11 research outputs found


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    The panic and fear planted by the British forces in the minds of the people of Northern Nigeria during the conquest and the amount of destruction that took place led to large – scale movements of people. The destructive manner in which towns and villages were shelled and lives were brutally killed, using sophisticated weapons put the innocent population in most unsettled conditions. This uncertainty led to displacement and movement of people in all direction across and beyond the borders of Northern Protectorate. People irrespective of cultural, religious, ethnic or economic backgrounds migrated from their places of “origin” to unknown destinations within and without the region. This development is one of the neglected aspects of social histories of the colonial Northern Nigeria. This does not mean that there was no history of migration in Nigeria and in particular, Northern Nigeria prior to this period. However, the scale and extend of migration during conquest period was a unique one. In most (if not all) cases the migrations were unplanned and without a specific destination. In fact, it is safe to qualify this form of migration as “forced migration”. The paper therefore establishes how the British conquest of Northern Nigeria led to cross movements of people in the region and how these movements affected social well-being of the people in the early years of colonial rule. To achieve this, the paper relies heavily on written published and unpublished materials

    Proposed Competency Model for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Lecturers Teaching in Technical Colleges, Bauchi State in Perspective

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    Countless issues have been taking place in tertiary institutions including technical colleges of Bauchi State, which give rise to the need for continuous learning and updating competencies of lecturers teaching in technical colleges of all ages. The purpose of this paper is to propose the competency model of TVET lecturers by investigating the competency needs in technical colleges of Bauchi State. Primary data were collected using questionnaires to reveal the perceptions of thirty TVET lecturers based on their competency needs in three categories of technical colleges in Bauchi State. The result shows that the TVET lecturers perceived all the twenty-five competencies as important and the findings also show the accepted Cronbach’s Alpha. The paper concerns on only TVET lecturers perceptions on competency needs in their respective colleges. The paper provides an important pilot analysis on proposed competency model of TVET lecturers to enable further analysis in the area to be carried out

    Proposed competency model for technical and vocational education and training (TVET) lecturers teaching in technical colleges, Bauchi State in perspective

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    Countless issues have been taking place in tertiary institutions including technical colleges of Bauchi State, which give rise to the need for continuous learning and updating competencies of lecturers teaching in technical colleges of all ages. The purpose of this paper is to propose the competency model of TVET lecturers by investigating the competency needs in technical colleges of Bauchi State. Primary data were collected using questionnaires to reveal the perceptions of thirty TVET lecturers based on their competency needs in three categories of technical colleges in Bauchi State. The result shows that the TVET lecturers perceived all the twenty-five competencies as important and the findings also show the accepted Cronbach’s Alpha. The paper concerns on only TVET lecturers perceptions on competency needs in their respective colleges. The paper provides an important pilot analysis on proposed competency model of TVET lecturers to enable further analysis in the area to be carried out

    Wykorzystanie energii w kuchni w Bauchi w Nigerii

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    Energy has remained essential for cooking services by households through their kitchen. The source of this energy has remained multiple in nature, with a concise order of it being Modern or Traditional. This study through a survey, using four points scale and chi-square test of association of energy utilization by households in the University staff quarters explored the cooking energy so as to acknowledge the energy type used by households. The incentive for use and its impact on users and established that with a high level of education, only 9% of the households use LPG as a modern form of energy while the choice for Electricity and Kerosene has remained foremost in use by the household. The household size was noted to encourage the quantum of energy consumed as well as the persistent use of inferior energy like firewood which was penultimate looked as a rural energy. The study concludes that household in the study area use multiple energy sources to support their cooking activities due to affordability and it being dependable and easily obtainable even though not very durable and effective. It is noted that the study area has not obeyed the theory of utilizing the energy ladder concept.Energia pozostaje kluczową kwestią z punktu widzenia przygotowywania posiłków przez gospodarstwa domowe w ich kuchniach. W naturze istnieje wiele źródeł tej energii, z typowym podziałem na nowoczesne i tradycyjne. W niniejszym artykule zbadano rodzaje źródeł energii wykorzystywanych do gotowania przez gospodarstwa domowe pracowników uniwersyteckich w Bauchi w Nigerii, wykorzystując w tym celu badania ankietowe oraz czteropunktową skalę testu chi-kwadrat. Koncentrując się na bodźcach do wyboru oraz efektach wykorzystywania źródeł energii wśród osób z wysokim poziomem wykształcenia, ustalono, że jedynie 9% badanych gospodarstw domowych korzysta z LPG jako nowoczesnego źródła energii, natomiast głównym źródłem pozostaje elektryczność oraz nafta. Wielkość gospodarstw domowych wpływała na ilość zużywanej energii, a także na wykorzystywanie źródeł gorszej jakości, jak np. drewno. We wnioskach stwierdzono, że analizowane gospodarstwa domowe wykorzystują do gotowania różne źródła energii, zależnie od możliwości finansowych oraz dostępności, a mniejsza uwagę poświęcają ich trwałości oraz efektywności. Należy zauważyć, że w obszarze badawczym nie stosowano teorii wykorzystującej koncepcję drabiny energetycznej (ang.: energy ladder concept)

