5 research outputs found

    Multimodal Depiction of Israelis and Palestinians on Gaza Conflict in Two Middle Eastern Press

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    AbstractThis study aims to examine how two Middle Eastern Press, Daily Sabah and Iran Daily in depicting Israeli and Palestinians on Gaza conflict. This study carries out Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis to uncover ideology of media. In other words, it focuses not only on the linguistic features but also semiotic resources realized through images. It analyses clauses that contain Van Dijk’s ideological square discourse using transitivity by Halliday (2004) and images existed in the selected articles using representational function of image by Kress & van Leeuwen (2006). The results show that both media represented Palestinians as Self-group whereas Israelis as Other-group. They portrayed the Self as the victims and right fighter in contrast to the Other as the agent of offensiveness.Keywords: Gaza conflict, multimodal critical discourse analysis, representational function of image, transitivity    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana dua koran Timur Tengah, Daily Sabah dan Iran Daily, dalam merepresentasikan pihak Israel dan Palestina dalam konflik Gaza. Penelitian ini menerapkan analisis wacana kritis multimodal untuk mengungkap ideologi dari dua koran tersebut. Dengan kata lain, penelitian ini tidak hanya fokus pada aspek linguistik saja namun juga pada aspek semiotik lainnya yang direalisasikan dalam bentuk foto. Data dalam penelitian ini meliputi 1) klausa-klausa yang mengandung strategi wacana ‘ideological square’ yang akan dianalisis menggunakan transitivitas oleh Halliday (2004), dan 2) semua foto yang ada di artikel yang dianalisis menggunakan fungsi representasi gambar oleh Kress & van Leeuwen (2006). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kedua media tersebut merepresentasikan pihak Palestina sebagai self-group, pihak yang menjadi korban dan pembela hak, sedangkan pihak Israel sebagai other-group, pihak yang menjadi pelaku penyerangan.Kata kunci: analisis wacana kritis multimodal, konflik Gaza, fungsi representasi gambar transitivitas  

    Analisis Pialang Asuransi dan Reasuransi Dalam Perkembangan Digitalisasi di Tengah Persaingan Teknologi

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      Abstract: An insurance broker is an insurance company supporting company that has a role as a consulting service or intermediary that complements insurance or Sharia insurance and processes claims by acting on behalf of policyholders, insured, or participants, while the Reinsurance Brokers play a role for the benefit of insurance companies. The progress in economic digitalization encourages the insurance brokerage industry to adapt with the insurance companies to compete and develop innovations in the digital era. This study aims to determine the analysis of insurance and reinsurance brokers in the development of digitalization in the midst of technological competition by taking samples at PT. PAIB Indonesia. This type of research is a field case study research with a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection was done by interview, observation, and documentation. Primary data sources in this study came from interviews with Mr. Dandi Yudhistira B.Comm., Anziif (Snr Assoc) CIP as director at PT. PAIB Indonesia. In addition, the primary data in this study came from secondary data in this study came from books, several journals, the company's official website, and other digital media. Based on the results of an analysis that has been done, it is known that the insurance brokerage company PT. PAIB Indonesia in the face of current digital developments, the company always tries to provide opportunities for its employees to provide the regular training which relevant with APPARI and will be applied in the company in its operations. In facing the current digital development, PT. PAIB Indonesia does not waste opportunities in the use of technology, companies utilize technology by providing internet services to the public through digital platforms


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of partially and simultaneously influence between financeratios (ROA and ROE) and variable macroeconomic (inflation and exchange rate) to return mining stocks listed on the Indonesian stock exchange for period of 2012 – 2014. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis. From the selection of the sample can be obtained 14 mining companies. the results of multiple linear regression is found that the partial with the alpha (α) 0,05 ROA positive and significant effect on stock returns and inflation and has a significant positive effect on stock returns. While Return on Equity(ROE) and exchange rates and no significant negative impact on stock returns mining sector on the stock exchange in Indonesia 2012 – 2014. While simultaneously independent have a significant impact on the mining sector stock returns in the stock exchanges in Indonesia 2012 – 2014

    Tinjauan Hukum Ekonomi Syari’ah Terhadap Realisasi Akad Dana Tabarru Di Ajb Bumiputra Syari’ah 1912 Cabang Subang

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    Abstract This research aims to explain how sharia insurance mechanism works, the application of Akad Tabarru' in AJB Bumiputera 1912 Syari'ah Subang Branch, Tabarru' Fund Management at AJB Bumiputera Syari'ah 1912 Subang Branch and Sharia Economic Law Review on The Realization of Tabarru' Fund Agreement at AJB Bumiputera Syari'ah 1912 Subang Branch, The approach used is descriptive analytical qualitative research, the results obtained show, there are two forms of contracts in premiums paid i.e. for investment and for tabarru , tabarru agreement in implementation in the provision of alms funds from premiums collected between fellow customers by the company, sharia principles used is a takaful principle (please help) and implemented by mutually bear in the implementation of tabarru agreement, in sharia insurance, there is no such thing as mutual risk transfer from participants to the company, because in practice contributions (premiums) paid by participants will not occur transfer of hund , the ownership status of the funds remains attached to the participants as sahib al-mal. Sharing of risk among fellow participants is realized through the mechanism of tabarru agreement, tabarru account is used as a full source of funds for the payment of claims in sharia insurance, which means that the fund account helps each other from all participants, which from the beginning has been sincerely intended by the participants for the needs of their siblings  Kata Kunci: Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, Akad Tabarru’  Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana mekanisme Kerja Asuransi Syariah, Penerapan Akad Tabarru’ di AJB Bumiputera 1912 Syari’ah Cabang Subang, Pengelolaan Dana Tabarru’ di AJB Bumiputera Syari’ah 1912 Cabang Subang dan Tinjauan Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Terhadap Realisasi Akad Dana Tabarru’ di AJB Bumiputera Syari’ah 1912 Cabang Subang, Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif analitis, hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan, terdapat dua bentuk akad  dalam premi yang dibayarkan yakni untuk investasi dan untuk tabarru, akad tabarru di impelemntasikan dalam pemberian  dana sedekah dari premi yang dikumpulkan antar sesama nasabah oleh perusahaan, prinsip-prinsip syari’ah yang diggunakan  adalah prinsip takaful (tolong menolong) dan  diimplementasikan dengan cara saling menanggung dalam implementasi akad tabarru,  dalam asuransi syariah, tidak ada yang namanya saling transfer resiko dari peserta ke perusahaan, karena dalam praktek kontribusinya (premi) yang dibayarkan oleh peserta tidak akan terjadi transfer of hund, status kepemilikan dana tersebut tetap melekat pada peserta sebagai sahib al-mal. Sharing of risk diantara sesama peserta diwujudkan melalui mekanisme akad tabarru, rekening tabarru’ dijadikan sumber dana  sepenuhnya untuk pembayaran klaim dalam asuransi syari’ah, rekening dana saling tolong menolong kepada sesama dari seluruh peserta, yang sejak awal sudah diniatkan dengan ikhlas oleh peserta untuk keperluan saudara-saudaranya Kata Kunci: Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, Akad Tabarru


