17 research outputs found


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    KAJIAN PEMBANGUNAN WILAYAH UNTUK PENENTUAN TINGKAT PERKEMBANGAN WILAYAH DIKABUPATEN LAMONGANMoh. Adenan QoharMahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Geografi, [email protected]. Lucianus Sudaryono, MSDosen Pembimbing MahasiswaAbstrakBerdasarkan data dari Badan Pusat Statistik tahun 2011, Kecamatan-kecamatan di Kabupaten Lamonganmengalami perbedaan laju pertumbuhan yang tinggi, khususnya antara wilayah pusat pengembangan dengandaerah belakangnya (hinterland). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variasi pola keruangan tingkatperkembangan wilayah antar kecamatan di Kabupaten Lamongan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptifkuantitatif, dengan jumlah populasi sebanyak 27 kecamatan. Variabel yang diperhatikan adalah (1) kepadatanpenduduk, (2) PDRB perkapita, (3) daya layan fasilitas pendidikan, (4)daya layan fasilitas kesehatan, (5) dayalayan fasilitas ekonomi, (6) tingkat pendidikan, (7) tingkat kesehatan, (8) aksesibilitas dan (9) industri. Tingkatperkembangan wilayahdalam penelitian ini diukur dari nilai gabungan (indeks komposit) dari variabel-variabeltersebut, dimana kecamatan yang memiliki nilai di atas rata-rata akan masuk dalam kategori tingkatperkembangan tinggi, dan kecamatan yang memiliki nilai di bawah rata-rata akan masuk ke dalam kategoritingkatt perkembangan rendah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan 44,5 % kecamatan di Kabupaten Lamonganmemiliki tingkat perkembangan rendah, yaitu pada Kecamatan Sukorame, Bluluk, Sambeng, Mantup,Kembangbahu, Sugio, Kedungpring, Modo, Tikung, Sekaran, Laren dan Solokuro yang sebagian besar kecamatankecamatantersebut berada pada bagian selatan. 37 % mempunyai tingkat perkembangan wilayah sedang yaituKecamatan Ngimbang, Pucuk, Sarirejo, Deket, Glagah, Karangbinagun, Turi, Karanggeneng, Maduran dankalitengah, yang sebagian besar kecamatan-kecamatan tersebut berada pada bagian tengah. 18,5 % mempunyaitingkat perkembangan wilayah tinggi yaitu kecamatan Lamongan, Babat, Sukodadi, Brondong dan Paciran.Dalam penelitian ini faktor yang memiliki pengaruh pada tingkat perkembangan wilayah adalah aksesibilitas.Kecamatan yang memiliki aksesibilitas rendah akan akan cenderung kesulitan dalam menjangkau fasilitas-fasilitassosial, sehingga kemungkinan untuk lebih berkembang akan sulit. Sedangkan kecamatan yang memilikiaksesibilitas tinggi akan memudahkan kecamatan tersebut berinteraksi dengan kecamatan lain. Kunci utamapengembangan wilaayah-wilayah tertinggal di kabupaten Lamongan terletak pada pemecahan permasalahanpokok yang dihadapi oleh wilayah, yaitu keterbatasan aksesibilitas wilayah. Upaya-upaya pengembangan wilayahtertinggal ini dapat ditempuh dengan meningkatkan pengembangan sarana dan prasarana transportasi untukmembuka keterisolasian wilayah.Kata kunci : Pembangunan wilayah, Perkembangan wilayah, Tingkat perkembangan wilayahAbstractBased on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics in 2011, sub-districts in Lamongan experiencing high growthrate differences, especially between the central region behind the development of the region (hinterland). Thisstudy aims to determine the spatial pattern of variation between the level of regional growth districts in Lamongan.This research is quantitative descriptive study, with a total population of 27 districts. The variables consideredwere (1) population density, (2) GDP per capita, (3) the service life of educational facilities, (4) the service life ofhealth facilities, (5) the economic service life of facility, (6) education level, (7) the level of health, (8) accessibilityand (9) industry. Developmental level wilayahdalam this study measured the combined value (composite index) ofthese variables, where the district that has a value above the average would be in the category of high-leveldevelopment, and districts that have a value below the average will go into tingkatt low development category. Theresults showed 44.5% in Lamongan district has a low level of development, namely the District Sukorame, Bluluk,Sambeng, Mantup, Kembangbahu, Sugio, Kedungpring, Modo, Tikung, Sekaran, Laren and Solokuro mostly subdistrictslocated in the southern part. 37% had a moderate level of development of the District Ngimbang region,Pucuk, Sarirejo, Deket, Glagah, Karangbinagun, Turi, Karanggeneng, Maduran and Kalitengah, which most of thedistricts are located in the central part. 18.5% have a high level of development of the district Lamongan district,Babat, Sukodadi, Brondong and Paciran. In this study the factors that have an influence on the level ofdevelopment of the region is accessibility. Districts that have low accessibility will be likely difficulties in reachingsocial facilities, so it is likely to be developed will be difficult. While districts that have high accessibility will allowthe district to interact with other districts. The main key to the development of lagging regions wilaayah-Lamongandistrict lies in solving the fundamental problems faced by the region, the limited accessibility of the area.Development efforts in disadvantaged areas can be reached by increasing the development of transportationinfrastructure to open the isolation region.Keywords: Construction area, development area, level of development are