    Wykorzystanie energii w kuchni w Bauchi w Nigerii

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    Energy has remained essential for cooking services by households through their kitchen. The source of this energy has remained multiple in nature, with a concise order of it being Modern or Traditional. This study through a survey, using four points scale and chi-square test of association of energy utilization by households in the University staff quarters explored the cooking energy so as to acknowledge the energy type used by households. The incentive for use and its impact on users and established that with a high level of education, only 9% of the households use LPG as a modern form of energy while the choice for Electricity and Kerosene has remained foremost in use by the household. The household size was noted to encourage the quantum of energy consumed as well as the persistent use of inferior energy like firewood which was penultimate looked as a rural energy. The study concludes that household in the study area use multiple energy sources to support their cooking activities due to affordability and it being dependable and easily obtainable even though not very durable and effective. It is noted that the study area has not obeyed the theory of utilizing the energy ladder concept.Energia pozostaje kluczową kwestią z punktu widzenia przygotowywania posiłków przez gospodarstwa domowe w ich kuchniach. W naturze istnieje wiele źródeł tej energii, z typowym podziałem na nowoczesne i tradycyjne. W niniejszym artykule zbadano rodzaje źródeł energii wykorzystywanych do gotowania przez gospodarstwa domowe pracowników uniwersyteckich w Bauchi w Nigerii, wykorzystując w tym celu badania ankietowe oraz czteropunktową skalę testu chi-kwadrat. Koncentrując się na bodźcach do wyboru oraz efektach wykorzystywania źródeł energii wśród osób z wysokim poziomem wykształcenia, ustalono, że jedynie 9% badanych gospodarstw domowych korzysta z LPG jako nowoczesnego źródła energii, natomiast głównym źródłem pozostaje elektryczność oraz nafta. Wielkość gospodarstw domowych wpływała na ilość zużywanej energii, a także na wykorzystywanie źródeł gorszej jakości, jak np. drewno. We wnioskach stwierdzono, że analizowane gospodarstwa domowe wykorzystują do gotowania różne źródła energii, zależnie od możliwości finansowych oraz dostępności, a mniejsza uwagę poświęcają ich trwałości oraz efektywności. Należy zauważyć, że w obszarze badawczym nie stosowano teorii wykorzystującej koncepcję drabiny energetycznej (ang.: energy ladder concept)

    Serosurvey and Cellular Immune Status of HTLV-1/2 and HIV Co-infections in Bauchi State, Nigeria

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    Introduction. Human T-cell lymphotropic virus types 1 and 2 (HTLV-1 & 2) are frequent co-pathogens among immunosuppressed individuals, particularly HIV/AIDS infected persons. Dual infected persons usually present with false normal or high CD4+ T cells count as a result of the ability of HTLV to induce clonal proliferation of CD4+ T lymphocytes. There is paucity of information on this clinical entity in Nigeria. Aim. This study aimed to determine the seroprevalence of HTLV-1/2 and associated cellular immune response among antiretroviral naïve and experienced HIV infected persons at Bauchi State, Nigeria. Material and methods. One hundred and eighty two (182) HIV seropositive patients’ blood samples were analyzed for anti HTLV-1/2 IgM and IgG antibodies using ELISA while CD4+ T cells were counted using Flow cytometry technique. Socio-demographic data of the subjects and clinical history were obtained via questionnaire and medical records, respectively. Results. The seroprevalence of anti-HTLV-1/2 was 14%. This comprised 76 (41.8%) males and 106 (58.2%) females. Six (3%) were seropositive for both ant-HTLV -1&2 IgM and IgG. Of the total positive for anti-HTLV-1/2, 20 (25%) ART-naïve and 6(5.9%) ART-experience subjects. Whole blood CD4+ T cell count was significantly high in HTLV-1/-2 IgG/IgM seropositive subjects compared to their HTLV-1/-2 negative counterpart. Conclusion. All subjects (100%) who were HTLV-1/-2/HIV co-infected had normal to higher CD4+ T cell counts. It is suggested to be very careful in using only CD4+ counts to monitor HIV progression or as indicators for ART

    Leveraging on the genomics and immunopathology of SARS-CoV-2 for vaccines development: prospects and challenges

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    The incidence and case-fatality rates (CFRs) of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, the etiological agent for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), have been rising unabated. Even though the entire world has been implementing infection prevention and control measures, the pandemic continues to spread. It has been widely accepted that preventive vaccination strategies are the public health measures for countering this pandemic. This study critically reviews the latest scientific advancement in genomics, replication pattern, pathogenesis, and immunopathology of SARS-CoV-2 infection and how these concepts could be used in the development of vaccines. We also offer a detailed discussion on the anticipated potency, efficacy, safety, and pharmaco-economic issues that are and will be associated with candidate COVID-19 vaccines