67 research outputs found

    Influence of workplace flexibility on employee engagement among young generation

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    Workplace flexibility has become increasingly popular and important within the landscape of human resource management especially during and even after the COVID19-pandemic among young working adults. The objective of this study is to identify the influence of four forms of workplace flexibility on employee engagement. The study used online questionnaire and were answered by 185 young working adults below 30 years old as of 2022 through Google Form. The data were analyzed by using partial least square (PLS) structural equation modelling (SEM) technique. The study found that workspace flexibility and operational flexibility have significant positive relationships with employee engagement. This study provides practical and direct implications for business and society. Besides that, this research also adds values to the understanding of workplace flexibility and employee engagement for human resource scholars

    Predictors of the dependence on smartphones: The neglect of studies among Muslim students

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    Purpose: This study aims to posit the extended version of the technology acceptance model to explain the psychological factors of Muslim university students’ smartphone addictive behaviour and neglect of studies. In particular, this research conceptualised addictive behaviour as smartphone dependency and proposed process usage, flow, habitual smartphone behaviour and preference for online social interaction (POSI) as the associated factors. Besides, this study investigated the effect of smartphone dependency on the neglect of studies. Design/methodology/approach: Following the quantitative research design, this research tested the proposed model using data collected from Muslim students’ smartphone users in Malaysia. The analyses were based on the partial least squares–structural equation modelling technique. Findings: The results revealed that flow has the most significant influence on smartphone dependency. Habitual behaviour and process usage were also significant predictors, but POSI was not significantly associated with smartphone dependency. Also, smartphone dependency was significantly related to the neglect of studies. Research limitations/implications: This study provides empirical support to guide university management in preventing Muslim students’ over-dependence on smartphones. The Muslim community is synonymous with time management, where overdependence would diminish students’ religious and academic responsibilities. Such overdependence can cause neglect of studies; thus, the research findings can assist the university in introducing policies and campaigns that can educate students on the negative consequences of this pervasive digital addiction and ways to overcome them. This study contributes to the body of knowledge in understanding Muslim students coping mechanisms through smartphone usage. Originality/value: This study contributes to the literature by demonstrating the psychological factors of smartphone addiction and the resultant effect on the neglect of studies among Muslim university students

    Muslim academics’ knowledge sharing in Malaysian higher learning institutions

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate Muslim academics’ knowledge sharing (KS) behavior and its relating predictors in the context of Malaysia. Academics being the center entity of education in higher learning institutions (HLI) has the noble obligation in spreading and sharing knowledge. Moreover, in Islamic teaching, academics having knowledge must let others know that knowledge can be beneficial in everyday life. Design/methodology/approach – The underpinning theories used in this study are theory of planned behavior (TPB) and social capital theory (SCT) for assessing the probable factors that can determine academics’ KS behavior. This study evaluates 398 Muslim academics in Malaysia for KS behavior in 20 public and 5 private HLIs. Structural equation modeling–partial least square was used as the tool for data analysis. Findings – It was found that all the variables tested in this study were significant, except for commitment. Social network, trust, management support, facilitating conditions and social media are significant predictors in Muslimacademics’ KS behavior

    Motivational factors of pro-environmental behaviors among information technology professionals

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    This study explores the motivational factors that influence information technology (IT) professionals’ pro-environmental behaviors (PEBs). Based on the self-determination theory (SDT), autonomous and controlled motivations were posited as determinants of PEBs. Besides, the green human resource management (GHRM) literature was integrated to examine the direct and indirect effects of GHRM practices. The hypothesized model was tested using data collected from 333 IT professionals in Malaysia. The results supported the view that autonomous motivation and GHRM practices have significant effects on PEBs. Also, GHRM was a significant moderator of the effect of autonomous motivation on PEBs. On the contrary, the hypotheses that controlled motivation has a constraining effect, and GHRM has a moderating effect on PEBs were not supported. Thus, this study extends the SDT by incorporating GHRM literature to demonstrate that IT professionals’ PEBs are associated with environmental practices based on interest and value

    Micro antecedents of absorptive capacity: Implications of social context in joint project teams in Nigerian Upstream oil industry

