17 research outputs found

    Kandungan Fitokimia Dan Bioaktivitas Ekstrak Metanol Biji Palem Putri (Veitchia Merillii)

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    Palem putri (Veitchia merillii) is a kinds of Araceae plant which has been used by the community in cure myopic eyes and for woman who have pregnant. However, research on the content of secondary metabolites and bioactivity of palm putri has never been done. This study aims to determine the phytochemical content, total polyphenols and flavonoids and bioactivity include antioxidant activity DPPH free radical scavenging, antidiabetic method alpha-glucosidase enzyme inhibition and toxicity of the methods Bhrine Shrimp Lethal Test (BSLT). Palem putri contains secondary metabolites, alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, polyphenols, phenolic hydroquinone and saponins. The methanol extract of palm putri seed has a total polyphenol content and total flavonoids respectively 642.8 mg gallic acid / gram sample extract and quercetin 543.3 mg / gram sample extract, has a very strong antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 0.82 ppm, the level of toxicity is very toxic with LC50 values ​​of 11.535 ppm. As well as having antidiabetic activity using the enzyme alpha-glucosidase inhibition with IC50 values ​​of 1.97 ppm is even higher than the activity of the compound quercetin as a positive control. Keywords: Palem putri, bioactivity, antioxidant, antidiabetic, toxicity Palem putri (Veitchia merillii) is a kinds of Araceae plant which has been used by the community in cure myopic eyes and for woman who have pregnant. However, research on the content of secondary metabolites and bioactivity of palm putri has never been done. This study aims to determine the phytochemical content, total polyphenols and flavonoids and bioactivity include antioxidant activity DPPH free radical scavenging, antidiabetic method alpha-glucosidase enzyme inhibition and toxicity of the methods Bhrine Shrimp Lethal Test (BSLT). Palem putri contains secondary metabolites, alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, polyphenols, phenolic hydroquinone and saponins. The methanol extract of palm putri seed has a total polyphenol content and total flavonoids respectively 642.8 mg gallic acid / gram sample extract and quercetin 543.3 mg / gram sample extract, has a very strong antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 0.82 ppm, the level of toxicity is very toxic with LC50 values ​​of 11.535 ppm. As well as having antidiabetic activity using the enzyme alpha-glucosidase inhibition with IC50 values ​​of 1.97 ppm is even higher than the activity of the compound quercetin as a positive control

    Child Abuse dan Keamanan Lingkungan Anak dalam Menyongsong Bonus Demografi 2025-2030

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    Anak-anak sangat penting karena mereka adalah nasib potensial dari suatu generasi atau bangsa di masa depan. Saat ini, sepertiga penduduk Indonesia adalah anak-anak dan di masa depan (2025-2030), Indonesia akan memiliki bonus demografi. Pada saat yang sama, berbagai kasus dialami oleh anak-anak Indonesia, seperti perdagangan, penindasan, eksploitasi seksual, makanan dan makanan ringan yang mengandung bahan berbahaya, pedagang dan pengguna narkoba, kekerasan fisik dan psikis di lingkungan dan sekolah. Ironisnya, sekolah di mana anak-anak mendapatkan pendidikan tidak terlepas dari tindakan kekerasan dan pelanggaran hak-hak anak lainnya. Kasus anak-anak yang melibatkan guru sebagai pelaku masih terjadi. Para guru melakukan hal-hal yang tidak terpuji sebagai orang tua anak-anak di sekolah. Jika kita merefleksikan berbagai kasus yang dialami oleh anak-anak saat ini, maka 'bonus demografi' di masa depan tidak akan menjadi lebih baik. Mengamati berbagai kasus pelecehan anak (kekerasan, kesehatan, penggunaan narkoba dan sebagainya), perlu untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang aman, nyaman dan sehat untuk anak-anak. Negara / pemerintah harus memastikan bahwa hak-hak anak terpenuhi (mendapatkan perlindungan dari kekerasan, kesehatan, hingga hak untuk bertahan hidup). Penulisan ini didasarkan pada hasil analisis yang menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan berbagai macam literatur relevan, yang memiliki keterkaitan dengan permasalahan child abuse di Indonesia, kemudian merumuskan suatu pemecahan masalah yang dihadapi

    Genotypic Selection on Red Chili Plants Resistant to Anthracnose Disease at M2 Generation

