158 research outputs found

    Amino acids profile, functional and sensory properties of infant complementary gruel produced from rice and defatted bambaranut flour meal

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    Background: The type of complementary food a child is fed should consider the energy and nutrient quality of the meal to meet the child’s growth requirement. Objective: To determine amino acid profile, functional and sensory properties of infant complementary gruel produced from rice and defatted bambaranut flour meal. Materials and methods: Rice and defatted bambaranut composite flour meal was made into blends of various proportions 90:10%, 80:20%, 70:30% and 60:40%. The amino acid profile, functional and sensory properties of the blends were analyzed. Results: Essential amino acids such as leucine(6.34g/100g-7.30g/100g), lysine (4.64g/100g-5.10g/100g),Isoleucine (3.48g/100g-3.70g/100g), phenylalanine (3.22g/100g-3.91g/100g), tryptophan (0.81g/100g-0.90g/100g), valine (3.31g/100g-4.10g/100g), methionine (2.10g/100g-2.36g/100g), histidine (2.10g/100g-2.26g/100g) and threonine (3.12g/100g-3.22g/100g) were detected; while non-essential acids such as Proline (3.10g/100g-3.30g/100g), arginine (5.02g/100g-6.38g/100g), tyrosine (2,12g/100g-3.30g/100g), cysteine (1.01g/100g-1.34g/100g), alanine (4.03g/100g-4.46g/100g), glutamic acid (11.12g/100g-13.20g/100g), glycine (3.19g/100g-4.20g/100g),serine(2.57g/100g-3.30g/100g), and aspartic acid (7.70g/100g-8.30g/100g) were also detected. The functional properties evaluated were bulk density which ranged from 0.54g/ml -0.58g/ml; water absorption capacity 141.40g/ml- 180.56g/ml; oil absorption capacity 166.32g/ml-128.21g/ml; swelling capacity 12.09g/ml-18.70g/ml; foam capacity 3.18g/ml-6.20g/ml; least gelation 3.80g/ml-7.62g/ml. Conclusion: The samples were acceptable to the panelists (nursing mothers); although sample rice based contained 10% defatted bambaranut infant complementary gruel with highest average mean score of 7.93 was most preferred

    A Three Area Interconnected Power System Network Load Frequency Controller Simulator

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    This paper presents a MATLAB simulator of a three area interconnected power system of Thermal-Gas-Hydro. Nonlinearities intrinsic in the interconnected power system of communication delay, Generation Rate Constraint and Generation Dead Band were measured. Bat Inspired Algorithm was exploited to select the favourable parameters of the Model Predictive Controller and the Super Conducting Magnetic Energy Storage. Model Predictive Controller was the subordinate controller employed to minimalize the Area Control Error, Super Conducting Magnetic Energy Storage was the energy buffer to balance the load demand and the power generated. Integral Time Absolute Error was the performance metrics employed to minimize the Area Control Error. Parametric dissimilarity was tested on the inter-connected power system to observe the efficacy of the controller. Step load perturbation of  was concurrently applied to the three-area inter-connected network,  was introduced to the thermal generating unit,  was introduced to the gas and hydro generating unit.  Value of the tie-line was introduced to examine its effect on the frequency deviation. The results performed better when compared with Model Predictive Controller joined with Super Conducting Magnetic Energy Storage against the Model Predictive Controller without Super Conducting Magnetic Energy Storage in relations to settling time, overshoot and undershoot


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    Vocational education is a vital tool for economic development. The Federal Government, in 2011, launched the Senior Secondary Education Curriculum (SSEC) which requires that all senior secondary school students be trained in one vocational subject. This study examines the attitudes of students and teachers towards vocational education in secondary schools in Ado-Odo Local Government, Ogun State, Nigeria. It aims to highlight the factors that affect and influence the attitudes of students and teachers towards vocational training as well as identify ways through which these attitudes can be improved. The study employs the use of questionnaires distributed to 200 students and 60 teachers in four secondary schools in Adodo-Ota LGA. The results show that students and teachers recognize the importance of vocational education. The study recommends that students be provided with modern day equipment to encourage students’ engagement in vocational subjects. The curriculum for the teaching of vocational subjects should be comprehensive, standardized and enforced in all secondary schools to ensure that students acquire all the skills they need to practice the vocation(s). These will improve vocational education and the attainment of its goals in secondary schools

