8 research outputs found

    Ramificação e distribuição dos nervos frênicos no diafragma de jumentos do Nordeste brasileiro (Asinus asinus)

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    The results obtained from the study of 30 diaphragms of adult asses {Asinus asinus), extracted from 15 male and 15 female animals from the Brazilian Northeastern region, allowed us to reach the following conclusions: 1) The phrenic nerves more frequently result in a lumbocostal trunk and sternal branch, either right (76.7%) or left (53.3%); symmetric disposition was registered in some pieces (43.3%); 2) The lumbar branches are destined to the corresponding crura (pars lumbalis); the right branches give small branches to the medial left crus (3.3%), to the right dorsal foliole (6.7%) and to the left dorsal foliole (3.3%), and the leftones also give small branches to the medial right crus (3.3%) to the left dorsal foliole (13.3%) and to the ventral foliole (6.7%);3) The costal branches are distributed to the dorsal region of the pars costalis of each respective side, either right or left, to the right side of the ventral region (3.3%) and to the right dorsal foliole (3.3%), and the left one to the left dorsal foliole (10.0%); 4) The sternal branches are destined to the pars sternalis and ventral region of the pars costalis at the same side; at the right side, they give small branches to the vena cava caudalis (3.3%), or to the ventral foliole (3.3%).Mediante fixação e dissecação, foram examinadas, em 30 diafragmas de jumentos do Nordeste brasileiro (Asinusasinus), sendo 15 de machos e 15 de fêmeas, adultos, a ramificação e a distribuição dos nervos frênicos direito e esquerdo, tendo-se observado que: 1) Os nervos frênicos resolvem-se mais freqüentemente em tronco lombocostal e ramo esternal, tanto à direita (76,7%) como à esquerda (53,3%), com disposição simétrica em parte dos casos (43,3%); 2) Os ramos lombares destinam-se aos pilares correspondentes {pars lumbalis), cedendo ainda, da direita, filete nervoso ao pilar mediai esquerdo (3,3%), folíolo dorsal direito (6,7%) e folíolo ventral (3,3%) e, o da esquerda, filete nervoso ao pilar mediai direito (53,3%), folíolo dorsal esquerdo (13,3%) ou folíolo ventral (6,7%); 3) Os ramos costais distribuem-se à região dorsal da pars costatis do lado correspondente, tanto à direita como à esquerda e, ainda, à região ventral (3,3%) à direita, ao folíolo dorsal direito (3,3%) e, à esquerda, ao folíolo dorsal esquerdo (10,0%); 4) Os ramos esternais distribuem-se, do mesmo lado, à pars sternalis e região ventral da pars costalis, emitindo, ainda à direita, filete nervoso para a veia cava caudal (3,3%) ou para o folíolo ventral (3,3%)

    Sistematização da veia cava cranial em búfalos (Bubalus bubalis bubalis Simpson, 1945)

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    Twenty-five animals, Buffaloes fetus, with 5 to 9 months of age (15 females and 10 males) was analyzed by dissection after injected with latex substance. The fetuses were collected in a slaughterhouse and fixed in aqueous formol solution 10%. In the Cranial Vena Cava the following origin tributaries were observed: External right and left jugular veins and their collateral tributaries; the internal right and left jugular veins; the mediastinals and pericardials veins; the internal right and left thoracic; thymic vein; the right and left subclavian vein, the right and left costocervicalvertebral venous trunk, and occasionally the thoracic duct.Para o presente trabalho utilizou-se 25 animais, fetos de búfalos, com idades variando entre 5 e 9 meses, sendo 15 fêmeas e 10 machos, com vistas à dissecação e sistematização dos vasos em estudo. Os animais foram coletados em abatedouro e fixados em solução aquosa de formol 10%. Obtiveram-se para a Veia Cava Cranial os seguintes afluentes de origem: veias jugulares externas direita e esquerda, e os afluentes colaterais: as veias jugulares internas direita e esquerda, veias mediastínicas e pericárdicas, veias torácicas internas direita e esquerda, veias tímicas, veias subclávias direita e esquerda, o tronco costocervicovertebral direita esquerda, e ocasionalmente o ducto torácico

