116 research outputs found

    Cytogenotoxic effects of cypermethrin, deltamethrin, lambdacyhalothrin and endosulfan pesticides on Allium cepa root cells

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    Increased pesticides application in agriculture and public health has contributed to the pollution of the environment. This study evaluates the cytogenotoxic effects of emulsifiable concentrate of cypermethrin, deltamethrin, lambdacyhalothrin and endosulfan on Allium cepa root cells. Five concentrations (1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0 and 40.0 ppm) of each pesticide were used for microscopic (48 h) and macroscopic (72 h) evaluations with distilled water as the control. Data were analyzed by Student's ttest. A dose dependent reduction in A. cepa root length was observed for the pesticides. Significant reduction in treated root length was observed at 10.0 ppm of deltamethrin, cypermethrin and lambdacyhalothrin, and at 20.0 and 40.0 ppm of all the pesticides compared to the control (P<0.05). The EC50 values showed growth inhibition in the order of lambdacyhalothrin > cypermethrin > deltamethrin > endosulfan, while that of total aberrant cells was cypermethrin > lambdacyhalothrin > deltamethrin > endosulfan. Microscopic aberrations observed in the pesticide-treated onions include sticky chromosomes, disturbed spindle and chromosome bridges. Dose dependent reduction was observed in the total mitotic dividing cells and mitotic index of the pesticide-treated A. cepa, except for 5.0 ppm of endosulfan. The pesticides induced growth inhibition and caused cytogenotoxic effects on the meristematic cells of Allium cepa. The data herein provide more information on the pesticides of which exposure to substantial concentration might constitute health risk to non-target organisms.Keywords: Pesticides, mitotic aberration, pyrethroid, organochlorine, growth.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(41), pp. 6000-600

    Transition of hemoglobin between two tertiary conformations: Determination of equilibrium and thermodynamic parameters from the reaction of 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) with the CysF9[93]β sulfhydryl group

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    The equilibrium constant of the reaction of 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) with the CysF9[93]β sulfhydryl group of hemoglobin decreases by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude between pH 5.6 and 9. The reaction is coupled to the ionizations of two groups on the protein. At 25 °C one group has a pKa of 5.31±0.2 when hemoglobin is in its (tertiary) r conformation, typified by the thiolate anion form of CysF9[93]β; this changes to 7.73±0.4 in the (tertiary) t conformation, typified by the mixed disulfide form of the sulfhydryl. The second group ionizes with a pKa of 7.11±0.4 in the r conformation; this changes to 8.38±0.2 in the t conformation. Krt, the equilibrium constant for the r←→t isomerization process, is 0.22±0.06. The standard enthalpy and entropy changes for the isomerization are ΔHo rt=24.2 kJ mol−1 and ΔSo rt=68.8 JK−1mol−1, respectively

    A variational-fixed point iterative technique for the solution of second order differential equations

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    In this paper, we propose a variational-fixed point iteration technique for the solution of second order linear differential equations with two-point boundary value problems. The proposed method is endowed with the Galerkin method for the determination of the starting function. The numerical results show the validity and efficiency of the proposed method in comparison with the exact solution and other existing methods

    Application Of ICT TO Resource And Disaster Mamagement

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    Expansion works such as road expansion and location of new facilities had attracted huge compensations for demolished houses, farmlands and facilities, thus making the cost of future developments in the built environment very prohibitive. A number of urban cities in Nigeria are proposing Mega City Projects which call for sustainable physical planning and property management in other to minimize cost. This paper proposes the application of information and communication technology (ICT), particularly the use of modeling and visual reality to sustainable physical planning and property management with a view to carrying out future expansion works with reduced compensation cost. Also, the paper considers the development of a Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) for disaster response and management within the built environment

    Numerical solution of third order three-point boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients using variational-composite hybrid fixed point iterative method

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    This paper explores variational–composite hybrid fixed point iterative scheme for the solution of third order three-point boundary value problems. The method shows a strong convergence which makes it an efficient and reliable technique for finding approximate analytical solutions for third order three-point boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients. From the numerical experiments carried out, the accuracy of the method was confirmed through the order of convergence obtained


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    The study focused on the perception and attitude of FUNAAB undergraduates towards students with physical disabilities. Two hundred and forty students were randomly selected for the study, and questionnaire tagged “PAPPD†was the instrument used for data collection which was administered to the 240 students. Only 227 students that filled and returned their questionnaire were engaged in the study. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was 0.83 using Cronbach Alpha. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistical tool and Analysis of variance. Result shows that majority of the students 112(49.3%) perceived students with physical disabilities as normal people, 107(47.1%) perceived them as friends. The findings also showed that majority 130(57.3%) indicated that they love rendering help to students with physical disabilities because they are also human beings. In general, result showed that there is no significant difference in the perception and attitude of students towards students with physical disabilities irrespective of their ages, colleges and departments. Therefore, awareness programmes such as seminars should be mounted within the University system from time to time so as to enhance positive attitude and perception of undergraduates towards Persons with Physical Disabilities (PWPDs)Â


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    The domestic architecture of a place describes the people culture, religion and beliefs while the meaning of domestic space reveals the spirit of domestic architectural. Consequently, the difference in houses size, height and ornamentation across Benin City is dependent on some dynamics. Benin domestic architecture across the city showing modifications along timeline/periods, as houses were identified cross sectionally from 40BC – 2100A.D. The paper examined meaning of domestic spaces in Benin house-types collected across the city. The study used triangulation method (i.e. questionnaire, space syntax and interview guide) to describe meaning of spaces. The finding was discussed along activities spaces (like cooking and eating, household storage, sleeping arrangement, personal hygiene, outdoor, receiving guest, worship socialization, ceremonies and festival). The research result revealed that meaning of domestic spaces in domestic architecture can explain the spirit of the space, the people’s culture and social ideology

    Expert System-Based Predictive Cost Model for Building Works: Neural Network Approach

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    Project managers need accurate estimate of building projects to be able to choose appropriate alternatives for their constructions. Estimated costs of building projects, which hitherto have been based on regression models, are usually left with gaps for high margin of errors and as well, they lack the capacity to accommodate certain intervening variables as construction works progress. Data of past construction projects of the past 2 years were adjusted and used for the study. This model is developed and tested as a predictive cost model for building projects based on Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) with Levenberg Marqua. This model is capable of helping professionals save time, make more realistic decisions, and help avoid underestimating and overestimating of project costs. The model is a step ahead of Regression models

    An Unusual Presentation of a Mixed Epithelial and Stromal Tumor in an Elderly Male

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    Mixed epithelial and stromal tumors (MESTs) of the kidney are rare renal neoplasms characterized by mixed cystic and solid components. These tumors are typically present in middle-aged women as a flank mass, or as a cause of flank pain or hematuria. We outline the case of an older male who presented with an enlarging abdominal mass causing symptoms that suggested a partial small bowel obstruction. Management of the patient and a brief review are discussed

    On error estimation in almost Runge-Kutta (ARK) methods

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    Abstract In Runge-Kutta Theory, it is common knowledge that the bounds for the local truncation errors do not form a suitable basis for monitoring the local truncation erro