33 research outputs found

    Effect of different pastures on CLA content in milk and sheep cheese

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    It is known that milk composition included conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is affected by animal feeding system (Cabiddu et al., 2001). In Sardinia dairy sheep feeding is mainly based on pastures. Most of them are characterised by self-regenerating species, like annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaudin) and burr medic (Medicago polymorpha L.). Non conventional species belonging to the Compositae family such as (Chrysanthemum coronarium L.) seem interesting for sheep feeding when other herbages decrease in quality (late spring- early summer). It was observed that C. coronarium establishes rapidly, can be grazed early in the growing season and persist where other pasture species may disappear; for these reasons it can be considered a valuable source of food. Moreover a preliminary study with dairy sheep fed fresh forage of C. coronarium showed relatively high levels of CLA in milk (Molle G. pers. com.) The aim of the present work was to study the influence of different pastures on milk composition, with particular reference to CLA and its precursors

    Ion Mobility–Mass Spectrometry Approach for the Comparison of Sheep and Goat Milk Lipidomes

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    In this work, we report an analytical procedure to investigate the lipid compositions of sheep and goat milk. This approach is based on an ion mobility-high-resolution mass spectrometric method to facilitate the identification of complex lipid species and their regiochemistry. A common triacylglycerol profile was observed for sheep and goat milk samples, while a higher abundance of medium-chain fatty acids was observed at the sn-2 position for sheep milk. Furthermore, differences can be also observed in the levels of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids at the sn-2 position. In terms of lipid classes, goat milk showed higher levels of triacylglycerols, phosphatidylinositols and ether-linked phosphatidylethanolamines, while sheep milk showed higher levels of free fatty acids, lysophosphatidylethanolamines, lysophosphocholines and non-hydroxy fatty acid-dihydrosphingosine ceramides when compared with goat milk

    Incorporation of probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium ssp.) in Argentinean ovine cheese

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    The market of cheeses from ewe’s milk has been growing steadily in Argentina. The nutritional benefits of these products can be enhanced by adding probiotic cultures. In the present study, the survival of a mix of probiotic microorganisms (Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis Bb12) in a semi-hard ovine cheese, manufactured with a technology previously developed in our institute was evaluated. Besides, the effect of its incorporation on the chemical composition and ripening parameters of cheeses, including the fatty acid composition and CLA production, was investigated. Experimental cheeses made with Bb12 and La-5 retained counts of the probiotic strains at the required therapeutic level (107 CFU g−1 ). No significant differences were detected between experimental and control cheeses with respect to the different parameters evaluated: gross composition, nitrogen fractions, lipolysis, fatty acids profiles of cheese fat including CLA, and volatile fraction. Results demonstrated that the ovine cheese matrix seems to be suitable for delivery of probiotic microorganisms.Fil: Perotti, Maria Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Santa Fe. Instituto de Lactologia Industrial; ArgentinaFil: Wolf, Irma Veronica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Santa Fe. Instituto de Lactologia Industrial; ArgentinaFil: Addis, Margherita. AGRIS Sardegna. Dipartamento per la ricerca nelle produzioni animali (DIRPA), Sardegna; ItaliaFil: Comunian, Roberta. AGRIS Sardegna. Dipartamento per la ricerca nelle produzioni animali (DIRPA), Sardegna; ItaliaFil: Paba, Antonio. AGRIS Sardegna. Dipartamento per la ricerca nelle produzioni animali (DIRPA), Sardegna; ItaliaFil: Meinardi, Carlos Alberto. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de IngenierĂ­a QuĂ­mica; Argentin

    Effects of different fat-enriched concentrates on fatty acid profile of cheese from grazing dairy sheep

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    A trial on different fatty acid supplementation was run in grazing dairy sheep. Forty-eight lactating Sarda ewes were randomly allocated to four homogeneous groups: PAS, control group grazing for 22h/d without supplementation; NOF, group supplemented with a cereal based non-fat enriched concentrate; C182, group supplemented with a concentrate rich in sunflower seeds; and C183, group supplemented with a concentrate rich in linseeds. The results showed that the concentrates, based on oilseeds from both sunflower and linseed sources determined high C18:1 t11 and CLA c9 t11 cheese fat content. Moreover linseeds supplementation improved the concentration in the cheese of other beneficial fatty acids such as LN and PUFAω3

    A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry untargeted metabolomics approach to discriminate Fiore Sardo cheese produced from raw or thermized ovine milk.