    Sistematização da veia cava caudal em búfalos (Bubalus bubalis bubalis Simpson, 1945)

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    Para o presente trabalho utilizou-se 25 animais, fetos de búfalos da Raça Murrah, com idades variando entre 5 e 9 meses, sendo 15 fêmeas e 10 machos, com vistas à dissecação e sistematização dos vasos em estudo. Os animais foram coletados em abatedouro e fixados em solução aquosa de formol 10%. Obtiveramse para a Veia Cava Caudal os seguintes afluentes de origem: as veias ilíacas comuns direita e esquerda, e seus afluentes colaterais; veia sacral mediana; veias frênicas; veias lombares (1-5); veias circunflexas profunda do ílio direita e esquerda; 3-4 veias hepáticas; veia genital direita (testicular ou ovárica); veias adrenais e veias renais direita e esquerda.Twenty-five animals, Murrah, buffaloes fetus, with 5 to 9 months of age (15 females and 10 males) was analyzed by dissection after injected with latex substance. The fetuses were collected in a slaughterhouse and fixed in aqueous formol solution 10%. In the Caudal Vena Cava the following origin tributaries were observed: the common right and left iliac veins and collateral tributaries; the median sacral vein; frenic vein; 1-5 Lumbar veins; the circumflex deep veins of the right and left ileum; 3-4 hepatic veins; right genital vein (testicular or ovarian); adrenal vein and renal right and left veins

    Internal Macroscopic Anatomy and Electrical Evaluation of the Bradypus variegatus Heart

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    Background: The Bradypus variegatus species presents peculiar anatomophysiological properties and many aspects of its organic systems still need to be clarified, especially regarding the cardiovascular system, given its participation in vital activities. Disorderly anthropic action has had drastic consequences in sloth populations and the need to treat sick and injured animals is increasingly common. To this end, the importance of knowing its characteristics is emphasized. Therefore, this study proposed to describe the internal macroscopic structures of the sloth's heart, as well as to measure the ventricular walls and indicate the electrical activity of the organ.Materials, Methods and Results: For the dissections, 15 Bradypus variegatus cadavers were used (1 young female, 9 adults females and 5 adult males) belonging to the Área de Anatomia of the Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal (DMFA), Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE), Recide, PE, Brazil. After they were fixed and preserved, the specimens received a midsagittal incision in the chest, followed by soft tissue folding and removal of ribs to access the heart. The organ was derived from the cavity and sectioned sagittal medially to identify its internal anatomy. Ventricular walls and interventricular septum were measured with a steel caliper (150 mm / 0.02 mm). An electrocardiogram was performed to determine the electrical profile on 5 healthy B. variegatus sloths, living under semi-livestock conditions at the Recife Zoo, PE, Brazil. The electrodes were taken from the regions, scapular and glutes of the animals that were called hugging a keeper during the procedure, carried out in the Zoo itself, using a portable device. Based on the data obtained, sloths have cardiac chambers separated by septa, however between atria and ventricles, in both antimeres, there are atrioventricular ostia, where valves are found, consisting of 3 valves on the right and 2 on the left. The atria are practically smooth inside and have their cavity enlarged by the atria, the right being larger than the left, these having a greater amount of pectineal muscles in relation to the atria. The ventricles have trabeculae and papillary muscles, 3 on the right and 2 on the left. These muscles hold the tendinous chords that connect the valves. The existence of trabeculae marginal septum was not evidenced. The thickness of the wall of the left ventricle, as well as that of the interventricular septum, proved to be greater than the thickness of the wall of the right ventricle, regardless of the age or sex of the animals. Based on the electrocardiographic recordings, the sloths presented sinus rhythm, with a heart rate between 67 and 100 bpm. The electrical axis ranged from -60º to -90º. The P wave is smoother than the QRS complex. While the S-T segment was classified as isoelectric. The T wave was shown to be + and predominantly > or = at 25% of the S wave, which characterized an rS type QRS deflection in both females and males.Discussion: The general characteristics of the cardiac chambers in sloths are similar to those observed in other domestic and wild mammals. However, the presence of pectineal muscles associated with the atria and auricles differs from that observed in mammals such as the paca and raccoon and in birds such as the ostrich, which have trabecular structures in these cavities. The number of valves in sloths is equal to the anteater. However, it has a marginal trabeculae septum, not seen in Bradypus variegatus. According to the electrocardiographic findings, the rhythm was sinus, but much lower than that observed in the capuchin monkey, which also maintains arboreal habits. Keywords: Xenarthra, common sloth, internal anatomy, heart, electrocardiogram.Descritores: Xenarthra, preguiça-comum, anatomia interna, coração, eletrocardiograma