    Sociodemography and Distribution of Students Attending Schools for the Blind in Oyo State, Nigeria

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    Aim: To determine the distribution and sociodemographic classification of students attending schools for the blind in Oyo State, Nigeria.Method: This is a descriptive and interventional crosssectional study. A total sampling of all students in the four schools for the blind in Oyo State was carried out.Results: A total of 86 students from the four schools for the blind in Oyo State were included in the study. This comprised 2(2.3%) students from School for the Deaf and Blind, Eruwa; 22 (25.6%) from School for the Blind,Aperin Oniyere, Ibadan; 11 (12.8%) from School for the Blind, Doba, Oyo Town; and 51 (59.1%) from Ogbomosho Training Centre for the Blind, Ogbomosho. The mean age of the students was 19.4 years (SD=8.19).Thirty percent of the students were less than 16 years, 33.7% were between 17 and 19 years, 16.3% were between 20 and 24 years, 8.1% between 25 and 29 years, and 11.6% were above 30 years. There were more males (73.3%) than females (26.7%), with a male to female ratioof 3:1. Christians constituted 73.3% of the students while Muslims made up the remainder. Majority were from the Yoruba ethnic group (98.9%).Conclusion: More attention needs to be focussed on the sociodemography and distribution of students in schools for the blind in Nigeria as this will assist government and non governmental agencies in the planning and implementation of policies which will help to improve the lot of the students in the schools.Keywords: Distribution, sociodemography, students, schools for the blind, Oyo Stat


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    Vocational education is a vital tool for economic development. The Federal Government, in 2011,launched the Senior Secondary Education Curriculum (SSEC) which requires that all senior secondary school students be trained in one vocational subject. This study examines the attitudes of students and teachers towards vocational education in secondary schools in Ado-Odo Local Government,Ogun State, Nigeria. It aims to highlight the factors that affect and influence the attitudes of students and teachers towards vocational training as well as identify ways through which these attitudes can be improved. The study employs the use of questionnaires distributed to 200 students and 60 teachers in four secondary schools in Adodo-Ota LGA. The results show that students and teachers recognize the importance of vocational education. The study recommends that students be provided with modern day equipment to encourage students’ engagement in vocational subjects. The curriculum for the teaching of vocational subjects should be comprehensive, standardized and enforced in all secondary schools to ensure that students acquire all the skills they need to practice the vocation(s). These will improve vocational education and the attainment of its goals in secondary schools


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    Research has shown that addition of loads to a distributed generation (DG) system operating either in stand-alone mode (SAM) or grid-connected mode (GCM) has impacts on its operations. This paper analyzed the voltage and frequency responses of the DG when operated in stand-alone and grid-connected modes under load variations. Mathematical equations showing the characteristics of the DG under varying loads with the two modes were developed. The equations were modeled using MATLAB in Simulink environment. By applying gradual and sudden loads using 2MW DG and an 11kV distribution grid network, the frequency and voltage responses under the two modes were calculated. The results showed that with gradual load addition from 10 to 100 % loading, the output frequency varied from 49.72 to 49.27 Hz (-0.56 to -1.46 %) for SAM while it varied for GCM from 49.90 to 49.44 Hz (-0.20 to -1.12 %). Output voltage varied from 376 to 232.9 V (-6.0 to -41.78 %) for 10 to 100 % load respectively for SAM while it varied from 387.7 to 268.3 V (-3.08 to -32.93 %) for GCM. For sudden load additions, the output frequency variation was between 49.39 to 49.25 Hz (-1.22 to -1.5 %) for 25 to 100 % load for SAM while that of GCM was between 49.51 to 49.43 Hz (-0.98 to -1.14 %); voltage variation was 271.7 to 190 V (-32.08 to -52.5 %) for 25 to 100 % load respectively for SAM while that of GCM was 294.2 to 219.9V(-26.45% to -45.03%). The results revealed that the frequency with gradual and sudden load additions for SAM and GCM varied outside the operational limit of 49.75-50.25 Hz () except in the case of 10 % load under gradual load addition in GCM. However, the frequency and voltage variation are less in GCM than SAM with gradual and sudden load addition

