28 research outputs found

    A user-friendly tool to increase awareness about impacts of human daily life activities on carbon footprint

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    In recent decades, climate change has demanded more and more attention. Consumers have the power to influence the carbon footprint of goods and services through their purchasing decisions, but to do this they need to learn more. To address this need, it is necessary to develop online questionnaires able to make people aware of which activities have a greater environmental impact in their daily lives. Focusing on this goal, we formulated two tools for quantifying an individual’s carbon footprint over a year. The innovativeness of these tools lies in being user-friendly and providing online open access to compilers, as well as using specific emission factors for the reference context. Specifically, we focused on the main emission sources: gas and electricity consumption, mobility, food, and waste. During these last years, the tools have been proposed to Italian students at different levels of education and to employees of Italian and international companies. The responses from 3260 users revealed an average annual direct carbon footprint per capita of about 5600 kg CO2-eq, which, integrated with the estimate of indirect emissions, provides an estimate in good agreement with the value provided by the Italian National Inventory of greenhouse gases. With the developed tools, people are able to observe which sectors have the greatest impact and consequently are stimulated to emit less by adopting more sustainable behaviors

    High-Resolution Monthly Precipitation Fields (1913–2015) over a Complex Mountain Area Centred on the Forni Valley (Central Italian Alps)

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    Mountain environments are extremely influenced by climate change but are also often affected by the lack of long and high-quality meteorological data, especially in glaciated areas, which limits the ability to investigate the acting processes at local scale. For this reason, we checked a method to reconstruct high-resolution spatial distribution and temporal evolution of precipitation. The study area is centred on the Forni Glacier area (Central Italian Alps), where an automatic weather station is present since 2005. We set up a model based on monthly homogenised precipitation series and we spatialised climatologies and anomalies on a 30-arc-second-resolution DEM, using Local Weighted Linear Regression (LWLR) and Regression Kriging (RK) of precipitation versus elevation, in order to test the most suitable approach for this complex terrain area. The comparison shows that LWLR has a better reconstruction ability for winter while RK slightly prevails during summer. The results of precipitation spatialisation were compared with station observations and with data collected at the weather station on Forni Glacier, which were not used to calibrate the model. A very good agreement between observed and modelled precipitation records was pointed out for most station sites. The agreement is lower, but encouraging, for Forni Glacier station data

    Geomorphology of Mount Ararat/AÄźri DaÄźi (AÄźri DaÄźi Milli Parki, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey)

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    This paper presents a geomorphological map of Mount Ararat/Ağri Daği in Eastern Anatolia (Turkey). Mount Ararat/Ağri Daği is a volcanic complex covered by a unique ice cap in the Near East. The massif is the result of multiple volcanic phases, and present day landforms are the result of subsequent and overlapping glacial, periglacial, and slope processes. The geomorphological mapping of Mount Ararat/Ağri Daği was firstly performed on the basis of desktop studies, by applying remote-sensing investigations using high-resolution satellite imagery (PLEIADES and SPOT images). A preliminary draft of the map was crosschecked and validated in the field as part of an interdisciplinary campaign carried out in the 2014 summer season. All the collected data suggest that the Mount Ararat/Ağri Daği glaciation played a crucial role in the evolution of the landscape and that even today glaciers are significant features in this area. Currently, ice bodies cover 7.28 km2 and include peculiar glacier types. Among these are three well-developed debris-covered glaciers, flowing down along the flanks of the volcano

    Variations of Lys Glacier (Monte Rosa Massif, Italy) from the Little Ice Age to the Present from Historical and Remote Sensing Datasets

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    Alpine glaciers respond to climate imbalance by adjusting their mass and length. In turn, these changes modify the glacial and periglacial environment, leading to increased supraglacial debris cover, the development of glacial lakes and glacier fragmentation. In this research, we investigated the evolution of Lys Glacier (Monte Rosa Group), by studying length, area and volume changes, and evolution of its supraglacial debris cover and proglacial lakes by means of historical sources and high-resolution aerial and satellite orthophotos. Lys Glacier retreated almost continuously, by nearly 2 km, from its maximum Little Ice Age position. More recently, the glacier lost 11.91% of its area between 1975 and 2014 and underwent fragmentation in 2009. Over the same period, glacier fragmentation and tongue stagnation affected the formation and rapid growth of a series of ice-contact lakes and led to a non-linear debris cover evolution. The glacier was also subjected to strong volume losses, with more than 135 m thinning on the ablation tongue from 1991 to 2014. Analysis of the meteorological records (1927–present) from the closest weather station reveals a considerable increase in average annual temperatures by more than 1°C from the mean of 1971–1989 to the mean of 1990–2017