    Topographic and morphological aspects of the spleen of brown-throated sloth Bradypus variegatus (SCHINZ, 1825)

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    Sloths are wild animals with arboreal habits, with slow metabolism, found in tropical forests from South America to Central America. However, the lack of knowledge of their anatomy does not favor the conservation of the species in veterinary care centers, due to its peculiar anatomy. Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe the topography and morphology of the spleen of the species Bradypusvariegatus, in order to collect more information to support and assist in the clinical-surgical processes of the species. Eight corpses of B. variegatus, previously fixed with 20% formaldehyde and preserved in 30% saline solution, were dissected for the macroscopic study of the spleen. A healthy animal, living in semi-captivity, was assigned to perform a tomography of the abdominal region, for observation of the spleen, while two specimens were destined for the microscopic study of the organ immediately after death. Based on the data obtained, the spleen presented a topography and tissue composition similar to other mammals, but its morphology, absence of visceral lienal hilum and anatomical arrangement in the abdominal cavity differed from most domestic and wild animals.  Sloths are wild animals with arboreal habits, with slow metabolism, found in tropical forests from South America to Central America. However, the lack of knowledge of their anatomy does not favor the conservation of the species in veterinary care centers, due to its peculiar anatomy. Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe the topography and morphology of the spleen of the species Bradypus variegatus, in order to collect more information to assist in the clinical-surgical processes of the species. Eight corpses of B. variegatus, previously fixed with 20% formaldehyde and preserved in 30% saline solution, were dissected for the macroscopic study of the spleen. A healthy animal, living in semi-captivity, was underwent to a tomography of the abdominal region, for observation of the spleen, while two specimens were destined for the microscopic study of the organ immediately after death. Based on the data obtained, the spleen presented a topography and tissue composition similar to other mammals, but its morphology, absence of lienal hilum and anatomical arrangement in the abdominal cavity differed from most domestic and wild animals.

    Sistematização da veia cava cranial em búfalos (Bubalus bubalis bubalis Simpson, 1945)

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    Para o presente trabalho utilizou-se 25 animais, fetos de búfalos, com idades variando entre 5 e 9 meses, sendo 15 fêmeas e 10 machos, com vistas à dissecação e sistematização dos vasos em estudo. Os animais foram coletados em abatedouro e fixados em solução aquosa de formol 10%. Obtiveram-se para a Veia Cava Cranial os seguintes afluentes de origem: veias jugulares externas direita e esquerda, e os afluentes colaterais: as veias jugulares internas direita e esquerda, veias mediastínicas e pericárdicas, veias torácicas internas direita e esquerda, veias tímicas, veias subclávias direita e esquerda, o tronco costocervicovertebral direita esquerda, e ocasionalmente o ducto torácico

    Internal Macroscopic Anatomy and Electrical Evaluation of the Bradypus variegatus Heart