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    Thermization is a sub-pasteurization heat treatment of cheese milk (at 57-68°C for 15-30 s) aimed to reduce the number of undesirable microbial contaminants with reduced heat damage to the indigenous milk enzymes. In this work, the effects of milk thermization on the compositional parameters, proteolysis indices, free fatty acid levels, and low molecular weight metabolite profiles of ovine cheese were studied. Cheese samples at different ripening stages and produced in 2 different periods of the year were analyzed. While the effects of milk thermization on cheese macro-compositional parameters and free fatty acid levels were not evident due to the predominant effects of milk seasonality and cheese ripening stage, the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry based metabolomics approach of ovine cheese produced from raw and thermized milk highlighted strong differences at the metabolite level. Discriminant analysis applied to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry data provided an excellent classification model where cheese samples were correctly classified as produced from raw or thermized milk. The metabolites that mostly changed due to the thermization process belonged to the classes of free amino acids and saccharides. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-based metabolomics has proven to be a valid tool to study the effect of mild heat treatments on the polar metabolite profile in ovine cheese

    Caciocavallo Podolico Cheese, a Traditional Agri-Food Product of the Region of Basilicata, Italy: Comparison of the Cheese’s Nutritional, Health and Organoleptic Properties at 6 and 12 Months of Ripening, and Its Digital Communication

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    Traditional agri-food products (TAPs) are closely linked to the peculiarities of the territory of origin and are strategic tools for preserving culture and traditions; nutritional and organoleptic peculiarities also differentiate these products on the market. One such product is Caciocavallo Podolico Lucano (CPL), a stretched curd cheese made exclusively from raw milk from Podolian cows, reared under extensive conditions. The objective of this study was to characterise CPL and evaluate the effects of ripening (6 vs. 12 months) on the quality and organoleptic properties, using the technological “artificial senses” platform, of CPL produced and sold in the region of Basilicata, Italy. Additionally, this study represents the first analysis of cheese-related digital communication and trends online. The study found no significant differences between 6-month- and 12-month-ripened cheese, except for a slight increase in cholesterol levels in the latter. CPL aged for 6 and 12 months is naturally lactose-free, rich in bioactive components, and high in vitamin A and antioxidants and has a low PUFA-n6/n3 ratio. The “artificial sensory profile” was able to discriminate the organoleptic fingerprints of 6-month- and 12-month-ripened cheese. The application of a sociosemiotic methodology enabled us to identify the best drivers to create effective communication for this product. The researchers recommend focusing on creating a certification mark linked to the territory for future protection

    The Quality of Five Natural, Historical Italian Cheeses Produced in Different Months: Gross Composition, Fat-Soluble Vitamins, Fatty Acids, Total Phenols, Antioxidant Capacity, and Health Index

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    Five natural historic cheeses of Southern Italy were investigated-Caciocavallo Palermitano (CP), Casizolu del Montiferru (CdM), Vastedda della Valle del BelĂŹce (VVB), Pecorino Siciliano (PS), and Caprino Nicastrese (CN)-which are produced with raw milk and with traditional techniques and tools, from autochthonous breeds reared under an extensive system. The effects of the month of production on gross composition, MUFA, PUFA, PUFA-ω6, PUFA-ω3, α-tocopherol, retinol, cholesterol, TPC, TEAC, and GHIC were evaluated. In CP, CLA, TPC, and GHIC were higher in April than in February. CdM showed higher values in terms of fat, saturated fatty acids, PUFA-ω3, α-tocopherol, TEAC, and GHIC in May than in February and September, while low values in terms of protein, moisture, and CLA were found. In VVB, MUFA, PUFA-ω6, and α-tocopherol increased in June compared with April; conversely, protein, FRAP, and TEAC were higher in April. In PS, protein, CLA, PUFA, PUFA-ω3, α-tocopherol, and GHIC increased in May compared with January; on the contrary, moisture, NaCl, and TEAC showed high values in January. CN showed higher values in terms of PUFA, PUFA-ω6, PUFA-ω3, TPC, TEAC, and GHIC in April and June compared with January. It is shown that each cheese is unique and closely linked to the production area. Cheeses produced in the spring months showed a high nutritional quality due to the greatest presence of healthy compounds originating from an extensive feeding system

