45 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Brics (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Dalam Kancah Ekonomi Politik Global

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    BRICS adalah sebuah organisasi untuk menampung dan mewadahi negara-negara ambang industri pada saat itu (10 tahunan yang lalu), dan pertamakali istilah ini dipakai oleh pakar ekonomi AS Jim O'Neal, seorang ekonom Perusahaan keuangan global Goldman Sachs, pada tahun 2001 . BRIC adalah akronim dari Brasil, Rusia, India, China, dan South Africa. Para pemimpin BRICS bersikeras bahwa kelompok ini akan menjadi sebuah kekuatan Perubahan. Negara-negara BRICS menginginkan diri mereka sebagai juru bicara negara-negara berkembang. Negara-negara BRICS secara bersama-sama saat ini mewakili hampir seperlima dari perekonomian global

    Memperkuat Manajemen Pemasaran Dalam Konteks Persaingan Global

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    In an effort to face global competition is increasingly competitive, a company or organization needs to optimize the management of targeted marketing or effective, so as to maximize the achievement benefit either profit or non-profit to the fullest. Keywords: Marketing Management, Global Competition


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    Brexit adalah kependekan dari British Exit, ini adalah istilah yang diberikan kepada Inggris yang memutuskan keluar dari Uni Eropa lewat referendum 23 Juni 2016. Kata ini hampir mirip dengan Grexit yang beberapa tahun lalu populer akibat peluang Yunani (Greece) keluar dari Uni Eropa terbuka lebar. Kata Kunci: Brexit, Perekonomian Globa


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    Interesting events in the last 2 (two) elections, where there is a phenomenon of political parties contesting in the 2014 and 2019 elections trying to create an election that puts forward checks and balances between government support parties and opposition parties in the form of coalitions. In the 2014 elections there was a Great Indonesian Coalition (KIH) government, consisting of PDI-P, Nasdem, PKB, Hanura and PKPI, and the opposition Red and White coalition (KMP), consisting of Gerindra, Golkar, PAN, PKS, PPP and the United Nations. It is hoped that the people will have checks and balances so that the minority government is controlled by a large opposition. But that hope vanished as Golkar, PAN and PPP joined the government, so the opposition was no longer helpless, because it only left Gerindra and PKS. The recurring incident in the 2019 election, in which the presidential election gave birth to 2 coalition supporters of Jokowi-Maruf Amien Coalition of Working Indonesia (PDI-P, Nasdem, PKB, Hanura, PKPI, Golkar, PPP, Perindo, PSI) and the Coalition supporting Prabowo-Sandiaga, named The Indonesian Coalition is just and prosperous (Gerindra, PKS, PAN, Democrat), it is very apparent that there is a desire from PAN and Democrats to be part of the government coalition, inconsistencies occur in coalition in Indonesia.Kejadian menarik dalam 2 (dua) pemilu terakhir, dimana ada fenomena partai-partai politik yang berkontestasi dalam pemilu tahun 2014 dan 2019 berupaya untuk menciptakan sebuah pemilu yang mengedepankan check and balances antara partai pendukung pemerintah dan partai oposisi dalam bentuk koalisi. Dalam pemilu 2014 ada pemerintahan Koalisi Indonesia Hebat (KIH), terdiri dari PDI-P, Nasdem, PKB, Hanura dan PKPI, dan oposisi koalisi Merah Putih (KMP), terdiri dari Gerindra, Golkar, PAN, PKS, PPP dan PBB. Besar harapan rakyat terjadi check and balances sehingga pemerintah yang minoritas di kontrol oleh oposisi yang besar. Namun harapan itu sirna seiring dengan bergabungnya Golkar, PAN, dan PPP kedalam pemerintahan, sehingga oposisi tidak lagi berdaya, karena hanya meninggalkan Gerindra dan PKS. Kejadian berulang pada pemilu 2019, dimana dalam pilpres melahirkan 2 koalisi pendukung Jokowi-Maruf Amien Koalisi Indonesia Kerja (PDI-P, Nasdem, PKB, Hanura, PKPI, Golkar, PPP, Perindo, PSI) dan Koalisi pendukung Prabowo-Sandiaga, yang bernama Koalisi Indonesia adil dan Makmur (Gerindra, PKS, PAN, Demokrat), sangat terlihat adanya keinginan dari PAN dan Demokrat untuk menjadi bagian dari koalisi pemerintah, terjadi inkonsistensi dalam berkoalisi di Indonesia

