62,812 research outputs found

    The Ultimate Halo Mass in a LCDM Universe

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    In the far future of an accelerating LCDM cosmology, the cosmic web of large-scale structure consists of a set of increasingly isolated halos in dynamical equilibrium. We examine the approach of collisionless dark matter to hydrostatic equilibrium using a large N-body simulation evolved to scale factor a = 100, well beyond the vacuum--matter equality epoch, a_eq ~ 0.75, and 53/h Gyr into the future for a concordance model universe (Omega_m ~ 0.3, Omega_Lambda ~ 0.7). The radial phase-space structure of halos -- characterized at a < a_eq by a pair of zero-velocity surfaces that bracket a dynamically active accretion region -- simplifies at a > 10 a_eq when these surfaces merge to create a single zero-velocity surface, clearly defining the halo outer boundary, rhalo, and its enclosed mass, mhalo. This boundary approaches a fixed physical size encompassing a mean interior density ~ 5 times the critical density, similar to the turnaround value in a classical Einstein-deSitter model. We relate mhalo to other scales currently used to define halo mass (m200, mvir, m180b) and find that m200 is approximately half of the total asymptotic cluster mass, while m180b follows the evolution of the inner zero velocity surface for a < 2 but becomes much larger than the total bound mass for a > 3. The radial density profile of all bound halo material is well fit by a truncated Hernquist profile. An NFW profile provides a somewhat better fit interior to r200 but is much too shallow in the range r200 < r < rhalo.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to MNRAS letter

    Sustainable feedback and academic attainment: Exploring the links in the modern Higher Education student

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    The expectation of current Higher Education students is that they are an independent, self-regulated learner who works in partnership with their institution to engender life-long learning skills, skills which can be applied in both education and employment. Such learners are able to monitor, direct and optimise their own learning by effectively evaluating their progress towards achieving their learning goals, proceeding with confidence, determination and resilience towards their desired outcomes. The central thesis advanced here is that a dialogic, sustainable feedback cycle may be the most valuable mechanism through which to develop such learners. We propose that through dialogue around feedback and effective engagement with the feedback provided, students may develop agency in their studies and improve their mental toughness and academic self-efficacy, enabling them to both set, and evaluate progress towards self-determined learning goals and thus enter into a beneficial learning partnership with agents of their institution

    Darboux Coordinates and Liouville-Arnold Integration in Loop Algebras

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    Darboux coordinates are constructed on rational coadjoint orbits of the positive frequency part \wt{\frak{g}}^+ of loop algebras. These are given by the values of the spectral parameters at the divisors corresponding to eigenvector line bundles over the associated spectral curves, defined within a given matrix representation. A Liouville generating function is obtained in completely separated form and shown, through the Liouville-Arnold integration method, to lead to the Abel map linearization of all Hamiltonian flows induced by the spectral invariants. Serre duality is used to define a natural symplectic structure on the space of line bundles of suitable degree over a permissible class of spectral curves, and this is shown to be equivalent to the Kostant-Kirillov symplectic structure on rational coadjoint orbits. The general construction is given for g=gl(r)\frak{g}=\frak{gl}(r) or sl(r)\frak{sl}(r), with reductions to orbits of subalgebras determined as invariant fixed point sets under involutive automorphisms. The case g=sl(2)\frak{g=sl}(2) is shown to reproduce the classical integration methods for finite dimensional systems defined on quadrics, as well as the quasi-periodic solutions of the cubically nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. For g=sl(3)\frak{g=sl}(3), the method is applied to the computation of quasi-periodic solutions of the two component coupled nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation.Comment: 61 pg

    Damage as Gamma-limit of microfractures in anti-plane linearized elasticity

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    A homogenization result is given for a material having brittle inclusions arranged in a periodic structure. &lt;br/&gt; According to the relation between the softness parameter and the size of the microstructure, three different limit models are deduced via Gamma-convergence. &lt;br/&gt; In particular, damage is obtained as limit of periodically distributed microfractures

    A retrospective study of the prevalence of the canine degenerative myelopathy associated superoxide dismutase 1 mutation (SOD1: c. 118G> A) in a referral population of German Shepherd dogs from the UK

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    BACKGROUND: Canine degenerative myelopathy (CDM) is an adult onset, progressive neurodegenerative disease of the spinal cord. The disease was originally described in the German Shepherd dog (GSD), but it is now known to occur in many other dog breeds. A previous study has identified a mutation in the superoxide dismutase 1 gene (SOD1:c.118G > A) that is associated with susceptibility to CDM. In the present study, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was used to genotype GSD for SOD1:c.118G > A in order to estimate the prevalence of the mutation in a referral population of GSD in the UK. RESULTS: This study demonstrated that the RFLP assay, based on use of PCR and subsequent digestion with the Eco571 enzyme, provided a simple genotyping test for the SOD1:c.118G > A mutation. In a young GSD population (i.e. dogs less than 6 years of age, before clinical signs of the disease usually become apparent), 8 of 50 dogs were found to be homozygous and a further 19 were heterozygous for the mutation. In dogs over 8 years of age, 21 of 50 dogs admitted to a tertiary referral hospital with pelvic limb ataxia as a major clinical sign were homozygous for the mutation, compared to none of 50 dogs of similar age, but where no neurological disease was reported on referral. CONCLUSIONS: This data suggests that genotyping for the SOD1:c.118G > A mutation is clinically applicable and that the mutation has a high degree of penetrance. Genotyping might also be useful for screening the GSD population to avoid mating of two carriers, but since the allele frequency is relatively high in the UK population of GSD, care should be taken to avoid reduction in genetic diversity within the breed