    A Survey on the milk fatty acid composition of forty dairy sheep flocks in Sardinia

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    A survey was carried out to monitor milk fatty acid (FA) composition during two years (2003 and 2004) on forty dairy sheep flocks, fed pasture based rations, in 5 macro pedoclimatic areas of Sardinia, featured by different i) soil type, (granitic, G; basaltic, B and alluvial, A) ii) average annual rainfall (low, L, 500-600 mm/year; high, H, 600-800 mm/year). Milk FA profile was strongly influenced by year. In particular milk linolenic acid (LN), CLA (conjugated linoeic acid) and PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) levels increased (by 25, 30 and 14%, respectively, P<0.01) whereas the atherogenicity index (AI) decreased (by 8%, P<0.01) in all areas in 2004 as compared with 2003. Pedoclimatic area affected milk fatty acid composition (P<0.01). In both years milk from AL farms showed the highest levels of LN, CLA and PUFA. AI was lower in BH and GH in year 2003 and in BH, AH and GL in 2004

    Il mese di produzione influenza la qualit\ue0 di formaggi tipici?

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    Il settore lattiero-caseario mediterraneo rappresenta una delle pi\uf9 importanti attivit\ue0 legate al lavoro delle terre montane e marginali e alla produzione di prodotti tipici e di qualit\ue0. Un prodotto \u201ctipico\u201d \ue8 il risultato di diversi fattori strettamente legati all\u2019origine geografica e alle tradizioni sociali e culturali dell\u2019area di produzione. Tali prodotti sono da sempre uno strumento per valorizzare la biodiversit\ue0, la cultura e l\u2019economia di definite aree mediterranee. L\u2019Unione Europea riconosce ufficialmente questa diversificazione di prodotto attraverso l\u2019attribuzione di marchi di qualit\ue0 a denominazione di origine protetta (DOP) e a indicazione geografica protetta (IGP). Nella politica agroalimentare italiana \ue8 presente anche il marchio di prodotto agroalimentare tradizionale (TAP). Recentemente, 15 formaggi storici naturali del Sud Italia, identificati come la \u201cselezione AGER (Agroalimentare e ricerca)\u201d, hanno ricevuto attenzione nel progetto dal titolo \u201cCanestrum casei- Sviluppo di un modello sinergico finalizzato alla qualificazione e valorizzazione dei formaggi storici naturali del Sud Italia nelle regioni Sicilia, Sardegna, Calabria, Basilicata e Campania\u201c. Il progetto mira a qualificare e valorizzare questi formaggi storici e a ridare dignit\ue0 agli allevatori e ai produttori di questi formaggi, meno conosciuti dai consumatori e spesso a rischio di estinzione per oggettive difficolt\ue0 di qualificazione e valorizzazione sul mercato. In questo lavoro vengono studiati 5 dei 15 formaggi della selezione AGER. Il Caciocavallo Palermitano TAP (CP) \ue8 un formaggio a pasta dura, prodotto nella regione Sicilia in provincia di Palermo a 700-1000 m s.l.m. \ue8 un formaggio a pasta filata ottenuto dal latte bovino crudo delle razze Cinisara, Pezzata Rossa, Bruna e meticci, ed \ue8 ancora prodotto con tecniche tradizionali utilizzando tipici strumenti in legno. La Vastedda della Valle del Bel\uecce DOP (VVB), un formaggio a pasta molle e filata, prodotto nella zona collinare (300 m s.l.m.) della Sicilia occidentale. \uc8 prodotto con latte ovino crudo della razza ovina autoctona Valle del Bel\uecce. Questo formaggio viene prodotto utilizzando attrezzature tradizionali in legno e applicando la tecnologia della filatura, che gli conferisce unicit\ue0. Il Pecorino Siciliano DOP (PS) \ue8 un prodotto caseario a pasta dura proveniente dalla zona montana (700 m s.l.m.) della Sicilia centrale e dalla zona collinare (400 m s.l.m.) della Sicilia occidentale. Il Casizolu del Montiferru TAP(CdM) \ue8 un formaggio a