    Harmonization of Islam-Sunda in the Wuku Taun Tradition in Cikondang Village

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    In the case of Sundanese society and culture, many Sundanese classmates were born and raised in a Sundanese environment, but no longer recognize Sundanese culture, customs and values. They are more familiar with foreign cultures and civilizations. The new civilization has had a huge influence on culture and the state of society. The values ​​that were previously believed were intimidated by the new values. On the one hand, positive things have given birth to knowledge for education, but on the other hand, Sundanese noble values ​​have faded, because of the interests of immigrants. The clash of values ​​due to evolutionary faults made the Sundanese generation begin to shift. The values ​​and social institutions that were originally considered as Sundanese identity and entities began to be doubted. They feel more valued as 'European humans' in their native form. Even though Sundanese has culture, has customs, has language, the Sundanese should be aware of their nature as Sundanese. This change has also affected traditional Sundanese villages, which have been persistent in maintaining their traditions. The Sundanese people themselves are no longer familiar with the Traditional Village of Kampung Cikondang in the Bandung area, which so far has been used as a place for preserving Sundanese Customs and Culture. For this reason, the role of all groups, the government, through policies that are more directed at cultural or cultural considerations rather than purely economic ones, are needed which are detrimental to a cultural development in the policies formulated, so that traditional enclaves such as Kampung Adat can eventually sustainable. While the community can play a role according to their respective abilities. The method used in this research is qualitative, that is used as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form ofwritten or spoken words from observable persons

    Harmonization of Islam-Sunda in the Wuku Taun Tradition in Cikondang Village

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    In the case of Sundanese society and culture, many Sundanese classmates were born and raised in a Sundanese environment, but no longer recognize Sundanese culture, customs and values. They are more familiar with foreign cultures and civilizations. The new civilization has had a huge influence on culture and the state of society. The values ​​that were previously believed were intimidated by the new values. On the one hand, positive things have given birth to knowledge for education, but on the other hand, Sundanese noble values ​​have faded, because of the interests of immigrants. The clash of values ​​due to evolutionary faults made the Sundanese generation begin to shift. The values ​​and social institutions that were originally considered as Sundanese identity and entities began to be doubted. They feel more valued as 'European humans' in their native form. Even though Sundanese has culture, has customs, has language, the Sundanese should be aware of their nature as Sundanese. This change has also affected traditional Sundanese villages, which have been persistent in maintaining their traditions. The Sundanese people themselves are no longer familiar with the Traditional Village of Kampung Cikondang in the Bandung area, which so far has been used as a place for preserving Sundanese Customs and Culture. For this reason, the role of all groups, the government, through policies that are more directed at cultural or cultural considerations rather than purely economic ones, are needed which are detrimental to a cultural development in the policies formulated, so that traditional enclaves such as Kampung Adat can eventually sustainable. While the community can play a role according to their respective abilities. The method used in this research is qualitative, that is used as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form ofwritten or spoken words from observable persons


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    In an effort to face global competition is increasingly competitive, a company or organization needs to optimize the management of targeted marketing or effective, so as to maximize the achievement benefit either profit or non-profit to the fullest. Keywords: Marketing Management, Global Competition


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    The victory of Calderon ot the general election in Mexico con be sign up restroined the left wave who ottack Lotin Americo. Phase the winner of left leader in the Lotin Americo region happens obout 200th. Hugo Chovez from Venezuelo, Lulo lgnacio Lulo do Silva from Brozil, lAichelle Bachelet from Cile, Evo Morales f rom Bolivia ore port of orronged left leader who elect by citizen to hold the power in this region. Keyword: generaI etection in Mexico


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    BRICS adalah sebuah organisasi untuk menampung dan mewadahi negara-negara ambang industri pada saat itu (10 tahunan yang lalu), dan pertamakali istilah ini dipakai oleh pakar ekonomi AS Jim O'Neal, seorang ekonom perusahaan keuangan global Goldman Sachs, pada tahun 2001 . BRIC adalah akronim dari Brasil, Rusia, India, China, dan South Africa. Para pemimpin BRICS bersikeras bahwa kelompok ini akan menjadi sebuah kekuatan perubahan. Negara-negara BRICS menginginkan diri mereka sebagai juru bicara negara-negara berkembang. Negara-negara BRICS secara bersama-sama saat ini mewakili hampir seperlima dari perekonomian global. Kata Kunci: BRICS, Ekonomi Politik Global

    Shariah Economy As a Governance Alternative Global Political Economy

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    After the global financial crisis of the 2000s, the international political economy built on capitalism was put on trial because it was found to have flaws. The idea that capitalism is weak can also be seen in the Great Depression of the 1930s and the Monetary Crisis of the 1990s. A lot of experts are trying to come up with solutions to capitalism. Joseph Schumpeter, Daniel Bell, Irving Kristol, Gunnar Myrdal, Hla Mynt, and Mahbubul Haq all came to prominence in the 1940s. In the 1990s, Paul Ormerod, Joseph E. Stiglitz, and Bruce Greenwald criticized capitalism more and more for its flaws. They caused a wave of interest in finding and using a "new" economic system that has wide-ranging effects on justice, fairness, wealth, and meeting efficiency goals. If you look more closely, the new economics looks a lot like Islamic Economics, which is a political and economic strategy based on Islamic religious values. The goals of Islamic economics are: first, to worship Allah more than anything else; second, to keep the world and the afterlife in balance; third, to achieve the economic success that God wanted; and fourth, to avoid chaos and riots. So, this study tries to compare the problems with capitalism with the problems with Sharia. The new thing about this paper is that it tries to figure out which Islamic economic principles could be used to fix the present economic system. In general, there are four things to pay attention to: international trade, international banking, global markets, and the balance of structural power between countries. . Keywords: Islamic Economics, Global Political, Economy Governanc