1,263 research outputs found

    Patronage Dividends: Income Distribution or Price Adjustment

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    Hard limits on the postselectability of optical graph states

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    Coherent control of large entangled graph states enables a wide variety of quantum information processing tasks, including error-corrected quantum computation. The linear optical approach offers excellent control and coherence, but today most photon sources and entangling gates---required for the construction of large graph states---are probabilistic and rely on postselection. In this work, we provide proofs and heuristics to aid experimental design using postselection. We derive a fundamental limitation on the generation of photonic qubit states using postselected entangling gates: experiments which contain a cycle of postselected gates cannot be postselected. Further, we analyse experiments that use photons from postselected photon pair sources, and lower bound the number of classes of graph state entanglement that are accessible in the non-degenerate case---graph state entanglement classes that contain a tree are are always accessible. Numerical investigation up to 9-qubits shows that the proportion of graph states that are accessible using postselection diminishes rapidly. We provide tables showing which classes are accessible for a variety of up to nine qubit resource states and sources. We also use our methods to evaluate near-term multi-photon experiments, and provide our algorithms for doing so.Comment: Our manuscript comprises 4843 words, 6 figures, 1 table, 47 references, and a supplementary material of 1741 words, 2 figures, 1 table, and a Mathematica code listin

    Full-scale aircraft simulation with cryogenic tunnels and status of the National Transonic Facility

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    The effect of thermal and caloric imperfections in cryogenic nitrogen on boundary layers was determined to indicate that in order to simulate nonadiabatic laminar or turbulent boundary layers in a cryogenic nitrogen wind tunnel, the flight enthalpy ratio, rather than the temperature ratio, should be reproduced. The absence of significant real gas effects on both viscous and inviscid flows makes it unlikely that there will be large real gas effects on the cryogenic tunnel simulation of shock boundary layer interactions or other complex flow conditions encountered in flight. Condensation effects were studied to determine the minimum usable temperature and indicated that under most circumstances free stream Mach number rather than maximum local Mach number determines the onset of condensation effects

    Seed phosphorus in wheat and lupins

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    Trial 90NO119 Seed P in wheat. Location: Greenhills. Design: 2 applied P x 3 seed P x 4 replicates, sowing wheat (cv. Aroona) seed from 89N33 at 70 kg/ha on May 15, 1990. Trial 90NO120 Seed P in wheat. Location: York Design: 2 applied from P x 3 seed P x 4 replicates, 89N33 at 70 kg/ha on May 25, 1990. Trial 90NO117 Seed P in lupins Location: Greenhills. Design: 2 applied P x 3 seed P x 4 replicates, sowing lupins (cv. Gungurru) from 85BA35 at 100 kg/ha on May 15, 1990. Trial 90NO118 Seed P in lupins. Location: York Design: 3 applied P x 3 seed P x 4 replicates, sowing lupins (cv. Gungurru) from 85BA35 at 100 kg/ha on May 25, 1990. Trial 90MD9 Phosphorus placement and seed P. Aim: To measure the effects of phosphate fertilizer placement on the response of lupins to varying seed P levels

    Mapping graph state orbits under local complementation

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    Graph states, and the entanglement they posses, are central to modern quantum computing and communications architectures. Local complementation---the graph operation that links all local-Clifford equivalent graph states---allows us to classify all stabiliser states by their entanglement. Here, we study the structure of the orbits generated by local complementation, mapping them up to 9 qubits and revealing a rich hidden structure. We provide programs to compute these orbits, along with our data for each of the 587 orbits up to 9 qubits and a means to visualise them. We find direct links between the connectivity of certain orbits with the entanglement properties of their component graph states. Furthermore, we observe the correlations between graph-theoretical orbit properties, such as diameter and colourability, with Schmidt measure and preparation complexity and suggest potential applications. It is well known that graph theory and quantum entanglement have strong interplay---our exploration deepens this relationship, providing new tools with which to probe the nature of entanglement

    The development of the alcoholic beverage control system in North Carolina

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    It was the purpose of this study to trace the development of the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) system in North Carolina after the repeal of national prohibition, with an emphasis on legislative enactments. On the basis of an examination of legislative records, contemporary newspapers and magazines, and manuscript materials, several conclusions appear valid. For a considerable time after the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment, there continued to be strong prohibition sentiment in North Carolina, especially in the western half of the state. Strongest support for legislation to legalize the sale of liquor came from the rural eastern section of the state. During the early period of development of the state's ABC system, sectionalism appears to have been the strongest factor in determining the pattern of development. In later years, particularly after 1960, prohibition sentiment tended to be concentrated in rural areas with cities in all sections of the state favoring legalized liquor. During the period under study, four major laws regulating the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages were passed: the Alcoholic Beverage Control act (1937); the Beverage Control act (1939); the Fortified Wine act (1941); and the "brown bagging" act (1967). For the most part, North Carolina's liquor laws have been hastily drawn and passed. As a result, the laws are vague and sometimes contradictory. Nevertheless, the majority of North Carolina's citizens have evidently come to feel that the ABC system works well. At the present time, ABC stores are located in eighty-two of the one hundred counties of the state

    Beta lives - some statistical perspectives on the capital asset pricing model

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    This note summarizes some technical issues relevant to the use of the idea of excess return in empirical modelling. We cover the case where the aim is to construct a measure of expected return on an asset and a model of the CAPM type is used. We review some of the problems and show examples where the basic CAPM may be used to develop other results which relate the expected returns on assets both to the expected return on the market and other factors
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