    Inventory of glaciers and glacial lakes of the Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP – Pakistan)

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    This study presents a map reporting valuable information on the cryosphere of the Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP, the largest protected area of Pakistan and the highest park in the world). All the information is provided considering the CKNP as a whole, and in detail by dividing it into five basins (i.e. Shigar, Hunza, Shyok, Upper Indus, and Gilgit). The glacier inventory reports 608 ice bodies covering 3680 km2 ( 3c35% of the CKNP area), with a total glacier volume of ca. 532 km3. In addition, we modeled the meltwater from glacier ice ablation over the period 23 July to 9 August 2011. The total melt amount is ca. 1.5 km3. Finally, we considered glacial lakes (202 water-bodies, covering 4 km2). For these latter glacier features, we also analyzed their potentially dangerous conditions and two lakes were found having such conditions

    Inventory of glaciers and glacial lakes of the central Karakoram National Park (Pakistan) as a contribution to know and manage mountain freshwater resource.

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    In this study, we reported valuable information on the cryosphere of the Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP, the largest protected area of Pakistan and the highest park all over the world). In fact, in addition to the glacier inventory, we also estimated the glacier volume and we modeled the amount of meltwater derived from glacier ice ablation during a 18-day summer period (23 July–9 August 2011, time window where also field melt measurements were performed thus enabling a crosscheck of the obtained results). Moreover, glacial lakes were considered as well; for these latter glacier features we also analyzed their potentially dangerous conditions. All these information are given considering the CKNP as a whole and in detail by dividing it into five basins (i.e. Shigar, Hunza, Shyok, Upper Indus and Gilgit). As regards the CKNP as a whole, 608 glaciers are found with a total area of 3682.1 ± 61.0 km2, ~35% of the CKNP area. Analyzing in detail the five basins included in the CKNP area, they reflect the overall conditions regarding glacier distribution per size class, terminus elevation, length, and thickness. The widest basin (for number of ice bodies, glacier extent and ice volume) is the Shigar basin, where the largest glaciers are present (among which Baltoro Glacier), and the smallest one is the Gilgit basin. Finally, the highest number of debris-covered glaciers is located in the Shyok basin (62 glaciers). During 18 days in summer 2011, we quantified a total water magnitude of 1.54 km3 derived from ice melting. Even if we considered a relatively short period, this water volume equals ~11% of the reservoir capacity of the Tarbela Dam. In addition to glacier information, we provided glacial lake occurrence, as these ephemeral water bodies can develop into actual glacial risk conditions, which makes it important to list them and to survey them over time. The information reported in this study would provide base for future monitoring of glacial lakes and GLOFs and for planning and prioritizing disaster mitigation efforts in the park. In fact, even if the Potentially Dangerous Glacial Lakes (PDGLs) identified in the park territory are only 2, they are located in a high vulnerable and fragile area and the recent history suggests us to survey over time these water bodies to avoid losses of human lives and destructions of villages and communities. Moreover, many other supraglacial lakes identified in the park area could develop into conditions of PDGLs thus suggesting to prosecute the lake monitoring and to develop early strategies for risk mitigations and disaster management

    GEO-6 assessment for the pan-European region

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    Through this assessment, the authors and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) secretariat are providing an objective evaluation and analysis of the pan-European environment designed to support environmental decision-making at multiple scales. In this assessment, the judgement of experts is applied to existing knowledge to provide scientifically credible answers to policy-relevant questions. These questions include, but are not limited to the following:• What is happening to the environment in the pan-European region and why?• What are the consequences for the environment and the human population in the pan-European region?• What is being done and how effective is it?• What are the prospects for the environment in the future?• What actions could be taken to achieve a more sustainable future?<br/