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    The role of cooperative and MSMEs in economic growth are very important. In 1998, Indonesia experienced economic  crisis, the cooperative business units and MSMEs were relatively stable and able to survive compared to the large companies. According to date from the ministry of cooperatives and UMKM, in 2019 the number of cooperatives will be 126,343 units, although this number has decreased from 2014, which was 212,570 units. Seeing this certainly becomes a big hope  or opportunity for  Indonesia economic growth, however in general the development of cooperatives, still experiences various obstacles, especially in terms of capital and accessing capital sources. In Act no.3 of 2004, Bank Indonesian Bank policy in assisting the development of small and medium-sized businesses and cooperatives , is more about  technical assistance and institutional development. The task of managing credit has been transferred to SOEs including BRI, Bank BTN and PT. Nastional Capital Madani (PNM) banks.The optimization of the role of SOEs in the development of Indonesian cooperatives is indicated to be not optimal, especially in capital finance working, in this study, the writer will focus more on the cooperative of employees in an industrial company, which is still less touched by the stakeholders until now on. (One employee cooperative of PT.Tirta  Investma (AQUA), Tirta Bangun Karya Cooperative, Subang Regency, West java, the research approach is  based on the basic  assumptions of social science,  which will be conducted by the way of researchers’ analyzing of phenomenon or reality, analized by using SWOT analysis. This study aims to Provide an  overview of the business cooperatives opportunities, especially cooperative  employees of an industry, explaining  the involvement and mengagement of stakeholders in develoving and finacing the role of industrial employee cooperatives as the main business partners of companies that shelter, For Describing  the government framework in providing the recommendations to  stakeholders in  cevelopment programs is to support government programs in priority economic fields.From the research conducted, it can be concluded that : Government policies relatied to the development of  industrial cooperatives, namely : in general, government policies in developing cooperative, as such  they are independent and  have been realized ate not only carried out by one or two ministry institutions but by various  institutions, such as the ministry of cooperatives and MSMEs, ministries industry,  ministry of trade, and BAPENAS, Bank of  Indonesia, BUMN and Non Bank Finacial Institutions. Various from of support are given to  cooperatives such as guidance, assistance and financing. Related to this the government always tries to  facilitate cooperatives to have  access to finance  from financial institutions or banks and non banks. These facilities include subsidized banking credit, guarantees of non-bank institutions, financing from SEO profit allowance, grants and others.Company policy in developing employee cooperatives, namely: The company is a partner in running the company’s business wheels meaning that all efforts of the company to run the business always involve cooperatives, of course, this must be bound in the MoU between the company and the cooperative both in writing. The Members of the  cooperative are employees of the company  in which the cooperative belongs. A PKB ( Collective Labor Agreement) was made  between the union and company management  which one of the contents of the collective Labor Agreement  is cooperative. In the contents of the Collective Labor Agreement, there are  no cooperative there are no specific regulations regarding the involvement of cooperetives as Company’s  partners.Banking policy in developing cooperatives, the model link program between banks and cooperative,  has been running using the scheme of executing , channeling and joint finance. It is necessary to develop a model  for developing the  distribution of funds to cooperatives, in which  to support the cooperative business with cooperative is part of the company vendor/ supplier. Banking policies in terms of cooperative business funding need to be developed  softer, because in general, the employee cooperative do not  have variable or large assets yet. In which  this has always been a requirement of a bank in funding cooperative. A collaboration has been conducted between  bank and cooperative in  terms of  financing  cooperative  members  though an exceceuting system. There is no easy access to financial  cooperative businesses  father than the  employee of  finance itself.There needs a synergy  between the Government- financing Institutions and cooperative companies   to put coopretives  as a supporter of the Indonesian economiy, as such the recommendations for  the  central government though the relevant ministries are signed, they should be able to pay  more attenstion  on cooperative for  industrial employee. By issuing the relevant  regulations or laws with pathnerships, between employee cooperative and company management, the local government should have the  courage to issue a regulation relating partnerships between employee cooperatives and companies through related agencies, companies must create policies  towards the  employee cooperative  as the main business partners of companies and  financial institutions, especially banks  must play a more active  roles in communication, outreach, guidance and the realizing  channeling funds to  improve cooperative business units  through soft funding and policies that can facilitate cooperative In obtaining funding and financial institutions must be able to run government program in terms of funding  the cooperatives of industrial employee