from waste polystyrene by solvolysis in petroleum solvent and mixed with the 100μm clay particles at 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% clay contents. Composite panels were prepared and tested for Physical and electrical properties. Metallurgical microscope was used for the microstructural studies. It was found that with the increase in clay content in PBR from 0 to 40%, there was a rise in density of the composite by about 11% with a simultaneous decrease in the void fraction or porosity from 5.3 % to 1.5%. It was also observed that the polymer composite with the filler loading of 40 wt% has the highest conductivity value of 1.88E-07 S/cm. The comparison of micrographs at 40x and 100x indicated a good dispersion and distribution of clay particles in the polystyrene matrix. The polymer composites produced can be adapted for applications where electrostatic dissipative materials are required.KEYWORDS: Electrical property, iron fillings, plastic composite, recycled polystyrene, clay particles

    Quality of Life and Self-Reported Common Mental Disorders: An Analysis of Patterns and Relationship in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria

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    Quality of life (QoL) is a major measure of health and wellbeing. Studies that have examined the quality of life of urban residents from a geographical view in developing countries are still emerging. This present study examines the relationship between urban residents’ quality of life and its relationship with self-reported common mental disorders. The cross-sectional survey approach which entails data collection from 1200 respondents in Ibadan city, Nigeria. WHO-5 and SRQ-20 were adapted to obtain information on quality of life and self-reported common mental disorders respectively. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to establish associations and analysis were carried out at 0.05 significance- level. The spatial pattern of quality of life was found to be random although there are pockets of poor quality of life. Quality of life was found to be negatively related to self-reported common mental disorders (R = -0.396). The urban ecological conditions of the study area indicate poor quality of life and this may be responsible for the increasing risk of common mental disorder in the city. The study concludes that common mental disorders exist in the urban settings and its occurrence is closely related to poor quality of life

    A Democratic Developmental State in post-authoritarian Nigeria? Issues and prospects

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    This article, deploying data from documentary sources,examines issues in Nigeria’s democratization project and the prospect of a Democratic Developmental State (DDS) in post-authoritarian Nigeria. Drawing from the radical theory of the state, it notes that an autonomous state is pivotal to a successful DDS in the global South. In the light of this and based on the review of Nigeria’s development and democratization history, the article argues and concludes that, given the non-autonomous character of the Nigerian state and the politics that it engenders, the prospects of a DDS in Nigeria in the nearest future are rather slim

    A Comparative Study: Globalization and Development of Regions of Europe, Asia Pacific, and Latin America

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    Globalization is one of the most significant concepts of our time that has led to countless academic discussions and public debates. Several empirical literatures have explored how globalization has impacted developed and developing economies. It is critical to study the effects of regional globalization and the impact of different methodological perspectives. This paper examines the effects of globalization across various regions of Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America. The secondary data used for this paper is obtained from Statista and the World Bank. The methodologies used include One-way Anova, Regression Analysis and Ancova. The findings of the Anova show how globalization significantly impacts the regions discussed in this paper. This indicates that the regions derived substantial benefits from globalization. The regression analysis results highlight that there is no relationship between globalization and democracy, and the Ancova results support that the interaction of region and democracy is not significant. We therefore conclude that the growth and development of these regions related to globalization is based on increased competition, employment, investment and capital flows, foreign trade, spread of technical know-how, spread of culture, high standard of education, and structural institutions. This paper provides a platform to better inform policy makers in these regions, as well as the world, on how the benefits of globalization lead to the expansion and growth of developed and developing countries. Keywords: Globalization Index, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Democracy Index, Ancova DOI: 10.7176/IAGS/89-03 Publication date: January 31st 202
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