pasta dura prodotto nella regione Sardegna nella zona montana (1050 m s.l.m.) del Montiferru e nella zona collinare (500 m s.l.m.) del Montiferru/Guilcer. Si tratta di un formaggio a pasta filata ottenuto da latte bovino crudo delle razze Sardo-Modicana e Bruno-Sarda, allevate in regime estensivo durante l\u2019anno, utilizzando tecniche tradizionali con attrezzature in rame e legno. Il Caprino Nicastrese (CN) \ue8 un formaggio a pasta semidura prodotto nella regione Calabria nelle zone collinari (300-600 m s.l.m.) e montane (601-1200 m s.l.m.) circostanti Nicastro-Lamezia Terme, in provincia di Catanzaro. Si ottiene dal latte crudo della razza caprina autoctona Nicastrese, utilizzando una tecnica tradizionale con attrezzature in legno e acciaio. Questi cinque formaggi sono prodotti in aree ristrette, condizioni pedoclimatiche e attivit\ue0 antropiche (definite come uniche e non riproducibili altrove) che, cos\uec come il territorio e le abitudini, sono conformi alla storia e alla tradizione. Uno degli obiettivi specifici del progetto \u201cCanestrum Casei\u201d \ue8 stato quello di realizzare un\u2019indagine conoscitiva sulla qualit\ue0 di questi formaggi per adempiere alla caratterizzazione della selezione dei formaggi AGER uniformando le informazioni di maggior interesse per i consumatori rispetto alle specificit\ue0 produttive regionali. In particolare, nel presente lavoro, \ue8 stata valutata l\u2019influenza del periodo di produzione sulla composizione chimica, le caratteristiche nutrizionali, il contenuto di polifenoli, la capacit\ue0 antiossidante totale e l\u2019indice di salute dei cinque formaggi tradizionali citati. Pertanto i cinque foraggi tipici del meridione italiano, sopra descritti, sono stati studiati per valutare gli effetti del mese di produzione sulla composizione lorda, MUFA, PUFA, PUFA-\u3c96, PUFA-\u3c93, \u3b1-tocoferolo, retinolo, colesterolo, TPC, TEAC e GHIC. In CP, CLA, TPC e GHIC erano pi\uf9 alti in aprile che in febbraio. Il CdM ha mostrato valori pi\uf9 alti in termini di grassi, acidi grassi saturi, PUFA-\u3c93, \u3b1-tocoferolo, TEAC e GHIC in maggio rispetto a febbraio e settembre, mentre sono stati trovati valori bassi in termini di proteine, umidit\ue0 e CLA. In VVB, MUFA, PUFA-\u3c96, e \u3b1-tocoferolo sono aumentati in giugno rispetto ad aprile; al contrario, proteine, FRAP, e TEAC erano pi\uf9 alti in aprile. In PS, proteine, CLA, PUFA, PUFA-\u3c93, \u3b1-tocoferolo e GHIC sono aumentati in maggio rispetto a gennaio; al contrario, umidit\ue0, NaCl e TEAC hanno mostrato valori elevati in gennaio. CN ha mostrato valori pi\uf9 alti in termini di PUFA, PUFA-\u3c96, PUFA-\u3c93, TPC, TEAC e GHIC in aprile e giugno rispetto a gennaio. \uc8 dimostrato che ogni formaggio \ue8 unico e strettamente legato alla zona di produzione. I formaggi prodotti nei mesi primaverili hanno mostrato un\u2019alta qualit\ue0 nutrizionale dovuta alla maggiore presenza di composti salutari provenienti da un sistema di alimentazione estensiva. I risultati ottenuti da questo studio hanno mostrato che le caratteristiche nutrizionali dei formaggi tradizionali valutati, cio\ue8 il contenuto di acidi grassi, il contenuto di vitamine liposolubili e polifenoli, la capacit\ue0 antiossidante totale e l\u2019indice di salute, erano influenzati dal mese di produzione. In generale, la pi\uf9 alta qualit\ue0 nutrizionale era legata alla maggiore presenza di composti salutari, che provenivano dal pascolo nei mesi primaverili di produzione del formaggio. Ogni formaggio \ue8 unico e strettamente legato alla zona di produzione, anche se un\u2019alta variabilit\ue0, dovuta a numerosi fattori \u2013 tra cui specie, razza, alimentazione, tipo di suolo, posizione geografica, clima e tecnologia di produzione \u2013 caratterizza i parametri analizzati in ogni formaggio