    Milzruptur: Klinisch-pathologische Zusammenhänge und Diagnostik

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    Zusammenfassung: Obwohl selten, stellen Milzrupturen die häufigste Splenektomieindikation dar. Bei der überwiegenden Mehrzahl der Fälle (traumatische Rupturen) lässt sich eine klare Kausalität mit Gewalteinwirkung feststellen, bei einem anderen Teil (pathologische Rupturen) liegt eine Vorerkrankung der Milz vor, bei einem kleinen Teil der Patienten (spontane Rupturen) lässt sich kein Zusammenhang mit Traumen oder anderen Grunderkrankungen eruieren. Bei etwa 10% der rupturierten Milzen ist mit Iatrogenie im weitestem Sinne (inklusive Medikamentennebenwirkungen) sowie mit relevanten pathologischen Befunden (die Hälfe davon unerwartet) zu rechnen. Kenntnisse der Pathophysiologie, die Erhebung einfacher makroskopischer Befunde wie Größen- und Gewichtsangaben und Angaben sichtbarer Läsionen sowie die sorgfältige histologische Analyse mit gezielter Suche nach wegweisenden Veränderungen, ggf. unter Anwendung histo- und immunhistochemischer Zusatzuntersuchungen am gut vorbereiteten Material, sind die Schlüssel zur adäquaten Diagnosti

    The azimuth structure of nuclear collisions -- I

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    We describe azimuth structure commonly associated with elliptic and directed flow in the context of 2D angular autocorrelations for the purpose of precise separation of so-called nonflow (mainly minijets) from flow. We extend the Fourier-transform description of azimuth structure to include power spectra and autocorrelations related by the Wiener-Khintchine theorem. We analyze several examples of conventional flow analysis in that context and question the relevance of reaction plane estimation to flow analysis. We introduce the 2D angular autocorrelation with examples from data analysis and describe a simulation exercise which demonstrates precise separation of flow and nonflow using the 2D autocorrelation method. We show that an alternative correlation measure based on Pearson's normalized covariance provides a more intuitive measure of azimuth structure.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    A Decade of Research on Staked Cucumber Production (Bulletin #844)

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    Fresh-market cucumber has been an important vegetable crop in Southern states for many years. The objectives of these studies were: 1) to determine the influence of staking on yield, fruit quality and related traits of cucumbers; 2) to develop improved cultural techniques to enhance the yield of staked cucumbers; and 3) to minimize the expense of training the plants vertically.https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/agcenter_bulletins/1051/thumbnail.jp

    Consultation with complementary medicine practitioners by individuals with chronic conditions: Characteristics and reasons for consultation in Australian clinical settings.

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    The duration and complexity of chronic conditions leads patients to consult complementary medicine (CM) practitioners, yet such care-seeking by this clinical population has not been thoroughly examined. This study describes characteristics and reasons for consultation amongst those with chronic conditions who consult CM practitioners. A cross-sectional study surveyed patients in clinics of 39 CM practitioners from the five most accessed CM professions in Australia (chiropractic, massage, osteopathy, acupuncture, naturopathy). Between November 2018 and March 2019, CM practitioners invited 15 consecutive adult patients (n = 585 invited) to a self-administered, hard-copy survey covering socio-demographics, chronic condition diagnoses, CM service utilisation and reasons for consulting the CM practitioner. In total, 199 surveys were returned, producing a final sample of n = 191. Chronic conditions were reported by 153 (80.1%) participants, who were most commonly female (82.4%), aged over 65 years (29.0%), married (55.9%), vocational/trade qualified (40.1%), employed (62.5%), reported financial manageability as not too bad (48.0%), held private health insurance generally (79.0%) and specifically for CM (71.1%). Some socio-demographic differences were found depending on the profession consulted. Most participants (75.0%) had attended five or more consultations with the CM practitioner. The reasons most commonly given by participants with chronic conditions for consulting the CM practitioner were This healthcare professional is supportive and compassionate (n = 136, 97.1%), I believe this type of healthcare is safe (n = 131, 95.6%), Improve general wellbeing and prevent future health problems (n = 125, 89.3%) and This type of healthcare gives me hope about my future health (n = 108, 85.7%). These findings suggest that individuals with chronic conditions may consult CM practitioners to address unmet well-being or quality of life needs and for compassionate support. The role CM practitioners fill for those with chronic conditions requires further exploration to develop optimal policy and services to manage the growing challenges chronic conditions present to health systems
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