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Islam Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Jember

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    The purpose of this study is to determine whether compliance, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and service facilities have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty at BPR Syariah Bhakti Sumekar Jember. Quantitative descriptive is used as an approach in this research. The population and sample in this study were all customers of BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Jember, totaling 2083. The sample was taken using simple random sampling and the sample used was 100 respondents. The regression test results show that the variables of compliance, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and service facilities partially have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty of BPR Syariah Bhakti Sumekar Jember. The order of each variable that has the most influence is the service facility variable which has a coefficient of 0.228, then responsiveness 0.197, empathy 0.186, reliability 0.179, assurance 0.157, and the lowest variable is the compliance variable with a regression coefficient of 0.156. Thus, compliance needs to be increased in service delivery, so that if the quality of service provided is getting better, it will make customers loyal

    Market Share Bank Syariah Terhadap Institusi Keuangan Syariah di Indonesia

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    Sharia banking is a sharia financial institution that is considered to have contributed to the national economy. Judging from the value of the market share owned by Islamic banking, it is still relatively low compared to Malaysia. This study aims to determine the effect of Islamic capital market products and Islamic banking on the market share of Islamic banking assets in Indonesia. The Islamic capital market products used are in the form of Islamic stocks, corporate sukuk and Islamic mutual funds. Meanwhile, in Islamic banking, there are Islamic demand deposits, Islamic savings and Islamic deposits. Empirically the focus of this research is using monthly time series data from January 2014 to December 2019. This study uses the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) analysis method. The estimation results of this study indicate that in the long term, corporate sukuk, sharia demand deposits and Islamic savings have a positive and significant effect on the market share of Islamic banking assets in Indonesia. Meanwhile, Islamic mutual funds and Islamic deposits have a negative and significant effect. Meanwhile, Islamic stocks have a negative and insignificant effect on the market share of Islamic banking assets in Indonesia. On the other hand, in the short term only Islamic deposits have a positive and significant effect. Corporate sukuk has a positive and insignificant effect, while Islamic stocks, Islamic mutual funds, Islamic demand deposits and Islamic savings have a negative and insignificant effect on the market share of Islamic banking assets in Indonesia

