49,579 research outputs found

    Non-photonic electron-hadron correlations and non-photonic electron v2v_2 at STAR/RHIC

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    Non-photonic electrons (when pT>p_T > 3 GeV/cc) represent the directions of the parent heavy quarks, and their angular correlations with charged hadrons provide a unique tool to study the relative contributions from DD and B meson decays in p+p collisions, as well as the flavor-dependence of the energy loss mechanism in A+A collisions. We review the disentanglement of charm and bottom contributions to non-photonic electrons in p+p collisions at s=200\sqrt{s} = 200 GeV at RHIC. B decay contribution is approximately 50attheelectrontransversemomentumof at the electron transverse momentum of p_{T} > 5GeV/ GeV/cfromSTARresults.Incorporatingtheenergylossinformationofnon−photonicelectrons,theresultindicatesaBmesonsuppressionathigh from STAR results. Incorporating the energy loss information of non-photonic electrons, the result indicates a B meson suppression at high p_Tinheavyioncollisions.Wealsopresentnon−photonicelectron−hadroncorrelationsind+AucollisionsasabaselinereferencefortheinvestigationoftheheavyquarkenergylossinA+Acollisions.HeavyquarkenergylossandheavyquarkevolutionintheQCDmediumcanleadtoafinite"ellipticflow"parameter( in heavy ion collisions. We also present non-photonic electron-hadron correlations in d+Au collisions as a baseline reference for the investigation of the heavy quark energy loss in A+A collisions. Heavy quark energy loss and heavy quark evolution in the QCD medium can lead to a finite "elliptic flow" parameter (v_2)of) of Dand and Bmesonswhichcanbestudiedthrough mesons which can be studied through v_2ofnon−photonicelectrons.Preliminary of non-photonic electrons. Preliminary v_2measurementsfornon−photonicelectronsareshowntobelowerthan measurements for non-photonic electrons are shown to be lower than v_2ofchargedhadrons(or of charged hadrons (or K_S^0,, \Lambda$) for 200 GeV Au+Au collisions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, proceedings for Hard Probe 201

    The influence of geometrical and nongeometrical features on the use of the lexical concepts NEAR and FAR in English and Finnish

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    This paper investigates the impact of geometrical and nongeometrical features on the use of the lexical concepts NEAR and FAR in English and Finnish. Participants’ acceptability ratings for these concepts demonstrate that a bar in between a Figure and a Ground acts as a scale-setting object but not as a distance enhancing barrier, shows that the influence of the geometrical feature Figure–Ground distance exceeds the influence of several nongeometrical features, but most of all reveals that language specific lexical properties associated with NEAR and FAR predict language dependent effects for functional relatedness in interaction with Figure–Ground distance and bar presence

    How the macroeconomic environment affects human resource development

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    Do inward-focused development strategies reduce competition in factor markets and incentives for more efficient skills development? Do outward-focused development strategies improve them? The authors compared vocational education and training systems in six developing countries in the 1980s. They found that an outward orientation encourages more efficient development of human resources. Protectionist trade regimes that shelter producers from global competition produce price distortions in domestic capital and labor markets that affect the efficient use of resources in skills development. Structural adjustment programs that address these distortions expand incentives for private training and for more efficient use of public resources in skills development.ICT Policy and Strategies,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Health Economics&Finance,Banks&Banking Reform

    Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis for Free

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    Traditional control-flow analysis (CFA) for higher-order languages, whether implemented by constraint-solving or abstract interpretation, introduces spurious connections between callers and callees. Two distinct invocations of a function will necessarily pollute one another's return-flow. Recently, three distinct approaches have been published which provide perfect call-stack precision in a computable manner: CFA2, PDCFA, and AAC. Unfortunately, CFA2 and PDCFA are difficult to implement and require significant engineering effort. Furthermore, all three are computationally expensive; for a monovariant analysis, CFA2 is in O(2n)O(2^n), PDCFA is in O(n6)O(n^6), and AAC is in O(n9logn)O(n^9 log n). In this paper, we describe a new technique that builds on these but is both straightforward to implement and computationally inexpensive. The crucial insight is an unusual state-dependent allocation strategy for the addresses of continuation. Our technique imposes only a constant-factor overhead on the underlying analysis and, with monovariance, costs only O(n3) in the worst case. This paper presents the intuitions behind this development, a proof of the precision of this analysis, and benchmarks demonstrating its efficacy.Comment: in Proceedings of the 43rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 201

    Isolated deep earthquakes beneath the North Island of New Zealand

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    Seismicity shallows towards the south along the Tonga-Kermadec-Hikurangi margin, deep and intermediate seismicity being absent altogether in the South Island of New Zealand. Beneath the Taranaki region of the North Island the maximum depth of the main seismicity is 250 km, but very rare events occur directly below at 600 km. These could be associated with a detached slab or a vertical, aseismic continuation of the subducted Pacific Plate. Six small events that occurred in the 1990s were recorded extensively by digital instruments of the New Zealand National Network (NZNN) and temporary deployments. We relocate these events by a joint hypocentre determination (JHD) method and find their focal mechanisms using first motions and relative amplitudes of P and S arrivals. The earthquakes relocate to a remarkably uniform depth of 603 +/- 3 kmrelative error (+/- 10 km absolute error) in a line 30- km long orientated 40 NE, roughly parallel to the strike of the intermediate- depth seismicity. The only consistent component of the focal mechanisms is the tension axis: all lie close to horizontal and tend to align with the line of hypocentres. We interpret this deep seismic zone as a detached sliver of plate lying horizontally with the same orientation as the main subducted plate above. Volume change caused by a phase change controlled by the pressure at 600 km and temperature in the sliver produces a pattern of strain that places the sliver under tension along its lengt

    Seasonal plasticity of A15 dopaminergic neurons in the ewe

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    In the ewe, anestrus is caused by increased sensitivity to E2 negative feedback that is mediated by A15 dopaminergic neurons that are only responsive to E2 in anestrus. Experiment 1, tested the hypothesis that synaptic input on A15 neurons varies with season by examining synapsin-positive close contacts on A15 cells using immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. The number of contacts on dendrites, but not somata, increased during anestrus. There were also corresponding changes in dendritic morphology including an increase in dendritic length, surface area, and number of bifurcations. Because thyroid hormones are necessary for the transition to anestrus, we next examined the role of T4 in these changes. An increase in dendrite mean length was found in thyroid-intact and T4-treated thyroidectomized ewes compared to thyroidectomized animals. Thus, seasonal changes in input to and, dendritic morphology of, A15 neurons may play a role in seasonal breeding, with the latter dependent on T4
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