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    Background: The Bradypus variegatus species presents peculiar anatomophysiological properties and many aspects of its organic systems still need to be clarified, especially regarding the cardiovascular system, given its participation in vital activities. Disorderly anthropic action has had drastic consequences in sloth populations and the need to treat sick and injured animals is increasingly common. To this end, the importance of knowing its characteristics is emphasized. Therefore, this study proposed to describe the internal macroscopic structures of the sloth's heart, as well as to measure the ventricular walls and indicate the electrical activity of the organ.Materials, Methods and Results: For the dissections, 15 Bradypus variegatus cadavers were used (1 young female, 9 adults females and 5 adult males) belonging to the Área de Anatomia of the Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal (DMFA), Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE), Recide, PE, Brazil. After they were fixed and preserved, the specimens received a midsagittal incision in the chest, followed by soft tissue folding and removal of ribs to access the heart. The organ was derived from the cavity and sectioned sagittal medially to identify its internal anatomy. Ventricular walls and interventricular septum were measured with a steel caliper (150 mm / 0.02 mm). An electrocardiogram was performed to determine the electrical profile on 5 healthy B. variegatus sloths, living under semi-livestock conditions at the Recife Zoo, PE, Brazil. The electrodes were taken from the regions, scapular and glutes of the animals that were called hugging a keeper during the procedure, carried out in the Zoo itself, using a portable device. Based on the data obtained, sloths have cardiac chambers separated by septa, however between atria and ventricles, in both antimeres, there are atrioventricular ostia, where valves are found, consisting of 3 valves on the right and 2 on the left. The atria are practically smooth inside and have their cavity enlarged by the atria, the right being larger than the left, these having a greater amount of pectineal muscles in relation to the atria. The ventricles have trabeculae and papillary muscles, 3 on the right and 2 on the left. These muscles hold the tendinous chords that connect the valves. The existence of trabeculae marginal septum was not evidenced. The thickness of the wall of the left ventricle, as well as that of the interventricular septum, proved to be greater than the thickness of the wall of the right ventricle, regardless of the age or sex of the animals. Based on the electrocardiographic recordings, the sloths presented sinus rhythm, with a heart rate between 67 and 100 bpm. The electrical axis ranged from -60º to -90º. The P wave is smoother than the QRS complex. While the S-T segment was classified as isoelectric. The T wave was shown to be + and predominantly > or = at 25% of the S wave, which characterized an rS type QRS deflection in both females and males.Discussion: The general characteristics of the cardiac chambers in sloths are similar to those observed in other domestic and wild mammals. However, the presence of pectineal muscles associated with the atria and auricles differs from that observed in mammals such as the paca and raccoon and in birds such as the ostrich, which have trabecular structures in these cavities. The number of valves in sloths is equal to the anteater. However, it has a marginal trabeculae septum, not seen in Bradypus variegatus. According to the electrocardiographic findings, the rhythm was sinus, but much lower than that observed in the capuchin monkey, which also maintains arboreal habits. Keywords: Xenarthra, common sloth, internal anatomy, heart, electrocardiogram.Descritores: Xenarthra, preguiça-comum, anatomia interna, coração, eletrocardiograma

    Topographic and morphological aspects of the spleen of Bradypus variegatus (SCHINZ, 1825)

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    Sloths are wild animals with arboreal habits, with slow metabolism, found in tropical forests from South America to Central America. However, the lack of knowledge of their anatomy does not favor the conservation of the species in veterinary care centers, due to its peculiar anatomy. Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe the topography and morphology of the spleen of the species Bradypusvariegatus, in order to collect more information to support and assist in the clinical-surgical processes of the species. Eight corpses of B. variegatus, previously fixed with 20% formaldehyde and preserved in 30% saline solution, were dissected for the macroscopic study of the spleen. A healthy animal, living in semi-captivity, was assigned to perform a tomography of the abdominal region, for observation of the spleen, while two specimens were destined for the microscopic study of the organ immediately after death. Based on the data obtained, the spleen presented a topography and tissue composition similar to other mammals, but its morphology, absence of visceral lienal hilum and anatomical arrangement in the abdominal cavity differed from most domestic and wild animals.