    Indonesian Market Concentration on The Non-Oil and Gas Commodity Before and During Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The economic growth of a country is inseparable from the balance of trade, mainly the export and import activity. Globalization urges a country to actively socialize and provide infrastructure and facilities to support productivity and improve competitiveness in the international market. Increasing commodity export value affects the balance of trade to reach surplus, and increasing import value causes the balance of trade deficit. This study aims to analyze Indonesia’s non-oil and gas commodity market concentration. Trade Specialization Ratio (TSR) result shows a tendency for Indonesia’s non-oil and gas commodities to be both exporters and importers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The strategic plan to increase the product competitiveness in the international market can be in the form of increased productivity and quality; cooperating with several parties such as central and regional government, private parties, and also the general public in the planning for differentiating products and export destination, compliance with international product certification standard, tariff policy, and strengthening the economic institutions within the trade activity. Those efforts are taken to achieve national economic growth and decrease regional economic disparities.How to Cite:Yuliati, L., Komariyah, S., Adenan, M., & Prianto, F. W. (2022). Indonesian Market Concentration on The Non-Oil Gas Commodity Before and During Covid-19 Pandemic. Signifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, 11(2), 289-298. https://doi.org/10.15408/sjie.v11i2.24678.JEL Classification: F10, Q20, C4

    Determinant of indonesian commodity coffee export In the era of covid-19 pandemic

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    This study aims to analyze the factors of gross domestic product, total consumption, exchange rate, and export goods price index on export performance of coffee beans after pandemic Covid-19. This study uses secondary data and (Generalized Method of Moment). The study shows that the variable total consumption and value of exports show a positive and insignificant relationship and the variables of GDP and exchange rates show a negative and significant relationship with coffee commodity exports with exports of coffee commodities

    Analisis Pengaruh Rasio Keuangan Terhadap Kinerja Bank Umum di Indonesia

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    Banks is an institution, which has mainly activity is fund deposit from people then credit it for them in generating income. The business is a kind service provider from and into people so it needs public trust. Profitability is one of indicator appropriate to measure the bank performance. Return on Assets (ROA) is measure ability of the bank's management in benefits through total assets owned. The greater the ROA shows the better financial performance due to the greater profit. The purpose of this research is to prove the effect of Operating Expenses and Operating Income Ratio, Net Interest Margin (NIM), Non-Performing Loan (NPL) and Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) on bank performance measured by Return On Asset (ROA). The study focused on descriptive quantitative analyses using Ordinary Last Square method (OLS). The result of the research showed that partially NPL and NIM had positive and not significant influence on ROA, but LDR and BOPO had negative and significant influence on ROA. Keywords: financial ratio, and bank performance

    Product Expansion dari Endowment Factor Pepaya Desa Mayangan Kecamatan Gumukmas Kabupaten Jember

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    The activity service aims to increase the productivity of the "Bolo Dewo".  Partners located in the Muneng Hamlet RT. 02 RW. 03 and RT. 04 RW. 03, Mayangan Village, Gumukman District, Jember Regency, East Java. They have a papaya-based food processing business, which is abundant in the village. The implementation team offers a solution to solve the Partner's problem, thereby affecting the increase in family income in particular and the village economy in general. The solution was, the Implementation Team bought a set of tools in the form of a cup sealer machine, which could be used to package the Candied Carica Papaya. The results of the implementation of this service are: 1) diversifying papaya processed products into Candied Carica Papaya, which is a fresh drink in a package that many children like to remember sweet, sour, and fresh when consumed in cold conditions; 2) provide a set of tools in the form of a cup sealer used to package drinks in a cup; 3) screen printing design /branding cup cover permanently; 4) help from the marketing aspect by loading on youtube, so that the product is known to many people