    Interface protocol design: a communication guide for indoor FANET

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    The present and the future routing protocols in relation to the high throughput requirement, adaptivity to fast-changing link topology and speed makes the choice of routing protocol for unmanned aerial vehicle communication important. Due to this fact, an efficient routing protocol is highly dependent on the nature of the communication link. A flexible solution that presents these features is the use of light fidelity as a communication medium. Therefore, this paper presents the design of an interface protocol for indoor Flying Ad-hoc Network specific routing protocol using light fidelity as a communication link. The interface protocol governs communication when UAV move in a swarm. The architecture, the state machine model is discussed in this paper. Results of the design are validated via simulation using the NS3 in terms of packet delivery ratio and throughput


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    The structural, qualitative and quantitative analysis of grained rock samples were carried out with the view to establishing the mineral components present in the samples. Two samples were collectedfrom a mining site in Jos, Plateau State as well as from another mining site in Lokoja, Kogi State.The two samples were prepared for XRD analysis using a backloading preparation method and done with X-ray diffractometer. The analysis confirmed the presence of minerals such as Cassiterite (SnO2), Ilmenite (FeTiO3), Zircon (SiO4),Columbite (Fe), Manganoan in the ample from Jos as a result of the matching of the peaks with the database 2θ values. The percentage area integration of the various phases which correlated to the quantity of the various minerals in the sample revealed that Cassiterite(Tin Oxide) of 65.9% value was from Jos and is a Tin Ore. The grain sizes for Cassiterite (SnO2), Ilmenite (FeTiO3), Zircon (SiO4), Columbite (Fe), Manganoan are 17.674, 35.348, 37.208, 70.695, 20.199 in nm respectively. The samples from Lokoja showed the presence of Magnetite (Fe¬3O4), Quartz (SiO2), Hematite (Fe2O3) and Geothite(FeO(OH)) and confirmed the grain sizes of 28.278, 35.348, 28.278. 17.673 and 23.565 in nm respectively.The constituents of Lokoja samples, all of which contained Iron Oxide also indicate that the sample is an Iron Ore. These findings confirm the fact that the mineral resources that are present in these regions of the country areeconomically viable and have the potential to boost economy and industrial development&nbsp


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    The study examined the effect of some mechanical and physical properties on brake pads produced from bagasse, banana peels and periwinkle shell in order to determine the materials suitability to develop new asbestos-free brake pads.These materials were sourced locally at Ede, Osun state.Samples were produced from different mix ratios of constituents using two sieve grades of 180 and 250 ÎĽm particle sizes. The percentage weights (wt%) of bagasse, banana peels and periwinkle shells were varied while those of crystalline silica, lead sulphide and epoxy resin were constant for both sieve grades. The density of each sample decreases from 2298 - 1199 Kg/m3 as the sieve grade increases. Also, the oil and water absorption rates increase from 0.007 - 0.022% and 0.012 - 0.037% respectively with an increase in sieve grade. Thehardness values of the brake pads produced range from 79.7 to 89.4 HRB and 77.1 to 84.8 HRB for both sieve grades, respectively. Likewise, the values of impact strength for the sieve grades ranged from 18.89 to 27.10J/mm and 17.97 to 24.85 J/mm, respectively.The samples B and C consisting of 15 wt% bagasse, 15 wt% banana peels, 30 wt% periwinkle shell, 10 wt% crystalline silica, 10 wt% lead sulphide, 20 wt% resin and 15 wt% bagasse, 30 wt% banana peels, 15 wt% periwinkle shell, 10 wt% crystalline silica, 10 wt% lead sulphide and 20 wt% resin for sieve grade of 180 ÎĽm, respectively, were regarded as the best among others because they gave the greatest properties. Therefore, the study concluded that the use of bagasse, banana peels and periwinkle shells as reinforced materials have properties suitable for the production of brake pads
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