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    Genotypic selection on red chili palnts resistant to anthracnose disease at m2 generation. A superior anthracnose resistant cultivar was sought to overcome the low production due to anthracnose in red chili. For the development of superior cultivars, it was necessary to select genotypes that were resistant to anthracnose. Selection effectiveness was determined by wide diversity and high reliability. The purpose of this study was to see the diversity and heritability of agronomic characters and resistance to anthracnose on chili plants, and to select genotypes that were resistant to anthracnose. This research was conducted with a design without repetition. The plant material used was the seed of the results of gamma ray mutations in generation M2. The results of this study were: the broad diversity of phenotypes found in all characters observed, while all characters of the genotype observed had broad criteria except plant height at flowering and harvest, and at seedling period. The genotype that should be planted in the next generation was genotype number 136. Genotype number 136 was very resistant to anthracnose infection

    Suplementasi Sabun Mineral Dan Mineral Organik Serta Kacang Kedelai Sangrai Pada Domba

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of mineral soap, organic mineral and roasted soybean supplementations to improve productivity in ruminant animals. Thirty two Garut Sheep (initial body weight 22.38 ± 3.56 kg) were assigned into a randomized block design with eight treatments. Body weight was used as a block (4 blocks). Eight rations evaluated in this trial were FO: basal diet + fish oil, CO: basal diet + corn oil, CaFO: basal diet + calcium soap of fish oil, CaCO: basal diet + calcium soap of corn oil, ZnFO: basal diet + zinc soap of fish oil, ZnCO: basal diet + zinc soap of corn oil, RS: basal diet + roasted soybeans, MM: basal diet + mineral mix. The experimental diets were fed for 8 weeks. The result of the experiment showed that calcium soap improved animal growth better than did zinc soap. Daily gains of sheep fed FO (99 g/d), CaFO (114 g/d), CaCO (103 g/d), RS (105 g/d), and MM (103 g/d), diets were higher (P < 0.01) than those of sheep fed CO (86 g/d), ZnFO (88 g/d), and ZnCO (53 g/d) diets. Dry matter intake of sheep fed CO (903 g/d), CaCO (947 g/d), RS (933 g/d) diets were higher (P < 0.01) than those fed FO (820 g/d), CaFO (856 g/d), ZnFO (847 g/d), ZnCO (785 g/d), and MM (805 g/d) diets. Dry matter digestibility of CO (70%) and CaFO diet (76%) were higher (P < 0.01) than other diets. Nitrogen retention of sheep fed CaFO (11.8 g/d), RS (12.2 g/d), and MM (13.2 g/d) diets were higher (P < 0.01) than those fed FO (10 g/d), CO (10 g/d), CaCO (9.8 g/d), ZnFO (9.0 g/d), and ZnCO (9.0 g/d) diets. Organic mineral, calcium soap of fish oil, calcium soap of corn oil, and roasted soy bean supplementation increased daily gain up to 105 g/d. It was concluded that calcium soap, organic mineral and roasted soybean improved growth of sheep

    Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam Ibn Sahnûn: Analisis Kritis Kurikulum Pengajaran Di Institusi Pendidikan Dasar Islam

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    : Ibn Sahnûn\u27s Islamic Educational Thought: Critical Analysis of Teaching Curriculum in the Institution of Islamic Elementary Education. This paper aims to reveal the relevance of Ibn Sahnûn thought on teaching curriculum of Islamic primary education to the practice of the current teaching curriculum in Islamic primary education institutions. Based on descriptive, content, and critical analysis to form a reflective thought, the results of present study showed that the teaching curriculum of Islamic elementary education of Ibn Sahnûn still relevant to the practice of it nowadays, especially from (1) the principles of it composition aspects, the principle of tawâzun (equilibrium) between the materials of the hereafter with worldly ones or (intellectual with the spiritual aspect), the theoretical material with practical, and the principle of relevance, the suitability of the teaching curriculum to the needs of the community, and (2) the primary basis on which the teaching curriculum is developed, which is the basis of religion and social issues

    Megarectum in pregnancy causing coital penetration failure

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    Megarectum rarely occur in adults. Rectal innervation abnormality or rectal muscle dysfunction could be the underlying pathophysiology, but there are cases where no specific cause is found. Only a handful of cases of megarectum in pregnancy were reported in the literature. Raised progesterone and reduced motilin level during pregnancy may affect bowel motility and predispose pregnant patients to this unusual condition. Clinical presentation ranges from bowel symptoms e.g. chronic constipation, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain to dysfunctional labour including labour dystocia and obstructed labour. We hereby present a 23 year old lady in early pregnancy who presented with coital penetration failure due to megarectum. We wish to discuss the impact, outcome and management of this rare condition in pregnancy