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    This study provides empirical response to recent calls for clarification on the micro-foundation of absorptive capacity (ACAP). ACAP originates in Cohen and Levinthal‟s seminal work to explain firm‟s incentive for learning, which is the ability to recognize the value of new knowledge, assimilate it and commercially apply it. Thus advancing the extant assertion on conceptual affinity, this study synthesizes socio-psychological theory in creativity and organisational learning to delineate the specific antecedents for each dimension of ACAP. The individual‟s prior experience, need for cognition, learning and performance approach goal orientation are hypothesized as predictors of an individual‟s ability to recognize the value of a foreign partner‟s knowledge and assimilate it. And based on strategic alliance literature, the effects of social context in terms of trust in and support from foreign partners are proposed on the individual ability to recognize, team shared cognition and ability to utilize foreign partner knowledge. The data was collected from a cross sectional survey of local individual members of joint project teams (n=248) in the Nigerian upstream oil industry. And statistical analyses were conducted with the aid of SPSS and SEM (i.e., AMOS) software packages

    Environmental awareness and leadership commitment as determinants of IT professionals engagement in Green IT practices for environmental performance

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    Green IT (GIT) has become essential in ensuring the sustainable consumption and production of IT equipment for positive environmental outcomes. Nevertheless, existing studies on GIT practices have focused on the organizational level, with limited emphasis on the engagement of the IT professionals in sustainable environmental performance. Thus, the present study draws on the belief action and outcome (BAO) framework to investigate the factors of IT professionals' GIT beliefs and attitudes toward adopting GIT practices for environmental performance. The hypothesized model was tested with data collected from 333 IT professionals in Malaysia. The results of path analysis supported the significant impacts of environmental awareness and leadership commitment in shaping IT professionals' GIT beliefs and attitudes. Also, their attitude was a significant mediator between beliefs and engagement in GIT practices, and both GIT attitudes and practices were significantly related to environmental IT performance. This study offers empirical support for the role of IT professionals in enhancing environmental performance through engagement in sustainable IT practices

    The role of prior experience and goal orientation in individual absorptive capacity

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    Purpose – International joint ventures offer the appropriate platform for the host partners in an emerging economy to access the external knowledge embedded in the expatriate from foreign partners. However several factors could constrain the acquisition of this knowledge by the local employees who are engaged in the former. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the underlying differences for the individual’s knowledge acquisition capability. Design/methodology/approach – Individual’s knowledge acquisition capability was conceptualized as the individual dimension of absorptive capacity (ACAP). Given the engagement of employees in joint project teams, the team members are expected to differ in their experience and disposition to task. Thus, these differences are considered as predictors of the local team members ACAP, i.e., abilities to: recognize the value of; and assimilate the external knowledge embedded in the foreign partners. The hypothesized model was validated through the results of structural equation modeling on a cross sectional survey of 248 local team members of joint projects in the Nigerian upstream oil industry

    Role of Green HRM Practices in Employees’ Pro-environmental IT Practices

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    Green human resource management (GHRM) involves the alignment of the firm’s HRM practices to environmental management system. However, the specific impact of GHRM practices on employees’ pro-environmental behaviours, most especially in the information technology (IT) domain has not been fully clarified. Therefore, this study posits GHRM practices like recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and reward, performance management, and empowerment and participation as determinants of employees’ pro-environmental IT practices. Based on the responses from 68 HR managers and 333 IT professionals in Malaysia, the results of path model analysis confirm the significant impact of green training and development, and empowerment and participation. Furthermore, the implications of the findings are discussed, and suggestions offered on the deployment of GHRM practices in stimulating employees’ pro-environmental IT behaviour

    Modelling the antecedents of social media entrepreneurial engagement in Malaysia: An application of socio-cognitive theory

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    Recent advancement in digital technologies has re-shaped the nature of entrepreneurship. The social media, for example, offers a platform for multiple actors to engage in entrepreneurial activities beyond their immediate environment. Therefore, the integration of technology in entrepreneurial activities has created huge potential for socio-economic outputs. The present study draws on the social cognitive theory to propose a model explaining the cognitive and social factors influencing individuals’ engagement in entrepreneurial activities on the social media platform. The proposed model will be tested with data to be collected from youth within the Klang Valley area of Malaysia
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