4,312 research outputs found

    Recent Legal Literature

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    Parsons: The Heart of the Railroad Problem. The History of Railroad Discrimination in the United States. The Chief Efforts at Control and the Remedies Proposed, with Hints from Other Countries; Williston: Wald\u27s Pollock on Contracts (3rd ed.); Erwin: A Summary of Torts; Pingrey: A Treatise on the Law of Extraordinary, Industrial and Interstate Contracts; Leage: Roman Private Law. Founded on the Institutes of Gaius and Justinian; Girard: A Short History of Roman Law; Longsdorf (ed.): Current Law, a complete Encyclopedia of New La

    Book Reviews

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    Polk: Due Process of Law under the Federal Constitution; Ivins and Mason: The Control of Public Utilities in the form of an annotation of the Public Service Commissions Law of the State of New York and covering all important American cases; Best: The Principles of the Law of Evidence, with elementary rules for conducting the examination of witnesses; Schouler: Ideals of the Republic; Correspondenc

    Ptychographic hyperspectral spectromicroscopy with an extreme ultraviolet high harmonic comb

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    We demonstrate a new scheme of spectromicroscopy in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectral range, where the spectral response of the sample at different wavelengths is imaged simultaneously. It is enabled by applying ptychographical information multiplexing (PIM) to a tabletop EUV source based on high harmonic generation, where four spectrally narrow harmonics near 30 nm form a spectral comb structure. Extending PIM from previously demonstrated visible wavelengths to the EUV/X-ray wavelengths promises much higher spatial resolution and more powerful spectral contrast mechanism, making PIM an attractive spectromicroscopy method in both the microscopy and the spectroscopy aspects. Besides the sample, the multicolor EUV beam is also imaged in situ, making our method a powerful beam characterization technique. No hardware is used to separate or narrow down the wavelengths, leading to efficient use of the EUV radiation

    Low Mass Companions for Five Solar-Type Stars from the Magellan Planet Search Program

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    We report low mass companions orbiting five Solar-type stars that have emerged from the Magellan precision Doppler velocity survey, with minimum (Msini) masses ranging from 1.2 to 25 Mjup. These nearby target stars range from mildly metal-poor to metal-rich, and appear to have low chromospheric activity. The companions to the brightest two of these stars have previously been reported from the CORALIE survey. Four of these companions (HD 48265-b, HD 143361-b, HD 28185-b, HD 111232-b) are low-mass Jupiter-like planets in eccentric intermediate and long-period orbits. On the other hand, the companion to HD 43848 appears to be a long period brown dwarf in a very eccentric orbit.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJ, 26 pages, 10 figures, 7 table

    Quantitative Chemically-Specific Coherent Diffractive Imaging of Buried Interfaces using a Tabletop EUV Nanoscope

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    Characterizing buried layers and interfaces is critical for a host of applications in nanoscience and nano-manufacturing. Here we demonstrate non-invasive, non-destructive imaging of buried interfaces using a tabletop, extreme ultraviolet (EUV), coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) nanoscope. Copper nanostructures inlaid in SiO2 are coated with 100 nm of aluminum, which is opaque to visible light and thick enough that neither optical microscopy nor atomic force microscopy can image the buried interfaces. Short wavelength (29 nm) high harmonic light can penetrate the aluminum layer, yielding high-contrast images of the buried structures. Moreover, differences in the absolute reflectivity of the interfaces before and after coating reveal the formation of interstitial diffusion and oxidation layers at the Al-Cu and Al-SiO2 boundaries. Finally, we show that EUV CDI provides a unique capability for quantitative, chemically-specific imaging of buried structures, and the material evolution that occurs at these buried interfaces, compared with all other approaches.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    A New Look At Carbon Abundances In Planetary Nebulae. IV. Implications For Stellar Nucleosynthesis

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    This paper is the fourth and final report on a project designed to study carbon abundances in a sample of planetary nebulae representing a broad range in progenitor mass and metallicity. We present newly acquired optical spectrophotometric data for three Galactic planetary nebulae IC 418, NGC 2392, and NGC 3242 and combine them with UV data from the IUE Final Archive for identical positions in each nebula to determine accurate abundances of He, C, N, O, and Ne at one or more locations in each object. We then collect abundances of these elements for the entire sample and compare them with theoretical predictions of planetary nebula abundances from a grid of intermediate mass star models. We find some consistency between observations and theory, lending modest support to our current understanding of nucleosynthesis in stars below 8 M_o in birth mass. Overall, we believe that observed abundances agree with theoretical predictions to well within an order of magnitude but probably not better than within a factor of 2 or 3. But even this level of consistency between observation and theory enhances the validity of published intermediate-mass stellar yields of carbon and nitrogen in the study of the abundance evolution of these elements.Comment: 41 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Mass-radius relationships for exoplanets

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    For planets other than Earth, interpretation of the composition and structure depends largely on comparing the mass and radius with the composition expected given their distance from the parent star. The composition implies a mass-radius relation which relies heavily on equations of state calculated from electronic structure theory and measured experimentally on Earth. We lay out a method for deriving and testing equations of state, and deduce mass-radius and mass-pressure relations for key materials whose equation of state is reasonably well established, and for differentiated Fe/rock. We find that variations in the equation of state, such as may arise when extrapolating from low pressure data, can have significant effects on predicted mass- radius relations, and on planetary pressure profiles. The relations are compared with the observed masses and radii of planets and exoplanets. Kepler-10b is apparently 'Earth- like,' likely with a proportionately larger core than Earth's, nominally 2/3 of the mass of the planet. CoRoT-7b is consistent with a rocky mantle over an Fe-based core which is likely to be proportionately smaller than Earth's. GJ 1214b lies between the mass-radius curves for H2O and CH4, suggesting an 'icy' composition with a relatively large core or a relatively large proportion of H2O. CoRoT-2b is less dense than the hydrogen relation, which could be explained by an anomalously high degree of heating or by higher than assumed atmospheric opacity. HAT-P-2b is slightly denser than the mass-radius relation for hydrogen, suggesting the presence of a significant amount of matter of higher atomic number. CoRoT-3b lies close to the hydrogen relation. The pressure at the center of Kepler-10b is 1.5+1.2-1.0 TPa. The central pressure in CoRoT-7b is probably close to 0.8TPa, though may be up to 2TPa.Comment: Added more recent exoplanets. Tidied text and references. Added extra "rock" compositions. Responded to referee comment