    Respons Terhadap Suplementasi Sabun Mineral Dan Mineral Organik Serta Kacang Kedelai Sangrai Pada Indikator Fermentabilitas Ransum Dalam Rumen Domba

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplementation with mineral soap, organic mineral and roasted soyabean on ration fermentability in the rumen of sheep. Thirty two Garut Sheep (initial weight 22.38 ± 3.56 kg) were assigned into a randomized complete block design with 8 treatments. Body weight was used as blocks (4 blocks). The treatments were FO: basal diet + fish oil, CO: basal diet + corn oil, CaFO: basal diet + calcium soap of fish oil, CaCO: basal diet + calcium soap of corn oil, ZnFO: basal diet + zinc soap of fish oil, ZnCO: basal diet + zinc soap of corn oil, RSB: basal diet + roasted soya bean, MM: basal diet + mineral mix (Zn, Cu, Cr, and Se-organic). The experimental diets were offered for 8 weeks. The results showed that ammonia concentrations of sheep fed CO, CaFO, CaCO, and MM were higher than those of sheep fed FO, ZnFO, ZnCO, RSB diets (9.28 v 6.75 mM). Vollatile fatty acid production was not affected by treatments (110.6 ± 7.69 mM). The levels of amonia and VFA in this experiment were suitable for microbial growth. Rumen bacterial population of sheep fed FO was the lowest (P < 0.05). Rumen protozoa population of sheep fed CO, CaFO, ZnFO, ZnCO, and MM were lower (P < 0.05) than those of sheep fed FO, CaCO, and RSB. It is concluded that supplemention of Ca-soap, organic minerals, and roasted soyabeans to sheep ration increased ration fermentability in the rumen. Ammonia and VFA concentrations were suitable for rumen microbial growth. Fat protection (Ca-soap) did not inhibit bacterial growth in the rumen

    Analisis Kinerja Algoritma Backpropagation Neural Network dalam Prediksi Penilaian Kepuasan Penumpang Maskapai Penerbangan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggunakan Algoritma Backpropagation Neural Network dalam memprediksi tingkat kepuasan penumpang maskapai penerbangan. Langkah-langkah pengujian dilakukan dengan variasi rasio data 70:30, 80:20, dan 90:10 serta parameter seperti Learning Rate, Hidden Layer, dan Max_Epoch. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Backpropagation Neural Network mampu melakukan prediksi dengan baik, dengan tingkat akurasi terbaik mencapai 99.82% pada rasio data 90:10. Struktur arsitektur terbaik terdiri dari 22 input layer, 20 Hidden Layer, dan 1 output layer, dengan iterasi/Max_Epoch sebanyak 1000 dan Learning Rate 0.01. Temuan ini menunjukkan potensi algoritma ini dalam meningkatkan pemahaman tentang kepuasan pelanggan dalam industri penerbangan

    Econometric analysis of macroeconomic to age-specific mortality rate in Malaysia: evidence from panel data

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    Human mortality is unanticipated and unavoidable, particularly in light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Insurance companies, actuaries, financial institutions, demographers, and the government may suffer catastrophic losses as a result of imprecise mortality estimates. Understanding the factors that contribute to mortality at the population level can help the government improve its efforts to promote health and reduce health inequalities. Consequently, the present study utilizes an econometrics model to estimate Malaysia’s mortality rate, with macroeconomic factors as explanatory variables. The present study employed the unemployment rate, pension liabilities, gross domestic product, education expenditure, and healthcare expenditure as explanatory variables. The empirical results imply that the fixed effects model is feasible when using panel data across specific age groups. Moreover, the fixed effects model is devoid of cross-sectional dependency, heteroscedasticity, and serial correlation. The findings reveal that the unemployment rate, gross domestic product, and education expenditure all have a significant influence on the mortality rate. However, pension liabilities and health expenditure have an insignificant relationship with the mortality rate. The fixed effects model is demonstrated to be a robust model that fits the Malaysian scenario with an R-squared of approximately 84.69%. The present study is novel due to the fact that the model established between explanatory variables and the mortality rate shows a significant relationship, which can be helpful in forecasting the mortality at population level as a preparation for the post-COVID-19 mortality. The present study aims to contribute to the development of an effective support mechanism by rectifying Malaysia’s socioeconomic inequalities in order to mitigate the COVID-19 increase in mortality rate. Therefore, the Malaysian government is strongly encouraged to examine its expenditure on education and gross domestic product in order to improve the mortality rate, particularly among the adult and older population