434 research outputs found

    Control of multiscale systems with constraints. 1. Basic principles of the concept of evolution of systems with varying constraints

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    Physical fundamentals of the self-organizing theory for the system with varying constraints are considered. A variation principle, specifically the principle of dynamic harmonization as a generalization of the Gauss-Hertz principle for the systems with varying internal structure is formulated. In compliance with this principle the system evolves through dynamics of the processes leading to harmonization of the internal multiscale structure of the system and its connections with external actions as a result of minimizing the dynamic harmonization function. Main principles of the shell model of self-organization under the action of the dominating entropic disturbance are formulated.Comment: First par

    Interaction of phonons at superfluid helium-solid interfaces

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    A new method of obtaining the interaction Hamiltonian of phonons at superfluid helium-solid interface is proposed in the work. Equations of hydrodynamic variables are obtained in terms of second quantization if helium occupies a half-space. The contributions of all processes to the heat flux from solid to superfluid helium are calculated based on the obtained Hamiltonian. The angular distribution of phonons emitted by a solid is found in different processes. It is shown that all the exit angles of superfuild helium phonons are allowed. The obtained results are compared with experimental data and with previous theoretical works.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    The constructive ecology - the theoretical basis of ecological sajety

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    The constructive environment – is a new scientific field of Earth’s Sciences, which not only evaluates the environment, but also offers specific technology protection measures to optimize and improve the environment through the design of natural-technical systems which are used to change the biosphere, providing sustainable harmonious development of man-naturetechnosphere. The article considered environmentally and assess the main components of the environment – that are: lithosphere, geophysical fields geomorphosphera, hydro- and atmosphere, soil and vegetation, their changes under the influence of technosphere, the spatial distribution of the main pollutants in connection with landscapes creates qualitatively new formation – the geological structures. It opens the new method – zoning areas based on their different hierarchical levels of industrial enterprises, settlements, united local communities, administrative districts and regions states Ukraine, Carpathian Euroregion and the European Union that makes it possible to offer unified for all these hierarchical territorial levels computerized constructively-ecological system of environmental safety.Конструктивне середовище – це новий науковий напрям науки про Землю, який не тільки оцінює навколишнє середовище, але і пропонує конкретні заходи, щодо захисту технологій для оптимізації і поліпшення навколишнього середовища, шляхом розробки природно-технічних систем, які використовуються для зміни біосфери, забезпечуючи стійкий гармонійний розвиток людини і природи-техносфери. У статті розглядаються екологічні оцінки основних компонентів навколишнього середовища: літосфери, геофізичні поля геоморфосфери, гідро- і атмосфери, грунту і рослинності, їх зміни під впливом техносфери, просторовий розподіл основних забруднюючих речовин з ландшафтами створюють якісно нове утворення – геологічну структуру. Це відкриває новий метод – зонування районів на основі їх різних ієрархічних рівнів промислових підприємств, населених пунктів, об'єднаних місцевих громад, адміністративних округів і регіонів держави Україна, Карпатського Єврорегіону та Європейського Союзу, що робить можливим пропозицію єдиної для всіх цих ієрархічні рівнів територіальну комп'ютеризовану конструктивно-екологічну систему екологічної безпеки.Конструктивная среда – это новое научное направление науки про Землю, которая не только оценивает окружающую среду, но и предлагает конкретные меры по защите технологий для оптимизации и улучшения окружающей среды путем разработки природно-технических систем, которые используются для изменения биосферы, обеспечивая устойчивое гармоничное развитие человека и природы-техносферы. В статье рассматриваются экологические оценки основных компонентов окружающей среды: литосферы, геофизические поля геоморфосферы, гидро- и атмосферы, почвы и растительности, их изменения под влиянием техносферы, пространственное распределение основных загрязняющих веществ вместе з ландшафтами создает качественно новое образование – геологические структуры. Это открывает новый метод – зонирование районов на основе их различных иерархических уровней промышленных предприятий, населенных пунктов, объединенных местных общин, административных округов и регионов государства Украина, Карпатского Еврорегиона и Европейского Союза, что делает возможным предложить единую для всех этих иерархических уровней территориальную компьютеризированную конструктивно- экологическую систему экологической безопасности

    On the low-temperature lattice thermal transport in nanowires

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    We propose a theory of low temperature thermal transport in nano-wires in the regime where a competition between phonon and flexural modes governs the relaxation processes. Starting with the standard kinetic equations for two different types of quasiparticles we derive a general expression for the coefficient of thermal conductivity. The underlying physics of thermal conductance is completely determined by the corresponding relaxation times, which can be calculated directly for any dispersion of quasiparticles depending on the size of a system. We show that if the considered relaxation mechanism is dominant, then at small wire diameters the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity experiences a crossover from T1/2T^{1/2} to T3T^3-dependence. Quantitative analysis shows reasonable agreement with resent experimental results.Comment: 12 pages, 3 eps figure

    Proton- and -radiation of the Micro-Pinch with the Boron-Containing Target

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    Using ion pinhole camera and track detectors, the image of hot spot is recorded in a pulsed diode micro-pinch equipped with a solid anode target. The track image is a record of repeated fronts of fast protons with energies up to 1 MeV. Fluctuations in the ion luminosity of hot spot are associated with the wave-like nature of the proton accelerating processes in the dense plasma of target material, which is characterized by a mean energy of 100 keV. The results of the track analysis of a fast ions, detected in the Thomson analyser in experiments with boron-polyethylene targets, are presented. In 5% of the shots, the presence of ?-particles of energy up to 2 MeV in the flux of fast ions is discovered by means of Thomson analyser equipped with track detectors. Estimations of total amount of helium nuclei as products of nuclear reactions p(B11, 2?) result in an output of 108 ÷ 109 per successive shot

    Environmental features and resistance to the anthropogenic load of coniferous introducents in the central part of Ukraine

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    The current state of coniferous introduced plants growing on the territory of Uman, Cherkasy region is analyzed. Such representatives are the multi-age trees Pinus nigra and Thuja plicata. The studies were aimed at determining their resistance to arid environmental conditions in summer and to adverse factors in the winter period with generally accepted methods. Studies were conducted during 2015-2017. P.nigra trees during the study period received high drought tolerance scores. In Th. plicata plants observed a partial loss of needles turgor during daylight hours. When evaluating the frost resistance, P. nigra trees of different ages did not have visible damage. Young plants Th. plicata were somewhat more vulnerable to the effects of low temperatures, while no damage was found in mature trees. In general, both species have rather high rates of winter hardiness and drought resistance. This indicates their acclimatization to the given growing conditions. Also, the studied plants tolerate the adverse conditions of the city: dust, smoke, soil compaction. Therefore, it is advisable to use them for landscaping urban areas and personal plots. A feature of these species is that they retain a high decorative effect throughout the year and are good components for creating landscape compositions. Comparing the conditions of the natural distribution range to the conditions of the cultural areas of the studied species, it is possible to state their successful cultivation, which indicates a high ecological plasticity and significant potential of these plant