    Dampak berita makroekonomi terhadap fluktuasi nilai tukar di Indonesia

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    The short-term exchange rate fluctuations can be explained by the microstructure approach of the foreign exchange market. The concept argues  that macroeconomic news (news in the newspaper) can affect the exchange rate in the foreign exchange market by changing market actors’ assumptions . This study seeks to analyze the impacts of domestic and Chinese macroeconomic news on exchange rate fluctuation in Indonesia. The study uses exchange rates and domestic and Chinese macroeconomic news from2/1/ 2013 to 31/12/2018. Macroeconomic news consist of economic growth (GDP), retail sales and current account. By using the Generalized Methods of Moments (GMM) as the analysis tool, the study indicate that domestic and Chinese macroeconomic news affect exchange rate movements in Indonesia. Thus, this study suggests that Indonesia needs to maintain its macroeconomic fundamentals to mitigate the impacts of macroeconomic news. Further, increasing the efficiency and credibility of  financial markets is crucial to stabilize exchange rate movements.Fluktuasi nilai tukar dalam jangka pendek dapat dijelaskan melalui pendekatan struktur mikro pasar valuta asing. Konsep yang dibangun oleh pendekatan struktur mikro pasar valuta asing adalah bahwa berita makroekonomi (berita di koran) dapat memengaruhi nilai tukar di pasar valuta asing dengan mengubah asumsi para pelaku. Tujuan penelitian ini, menganalisis dampak berita makroekonomi domestik dan Cina dalam memengaruhi pergerakan nilai tukar di Indonesia. Variabel yang digunakan adalah nilai tukar dan berita makroekonomi domestik dan Cina pada 2/1/2013-31/12/2018. Proksi sebagai berita makroekonomi adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi (GDP), retail sales dan transaksi berjalan. Alat analisis Generalized Methods of Moments (GMM) digunakan untuk meninjau hubungan berita makroekonomi dengan nilai tukar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa berita makroekonomi domestik dan Cina memiliki pengaruh terhadap pergerakan nilai tukar di Indonesia. Kebijakan yang digunakan oleh Indonesia untuk memitigasi dampak berita makroekonomi adalah menjaga fundamental makroekonomi. Di sisi lain, peningkatan efisiensi dan kredibilitas di pasar keuangan juga perlu dilakukan untuk menstabilkan pergerakan nilai tukar

    Analisis Netralitas Uang Terhadap Siklus Bisnis Riil di Indonesia Periode 2011. M1- 2013. M12

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    The phenomenon of the neutrality of money in various countries invited economists determines its existence. Neutrality ofmoney is being debated throughout history until this time in economics. The debate became two mahzab economic is mahzabof Classic and schools of Keynes. The findings of the neutrality of money by the camp Classic, bringing new discourse ineconomics, especially monetary economics. However, the flow Keynes against the neutrality of money is also a new discoursein the field of monetary economics. The aim of the study to determine the existence of neutrality of money against economicgrowth in Indonesia, besides of simulation models goal of this study to determine the relationship of exchange rates, inflationand 1-month SBI rate to economic growth in Indonesia. The analysis method used is Ordinary Least Square (OLS) with theestablishment of model simulation and analysis of descriptive narrative. Results clause analysis with Ordinary Least Squaremethod (OLS) on model simulations indicate that the neutrality of money is not applicable in Indonesia, as well as simulationmodels in line with the 1-month SBI interest rate and the nominal exchange rate have a significant effect. While inflation stillshows the same dominant relationship. Descriptive narrative analysis gives an overview of the non-neutrality of money inIndonesia, so there needs to be an analysis or monitoring on the growth of the money supply M2

    Analisis Industri Perbankan Tahun 2007-2016 dengan Pendekatan SCP: Studi Kasus Negara Indonesia dan Filipina

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    The phenomenon of the global financial crisis in 2008 has an impact on the instability of banks, so the banking industry is changes. The emerging change of the banking industry, as a result of the bank's efforts to increase profitability. The structure- conduct-performance analysis becomes an appropriate paradigm for analyzing changes in the banking industry using three minds: traditional hypotheses, differentiation hypotheses, and efficiency hypotheses. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of market structure and behavior variables on banking profitability. The method used in this study was the calculation of the ratio of concentration, HHI, and fixed effect model in the banking industry of Indonesian and the Philippines. The results of this study indicated that the market structure of the Indonesian banking industry was in a strict oligopoly condition so that it undergoes a change towards increasingly concentrated competition and into the traditional hypotheses, where the concentration ratio (CR4) could affect the ROA. In addition, NIM and CAR had a significantly positive effect, but LDR and NPL had no significantly negative effect on profitability. Other findings indicated that market structure of the Philippine banking industry was in a loose oligopoly condition affecting to experience efficiently competition and categoried into the efficiently hypotheses, where market share (MS) could affect ROA. In addition, NIM had no significantly positive effect, CAR had significantly positive effect, NPL and negative LDR had no significant effect on profitability. Keywords: Efficiency Hypothesis, Traditional Hypothesis, Profitability, Market Structure